Bullhockey! (2018)
> x lunchbox (@ Vestibule)
Just your regular aluminum box with a double-lock on the front and red plastic handle on top.
Let's look at lunchboxes!
"lunchbox" icon by Dank By Design from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Bullhockey! (2018)
> x lunchbox (@ Vestibule)
Just your regular aluminum box with a double-lock on the front and red plastic handle on top.
Compliance (2012)
> x lunch pail (@ Hydraulics Control)
You read: "Hey Bob,
Your wife dropped off your lunch for you tomorrow. (today)
I had to take servo #769211 up for repair today. Somehow it wandered in here and got its umbilical severed in some of the gears. The things are hard enough to move even when they want to cooperate!
I thought Hydraulics was off limits to the bots? Could you look into that?
See you next week
Escape from the Underworld (2008)
> x lunchboxes (@ Kitchen)
Various lunchboxes that all have other people's names written on them.
The Grade 3 Parallax (2001)
> x Snorks Lunchbox (@ The Classroom)
It's a plastic lunchbox, with a picture-sticker on the front. The picture depicts a cluster of underwater creatures with horns (of the musical variety) on their head. They are playing jazz music. Earlier today, it contained your lunch and a snack (A fun-size box of Froot Loops; Your favorite with or without milk!), but now it is empty.
pigpancake (2011)
> x lunchbox (@ Farm)
It's a plain tin lunchbox. There may once have been some sort of cartoon character on the front, but the paint wore off long ago. [Either] It is tightly latched. [or] It is open, showing is clean metal interior.