
My transcript for Xmaton (2007)


A transcript for

An interactive christmas preparation by Simeon Maxein
Release 1 / Serial number 071225 / Inform 7 build 5J39 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/11N)
Identification number: //A999312B-5A25-494C-8CDE-31FF9B4FECFA//
Standard interpreter 1.1 (4F) / Library serial number 060709
Standard Rules version 1/061217 by Graham Nelson

You still can't believe your luck. This year, the Christmas preparations should be no work at all! You have bought an X-Maton Christmas Preparation Machine, and (according to the marketing) this little robotic helper can take care of practically everything that needs to be done to prepare for the feast. It came with a Christmas tree and ingredients for the meal included.

You glance at the machine again. It looks like a gigantic gift box with six buttons on one side, each of which has a small pictogram engraved on it: A Christmas tree, a vacuum cleaner, a roast in an oven, a plate, a candle and a nativity scene. You don't know what any of these do, but there was a manual that came with the thing. If only it was translated better, so that you could actually understand it...

An interactive christmas preparation by Simeon Maxein
Release 1 / Serial number 071225 / Inform 7 build 5J39 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/11N)


On a scale of festivity from 0 to 10, your house would probably manage to get disqualified. The floor is littered with random items and in some rooms, dust puppies drift across the floor like tumbleweed.

The Xmaton stands on the floor, ready for use.

A small box with the label "Nativity Scene" stands on the floor.

The large table already sports a clean white table-cloth, but is otherwise empty.

You can also see a christmas tree here.


You are carrying:

an User Manual

>x manual

The manual that came with the Xmaton. It must have been machine translated from Japanese, which means that half the text is plainly unintelligible. However, it's your only source of information about the device, so you might want to see what you can learn.

The introduction appears to tell you that you only have to press one of the buttons to get a specific task done, and you should wait until that is finished before starting the next one (Actually it says "Wait xmaton the ends of the module before the start of the next term in order to avoid the conflict.", but you guess that's what they mean.)

How unfortunate, because you have to get everything done fast, and preferrably at once. You decide that it'd take too long to decypher more text, and to look up any relevant information when you need it.

>x xmaton

Big and heavy and, quite thoughtfully, shaped like a giant gift box. The company probably had to rush development to get it out in time, otherwise they might have managed to include a properly translated manual.

You can see six buttons on one side, each with a small image engraved on it that probably attempts to show its purpose. The images are: A Christmas tree, a vacuum cleaner, a roast in an oven, a plate, a candle and a nativity scene.

>x scene

(the Nativity Scene)
A small box with the label "Nativity Scene" stands on the floor.

>x table

The large table already sports a clean white table-cloth, but is otherwise empty.

>x tree

(the christmas tree)
It is brown, full of needles and lies flat on the floor.

>look up tree in manual

This automated position of the tree simply arranges your tree of Been born them over (closed to Xmaton)

>look up vacuum in manual

Conceived after a famous character of animated drawing, this help will put the everythign out of the place within a framework, so that you can look by him later, and will clean your from top to bottom house.

>look up roast in manual

An applicable French robot of the conductor is responsible to prepare your dinner of Christmas. The constituents of feeding are contained.

>look up plate in manual

The conductor from a robot of the part one helps, that he must be indicated, after that the meal is aspects for use (this is visualizedfrom the conductor).

>look up candle in manual

"The key of the decoration discharges a robot, which purfles fast your house and Christmas tree with the electrical garlands and the lichen."

>look up nativity in manual

Since that you he could know, Joseph was a carpenter. Consequently we conceived a robot of Joseph the end to produce the excess the scene agitated with nativity and decorating and in to the extremity. Do not use before arranging to avoid release.

>push roast

A large robotic chef steps out of the Xmaton, carrying a big roast and other food and vanishes into the kitchen. You try to look inside, but are thrown out with a lot of french cursing.

>push vacuum

A robot looking like Rosie from the Jetsons whizzes out of the gift box and starts throwing everything that looks out of place into a big box.

>push candle

A flap opens on the side of the Xmaton, and a giant golden robotic spider scuttles out of it and runs up the wall, pulling a thin cable behind it.

Rosie dusts and vacuums the entire house, leaving everything sparkling clean.

As the Spider Robot starts running along the ceiling, it pulls more of the cable with fairy lights and some tinsel out of its body in a very spiderlike fashion, and glues them to the ceiling with its hind legs. You sincerely hope it will finish its job before your wife comes home.

You hear some french mumbling from the kitchen, but decide not to disturb the chef again.

>push nativity button

A tiny Joseph figure marches out of the Xmaton, a small hammer in its hand.

The Spider Robot managed to decorate the entire interior, which now blinks and sparkles rather festively. Its body now considerably deflated, the spider scrambles back into the Xmaton and emerges re-filled, now running toward the front door. Rather hesitantly, you open it and the robot instantly runs up the outer wall to decorate your roof.

The Chef shouts from the kitchen: "Mon Dieu, ou est le poivre?!?"

The little Joseph figure walks into the living room, carrying planks of wood from the Nativity Scene box, and starts building a small stable.

>push tree button

A tree stand on wheels drives out of a flap in the big gift box, clamps the christmas tree and drags it into the living room, then erects it properly.

You hear a faint scratching at the door and open it again. The Spider Robot comes in to get refilled in the Xmaton, and scuttles off to the living room and begins to crawl around on the christmas tree, carefully placing lights and glittering bands it pulls from its interior.

You hear a shout from the kitchen: "Serveur, le souper est preparé!"

Now the Joseph robot walks back and forth between the Nativity Scene box and the building site, setting up decorations and figures of sheep, shepherds and the holy family. After he is done he ambles to the crib himself and stands motionless beside it, taking up his correct place.

>push plate

A serving robot rolls out of the Xmaton and into the kitchen, and decks the table with plates and food. After that, he vanishes into the gift box again.

Reaching the top of the tree, the spider is now completely deflated, its body only a small golden sphere. It glues itself to the highest branch and stretches its legs away evenly, becoming a bright star on top of the now beautifully decorated tree.

Your family just arrived at the door. This is how everything looks like:

The house is decorated and clean.
The Christmas tree is erected and decorated.
The Meal is done and the table is decked and ready for the meal.
The Nativity Scene is finished.

*** You managed to get everything done! Happy Holidays! ***

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT?

> quit

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This transcript was created based on my walkthrough for Xmaton which I created for free for my generous patrons at Patreon. This transcript is also intended as an extra "Thank You" to those wonderful patrons. Please consider becoming a new patron and help me write more interactive fiction walkthroughs and extras like these!

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