
My transcript for Koan (2002)


A transcript of

Welcome to the game called Koan. Your task is to break the stone slab south of here; to do that, you will need the pot on top of the pillar here. However, this may be more difficult than you think, or perhaps less so. In any case, the objects elsewhere in the game may or may not be helpful.

An Interactive Zen Puzzle
Not Copyrighted
Release 1 / Serial number 020904 / Inform v6.14 Library 6/4
Standard interpreter 1.1

Middle Location

This is the middle location in this game.

There is a stone pillar here. On top of the pillar is a clay pot which seems just out of your reach.


You jump as high as you can and reach out for the pot. Unfortunately, you are unaccustomed to this sort of exercise, and you unintentionally hit yourself on the head with the pot as you land. You briefly hope that the nasty crack you heard came from your head, but you soon discover that it came from the pot, as you feared.


South Location

This is the south location in this game.

A stone slab is standing here.

>put fracture on slab

You take the fracture from the pot and put it on the slab. It rapidly extends and branches, and soon the slab crumbles to pieces.

*** You have won ***

In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 3 turns.

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT?

> restart

Welcome to the game called Koan. Your task is to break the stone slab south of here; to do that, you will need the pot on top of the pillar here. However, this may be more difficult than you think, or perhaps less so. In any case, the objects elsewhere in the game may or may not be helpful.

An Interactive Zen Puzzle
Not Copyrighted
Release 1 / Serial number 020904 / Inform v6.14 Library 6/4
Standard interpreter 1.1

Middle Location

This is the middle location in this game.

There is a stone pillar here. On top of the pillar is a clay pot which seems just out of your reach.


You are carrying nothing.

>x pillar

This stone pillar is just high enough that you can't reach the top. However, you just might be able to climb it.

>x pot

This clay pot has a severe fracture. Other than that, the only noticable feature is the writing that says, "When intact, this pot will break the stone slab."

>take pot

Even if you stand on your toes, you just can't reach the pot.

>x fracture

You see nothing special about the fracture.


South Location

This is the south location in this game.

A stone slab is standing here.

>x slab

This is the stone slab you are supposed to break.

>break slab

Violence isn't the answer to this one.


Southeast Location

This is the southeast location in this game.

You are standing on some writing.

>x writing

The writing reads: "This game is intended to seem somewhat misleading."


East Location

This is the east location in this game.

You can see a short ladder here.

>x ladder

This is a short ladder. You might climb the pillar with it.

>take it



Northeast Location

This is the northeast location in this game.

You are standing on some writing.

>x writing

The writing reads: "The solution to this game is perfectly logical."


North Location

This is the north location in this game.

You can see a forked pole here.

>x pole

This is a forked pole. The forked end seems just the right size to hold the pot.

>take it



Northwest Location

This is the northwest location in this game.

You are standing on some writing.

>x writing

The writing reads: "This is a computer game; The rules of reality need not apply."


West Location

This is the west location in this game.

You can see a small crate here.

>x crate

This is a small crate, just large enough for you to stand on.

>open it

That's not something you can open.

>take it



Southwest Location

This is the southwest location in this game.

You are standing on some writing.

>x writing

The writing reads: "Something you may want to do is impossible."


Middle Location

There is a stone pillar here. On top of the pillar is a clay pot which seems just out of your reach.

>drop all

small crate: Dropped.
forked pole: Dropped.
short ladder: Dropped.

— Option 1:


You jump as high as you can and reach out for the pot. Unfortunately, you are unaccustomed to this sort of exercise, and you unintentionally hit yourself on the head with the pot as you land. You briefly hope that the nasty crack you heard came from your head, but you soon discover that it came from the pot, as you feared.

— Option 2:

>climb pillar

With great effort, you climb the pillar. You safely retrieve the pot, but your attempt to descend with only one arm free to grab the pillar fails. You fall down painfully, and so does the pot.

>take pot


— Option 3:

>take pot with pole

You carefully place the forked end of the pole around the pot and lift it off the pillar. Suddenly the pot slips through the fork and appears to shatter slightly on impact.

>take pot


— Option 4:

>stand on crate

You step on the crate and try to hold your balance while you stretch your hand toward the pot. For a moment you think that you can manage, but then you stagger and fall, pushing the pot down in the process.

>take pot


— Option 5:

>take ladder


>put ladder on pillar

You lean the ladder on the pillar.

>climb ladder

You climb the ladder and reach for the pot. As you lay your fingers on it, the ladder begins to slide, and you fall down along with the pot.

>take pot



South Location

A stone slab is standing here.

>put fracture on slab

You take the fracture from the pot and put it on the slab. It rapidly extends and branches, and soon the slab crumbles to pieces.

*** You have won ***

In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 32 turns.

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT?

> quit

Support me on Patreon

This transcript was based on my walkthrough for Koan, a free walkthrough created as a thank you for by my generous patrons at Patreon. This transcript is also intended as an extra "Thank You" to those wonderful patrons. Please consider becoming a new patron and help me write more interactive fiction walkthroughs and extras like these!

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