
My transcript for Ibo (2012)


A transcript of

A trial on Interactive Flash Fiction by Bahri Gordebak
Release 1 / Serial number 120109 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib 6/12N) SD
Identification number: //9D99746A-3AA9-11E1-93A5-00268255145A//
Standard interpreter 1.1 (4F) / Library serial number 080126
Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson

A trial on Interactive Flash Fiction by Bahri Gordebak
Release 1 / Serial number 120109 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib 6/12N) SD

Coffee House

All the closed places provide shelter for the people from the rain. In days like this, coffee houses are more crowded than ordinary days. People talk to each other and there is a humming sound in the place. The music is some old school rock'n roll.

You are tired and wet. While waiting for your tea to come, you are trying to have a rest. You are also so busy examining the people in the café that you did not realize somebody approached... It's a boy. He said something.

>x people

All the closed places provide shelter for the people from the rain. In days like this, coffee houses are more crowded than ordinary days. People talk to each other and there is a humming sound in the place. The music is some old school rock'n roll.

The boy is waiting.

>x boy

He's a boy with only a thin, old sweater on. He has no socks on his feet, his bare skin can be seen under his ragged shoes. It is midwinter, by the way, and raining outside!

The boy is waiting.

>talk to boy

"Sorry?" you ask.

"Would you like to buy some chewing gums, sir?"

The voice is that of a boy with only a thin, old sweater on. He has no socks on his feet, his bare skin can be seen under his ragged shoes. It is midwinter, by the way, and raining outside! He is holding the gum box out to you. You smile.

>buy gum

"Okay, I will buy one." you say.

"Sir" he begs, "do you mind buying five, I have no change."

Surprised, "What will I do with five gums?" you ask, "How much?"

The price he quoted is twice as high as the market price.

>buy five

"Okay," you say, "But you are selling them too high, and don't think I don't know that fact. However, I'll take five."

While he is taking out the gums, you are taking out your wallet.

>talk to boy

You ask, "What's your name?" pulling out the stubborn wallet from your pocket.


"Do you study, Ibo?"

"Yes, sir. I attend to third class."

You finally get the money out. You make the deal. You pet him on the head, smiling.

"Now then, Ibo, look after yourself. But you are cheating. Nobody will buy them. Beware!" you say.

At that moment your tea comes. You thank the waiter. When you turn your head back, you see Ibo running away.

There are five more gums upon the table. You sit there without thinking anymore.

*** The End ***

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command?

> quit

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This transcript was created based on my walkthrough for Ibo which I created for free for my generous patrons at Patreon. This transcript is also intended as an extra "Thank You" to those wonderful patrons. Please consider becoming a new patron and help me write more interactive fiction walkthroughs and extras like these!

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