A transcript of
Speed-if from the pen of caleb wilson
Release 1 / Serial number 020126 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
Standard interpreter 1.1 (4F) / Library serial number 991113
"Glossary!!! Today... you will die!!!"
So read the entirety of the ANONYMOUS E-MAIL sent to, your PRIVATE ADDRESS that only the other deities know. I mean, come on, you're a minor deity: right, right, nobody's going to dispute that. But who would be sending such a threat like this? What enemy have you made among the pantheon? What can anyone possibly have against such a fun-lovin' deity as yourself? Those bastards are just jealous.
Speed-if from the pen of caleb wilson
Release 1 / Serial number 020126 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
Shrine of Glossary (in the sarcophagus)
Your shrine has seen better days. The gold plate is peeling off your two statues (one male, one female, embracing), and the floor is fuzzed with mold and the candywrappers of tourists. The sarcophagus itself could handle a refurbishing as well. A V-shaped trough leads south into the rest of the shrine complex.
There's a giant stone book containing your scriptures and stuff here.
A shabby male worshipper stands before you with his hands clasped in adoration.
You can also see a Hunk-O-Gum wrapper here.
>x book
You wrote this stuff about a million years ago. "Thou shalt worship me and me alone - the other dieties, lo they are not worthy! Fine, go ahead and pray for whoever the heck you like, all those deities are more exciting than ME, I'm sure! Those few who remain are to offer me cheeses, for a good cheese is always viewed with envy from those not in possession. Likewise give me alcohol, for those who have imbibed the spirits shalt become my special friends, and sometimes be overcome by irrational bouts of jealousy."
Yawn. Anyway, if you want to keep your seat in the pantheon, you'd better go find out who threatened you and CLEAN THEIR CLOCK!
>x worshipper
The worshipper looks a bit worse for the wear, if you know what I mean. Still, you have fewer and fewer devotees these years, so you can hardly complain. This particular fellow carries a parcel. Is it an offering?
>x wrapper
Ugh, these tourists have no respect for ancient deities.
>x sarcophagus
A chipped alabaster sarcophagus. Your home on earth, refuge away from heaven, bed, bunker, bath and place of peace.
As you emerge from the sarchophagus like the deity you are, with much pomp and presence, the worshipper panics. I guess he wasn't expecting you to rise today. He flees south, dropping his parcel.
Shrine of Glossary
Your shrine has seen better days. The gold plate is peeling off your two statues (one male, one female, embracing), and the floor is fuzzed with mold and the candywrappers of tourists. The sarcophagus itself could handle a refurbishing as well. A V-shaped trough leads south into the rest of the shrine complex.
A cheese offering has been made to you.
There's a giant stone book containing your scriptures and stuff here.
You can also see a Hunk-O-Gum wrapper here.
>take cheese
>x it
It's a small wheel of cheese, wrapped in paper and stamped with a high and holy mark, which signifies it as good and worthy of consumption by a magnificent deity such as yourself, and all that jazz. Of course, this is a lousy GRADE *E* STAMP! What??? A few centuries ago, they wouldn't have DARED to offer you anything less than Grade B at the very least!
>eat it
You eat the cheese. Not bad.
Cramped little hallway
Your little shrine lies north along this cramped little hallway, and the rest of the complex, where all the NICE shrines are, can be found to the south.
Oh, great, Isle is here. Isle is the deity of passion, or something like that, and he's really annoying.
"Glossary, my mortal foe!!!" he shrieks, "prepare to die, for you have mortally offended me in your ways!!!" Isle has flushed bright red. "Tonight, at midnight, I challenge you to a DUUUEL and I will punish you most violently!!!"
Isle leaves dramatically to the south.
Complex Hub
This is the hub of the shrine complex. Wondrous tapestries and treasures and all that good stuff are all around. A dingy little hallway leads north to your shrine.
The dead deity Pasta is standing here.
A light labelled "Isle" is flashing on Pasta's chest! Isle is logged on, and possibly vulnerable!
>x Pasta
Pasta used to be the deity of textiles and weaving, but then he died of old age. They hooked him up to the computer system, which used to consist of an old desktop running Windows XP. The old system was pretty slow from a deity's perspective, but when they installed Pasta, it really perked up. Now the whole pantheon has blazing fast access to the interent and free e-mail through A bank of lights on Pasta's chest indicates which deities are logged onto A cord runs from Pasta's right foot into an outlet in the floor.
A light labelled "Isle" is flashing on Pasta's chest! Isle is logged on, and possibly vulnerable!
>x cord
Looks like a power cord.
A light labelled "Isle" is flashing on Pasta's chest! Isle is logged on, and possibly vulnerable!
>x light
You can't see any such thing.
>pull cord
You pull the cord, and Pasta shuts down with a whirr.
And then, somewhere, faintly, you hear screams, and then sirens, and then ROARS...
Later you get a message to It reads "We are sad to inform you that one of our holy number has left us. Isle, deity of passion, was connected to when our server, Pasta, went down and Isle suffered severe electrical shocks. He has enterned a state of post-traumatic ossification and we estimate that he will remain in dormancy for the next thousand years. Signed, Clay, messenger of the deities."
Well, that will teach HIM to mess with you! Now you can return to your sarcophagus and lie dormant, unconcerned, and carefree, insofar as a deity of envy can.
*** You have won ***
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT?
> quit
This transcript was created based on my walkthrough for Glossary which I originally published before I started my Patreon, where I currently publish walkthroughs for my generous patrons. This transcript is also intended as an extra "Thank You" to those wonderful patrons. Please consider becoming a new patron and help me write more interactive fiction walkthroughs and extras like these!
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