Arborea (2022)
> x whip (@ Pirate Ship)
- If you get close enough, she won't just let you look at it, she'll show you what it does!
- Looks familiar; glad the "young lady" who was using it earlier isn't around to use it now.
Let's look at whips and flails!
Arborea (2022)
> x whip (@ Pirate Ship)
Dr Ego and the egg of Man-Toomba (2020)
> x whip (@ The Maro River)
A leather whip made of braided strips, I can use it to WHIP something for grabbing things out of reach, or to pull myself over short distances.
Dr Horror's House of Terror (2021)
> x whip (@ Studio Menagerie)
A long thin piece of leather. You thank your lucky stars that you were taught how to crack a whip at stageschool.
Several Other Tales from Castle Balderstone (2020)
> x flail (@ Lounge)
A heavy spiked ball on a chain. The spikes are blunted somewhat after repeated impacts on various battlefields. Its attack power is 3.
The Song of the Mockingbird (2021)
> x whip (@ Inside the Stable)