Birmingham IV (2018)
> x troll (@ On the Stone Bridge)
Not a fully grown one. Still very ugly though.
Let's look at trolls! The fairytale monsters, not those annoying people on the internet.
"troll" icon by Gan Khoon Lay from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Birmingham IV (2018)
> x troll (@ On the Stone Bridge)
Not a fully grown one. Still very ugly though.
Enlightenment (1998)
> x troll (@ At The Wrong Side Of The Bridge)
It's like every other troll you've ever come across: Big, Ugly, and Dangerous. Luckily for you, a gold chain has been attached to its neck, which stops it from getting any closer to you. The chain leads over the ledge's edge, where you hope that its other end has been securely anchored.
The Lonely Troll (2022)
> x me (@ Home)
You're a troll, of course. You have the big teeth and purple hair of your people, but since you haven't seen any other trolls for centuries, you're not sure if you're a good-looking one or not. You wonder where all the other trolls went. Surely there are still others somewhere. You've gotten quite lonely over the past hundred years, living alone.
Seeker of Magic (2019)
> x troll (@ Outside Cave)
The troll has tough, leathery skin covered in warts. He wears animal skins and [either] a pouch around his waist [or] not much else [as appropriate]. [Either] He's apparently guarding the entrance to the cave. [or] He's fast asleep from a blow on the head. [as appropriate]
> x troll (@ Inside Cave)
Ship of Whimsy (2011)
> x troll (@ Main Deck)
Taller than any human even when hunched over far enough to let its grimy knuckles touch the deck. The troll is wrapped in bronze armor that disguises neither its bulging muscles nor its swampy stench.