Captivity (2020)
> x steaks (@ Kitchen)
Thick, juicy chunks of red meat, lightly marbled with veins of fat.
Let's look at steaks!
"Steak" icon by Andrew Doane from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Captivity (2020)
> x steaks (@ Kitchen)
Thick, juicy chunks of red meat, lightly marbled with veins of fat.
Fido and The Dead Body (2000)
> x steak (@ Kitchen)
It's a nice red new york strip.
Infiltration on Io (2001)
> x steak (@ The kitchen of the Ristorante Iotalian)
A lovely, medium-rare, thick, juicy, tender 24-ounce steak surrounded by potatoes, boiled baby carrots, and a garnish of parsley.
MythTale (2002)
> x steak (@ Kitchen)
A large piece of raw steak, Ares favourite food.
Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina (1999)
> x steak (@ Walk-In Refrigerator)
The steak is large and lean and at least an inch thick.
Nothing But Mazes (2019)
> x steak (@ Break Room)
The raw steak has a minimum of fat around the edges. It looks really good, but of course you’d have to cook it before you could eat it. It’s wrapped in a cellophane wrapper.
Stairs (2000)
> x steak (@ bottom of stairway)
How odd that Katelyn chose a piece of dead meat for a game prop, just as you have to transport an enormous load of human meat through hostile territory. You wonder briefly about the life of the cow that this steak section once belonged to ...
Toonesia (1995)
> x steak (@ Inside Bud's Warren)
It's a big, succulant, raw hunk of meat.
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