An Abbreviated Night Before Christmas (2006)
> x mouse (@ House)
What mouse? There is no mouse here. Not even an unstirrable one.
Let's look at rodents! Mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, and more!
"Rat" icon by Rank Sol from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
An Abbreviated Night Before Christmas (2006)
> x mouse (@ House)
What mouse? There is no mouse here. Not even an unstirrable one.
Ailihphilia (2018)
> x stark rats (@ Seer Trees)
They are too fast and numerous to run by without getting bitten. You'll need to USE something powerful to get rid of them.
Babel (1997)
> x mice (@ Lab Hall III)
The mice are all very thin, and you assume they must have died of malnutrition. Their black eyes are open and stare in skewed directions, making you suddenly very uncomfortable.
Ballymun Adventure (2006)
> x rat (@ Science Lab)
The skin of the rat has been peeled back and pinned down so that all the internal structure of the body is visible. Looking at it gives you a queasy feeling. Adding to that feeling is the smell of formaldehyde, the fluid used to preserve the body. Your thoughts of becoming a surgeon quickly fade!
Battle of the Planets (2001)
> x Aluminum Hamster (@ Io)
His name pretty much says it all. A robot toy hamster made of aluminum. Io's atmosphere corroded the batteries within seconds, so he's completely useless.
Bio (2003)
> x rat (@ Animal Shelter)
It's a white lab rat. This ferocious, little thing could probably scare an elephant.
Birmingham IV (2018)
> x dead rat (@ Dusty Storeroom)
Very odorous.
Would come in handy for studies in natural philosophy, or as bait.
> x rat (@ Outside the Castle)
The rat is a somewhat larger than a man, and very muscular. There is an intelligence in its eye which indicates to the Phil that he's dealing with a were-rat. Otherwise, it is a sleek brown example of Rattus norvegicus. The Phil hopes it doesn't know how many of its rat-brothers have collaborated with him in the course of his enquiries into natural history.
The Bony King of Nowhere (2017)
> x mouse (@ The Windmill)
A tiny grey-furred mouse, who looks to all the world as if it's wearing tiny little clogs, it's making a 'clip-clippety clop' noise as it scurries up and down the stairs.
> x mouse (@ Outside The Forsaken Cavern)
Gerald is wearing a red musketeer costume, with a black belt and black boots, he is wielding a tiny beveled metal shield with a fleur-de-lis design and has a tiny sword at his side. He is also wearing a musketeer hat, with purple ribbon, a silver buckle and a white feather sticking up at the back. He cuts a fine dash!
> x Gerald (@ The Giant's Bathroom)
It's Gerald the Mouse, this time he is wearing a full scuba suit, complete with flippers, mask, and a respirator connected by tiny rubber hoses to two bright yellow oxygen tanks on his back. He gives you a thumps-up sign.
> x mouse (@ Merry Jack's Inn)
It's Gerald the Mouse, he's wearing a smart grey suit and half-moon spectacles, and he's carrying a small metal lever.
> x mouse (@ City Plaza)
It's Gerald the Mouse, this time he is wearing a full suit of armour, including helmet with the visor down. He is holding a lance in one hand and a shield in the other.
By the Lake (2015)
> x mouse (@ Island)
A brown field mouse, black eyes darting, testing the air with a nervously twitching nose.
Captain Piedaterre's Blunders (2017)
> C (@ At Sea)
You are Captain Piedaterre, proud rat, scourge of a good number of seas and collector of amazing things that people forget to nail down and don't seem to care about when they go missing.
You can't remember how many ships you've captained - that's how many you've captained. Each captaincy tends to be extremely short, and all of the ships you've captained are at the bottom of the ocean now, so it's not like you can go back to count them or check their names or anything.
Captivity (2020)
> x rats (@ Kitchen)
You can’t see any rats, but from time to time you hear little scuttling scrabbling noises.
Chaos (1999)
> x runner-bot (@ Hallway)
[if 1st time] Chaos smiles at the runner-bot. “This was the first robot I ever built. Very primitive; all it knows how to do is run, but run it does! I used it with the wheel and generator to save on electric bills. I keep it around mostly for nostalgia, as I've got a better power system now--a really big battery.” [end if]
The runner-bot was built to resemble a large hamster, with the obligatory short legs and big head. It looks quite a bit like a hamster that happened to be run through a roboticizer, or something similar [3]. At the moment, the runner-bot is [doing something]. [if 1st time add:] Chaos looks it over. “Well, what do you know? Looks like the runner-bot hasn't been harmed one bit by that huge crash! I always knew it'd stand up to everything short of a hurricane! And an interesting note: it seems pretty big, but actually, it's the only robot on the ship that I can lift. Go figure.”
Cheer Up (2003)
> x mouse (@ The Kingfisher Fish And Chips Shop)
The mouse bears the name-tag "Otto." You wonder what business he has on the counter of a fish and chip shop.
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x rat (@ Railway Platform)
Startled by your attention, the rat scurries away, leaving behind a brass winding key.
> x rat (@ Dusty Office)
It's the size of a large cat or a small dog, but it is definitely a rat. It is completely dried and its tail is missing, but it shows no other signs of decay. Dust is matted in what remains of its fur.
> x rat figurine (@ Court)
The form of a rat is unmistakable, but far from photorealistic; it's easy to make out stray chisel marks and brush strokes. The figurine is mounted on a circular base.
> x Dr Peanut (@ Science Tower)
The Day I died (2013)
> x rat (@ Ventilation Building)
Aww, just look at it. It has pear-shaped body, with small, scrawnly leg and feet. Its thick, soft fur is mostly brown with a huge white spot on the tummy. It looks at you cautiously.
The Day I stabbed Stalin (2010)
> x toy mouse (@ Garden Area)
It's a grey toy mouse. It squeaks when you press it.
Djinn on the Rocks (2021)
> x rats (@ Alliteration Alley)
There are no rats to be found! Where did they all go?
Dr Horror's House of Terror (2021)
> x rats (@ Studio Menagerie)
[if caged] The rats scurry around the cage and bare their fangs at you. [else] The small red eyes and hairy bodies of the rats fills you with dread!
Everybody Loves a Parade (1997)
> x dead gerbil (@ Paint Shop)
Its gerbil soul has long since traveled to gerbil heaven. For a corpse, it is amazingly well preserved.
Ferryman's Gate (2020)
> x mouse (@ Spare Room)
The fat little mouse is dead. You don't care for it, but Charlie loves this kind of stuff.
Finding the mouse (2009)
> x mouse (@ Kitchen)
A computer mouse; a very shifty looking computer mouse.
Goldilocks is a FOX! (2002)
> x dead mouse (@ In the pantry)
Rigour mortis seems to have set in. Poor little blighter; he never stood a chance!
Hangar 22 (2011)
> x rats (@ Kitchen)
Like your dignity, the rats are elusive.
The House of Mystery (2018)
> x mouse (@ Trespasser's Bedroom)
A small rodent lives inside the clock. It waves to you on the other side of the glass door. She sits in there in peace and quiet.
The Impossible Bottle (2020)
> x hamster (@ Your room)
It's a perky brown hamster with bright, curious eyes and the cutest little paws. [if has hat, add:] Pushed down over its ears is a hamster-sized woolly hat.
Lazy Gods of Earth (2002)
> x rat (@ Landing)
The Legend of the Missing Hat (2012)
> x mouse (@ Bedroom)
It's a common brown mouse. It's about twice as tall as you are.
The Magnificent Museum of Masterly Masterworks (2020)
> x rat (@ Artsy Photography Hallway)
It's an unkempt brown rat. You don't know why anyone would take a picture of this particular rat.
Man Overboard!!! (2006)
> x mouse (@ Kitchen)
A large rodent, who is obviously getting more food than you.
Midair Madness (2010)
> x robot mouse (@ Cockpit)
A tiny robot mouse, with three business card shaped slots on the top, each labeled "first", "second", and "third".
Mite (2010)
> x chipmunk (@ Outside the Palace)
A striped brown chipmunk stands guard at the palace door. She wears a vest of silver armor and a somber expression. At her side, you see a long, sharp spear.
The Mouse Who Woke Up For Christmas (2018)
> x me (@ Garden Shed)
A distinguished gentleman mouse named Gerald. You have light tan fur, long whiskers and a pink tail.
You are wearing [your current outfit].
> x Jessica (@ Garden Shed)
Your precious daughter Jessica. She lies soundly asleep, her snow-white and grey flecked fur rises and falls as she breathes. [if first time, add:] In her paw you can see that she is gripping a note, you gently prise it from her. It is a note addressed to Santa.
The Mundane Tale of the Morning After (2014)
> x mouse (@ Inside the Mouse Hole)
It's a common brown mouse. It's about twice as tall as you are.
Nine Lives (2015)
> x rat (@ Basement)
It looks ... kind of edible? Smells a little weird, though.
A Quiet Evening at Home (2010)
> x hamster (@ Living Room)
She's got round ears, cheeks full of seeds and is very soft. She looks like she could use some exercise.
Spellbreaker (1985)
> examine rodent idol (@ Temple)
The idol is carved of black basalt. It is about twenty feet tall and represents a gigantic and ferocious rodent-like creature with sharp teeth and [either] one staring opalescent eye [or] one staring, empty eye socket [end either]. [if you're not on the idol] The sculpture is rough enough to offer climbing holds. [end if] [if yawning] Oddly, the idol is yawning, its mouth gaping open. [end if]
Stupid Kittens (2000)
> x toy mouse (@ In Karen's Room)
Your only friend, his name is Checkers.
You've Got A Stew Going! (2011)
> x me (@ Drew's Burrow)
As murine as ever.
> x Drew (@ Drew's Burrow)
Drew is one of those rats who you don't necessarily have to constantly suspect of treachery--though of course it never hurts. His brown fur is unkempt and his left ear has a big chunk missing.
> x Fran (@ Fran's Burrow)
Brown-haired and mousy--not an uncommon look, among rats. Fran isn't as lazy as Drew, but that just makes her more dangerous. On the other hand, she has a very unratlike sentimental streak that has proved exploitable in the past. She is one of your best friends.
> x guard (@ Palace Gates)