The Apprentice (2006)
> x oar (@ Rocky cove)
It`s a small wooden oar.
Let's look at paddles and oars!
"Paddle" icon by Stephen Hemenway from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
The Apprentice (2006)
> x oar (@ Rocky cove)
It`s a small wooden oar.
Birmingham IV (2018)
> x oar (@ In the old boatyard)
Old, and slimy. Still very usable, though.
The Colour Pink (2005)
> x oar (@ The bottom of the lake, southeast corner)
The long wooden oar could once be used to row a boat. However, you do not have a boat, and the oar is not in good condition anymore. It is still a reasonably strong piece of wood though.
Eruption (2009)
> x oars (@ Harbour)
A pair of long wooden oars.
Lydia's Heart (2007)
> x oars (@ In the Boat Shed (in the rowboat))
The oars are [if in rowboat] lying in the bottom of the boat. They’re [else if in oarlocks] positioned in the oarlocks, ready for rowing. They’re [end if] made of wood, and look pretty much the way you’d expect oars to look.
The Man in the Rain (2010)
> x oar (@ The Lucky Anvil)
This is an old and well-used oar.
Stupid Creek. Stupid Christmas. (2011)
> x oars (@ Stupid East Bank)
Big paddle things that make the boat go or whatever.
Total Paddling Mania (1998)
> x paddle (@ Paddling Info Room)
The paddle has "Heat For The Seat" written on one side and "Baylor School" on the other side. It has holes drilled in it.
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