Ghost Train (2003)
> x newspaper (@ A First Class Carriage)
"The Illustrated London News." Dated December 1935.
Review of the year:
March 29th - Stalin and Anthony Eden (Lord Privy Seal) met in Moscow to discuss German rearmament.
April 11th - The agricultural heart of the USA is paralysed by dust storms.
May 19- TE Lawrence 'Lawrence of Arabia' died in a motorbike accident in Dorset he was 46.
May 19th - The Silver Jubilee of George V (69) and Queen Mary is celebrated throughout Britain.
A Peace Ballot in the UK showed 11 million in favour of the League of Nations and a reduction in armaments.
June - General Election in UK Stanley Baldwin (Conservative) took over from Ramsay MacDonald and Clement Attlee became leader of the Labour Party.
Winston Churchill spoke out in favour of rearmament in the face of a Nazi threat.
September 3rd - Sir Malcolm Campbell set world land speed record of 301 mph in Bluebird a 12 cylinder Rolls Royce engine, 5 tons of weight, on the beach at Bonneville Salt flats, Utah.
October 2nd - Abyssinia invaded by Italy with ground and air forces.
October 20th - End of Communist army's 'Long March' under Mao Tse-tung.
November - The Post Office introduces the first Greetings Telegram.
> x newspaper (@ The Station's Waiting Room)
The Illustrated London News 1849:
(Saturday, March 24, 1849)ADVERTISEMENTS
GOOD FEMALE SERVANTS are obtained at the CITY DOMESTICS' BAZAAR, 33, Ludgate-hill, which is conducted by a Lady of the highest respectability. Servants with good characters will find it the best office to get a respectable situation. Open from Ten till Four, Saturdays excepted.
DU BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, at a mere nominal expense of 6d. per day, which is amply saved in other food, speedily and effectually restores the functions of the stomach, intestines, liver, of the nervous and sanguiferous systems, however seriously impaired, to health, vigour, and regularity. The best food for infants and invalids generally, as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach. - DU BARRY and Co., 75, New Bond-street, London; Hedges and Butler, 155, Regent-street; Fortnum, Mason and Co., 182 and 183, Piccadilly, purveyors to her Majesty the Queen; Abbiss and Co., 60, Gracechurch-street; Moore, 109, Strand; Moore, 109, Strand; James Revell, 272, Oxford-street; Barclay; Edwards; Sutton; Newberry; Sanger; Evans; and through all respectable tea-dealers, grocers, Italian warehousemen, booksellers, druggists, chemists, and medicine vendors in town and country. Agents and the trade will please apply to Messrs. DU BARRY and Co. - N.B. Let no one be imposed upon by spurious compounds under a close imitation of name.
S PARKLING CHAMPAGNE, 42s per Dozen; Pints 24s, from Epernay and Rheims. Gordon's Golden Sherry, 30s; Superior, 36s. Amontillado Sherry, 48s and 60s. Old Port, from first-rate shippers, 30s, 36s, 42s, according to age. Pure St. Julien Claret, 28s per Dozen. - HEDGES and BUTLER, Wine Importers, &c., 155, Regent-street.- N.B. Pale Old Cognac Brandy, 60s per Dozen.
NO MORE PILLS nor any other Medicine. -- Dyspepsia (Indigestion) and Constipation, the main causes of biliousness, nervousness, liver complaint, flatulency, distention, palpitation of the heart, nervous headaches, deafness, noises in the head and ears, pains in almost eve asthma, dropsy, scrofula, consumption, heartburn, nausea after eating or at sea, low spirits, spasms, spleen, general debility, cough, inquietude, sleeplessness, involuntary blushing, dislike to society, unfitness for study, loss of memory, delusions, vertigo, blood to the head, exhaustion, melancholy, groundless fear, indecision, wretchedness, thoughts of self-destruction, and insanity, effectively removed from the system, by a permanent restoration of the digestive functions to their primitive vigour, without purging, inconvenience, pain, or expense, by...