Arborea (2022)
> x mask (@ Inside a Baobab Tree)
It looks spiritual, which would tie in with the fact that a baobab tree was often considered spiritual by the tribe-people of Africa.
Let's look at masks!
"mask" icon by DompbelStudio from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Arborea (2022)
> x mask (@ Inside a Baobab Tree)
It looks spiritual, which would tie in with the fact that a baobab tree was often considered spiritual by the tribe-people of Africa.
Bio (2003)
> x mask (@ Your Room)
It's a black combat gas mask. There's a bulge at the left side which serves as the filter.
> x Steve's mask (@ The security room)
It's the same as yours.
Birmingham IV (2018)
> x golden mask (@ At the foot of the tower stairs)
A grinning satyr mask, probably Roman in origin.
It is one of the six mystic treasures.
Captain Piedaterre's Blunders (2017)
> x mask (@ Worship Room)
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x leaf (@ Milkweed)
A giant milkweed leaf, curled in such a way that it could cling to your face like a mask. It even has two milk-ringed holes for your eyes.
> x masks (@ Curiosity Shop)
The six masks seem to eye you with contempt. They're all brightly colored and monstrous, with horns and other bestial features. Most have fangs, but one has a beak, and another a horrible leechlike sucker.
> x wax mask (@ Backwater Public Library)
A perfect replica of the librarian's face, molded in wax.
> x masks (@ The Great Purple Unknown)
It's a set of those tragedy and comedy masks you've seen on theatre playbills. You think they're named Sock and Buskin.
> x Sock (@ The Great Purple Unknown)
This silver mask depicts a gleeful face. It makes you want to laugh, despite yourself.
> x Buskin (@ The Great Purple Unknown)
The face depicted in this gold mask is so sad, it makes you feel like crying.
Darkiss Chapter 1: the Awakening (2015)
> x mask (@ Torture chamber)
This is the leather mask that you liked to wear while you tortured your prisoners. Painted on it there is a horrible skull, which makes it even more frightful.
Dr Horror's House of Terror (2021)
> x masks (@ Voodoo Temple)
The masks line the walls, seeming to leer at you unpleasantly.
Founder's Mercy (2019)
> x emergency mask (@ Cellar)
You wore this mask when there were regular decompression drills.
Grayscale (2001)
> x mask (@ Moss Wall)
It looks like an old harlequin mask painted black and white. Arched eyebrows and hollow eyes give the face a sense of arrogance. Carved on the inside of the mask are the letters "E.A.P."
Grooverland (2021)
> x masks (@ Melancholy Mall)
Everyone is wearing plastic costume masks designed to look like monsters.
Halothane (1999)
> x mask (@ Operating Room)
A simple mask, disposable, and meant to cover the mouth and nose of all those who enter the O.R. It looks as if it hasn't been used, but - if so - why was it thrown here?
> x mask (@ Doctors' Lounge, in the Hospital)
A surgical face mask of some vague green fabric, just right for your size.
Hey, Jingo! (2002)
> x mask (@ Office)
It's a simple wooden mask, black in color.
Hollywood Hijinx (1986)
> x mask (@ Cannon Emplacement)
It looks like the catcher's mask from "Friday the 15th."
The House of Mystery (2018)
> x gas mask (@ Floating Basement)
A mask used for breathing in noxious places.
Leather (2001)
> x masks (@ By the gangplank)
Some are feathered, some are beaded or glittery; several people are sporting fake clown or Groucho noses. Quite a few of the masks are simple pieces of soft leather.
Literacy (2001)
> x death mask (@ Library Special Collection)
Ah, this is all you need to make your costume perfect: the face of your favorite opera composer twisted in agony! All the girls will love it! After all, even if they haven't heard of "Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter" they're surely familiar with "Weibertreue oder Kaiser Konrad von Weinsberg".
Anyway, it's hanging by one thin thread that is attached to the ceiling. That's all that matters now.
Lydia's Heart (2007)
> x mask (@ In the Shack)
Old King Nebb (2020)
> x bark mask (@ Grove)
It's made of painted bark, with dagger-sharp cheeks and a furrowed brow. It looks like the kind of a mask a pantomime conspirator would wear in a lurid drama.
Plane Walker (2021)
> x mask (@ Head of the Lecture Hall)
It looks vaguely like a scuba respirator, but the anatomy looks wrong.
The Quest of the Golden Banana (2004)
> x gas mask (@ City Street)
It's an ungainly-looking thing with round glass circles for seeing through and a kind of cylindrical snout to fit over nose and mouth, all held together by a black rubber face-mask.
The Unstoppable Vengeance of Doctor Bonesaw (2016)
> x latex mask (@ Your Office)
Flesh-colored latex. It lends you (you hope) a certain jovial placidity.
Synonyms of other things instances