Cragne Manor (2018)
> x geode (@ Curiosity Shop)
A concave riot of gorgeous purple crystals -- orderly yet chaotic, playful yet disciplined, a handspan across and more than you can hold in your mind.
"Geode" icon by xzvdzno from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x geode (@ Curiosity Shop)
A concave riot of gorgeous purple crystals -- orderly yet chaotic, playful yet disciplined, a handspan across and more than you can hold in your mind.
Koustrea's Contentment (2015)
> x violet geode (@ Marble Hall (waiting area))
It's a pretty bowl of violet points that increase in size toward the center, where the largest crystal has somehow been removed, leaving an unsightly hexagonal gap.
> x red geode (@ Marble Hall (near the Golden Door))
It's a pretty bowl of red points that increase in size toward the center, where the largest crystal has somehow been removed, leaving an unsightly hexagonal gap.
> x white geode (@ Marble Hall (near the Golden Door))
It's a pretty bowl of white points that increase in size toward the center, where the largest crystal has been removed–by you–leaving an unsightly gap.
> x upper geode (@ Cellar Cave)
It's a bowl of shiny black spikes set into the wall, with a hole in the middle. The regularity and precision of the spike pattern suggests this might be some artificial construct meant to look like a geode, but it's attractive all the same.
> x lower geode (@ Cellar Cave)
It's a bowl of shiny black spikes set into the wall, with a hole in the middle. The regularity and precision of the spike pattern suggests this might be some artificial construct meant to look like a geode, but it's very pretty all the same.
Ollie Ollie Oxen Free (2013)
> x large geode (@ School Kitchen)
You examine the large geode inside Samir's bulging blue knapsack. It's a cut geode half - boring grey on the outside, but a glittering mass of dense blue crystal on the inside. This particular geode is almost as large as a softball. It has almost no hollow space left, and no sharp points on the inside.
Ryan Veeder's Authentic Fly Fishing (2019)
> x geode (@ Walkway)
On the outside, it's a bumpy rock. But the inside is a tiny cave of glittering amethyst.