The Bryant Collection (2009)
> x large gauge (@ Yellow Room)
This is a large gauge with a red needle. The needle is currently indicating "[UNPRESSURIZED or READY TO FIRE]."
"Gauge" icon by Roberto Chiaveri from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
The Bryant Collection (2009)
> x large gauge (@ Yellow Room)
This is a large gauge with a red needle. The needle is currently indicating "[UNPRESSURIZED or READY TO FIRE]."
Color and Number (2002)
> x pressure gauge (@ Western Stairs)
The gauge is a simple needle dial ranging from 0 to 250. There is a red line over 200 and above. There is a small green dot on the gauge at the 100 mark. The needle is currently reading [numeric value].
Ditch Day Drifter (1990)
> x gauge (@ Subway Station)
The gauge is not labelled with any units you recognize, but the arc is divided into regions colored green, yellow, and red. The needle is currently in the [red or green] section of the scale.
Domestic Elementalism (2017)
> [click] power level (@ Engine Room (Front))
[if first time:]All of the gauges showing the power levels for your elemental rooms are empty. That's...odd. Could be something wrong with the input to the gauges. You'll have to check it out once you've eaten something.[end if]
Fire room
Water room
Earth room
Air room
> [click] Fire room (@ Engine Room (Front))
The gauge showing the power level of the Fire Room is empty.
> [click] Water room (@ Engine Room (Front))
> [click] Earth room (@ Engine Room (Front))
The gauge showing the power level of the Earth Room is empty.
> [click] Air room (@ Engine Room (Front))
The gauge showing the power level of the Air Room is empty.
Downtown Tokyo, Present Day (1998)
> x fuel gauge (@ (in the helicopter))
Escape From the Mechanical Bathhouse (2020)
> x gauge (@ Bathroom)
It is a gauge for measuring the level of liquid in the bath.
> x gauge (@ On the bench)
It is a pressure gauge with a dial, indicating the force of steam.
Escape from the Starship Zenon (2000)
> x pressure guage (@ Cell)
This is a pressure guage that controls the pressure in this room. It has a glass flap that can be opened and there is a button inside.
Ghost Train (2003)
> x boiler gauge (@ Train's Cab (of first train))
A large brass gauge with a white face. The gauge is marked.
"Boiler Pressure Gauge"
The dial reads [number] psi.
> x brake gauge (@ Train's Cab (of first train))
A large brass gauge with a white face. The gauge is marked.
"Brake Pressure Gauge"
The dial reads [number] psi.
> x boiler gauge (@ Train's Cab (of second train))
A large brass gauge with a white face. The gauge is marked "Boiler Pressure Gauge" The dial reads [number] psi. which is [about half way] round the dial.
> x brake gauge (@ Train's Cab (of second train))
A large brass gauge with a white face. The gauge is marked "Brake Pressure Gauge" The dial reads [number] psi. Brakes [on full].
> x speed gauge (@ Train's Cab (of second train))
A large brass gauge with a white face. The gauge is marked "Train speed in MPH" The dial reads [number] MPH.
The Light: Shelby's Addendum (1996)
> x fuel gauge (@ Interior Of Holcroft's Car)
The arrow points to 'F'.
Low (2016)
> x fuel gauge (@ Car)
You glance at it, and realize it was lower than you thought. With a shudder, you fervently hope you have enough to make it back home.
Moonbase (2002)
> x yellow gauge (@ suit locker)
This is the pressure gauge for this air tank.
> read yellow gauge
The gauge says that this tank is full.
> x blue gauge (@ suit locker)
This is the pressure gauge for this air tank.
> read blue gauge
The gauge says that this tank is almost empty.
> x green gauge (@ nest site)
This is the pressure gauge for this air tank.
> read green gauge
The gauge says that this tank is empty.
On the Farm (1999)
> x gauge (@ Windmill)
The gauge has numbers reading from 0 to 6. The gauge's needle is pointing to [number].
Thorfinn's Realm (1999)
> x gauges (@ The Time Machine)
They're unimportant as far as you're concerned, except for one - the fuel gauge.
> x fuel gauge (@ The Time Machine)
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