Biscuit (2001)
> x blown fuse (@ model railway area)
A 13 amp electrical fuse, it appears to have blown.
> x new fuse (@ garage)
A new 13 amp fuse.
Let's look at electronic fuses!
"fuse" icon by Fluff Studio from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Biscuit (2001)
> x blown fuse (@ model railway area)
A 13 amp electrical fuse, it appears to have blown.
> x new fuse (@ garage)
A new 13 amp fuse.
Chlorophyll (2015)
> x fuse (@ Dragonweed Nest)
A cylindrical fuse almost as long as you are. It's got scummy patches of lakeweed on it, but it should still work. It's self-installing, so all you need to do is get it near where it needs to go.
Lydia's Heart (2007)
> x object (@ West End of the Hall)
[if unidentified] The small round threaded object [else] The new fuse [end if] looks a lot like the base of a lightbulb without the bulb. Where the bulb should be is a flat circle of glass.
> x burnt fuse (@ Closet)
The fuse is threaded, like the base of a lightbulb without the bulb. The flat glass circle on the top of the fuse is dark, as if something inside has burned.