Apocolyptica (2001)
> x crayon (@ On the Street)
You used this crayon to put some punctuation on your signboard. It's a little melted and worn down but still servicable.
Let's look at crayons!
"crayons" icon by mynamepong from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Apocolyptica (2001)
> x crayon (@ On the Street)
You used this crayon to put some punctuation on your signboard. It's a little melted and worn down but still servicable.
Phlegm (1996)
> x black crayon (@ Ancient Mayan Ruins)
It is a black crayon, one of the Magic Crayons of Destiny.
Toonesia (1995)
> x purple crayon (@ Bare Cell)
It's a short stub of purple crayon.
Withdrawal Symptoms (2000)
> x red crayon (@ Children's corner)
The crayon seems quite ordinary. It's red, non-toxic and there is even quite a bit of it left.