Advent Mirror (2022)
> x crates (@ Tea Room (verso))
The crates probably hold somebody's life's-work in tchotkes and knick-knacks, but that's no concern of yours.
Let's look at crates!
"crate" icon by Wan HD from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Advent Mirror (2022)
> x crates (@ Tea Room (verso))
The crates probably hold somebody's life's-work in tchotkes and knick-knacks, but that's no concern of yours.
Alchemist's Gold (2022)
> x crate (@ North of House)
It's a weathered wooden crate, but it looks solid enough to hold a considerable amount of weight.
Another Goddamn Escape the Locked Room Game (2006)
> x beans crate (@ West Wall)
This is a wooden crate labeled "BEANS".
> x not-beans crate (@ West Wall)
This is a wooden crate labeled "NOT BEANS".
Baking with Lizzie (2017)
> x crate (@ Kitchen)
A wooden crate with a painted nectarine on the side.
Basilica de Sangre (2018)
> x crates (@ Cellarium)
Boxes containing various foodstuffs.
Beet the Devil (2011)
> x crates (@ Barn)
The splintery wooden crates are nailed shut, and you're not sure where they're from or what's inside. You don't know how long it's been since anyone's opened them, but you're real sure it's none of your business.
Berrost's Challenge (2008)
> x crates (@ Silver Mine Site)
This stuff is junk. Anything of value or use has already been scavenged.
The Bibliophile (2014)
> x crates (@ Auxiliary Storage)
Old crates that, for some reason, was relegated here rather than being properly thrown away. You'd have to search them to find out anything more.
Bloodless on the Orient Express (2011)
> x crates (@ Luggage Van)
Wooden crates, currently closed.
> x large crate (@ Luggage Van)
It is approximately two metres high and a sturdy chain is running tightly around it, fixated with an appropriately strong lock.
Cacophony (2009)
> x crates (@ Mysterious Storeroom)
Most of the crates are made of sealed metal. They don't look as if they can be opened. However, one of them is somewhat more old-fashioned, being made of battered wood.
> x crate (@ Mysterious Storeroom)
It doesn't look especially sturdy, but it's not exactly falling apart either. You can see that a label on the side reads "Imagination Soil".
Captain Cutter's Treasure (2021)
> x crate (@ Warehouse (several locations))
The Case of LeAnne's Missing Bunny, Wendy (2015)
> x crate (@ Basement)
The crate had a name of a brand of fruit stamped on it, but it was too old to read.
Compliance (2012)
> x crate (@ Hardcopy Storage, Leadhammer)
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x crates (@ Small Chamber)
Three crates were left behind by the last visitor of this chamber. They're small wooden freight crates as you've seen them in old movies, with hinged lids with logos of freight companies on them. One crate in a corner is quite large, the second one next to it is pretty small, and theres a medium-sized crate in the middle of the chamber. Hopefully you don't have to shift them around to achieve something.
> x large crate (@ Small Chamber)
In the corner is a crate that is the largest of the three. As the others it is made of light, sturdy wood. The hinged lid bears an emblem of a dog listening to a grammophone, but with no company logo or other hints as to who used to be the owner of this crate.
> x medium crate (@ Small Chamber)
A medium-sized wooden crate.
> x small crate (@ Small Chamber)
The smallest of the three crates is placed close to the wall, next to the large crate. Its lid bears the writing "Backwater Library". [if locked:] An antique padlock keeps the crate shut.
Eruption (2009)
> x crates (@ Harbour)
It's a pair of broken crates, probably dumped here because they're useless now. A bundle of sailcloth is leaning against the crates.
Flotsam and Driftwood (2014)
> x crate (@ Beach)
It looks like it's been here forever.
Founder's Mercy (2019)
> x crate (@ Supply Vault)
These remaining parts never seem to fit anywhere useful, but Founder only knows what's in there.
Fun and Games (2000)
> x crate (@ The North End of the Attic)
Goldilocks is a FOX! (2002)
> x crate (@ In Papa Bear's workshop)
A mysterious wooden crate... Looks like Papa Bear does more in his workshop than simply assemble Ikea furniture. [if closed] The huge wooden crate is nailed shut. [else] The huge wooden crate is lying in pieces on the floor, having been forced open.
Grooverland (2021)
> x crate (@ Petting Zoo)
An open crate filled with mushroom caps.
Heated (2010)
> x crate (@ living room)
Just an ugly, beat up milk crate.
The House (by Remington) (2007)
> x crates (@ Kitchen)
They look like ordinary empty, wooden crates. Reading the labels reveals they were once used to store food and cooking equipment.
The Impossible Bottle (2020)
> x crate (@ Deck)
The King's Ball (2023)
> x crates (@ Street Outside Butcher's Shop)
There are crates of various root vegetables like carrots, turnips, yams, potatoes and something you don't recognise.
> x crate (@ Street Outside Benny's Bakery)
It's a heavy wooden crate that's normally used to carry fruit and vegetables. It looks solid enough to hold your weight.
Koan (2002)
> x small crate (@ West Location)
This is a small crate, just large enough for you to stand on.
Lazy Gods of Earth (2002)
> x left crate (@ Cave)
A large wooden crate is laying by the cave wall. Three horizontal rusty iron bands, wide as your palm affix the crate to the cave wall.
The Richard Mines (2017)
> x crate (@ Radio Works)
Stenciling on the side reads: "Inhalt: Schatz. Nicht fallen lassen."
The Song of the Mockingbird (2021)
> x crates (@ Inside the Bunkhouse)
The crates are neatly stacked against one wall. You examine the closest one. There's writing along one side, scarred by a broken slat. It says:
You check more crates until you find an intact crate. It says:
You have no idea what "safety powder" might be, but a chill runs up your spine all the same.
[if crates unmoved, add:] Behind the crates, you spot a patch of color.
SpeedIF 11, part six (2000)
> x crates (@ Basement)
Typical wooden crates full of coal. Maybe a bit rotten.
Thorfinn's Realm (1999)
> x crate (@ Storeroom)
The Unstoppable Vengeance of Doctor Bonesaw (2016)
> x packing crate (@ Your Office)
A crate of plywood, from which sticks a lever.
The Xylophoniad (2016)
> x crates (@ Cave lair)
They're branded "SO Crates!"
Zombies! (2004)
> x biohazard crate (@ Shipping/Receiving)
It's a large crate that appears to be nailed shut. It has a large label marked biohazard and a smaller one addressed to 'Mac the janitor'
> x combustable crate (@ Shipping/Receiving)
It's a small hinged crate with a large label marked Combustable material.
Zozzled (2019)
> x crate (@ Dressing Room)
A wooden crate covered in stickers from exotic ports of call. It's securely nailed shut, and you hear a sad whine coming from within. It just might be possible to work the top loose from outside, if you really put your back into it, but it'd probably involve a whole lot of unladylike grunting.
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