Arborea (2022)
> x church building (@ Prairie: By Church)
The windows are barred (friendly!) and light pours out from within, which added to the noise you hear suggests there's quite a crowd inside. The doors to the church are closed.
Let's look at churches!
"Church" icon by Bernd Lakenbrink from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Arborea (2022)
> x church building (@ Prairie: By Church)
The windows are barred (friendly!) and light pours out from within, which added to the noise you hear suggests there's quite a crowd inside. The doors to the church are closed.
Awakening (2009)
> x church (@ Church Grounds)
It may have been first constructed in the eighteenth century, however judging by the irregularity of the mason work, it has seen repair and renovation since that time.
The Awakening (1998)
> x church (@ Graveyard)
The old church has seen better days. Formerly painted white, the boards are now faded, peeling and rotted. Most of the windows are boarded up, and those that aren't have long since been broken out. The shingles have fallen from the roof, which sags alarmingly. A broken-tipped steeple rises from one end of the building, and a faint miasma of decay seems to rise from the structure.
The Chinese Room (2007)
> x church (@ Roof)
It pokes up from the village, smugger than a virgin on Judgement Day.
Last Day (2020)
> x church (@ Court Street, Nelsonville)
An old church, looking every bit of its 200 years. Oddly, the vandals have left it mostly alone it seems. Maybe those guys with guns dissuaded them.
The Legend of Horse Girl (2022)
> x church (@ Boneyard)
It's a collapsing church in an advanced state of disrepair with a leaning bell tower. [if door boarded up, add:] The door is boarded up.
Stuff of Legend (2020)
> x church (@ Hillside)
The village church stands near the manor house, serving the religious needs of its concentration. You tried to make church a regular part of your life, but the vicar was often unhappy with your spiritual insights. Like the time you heard the story of Saint Sebastian being shot full of arrows. You dubbed him "the holiest martyr of them all". Apparently, that kind of spiritual insight is also called "blasphemy".
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