And yet it moves (2014)
> x carrot plant (@ Garden)
A tuft of leaves surface shiftily to tell one where the plant is hiding.
> x carrot (@ Market)
A lovely mix of colourful carrots.
[if in Market, add:] It costs F0.1.
Let's look at carrots!
"carrot" icon by CHARIE Tristan from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
And yet it moves (2014)
> x carrot plant (@ Garden)
A tuft of leaves surface shiftily to tell one where the plant is hiding.
> x carrot (@ Market)
A lovely mix of colourful carrots.
[if in Market, add:] It costs F0.1.
Beet the Devil (2011)
> x carrots (@ Garden)
> x carrot (@ Garden)
It's a nice yellowy orange carrot, big at the top and pointy at the bottom.
The Case of LeAnne's Missing Bunny, Wendy (2015)
> x carrot (@ Backyard)
Sheridan had a long, pointy, orange carrot that LeAnne had given to him to use as bait to catch her bunny, Wendy.
A Christmas Game (2016)
> x carrot (@ Your Garden)
A fine specimen of a carrot, maybe you'll leave it out next to a mince pie tonight
The Colour Pink (2005)
> x carrots (@ The shelter, on the farm)
This is a huge pile of carrots under the shelter. It must be the main vegetable produced on the farm. In fact it looks like the only product.
> x carrot (@ The shelter, on the farm)
This is a normal tasty looking carrot.
The Game Formerly Known as Hidden Nazi Mode (2010)
> x carrot (@ Next to the busy street)
A nice, tasty carrot. Just the kind of thing that rabbits love!
Igor's Quest (2020)
> x carrot (@ Garden)
Rabbit food.
The Legend of Horse Girl (2022)
> x carrots (@ garden)
High concentrations of snake oil in the soil seem to have caused odd mutations in these carrots. They're twisted and knobby and pulsating with a faintly ominous orange glow... but they're loaded with insane levels of super vitamin A to help you see in the dark.
The Lonely Troll (2022)
> x carrots (@ Field)
A field of carrots.
> x carrot (@ Field)
A single, beautiful orange carrot, perfect in every way.
Not Much Time (2002)
> x carrot (@ The Kitchen)
The tasty-looking carrot is bright orange and quite large.
On the Farm (1999)
> x carrot (@ Vegetable Garden)
The carrot is long, orange and full of crunchy goodness.
Santa's Trainee Elf (2020)
> x carrots (@ Pantry)
You count 16 carrots.
The Suffering Supplicant (2002)
> x carrot (@ Luoloville)
It derives its power from the force of orangeness.
-- Norman Perlmutter, The Cruise
Default response instances
Synonyms of other things instances