Alias 'The Magpie' (2018)
> x cake (@ The Drawing Room)
It looks as though some one has had their cake and trampled on it.
Let's look at cakes! And we're including cupcakes and muffins! (Currently including urinal cakes also, but I think I'll move those later to their own page.)
"Cake" icon by Claire Jones from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Alias 'The Magpie' (2018)
> x cake (@ The Drawing Room)
It looks as though some one has had their cake and trampled on it.
The Amazing Maze (2020)
> x chocolate cake (@ Main Office)
By the smell and texture, you'd probably guess that this cake has been baked somewhere in the English county of Kent, maybe Margate or somewhere exotic. On the top of the cake, scratched into the icing, some braille reads: "this cake will, when eaten, cause the game to end and you (the player) to exit the Amazing Maze. We hope that you had fun". The author baked this cake earlier especially for the game and it expires tomorrow whenever that is. So, if you are peckish, have a bite!
Arthur Yahtzee: The Curse of Hell's Cheesecake (2000)
> x cheesecake (@ Temple of Hell's Cheesecake)
The Cheesecake of Hell was left behind after the famous Diablo Disaster of 1997, when the legions of Hell invaded Woking (no-one noticed until 2003). Eggs from Satan's own hens, milk from the Unholy Herd and biscuit crumbs from Cerberus' Vomit went into the dish. Mrs. Satan originally baked it to celebrate her and Satan's five thousandth wedding anniversary, but had never gotten round to eating it after the Hellhounds escaped. It is now in the capable hands of the Special Secret Service, and, when eaten, transports the consumer to some other universe.
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x urinal cake (@ Bathroom of the Meatpacking Plant)
A small blue urinal cake. It's basically a post hoc urethral perfuming agent made of chalky poison chemicals fashioned in the shape of a hockey puck.
Daddy's Birthday (2021)
> x Nutella cake (@ Garden)
Your favourite cake ever, with candles on top.
The Day I stabbed Stalin (2010)
> x cupcake (@ Dining Room)
A small, black, crumpled thing. Hard as steel. It looks pitiful.
Dial C for Cupcakes (2014)
> x cupcakes (@ Sugar,)
It looks like most folks picked out a box of six or a dozen to enjoy later, but a few people are digging into their cupcakes as soon as they get outside. They look good.
> x cupcakes (@ Counter)
That day they were showcasing this collection of twelve different varieties of spooky cupcakes. I don't remember what any of them were, but it was the kind of thing where each one was trying to out-cute the others. Like, "Cake-ula", that was one of them. They were all incredibly lame, but you could tell they were extremely delicious.
> x plate of cupcakes (@ Bathroom)
The label says they're "Cake-o-Lantern Spicy Pumpkin" cupcakes. Each one is covered in orange frosting and topped with a green frosting stem, with black triangle eyes peeking over the wrappers.
> x pumpkin cupcake (@ Bathroom)
It's covered in orange frosting and topped with a green frosting stem, with black triangle eyes peeking over the wrapper.
> x vampire cupcake (@ Parlor)
The cream cheese frosting is decorated with a fanged, widow's-peaked smiley face.
> x curse cupcake (@ Parlor)
Sticky marshmallow creme has been spread in horizontal bands to suggest linen wrappings, and the pieces of chocolate represent eyes peering out at you. A graham cracker square is wedged in the mummy's head.
> x green cupcake (@ Conservatory)
Green frosting has been shaped into a cylinder almost as tall as the cake section. Rows of thin black sprinkles ("jimmies") are arranged to suggest stitches.
> x black licorice cupcake (@ Conservatory)
The semi-appetizing grey frosting is covered with a tangle of black licorice.
> x platter of cupcakes (@ Back Hall)
Each cupcake has two candy horns and a red licorice tail stick out of the pink frosting. Sinister little mustaches are painted on the wrappers.
> x beelzebubblegum cupcake (@ Back Hall)
Two candy horns and a red licorice tail stick out of the pink frosting. A sinister little mustache is painted on one side of the wrapper.
> x candy corn cupcakes (@ Dining Room)
The Creepy Candy Corn Creature cupcakes do indeed depict creepy creatures, each with a row of carefully-arranged pieces of candy corn for teeth.
> x candy corn cupcake (@ Dining Room)
It does depict a creepy creature, with a row of carefully-arranged candy corn for teeth.
> x truffle cupcakes (@ Dining Room)
You take a look at one of the truffle cupcakes: A smirking witch's face has been drawn on in frosting, and the chocolate truffle in the center doubles as her big goofy nose.
> x truffle cupcake (@ Dining Room)
A smirking witch's face has been drawn on this cupcake in frosting, and the chocolate truffle in the center doubles as her big goofy nose.
> x guts cupcakes (@ Kitchen)
The "Scarecrow Guts" cupcakes are topped with toasted coconut flakes. That's all.
> x guts cupcake (@ Kitchen)
The Scarecrow Guts cupcake is topped with toasted coconut flakes. That's all.
> x neapolitomb cupcakes (@ Kitchen)
All of the cakes are half white and half pink—miraculous!—and stuck into the chocolate frosting are little sugar headstones.
> x neapolitomb cupcake (@ Kitchen)
The cake is half white and half pink—miraculous!—and stuck into the chocolate frosting is a little sugar headstone.
> x spookies platter (@ Freezer)
Covering each Spookies and Scream cupcake is a layer of white fondant, with two holes cut out of it so that you can see the gooey cookie-infused frosting beneath.
> x spookies cupcake (@ Freezer)
Covering the Spookies and Scream cupcake is a layer of white fondant, with two holes cut out of it so that you can see the gooey cookie-infused frosting beneath.
> x salted platter (@ Freezer)
The Salted Calaveramel cupcakes are decorated with flecks of salt and intricate Día de Muertos skulls drawn in caramel sauce. Probably the guy was keeping them in the freezer so that the skulls wouldn't melt and turn into a big mess.
Diddlebucker! (2018)
> x cakes (@ Paul Punyan's Bundt Cakes)
Although many are normal cakes, there are some truly large specimens as well. You have no idea if people eat these cakes in one sitting, carry them around the park or what.
> x cake (@ Kiddie Land)
It appears to be chocolate.
Dinner Bell (2012)
> x cake (@ Test Chamber)
It's a beautiful cake. They really went all out, what with the icing and the flowers and the almost spelling "BIRTHDAY" right. The candles flicker cheerfully.
Eat Me (2017)
> x cheesecake door (@ Dungeon (south cell))
You won't be going anywhere as long as this cheesecake door remains shut. It's baked from heavy cream, dense in the frame, with strawberries studding its smooth panels.
> x angel's food cake (@ Dungeon)
Angel's-food cake seals the doorway: one gigantic yellow slice.
> x devil's food cake (@ Dungeon)
Dense devil's-food cake cut into a slab blocks your passage.
Freedom (2000)
> x cake (@ The Snugleys' Kitchen)
It's a cake, carved and frosted in the likeness of your own head. How novel of them, how generous.
From Thanet to New Romney (2020)
> x victoria sponge (@ The Stay Bakery)
It's a homemade cake, the signature dish of this bakery. Everything about it is homemade, even the jam which is made from freshly picked fruit. It is also suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. At Christmas, the jam that goes into the cake is made from holly berries. Oh dear, aren't they meant to be poisonous for you?
Grooverland (2021)
> x cake (@ Sugar Plum Snack Bar)
An enormous cake made of decadent foods. Currently you can see [one of] the Devil's Food Tower, made of dark, dense chocolate cake. [or] the Marshmallow Library, which seems to consist entirely of marshmallow. [or] the Cheesecake Guardhouse, built up of many flavors of cheesecake. [or] the Eclair Kitchen, constructed ingeniously out of French pastry. [or] the Fondant Dungeon, made of that thick kind of frosting you despise. [as appropriate]
Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets (2017)
> x funnel cake (@ The funnel cake stand)
It's a mass of fried dough dusted with powdered sugar.
Hippo on Elm Street (2015)
> x cupcake (@ On the Table)
A vanilla cupcake with orange and black icing.
> x cupcakes (@ On the Table)
There is a plate of orange and black cupcakes.
The House of Mystery (2018)
> x cake (@ Inverted Kitchen)
It's a lie, don't eat it!
In The House of Professor Evil: The HAM HOUSE (2006)
> x poison cake (@ Kitchen)
You can tell it's poison because someone has written in (very lovely) icing calligraphy: poison cake. DO NOT EAT.
Keepsake (2011)
> x cakes (@ Betsy's Coffee)
Sponge cake, blueberry pie, Danish pastries and various other delicacies. Usually you are quite fond of such things.
The King's Ball (2023)
> x cake (@ Inside Benny's Bakery)
This is the fruit cake that you made for the king. It's made from an old family recipe with some improvements of your own. It contains dried fruit, citrus rind and a good helping of rum.
LegBreaker 3k! (2000)
> x fruitcake (@ The Starewell)
It looks tasty.
The Lost Islands of Alabaz (2011)
> x cupcake (@ Galley)
It's a delicious-looking cupcake, with delicate pink frosting and sprinkles on top.
Meeting Robb Sherwin (2019)
> x cake (@ The Wedding)
An elaborate cake with portraits of Robb's cats painted onto it with frosting.
The Mission (1990)
> x tiny cake (@ Inside Dilapidated Hovel)
The extraordinarily strong spectacles allow you easily to make out the text on the cake, which reads as follows ...
A Monkey Stole Your Toast! (2003)
> x muffin (@ Spooky Swamp)
Mmm, American English muffins that aren't English. BUT THE MUFFIN IS NOT THE TOAST.
Motel California (2011)
> x cake (@ Room 103)
The cake is old and musty. The only thing holding the cake together is the layer of fondant. To say this cake has gone bad is a bit of an understatement. This cake was imprisoned decades ago with no time off for good behavior.
Nothing But Mazes (2019)
> x carrot cake (@ Break Room)
The cake is orange, and is topped with creamy white frosting. It’s wrapped in a cellophane wrapper.
> x dry cake (@ Office)
It looks like a typical cake, though rather dry. It’s wrapped in a cellophane wrapper.
The Profesee (1999)
> x cake (@ The Eiffel Bathroom)
The urinal cake has done a yeocake's job of keeping its urinal sweet-smelling over the centuries.
Save the Cheshire Cat! (2014)
> x stroscia (@ Oasis of the Flavour)
The 'stroscia' is a typical thin and crunchy cake made with extra virgin olive oil.
Under Cover of Darkness (2000)
> x fruitcake (@ Top of Stairwell)
Fruitcake! Muffy's favourite ... this must have been how she'd been lured to this terrible place.
Unscientific Fiction (2008)
> x cake (@ Kitchen)
A lovely cream-cake. If you weren't a robot and didn't know how these things are made you would definately eat it.
A Very Hairy Fish-Mess (2009)
> x Drool-Logged cake (@ Cell)
You can only find one way to describe it: if somebody shoved an entire can of tobacco into their mouth, chawed it up for about a week, then spat it out onto a strip of tanned leather, rolled it all up and shoved it into the wrong end of a snail, then dipped it all in chocolate, it would look something like this cake. Your stomach starts to rumble...
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