404 - Life not found (2011)
> x whiteboard (@ Study Hall Room)
The whiteboard reads:
The Library is open ALL DAY.
Let's look at blackboards, whiteboards, greenboards, and chalkboards!
"blackboard" icon by verry poernomo from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
404 - Life not found (2011)
> x whiteboard (@ Study Hall Room)
The whiteboard reads:
The Library is open ALL DAY.
Additional Tales from Castle Balderstone (2019)
> x chalkboard (@ Study)
You can understand maybe a third of the material currently on the chalkboard. It's not that you have any trouble reading the professor's writing (which is almost too precise), but certain equations and assumptions are still a mystery to you.
You're enough of an astronomer to understand the basic principles of Thezh's work. For as long as you've been at the observatory, though, you don't feel like you've learned anything new.
The Ascent of the Gothic Tower (2014)
> x whiteboard (@ Loft)
It is perfectly white. And with good reason; you can't see any markers around.
Ballymun Adventure (2006)
> x blackboard (@ Room 1)
A large blackboard. Usually its covered with writing; Irish homework questions, grammar exercises etcetera.
> x blackboard (@ Room 3)
Just an ordinary blackboard, there's nothing unusual about it apart from the message scrawled on it.
> x blackboard (@ Room 5)
A large blackboard. Usually its covered with writing but has recently been cleaned.
> x blackboard (@ Room 18)
Just an ordinary blackboard, the kind you find in most schools.
> x blackboard (@ Room 19)
A large blackboard with a fixed ruler attached . Normally it is covered with diagrams, plan and elevation of differing objects.
Beneath: a Transformation (2007)
> x blackboard (@ Coffee Shop)
The blackboard is above the table. Written on it in white chalk:
bagel - $0.10
biscotti - $0.05
Brain Guzzlers from Beyond! (2015)
> x blackboard (@ Tomorrowdome)
The blackboard is covered with chalk diagrams and chicken-scratch writing. One whole section of it is taken up with a checklist of components, reading as follows:
Perforated Silver Membrane
Micro-Mini Computer
Brain Guzzler DNA Sample
Purified Fructonium
20,000-Ton Impenetrable Steel Chassis
> x chalkboard (@ Finch's Diner)
"Today's special: Shillelagh-tenderized Dorndog. (Comes with giant onion blossom.)"
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x chalkboard (@ Science Tower)
One of those big old slate chalkboards set in a wooden frame with a pivot so you can flip it over and use the other side. It also has little wheels so you can move it around, but I'm going to tell you right now that it's perfectly fine where it is.
It has a long and elaborate mathematical equation written on it (in chalk, naturally).
> x tiny chalkboard (@ Science Tower)
Dessert Island Adventure (2022)
> x chalkboard (@ Bottom of the Lighthouse)
It's a small chalkboard next to the door for keeping notes. A message on the chalkboard reads: “Don't forget to close the door! (Use sape)”
Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. (1999)
> x chalkboard (@ Zen 101)
The blackboard reads, "Zen 101, Dr Lorenzo Buck Way, to show you the way of Zen."
> x chalkboard (@ Philosophy)
The blackboard reads, "Philosophy 101, Dr Chaos Cohen, attending professor."
> x chalkboard (@ Metaphysics)
The blackboard reads, "Metaphysics, Dr Gravity's Kite Races." Just as your lips finish moving, the amazing Doctor Gravity puffs into reality in a wisp of tutti-frutti smelling smoke. He floats a few inches off the floor, spots a hook for his black professorial robe, and makes a strange hand-wave. The robe floats from his shoulders and settles on the hook near the ceiling.
Lazy Wizard's Guide to Passing the Very Final and Super Difficult Magical Exam (2022)
> x blackboard (@ Ground floor classroom)
A standard large blackboard for writing onto with chalk. There is no chalk here. And the board is empty.
> x blackboard (@ Second floor classroom)
A large, standard blackboard for writing onto with chalk. There is no chalk here. And the board is empty.
> x whiteboard (@ Caretaker's hut)
A large whiteboard affixed to the wall. It has the words magnetic whiteboard written onto the edge of it.
The Legend of Horse Girl (2022)
> x chalk menu (@ Cantina)
A chalk menu behind the bar lists all the drinks for sale, although it appears that a drink called "COFFIN VARNISH" has been hastily and poorly rubbed out.
Mean Mother Trucker (2021)
> x chalk menu (@ Last Chance Diner)
It's a blackboard standee, upon which is written: DAILY SPECIAL! ASK FLO ABOUT OUR FAMOUS BLACK COFFEE.
PAX East 2010 Speed-IF (2010)
> x chalkboard (@ Transubstantiation Panel Hall)
The chalkboard reads: 'Exercise 1: Ireland is experiencing severe famine due to the potato blight. How can magic solve this problem?'
Plane Walker (2021)
> x chalkboard (@ Head of the Lecture Hall)
Santa's Trainee Elf (2020)
> x blackboard (@ Classroom)
It's a green blackboard. You wonder why it's called a blackboard when it's painted green.
> x whiteboard (@ Office)
Yay Games (2004)
> x chalkboard (@ Massive Auditorium)
The winners
[if 1st award awarded] BEST USE OF MEDIUM: ASCII and the Argonauts (Rob Wheeler) [end if]
[if 2nd award awarded] BEST INDIVIDUAL PC: Episode in the Life of an Artist (Peter Eastman) [end if]