The Apprentice (2006)
> x berries (@ A sandy beach)
The berries are large and red. They look delicious.
Let's look at berries! Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and so many more!
"berries" icon by MihiMihi from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
The Apprentice (2006)
> x berries (@ A sandy beach)
The berries are large and red. They look delicious.
Berrost's Challenge (2008)
> x berries (@ North Road)
These small purple berries are common fare for birds, but are poisonous to humans.
The Blue Lettuce (2021)
> x berry (@ Top of the Vines)
It's a pink sky berry. It looks delicious.
Dessert Island Adventure (2022)
> x TODO berries (@ By the Cliffs)
Some bubbleberry pods, full of unripe bubbleberries.
A Flustered Duck (2009)
> x berries (@ Flowering Meadow)
Four Days of Summer (2017)
> x berries (@ Parking Lot)
Journey from an Islet (2001)
> x berries (@ Edge of forest near the sea)
Red berries grow in multitudes on the green bush. Some are within reach.
> x red berry (@ Edge of forest near the sea)
A red berry that looks good to eat.
Lazy Wizard's Guide to Passing the Very Final and Super Difficult Magical Exam (2022)
> x red berry (@ Exam room)
A juicy looking ripe red berry. Although you vagely recall these are poisonous.
> x black berry (@ Ground floor classroom)
A small black berry, that is often used as a magical component. Also called nigreos foraminis, because when ripe they grow so black, that they do not reflect light at all. In essence, they look like small black holes. They are also extremely poisonous.
The Lonely Troll (2022)
> x berries (@ Ruins)
The Man in the Rain (2010)
> x red berry (@ Copse)
It looks plump, tart and juicy.
Mental Entertainment (2019)
> x berries (@ Clearing)
They look delicious.
Pen and Paint (2010)
> x gooseberries (@ Amidst the Trees)
Unripe, probably too sour to eat with experiencing extreme suffering.
Runes (2004)
> x juniper berries (@ Juniper)
Powdery looking berries with a pungent smell.
> x rowan berries (@ Rowan)
Bright orange, tangy looking berries from a rowan tree.
Sell-Out (2003)
> x berries (@ By the River)
Tryst of Fate (1995)
> x berries (@ Beaver Dam)
The small black berries look quite inviting.
Whitefield Academy of Witchcraft (2014)
> x blackberries (@ Deer Trail)
The blackberries are plump and juicy.
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