Advent Door (2020)
> x barrels (@ The Shattered Salon)
Barrels have been stacked to the south, forming an impromptu but entirely effective barricade. You peer closer and notice that the barrels are stamped with tea export notices.
Let's look at barrels, kegs, casks, gallon drums, and oil drums!
"Barrel" icon by Made by Made from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Advent Door (2020)
> x barrels (@ The Shattered Salon)
Barrels have been stacked to the south, forming an impromptu but entirely effective barricade. You peer closer and notice that the barrels are stamped with tea export notices.
Amusement Park (2004)
> x barrel (@ Cellar)
It seems to be empty from afar, but when you look into it the distorted reflection of your face appears. It hisses at you.
Arborea (2022)
> x barrel (@ General Store)
The barrel is one foot diameter and two feet high, full of gunpowder and pretty heavy.
> x barrels (@ Temple of Uppsala)
Find yourself a drinking horn, and you can get yourself a drink!
> x barrels (@ Scandinavian Simulation Room)
You just can't trust these Vikings to behave themselves; all this stuff should have been put away ages ago!
Berrost's Challenge (2008)
> x barrel (@ Smithy)
Its full of saltwater.
> x casks (@ Cellar)
Full, or at least partially so, of the house swill.
The Bony King of Nowhere (2017)
> x barrels (@ Banks's Brewery Yard)
Captain Cutter's Treasure (2021)
> x oil barrels (@ Top of Lighthouse)
These barrels contain the whale oil used to fuel the lantern. The same oil can be used to fuel a lamp, should you need it.
> x kegs (@ Storeroom)
Harold is very organised. When looking in from the doorway, the full kegs are on the left and the empty kegs are on the right.
> x barrels (@ Fore Hold; Aft Hold)
It's mostly barrels of assorted provisions for the journey to sea.
Captivity (2020)
> x casks (@ Cellar)
The casks are made of wood, possibly oak, in the usual barrel shape. No spigots, though; they don’t seem to have been tapped. There’s a narrow gap beside the casks through which you might be able to travel a bit further to the north.
Carpathian Vampire (2022)
> x barrel (@ Cellar)
It looks like an old coopered wine barrel, but it's not.
Cragne Manor (2018)
> x wine cask (@ Wine Cellar)
An over-large cask of wine with a rather medieval-looking wooden tap stuck on its end, the only one of its kind in this cellar. Unfortunately, someone had the bright mind to put it right in front of a doorway.
Eat Me (2017)
> x barrel (@ Buttery)
Each butt's emblazoned with an emblem to note what the barrels hold, although it'd take an alewife in the know to sort through them. Apart from the greatest barrel, here's a smaller stamped with a dragon, and another with a bear, and one painted with a harlequin.
> x greatest barrel (@ Buttery)
Across this giant barrel's face is stamped an emblem picturing a maiden wrapped in spikes. Hard to determine whether she's in agony or ecstasy, but there's wincing involved in either case. You could step northward into the barrel.
> x dragon barrel (@ Buttery)
The dragon on this barrel's long and snakish. More a wyrm, bearded and lacking wings. It's painted in green pigment that's faded toward grey.
> x bear barrel (@ Buttery)
This barrel's more than blazoned with a bear. The animal's been branded straight into the butt, burned with black ashen lines. Posture: statant.
> x harlequin barrel (@ Buttery)
Cheeky's the harlequin stamped on this butt. The picture's checked in yellow paint and represents the fellow with a bottle tipped to funnel liquid underneath his domino.
Gone Out for Gruyère (2019)
> x barrels (@ Keg Room)
You figure this must be a stock room of some kind, as you are virtually surrounded by wooden containers, some round, some rectangular, and all appear to be thoroughly nailed shut.
> x oak barrel (@ Keg Room)
It's about chest-high and wide enough to wrap your arms around the top. [if closed] Whoever made the barrel didn't finish the job--there are no rivets on the lid. [else] It's open; it's filled nearly to the brim with liquor.
The House on Sycamore Lane (2019)
> x cask (@ Wine Cellar)
I Never Promised You A Nose Guard (1999)
> x barrel (@ Lido Deck, HMS Recalcitrant (Eighth-class))
The contents of the pickle barrel (namely you) have already been dislodged and ejected. The ship must've hit some nasty swells to knock this barrel over.
In a Manor of Speaking (2012)
> x whine barrel (@ Whine cellar)
It's a varnished oak barrel. A tap is on one end.
The Isle of Statues (2012)
> x barrel (@ The "Curiosity")
A water barrel like they are used to store fresh water on sea voyages. It's just large enough that two people may carry it when it's filled. [if empty] You knock on it, and a hollow sound shows that the barrel's empty. [else] You gently rock it and hear and feel that it's filled with water. [end if]
Lovely Assistant: Magical Girl (2020)
> x wine barrels (@ wine cellar)
The barrels contain fine vintages like EL BLANCO NINYO, CANCRELAT NOIR, and MOONFLOW MERLOT.
> x hogshead (@ wine cellar)
A wooden cask full of cheap red wine.
Lydia's Heart (2007)
> x barrel (@ A Country Road)
The barrel is about three feet tall, and black, and smells strongly of fresh road tar. It’s covered by a tight-fitting metal lid.
The Man in the Rain (2010)
> x barrel (@ Boreliad - east)
It's a old wooden barrel, battered by many years of use.
Mental Entertainment (2019)
> x barrels (@ Store)
Big and round.
Murder at the Aero Club (2004)
> x barrel (@ Workshop)
The barrel is cylindrical, sturdy, and made out of metal.
My Evil Twin (2012)
> x barrel (@ Outside Weapon Shop)
It's the traditional small barrel of complimentary goodies to entice customers.
MythTale (2002)
> x barrel (@ Vegetable Patch)
Napier's Cache (2020)
> x barrels (@ Cellar)
There are probably five or six barrels of ale, lined up together.
Not Just A Game (2000)
> x gallon drum (@ Drum Room)
A standard 55 gallon drum (with a steel lid) rests in the corner.
Not Much Time (2002)
> x barrel (@ Pantry)
This is a barrel in which food was stored. Because your Auntie has not yet begun storing food for this winter, there is probably not much food in it.
Santa's Trainee Elf (2020)
> x barrel (@ Outside Coal Mine)
You have no idea what it was used for, but it looks like it has outlived its usefulness.
Shades of Gray: An Adventure in Black and White (1992)
> x powder keg (@ Storage Tent)
A careful inspection of the keg tells you that it is full of gunpowder. There is a hole in the top of it.
The Song of the Mockingbird (2021)
> x barrel (@ Outside the Bunkhouse)
A small wooden barrel sits outside the bunkhouse. It's about a foot-and-a-half high and a foot in diameter. The exterior is scarred from hard use, but it's still intact. Inked onto its side are the words "PURE LARD."
Stuff of Legend (2020)
> x barrels (@ Barn)
Barrels full of wheat and barley, though you have no idea which is which. Good thing you are not the farmer.
Thorfinn's Realm (1999)
> x kegs (@ Storeroom)
One of the kegs seems to have escaped the Vikings' notice.
> x keg (@ Storeroom)
This is a wine keg all right; they haven't changed much in 1000 years.
Under, In Erebus (2010)
> x tub (@ Heart Of Darkness)
> x butt (@ Heart Of Darkness)
The Xylophoniad (2016)
> x barrel (@ Plaza)
An old oak wine barrel, darkened by age and mildew. You're not sure why anyone would want to live there, but it seems to meet Diogenes' needs.
Zombies! (2004)
> x drum (@ Warehouse N)
The burning drum seems to be keeping the zombies away from the immediate area...for now.
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