Files examined: actions.t, actor.t, exec.t, extras.t,
objects.t, precond.t, resolver.t, sense.t, thing.t, travel.t.
Top-level classes are sorted alphabetically. Subclasses are listed below their parent class(es).
When classes have multiple superclasses, it is listed multiple times.
One instance is chosen as the 'main' instance, and the other instances link to it.
AgendaItem (actor.t) — something the actor wants to do
- ConvAgendaItem (actor.t) — the actor wants to talk about something
- DelayedAgendaItem (actor.t) — something to do after a delay in game time
Attachable (extras.t)
- NearbyAttachable (extras.t)
- PermanentAttachment (extras.t) — mix-in
- PermanentAttachmentChild (extras.t) — mix-in
BagAffinityInfo (extras.t)
BagOfHolding (extras.t)
BaseMultiLoc (objects.t)
- MultiLoc (objects.t)
- SenseConnector (sense.t) — mix-in; can pass senses between rooms
- MultiInstance (objects.t)
CanTouchInfo (thing.t)
CheckStatus (thing.t)
- CheckStatusFailure (thing.t)
- checkStatusSuccess (thing.t)
Collective (objects.t) — mix-in; can be used to refer to a group of other objects collectively
CollectiveGroup (objects.t) — abstract collective group object
- ItemizingCollectiveGroup (objects.t)
Direction (travel.t)
- CompassDirection (travel.t)
- eastDirection (travel.t)
- northDirection (travel.t)
- northeastDirection (travel.t)
- northwestDirection (travel.t)
- southDirection (travel.t)
- southeastDirection (travel.t)
- southwestDirection (travel.t)
- westDirection (travel.t)
- RelativeDirection (travel.t)
- inDirection (travel.t)
- outDirection (travel.t)
- ShipboardDirection (travel.t)
- aftDirection (travel.t)
- foreDirection (travel.t)
- portDirection (travel.t)
- starboardDirection (travel.t)
- VerticalDirection (travel.t)
- downDirection (travel.t)
- upDirection (travel.t)
DropType (thing.t)
- dropTypeDrop (thing.t)
- DropTypeThrow (thing.t)
EquivalentStateInfo (thing.t)
FireSource (extras.t) — mix-in; can set other objects on fire
FollowInfo (actor.t) — keeps track of a followable object
Linkable (objects.t)
- BasicOpenable (objects.t) — has open/closed status
- Openable (objects.t) — mix-in; openable object
- SecretDoor (travel.t) — special door that doesn't look like a door when closed
- Lockable (objects.t) — mix-in; lockable object (no key needed)
- IndirectLockable (objects.t) — lockable by non-obvious method
- LockableContainer (objects.t)
- LockableWithKey (objects.t)
- Passage (travel.t) — base class for passages between rooms
LocateInParent (objects.t) — mix-in; sets location to lexical parent
Material (sense.t) — base class for sensory passing materials
- adventium (sense.t) — opaque to all senses
- coarseMesh (sense.t) — transparent to all senses
- fineMesh (sense.t) — transparent to sight, sound, and smell; opaque to touch
- glass (sense.t) — transparent to sight; opaque to sound, smell and touch
- paper (sense.t) — transparent to sound and smell; opaque to sight and touch
MessageResult (exec.t)
MultiInstanceInstance (objects.t) — used by MultiInstance
- MultiFacetedFacet (objects.t) — used by MultiFaceted
NameAsParent (???)
noTopicObj (actor.t) — the topic of a NO command
OutOfReach (objects.t) — mix-in; sets its
contents out of reach, optionally itself also
PendingCommandInfo (actor.t)
- PendingCommandAction (actor.t)
- PendingCommandMarker (actor.t)
- PendingCommandToks (actor.t)
PendingConvInfo (actor.t)
PendingResponseInfo (actor.t)
PlugAttachable (extras.t) — mix-in; maps PLUG/UNPLUG to ATTACH/DETACH
PreCondition (precond.t)
- actorDirectlyInRoom (precond.t)
- actorReadyToEnterNestedRoom (precond.t)
- actorStanding (precond.t)
- actorTravelReady (precond.t)
- canTalkToObj (precond.t)
- dropDestinationIsOuterRoom (precond.t)
- objAudible (precond.t)
- objBurning (precond.t)
- objClosed (precond.t)
- ObjectPreCondition (precond.t)
- objEmpty (precond.t)
- objHeld (precond.t)
- objNotAttached (extras.t)
- objNotWorn (precond.t)
- ObjOpenCondition (precond.t)
- doorOpen (precond.t)
- objOpen (precond.t)
- objSmellable (precond.t)
- objUnlocked (precond.t)
- objVisible (precond.t)
- roomToHoldObj (precond.t)
- SameLocationCondition (precond.t)
- sameLocationAsDobj (precond.t)
- sameLocationAsIobj (precond.t)
- testOpenLockable (precond.t)
- TouchObjCondition (precond.t)
- dobjTouchObj (precond.t)
- iobjTouchObj (precond.t)
- touchObj (precond.t)
- TravelerDirectlyInRoom (precond.t)
PresentLater (extras.t) — mix-in; for setting up objects that aren't in the game until later
ProxyResolver (resolver.t)
- PossessiveResolver (resolver.t)
Posture (actor.t)
- lying (actor.t)
- sitting (actor.t)
- standing (actor.t)
PushTraveler (travel.t) — encapsulates pushed object with pushing object
Readable (objects.t)
Resolver (resolver.t)
- ActorResolver (resolver.t)
- IobjResolver (resolver.t)
- TopicQualifierResolver (resolver.t)
scriptStatus (actions.t) — (note: this object is
Sense (sense.t) — base class for senses
- sight (sense.t)
- smell (sense.t)
- sound (sense.t)
- touch (sense.t)
SenseInfo (thing.t)
SensoryEvent (objects.t) — a transient sound, sight, or odor which something might react to
- SightEvent (objects.t)
- SmellEvent (objects.t)
- SoundEvent (objects.t)
ShipboardRoom (travel.t) — mix-in; enables shipboard directions in room
SightObserver (objects.t) — mix-in; reacts to SightEvent
SmellObserver (objects.t) — mix-in; reacts to SmellEvent
SoundObserver (objects.t) — mix-in; reacts to SoundEvent
SuggestedTopic (actor.t)
- SpecialTopic (actor.t) — responds to a custom command
- SuggestedAskTopic (actor.t)
- SuggestedGiveTopic (actor.t)
- SuggestedNoTopic (actor.t)
- SuggestedShowTopic (actor.t)
- SuggestedTellTopic (actor.t)
- SuggestedTopicTree (actor.t) — mix-in; groups AltTopics
- SuggestedYesTopic (actor.t)
ThingState (thing.t)
TopicDatabase (actor.t) — mix-in; set of TopicEntry objects
- ActorTopicDatabase (actor.t) — used by Actor, ActorState, and ConvNode
- Actor (actor.t) — a creature or person
- ActorState (actor.t) — current state of an Actor
- AccompanyingInTravelState (actor.t) — part of group following the lead actor (?)
- GuidedInTravelState (extras.t)
- AccompanyingState (actor.t) — we are following this actor
- GuidedTourState (extras.t)
- ConversationReadyState (actor.t) — the actor is willing to converse
- HermitActorState (actor.t) — the actor is unresponsive to attempts at conversation
- InConversationState (actor.t) — the actor is in the middle of a conversation
- ConvNode (actor.t) — a state within a conversation
- Consultable (objects.t) — an inanimate object with topics
TopicEntry (actor.t) — part of a TopicDatabase; associates a topic with its handling
- AltTopic (actor.t) — alternative response for a topic
- DefaultTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultAnyTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultAskTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultAskForTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultAskTellTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultConsultTopic (objects.t) — default topic for a Consultable
- DefaultGiveTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultGiveShowTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultInitiateTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultShowTopic (actor.t)
- DefaultTellTopic (actor.t)
- SpecialTopic (actor.t) — responds to a custom command
- ThingMatchTopic (actor.t) — a topic entry that matches a simulated object in the game
- GiveShowTopic (actor.t)
- GiveTopic (actor.t)
- ShowTopic (actor.t)
- InitiateTopic (actor.t) — object that an NPC could start a conversation about
- TopicMatchTopic (actor.t) — a topic entry that matches topic phrases in the grammar
- AskTellTopic (actor.t) — a topic one can either ask or tell about
- AskAboutForTopic (actor.t)
- AskForTopic (actor.t)
- AskTellAboutForTopic (actor.t)
- AskTopic (actor.t)
- TellTopic (actor.t)
- ConsultTopic (objects.t) — a topic for a Consultable
- YesNoTopic (actor.t)
- NoTopic (actor.t)
- YesTopic (actor.t)
TopicGroup (actor.t) — abstract container for a set of TopicEntry objects
TourGuide (extras.t) — mix-in; type of Actor that the PC can follow
TravelBarrier (travel.t) — a conditional barrier to travel
- PushTravelBarrier (travel.t) — allows regular travel, blocks pushing travel
TravelConnector (travel.t) — a special connection interface that allows for travel from one location to another
- noTravel (travel.t) — travel connector that doesn't allow any travel
- noShipTravel (travel.t) — default connector for shipboard directions
- noTravelIn (travel.t) — default travel connector for going in
- redirectTravelIn (travel.t) — explicitly redirects command to "enter"
- noTravelOut (travel.t) — default travel connector for going out
- redirectTravelOut (travel.t) — explicitly redirects command to "get out of"
- noTravelDown (travel.t) — special travel connector for 'down' that recasts the command to "get off of"
- redirectTravelDown (travel.t) — explicitly redirects command to "get off of"
- TravelMessage (travel.t) — connector that displays a message when it is traversed
- NoTravelMessage (travel.t) — connector that can't be traversed, with custom failure message
- FakeConnector (travel.t) — connector that doesn't allow travel, but acts like it could
- RoomConnector (travel.t) — direct room-to-room connector
- OneWayRoomConnector (travel.t) — connects only in one direction
- RoomAutoConnector (travel.t) — mix-in; makes a room usable as direct target of a directional property in another room
- Room (travel.t) — top-level game location
- Passage (travel.t) — base class for passages between rooms
- Door (travel.t) — travel connector that can be opened or closed
- AutoClosingDoor (travel.t) — door automatically closes behind actor after s/he goes through
- Stairway (travel.t) — passage used for vertical connections
- StairwayDown (travel.t) — stairway going down
- StairwayUp (travel.t) — stairway going up
- ThroughPassage (travel.t) — passage that one "go through" or "enter"
- ExitOnlyPassage (travel.t) — exit portal of a one-way passage
- PathPassage (travel.t) — through passage more suitable for outdoor locations
- SecretDoor (travel.t) — special door that doesn't look like a door when closed
- HiddenDoor (travel.t) — secret door that is invisible when closed
TravelMessageHandler (travel.t)
- ActorState (actor.t) — current state of an Actor
- Traveler (travel.t) — an object that can travel
- Actor (actor.t) — a creature or person
- Vehicle (travel.t) — nested room that moves, carrying the actor
TravelWithMessage (travel.t) — mix-in; adds a message as the connector is traversed
- TravelMessage (travel.t) — connector that displays a message when it is traversed
UnlistedProxyConnector (travel.t) — acts as a proxy for another connector
VocabObject (thing.t)
- Thing (thing.t)
- Actor (actor.t) — a creature or person
- UntakeableActor (actor.t) — a creature one can't pick up
- BasicLocation (travel.t) — base class for locations that can contain actors
- NestedRoom (travel.t) — chairs, beds, platforms, vehicles, etc.
- BasicChair (travel.t) — one can sit on it
- BasicBed (travel.t) — one can lie on it
- BasicPlatform (travel.t) — one can stand on it
- Booth (travel.t) — an enterable container
- Platform (travel.t) — basic platform with a surface
- NominalPlatform (travel.t) — a named place where NPCs can stand
- Bed (travel.t) — basic bed with a surface
- Chair (travel.t) — basic chair with a surface
- HighNestedRoom (travel.t) — nested room that is elevated above the rest of the room
- Vehicle (travel.t) — nested room that moves, carrying the actor
- Room (travel.t) — top-level game location
- DarkRoom (travel.t) — room without any light of its own
- FloorlessRoom (travel.t) — room without floor, walls, or ceiling
- OutdoorRoom (travel.t) — outdoor location
- BulkLimiter (objects.t) — base class for containers and surfaces
- BasicContainer (objects.t)
- Container (objects.t)
- Booth (travel.t) — an enterable container
- Dispenser (extras.t)
- OpenableContainer (objects.t)
- KeyedContainer (objects.t)
- LockableContainer (objects.t)
- RestrictedContainer (objects.t) — only accepts certain items
- SingleContainer (objects.t) — only accepts one item at a time
- StretchyContainer (extras.t)
- Surface (objects.t) — can have objects put on top of it
- Bed (travel.t) — basic bed with a surface
- Chair (travel.t) — basic chair with a surface
- Platform (travel.t) — basic platform with a surface
- Button (objects.t)
- ComplexContainer (extras.t)
- Consultable (objects.t) — an inanimate object with topics
- Dispensable (extras.t)
- FillMedium (objects.t)
- Food (objects.t)
- Hidden (objects.t) — invisible until discovered
- Intangible (objects.t) — something sensed but which has no tangible existence
- DistanceConnector (sense.t)
- SensoryEmanation (objects.t) — sound, odor, etc.
- Noise (objects.t)
- Odor (objects.t)
- Vaporous (objects.t) — visible but intangible
- Key (extras.t) — an object that can lock or unlock something else
- Keyring (extras.t)
- Lever (objects.t)
- lightProbe (travel.t)
- LightSource (objects.t)
- Candle (extras.t)
- Flashlight (objects.t)
- Matchstick (extras.t)
- NonPortable (objects.t) — base class for untakeables
- Fixture (objects.t) — obvious nonportables
- Component (objects.t) — part of another object
- ComplexComponent (extras.t)
- Decoration (objects.t) — unimportant scenery
- Unthing (objects.t) — represents an absent object
- Distant (objects.t) — distant object
- Enterable (travel.t) — object that can be entered to go elsewhere
- EntryPortal (travel.t) — an Enterable one can "go through"
- Exitable (travel.t) — object that can be exited to go elsewhere
- ExitPortal (travel.t) — an Exitable one can "go through"
- NestedRoomFloor (travel.t) — floor for a nested room
- NominalPlatform (travel.t) — a named place where NPCs can stand
- Passage (travel.t) — base class for passages between rooms
- Room (travel.t) — top-level game location
- RoomPart (travel.t) — e.g: floors and walls
- defaultCeiling (travel.t)
- defaultSky (travel.t)
- DefaultWall (travel.t)
- defaultEastWall (travel.t)
- defaultNorthWall (travel.t)
- defaultSouthWall (travel.t)
- defaultWestWall (travel.t)
- Floor (travel.t)
- defaultFloor (travel.t)
- defaultGround (travel.t)
- SecretFixture (objects.t) — internally used; invisible to player
- Immovable (objects.t) — not obviously nonportable
- Heavy (objects.t) — heavy nonportable
- TravelPushable (travel.t) — untakeable object that can be moved to another location
- UntakeableActor (actor.t) — a creature one can't pick up
- OnOffControl (objects.t)
- Switch (objects.t) — on/off control that can be flipped or switched
- Settable (objects.t) — can be set to arbitrary value/setting
- Dial (objects.t)
- LabeledDial (objects.t)
- NumberedDial (objects.t)
- Wearable (objects.t)
- Topic (actor.t) — represents a topic one can ask about, tell about, consult about, etc.
yesTopicObj (actor.t) — the topic of a YES command