The Four-Eyed Guide to TADS 3 by David Welbourn index
>feel >feel floor |
feel matches VerbRule(Feel) which invokes FeelAction. [TODO]
actions.t |
Short description |
DefineTAction(Feel) |
Defines class FeelAction: TAction |
Note: DefineTAction(name) is a macro defined in adv3.h. |
Note: TAction is a class defined in action.t. |
precond.t |
Short description |
touchObj: TouchObjCondition | Pre-condition: actor must be able to touch the object. |
thing.t |
Short description |
Thing.feelDesc | { libMessages.thingFeelDesc(self); } |
Thing.basicExamineFeel() | { /* simply show our touch description */ feelDesc; } |
Thing.dobjFor(Feel) | dobjFor(Feel) { /* to feel an object, we have to be able to touch it */ preCond = [touchObj] verify() { } action() { /* show our "feel" description */ fromPOV(gActor, &basicExamineFeel); } } |
en_us\en_us.t |
Short description |
VerbRule(Feel) |
Associates the grammars "feel dobjList" and "touch dobjList" with FeelAction. |
Note: VerbRule(tag) is a macro defined in en_us.h. |
Note: FeelAction is defined in actions.t (see above). |
en_us\msg_neu.t |
Short description |
libMessages.thingFeelDesc(obj) | "{You/he} feel{s} nothing out of the ordinary. " |