The Four-Eyed Guide to TADS 3 by David Welbourn index
>credits |
versionInfo: GameID name = 'That Game Where You Blow Up The Rock Creatures' byline = 'Leslie S. More' htmlByline = 'by <a href=""> Leslie S. More</a>' version = '1.0' showCredit() { inherited(); "\b"; } • • • ; |
credits matches VerbRule(Credits) which invokes CreditsAction. [TODO]
actions.t |
Short description |
DefineSystemAction(Credits) | Defines class CreditsAction: SystemAction Shows credits information for each library: foreach (local cur in ModuleID.getModuleList()) cur.showCredit(); |
Note: DefineSystemAction(name) is a macro defined in adv3.h. | Note: SystemAction is a class defined in action.t. ModuleID is a class defined in modid.t. |
modid.t |
Short description |
class ModuleID: object | The base class for storing module info. |
ModuleID.showCredit() | By default, does nothing. |
ModuleID.getModuleList() | Finds, sorts, and returns a list of instances of ModuleID in the program. |
class GameID: GameInfoModuleID | Your game's sourcefile should define an instance of GameID (see yourgame.t below). |
GameID.showCredit() | Calls libMessages.showCredit(name, htmlByline) by default. |
moduleAdv3: ModuleID | Module info about the 'TADS 3 Library'. |
anonymous ModuleID | Module info about the T3 VM itself. |
en_us\en_us.t |
Short description |
VerbRule(Credits) | Associates the grammar "credits" with CreditsAction. |
en_us\msg_neu.t |
Short description |
libMessages.showCredit(name, byline) | "<<name>> <<byline>>" |
yourgame\yourgame.t |
Short description |
versionInfo: GameID | Define this instance of GameID in your game's source as suggested by the TADS 3 sample games. | | This should be a string with your game's name, e.g.: 'That Game Where You Blow Up The Rock Creatures' |
versionInfo.htmlByline | This should be a string with a byline for your game, e.g.: 'by <a href="">Leslie S. More</a>' |
versionInfo.showCredit() | |
NOTE: GameID is defined in modid.t (see above). |