
Key & Compass presents:
by Bob Reeves

Mazemapper is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2011 by Bob Reeves. Also known as PLSG #4 (where PLSG means Painless Little Stupid Games), this game was originally written in ALAN 2 and published in 1999; it was later ported to Inform 7 and the Z-machine.

In this game, you're someone who enjoys mapping mazes. So when you found this prairie of shoulder-high grass, you just knew you had to map it. Why? Because it's there.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


EndlessGrasses(13) EndlessGrasses(14) EndlessGrasses(9) EndlessGrasses(12) PlowedField EndlessGrasses(11, hole) EndlessGrasses(10, hole) EndlessGrasses(8, hole) EndlessGrasses(7) EndlessGrasses(no exit) EndlessGrasses(6) EndlessGrasses(5) EndlessGrasses(4, hole) EndlessGrasses(3, hole) (start here) EndlessGrasses(1) EndlessGrasses(2, hole) u d take straw d


Endless Grasses

First, let's examine everything and fiddle with them.

> x me. i. x shoe. wear shoe.

> x truck. play with truck.

> x wallet. open it. put key in wallet.

> x dice. roll dice.

> x clarinet. play it.

> x key. unlock me with key.

> x grass. search grass.

> x wind. talk to wind.

Now use the standard maze-mapping technique of dropping objects in different locations so you can tell the locations apart. Dropped things disappear into the grass, but SEARCH GRASS shows what's hidden there.

Oh, except some places have holes hidden in the grass. If you drop something in a hole-location, the thing goes through the hole to the other end, reappearing elsewhere in the maze. If you find something that disappeared down a hole, the hole on the other end isn't visible until you take the thing back.

And even though you can't enter the holes yourself, sometimes you can go UP or DOWN in this maze. You just can, okay?

🧭 🧭 🧭

Okay, have you finished mapping the maze and confirmed it's exactly like the map shown above? Yes, of course you have. Good job, you.

Endless Grasses (several locations from the start)

> restart.

> n. n. n. u. w.

> d. w. ne. w. sw. (+2)

Plowed Field

CAUTION: If you try to take the scarecrow's straw, you find yourself in a location without any exits.

> x turnips. x scarecrow.

> play clarinet. g. hit scarecrow. x straw.

> take straw. undo

> z. (Repeat waiting until the wind stops.)

Now follow the wind's directions to get back to where you started, visiting all the locations.

> z. (to see the first direction)

> n. nw. e. sw.

> d. n. sw. s.

> w. se. e. e.

> e. w. (+2)

*** You succeeded, for what that's worth. ***

> amusing



After you win, type AMUSING to open the following menus:

... to PLAY THE CLARINET in the maze? in Plowed Field? twice?

... to look in or put anything in the wallet?

... to unlock anything with the key?

... to hit the scarecrow?

... to take the straw?

... to examine the wind? to say something to it?



Note that you can make the game unwinnable by attempting to take the straw from the scarecrow. You're teleported into an Endless Grass location that has no exits, and you don't even get to keep the straw.



This is the response to SCORE:

You have so far scored X out of a possible, in Y turns.

Points are awarded as follows:

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge even though the work it's based on has fifteen or more locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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