
Key & Compass presents:
Bright Brave Knight Knave
by Andrew Schultz

Bright Brave Knight Knave is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2023 by Andrew Schultz. It was an entry at IF Comp 2023 where it took 36th place. It is also part 6 of his Prime Pro-Rhyme Row series.

In this wordplay game about rhyming alliterative phrases, you play as a Bright Brave Knight Knave whose reputation suffered when that upstart Tully came along. Your critiques were mocked. Your motivations were questioned. Lacking answers, you set sail to a new shore with a White Wave. Cite! Save!

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Fast Fort Cast Court PassedPort 🚢 🌌 White Wave Bosh Blanks Posh Planks HailingHill Spied-Speak-Cried Creek Recruiter Bass Bath Pass Path BruisingBrew Ow'ed Eyes,Crowd Cries Slim Slum Rut Row Tall Tank(s) Lane, Lax Main MaxTrain Tracks CrudeCrapper Too-ToughBlue Bluff Treed Track Knell Nook Shell, Shook Thought-ThiefFought Fief Wrought Reef Lack-LightBlack Blight Sack Site 🌌 🌌 🌌 Nil, None Still Stun Dander,Dove Route, Rough Out, Uff! 1st 2nd 3rd cast court fast fort 🚢 u d out in u covering candle done dish (go) (go) (go) (go) (go) (go) 🚢 time toad 🚢 passed port 🚢 enter d d in out d


> F (for full intro)

>> yesorno (re using a screen reader)

>> yesorno (re okay with risque location)

White Wave

> take learner. x it.

> listen. ("Cite! Save!")

> kite cave. (new way down; "hold-hole")

> x hole. (You acquire a track-tryst lack list.)

> x list.

Optional good-guesses for "white wave":

> flight flave. slight slave. shite shave.

CAUTION: Don't do FIGHT FAVE or RIGHT RAVE yet! Save those two for later!

Optional good-guesses for "lack list":

> black blissed. faq fist. hack hissed.

> mac missed. pack pissed. sack cyst.

> wack wist. wrack wrist.

> jack gist. (+1 bonus. You can now use X to mean X LIST.)

You've made enough good but wrong guesses, so you acquire a lurking lump that you can use with JJ or JERKING LUMP.

Optional good-guesses for "hold hole":

> fold foal. gold goal. mold mole.

> old ol. polled poll. rolled role.

> scold skoal. told toll. trolled troll.

Naming all three sacred items for the hole before you find them earns you a bonus point:

> bold bowl. cold coal. sold soul. (+1 bonus)

Optional good-guesses for "plying please" (the region name):

> buying bees. crying crees. drying drees.

> dying deez. frying freeze. skying skis.

> slying sleaze. tying teas.

> eyeing ease. (+1 bonus)

> d.

Before you head down into the dark, you find a dope-deal rope reel which you tie to a sturdy cope-keel.

Bass Bath / Pass Path

Optional good-guesses for "bass bath":

> has hath. lass lath. place plath. race wrath.

> pass path. (+1)

The location is now "Pass Path", but the paths are tangled.

> mass math. (+1)

You now see paths in the four cardinal directions.

> w.

Rut Row

Optional good-guesses for "rut row":

> but bow. cut co. gut go. hut ho.

> mutt mow. nut no. putt po. slut slow.

> what whoa. (+1. You see a path west now.)

> w.

Slid Slum

Optional good-guesses for "slid slum":

> bid bum. did dumb. mid mum. skid scum.

> hid hum. (+1. You find a coughin' coy boffin boy.)

> kid come. (+1)

> rid rum. (+1; Boy shows a way inside.)

> in.

Crude Crapper

Optional good-guesses for "crude crapper":

> clued clapper. dude dapper. lewd lapper.

> rude rapper. sued sapper.

> mood mapperortude tapper. (+1; you have a mood mapper)

> x mapper.

> mm. (THINK is now enhanced.)

> nude napper. (+1 bonus)

The mapper lets you go north from Rut Row now:

> out. e. n.


Optional good-guesses for "rec ruiter" (breaking the word into two, each starting with "r"):

> leek looter. seek suitor.

You can find three companions here and three more in the location to the west of here. They don't all get along with each other, though. You want to pair them up into three couples.

To make this slightly easier, start in the next room.

> w.

Spied-Speak-Cried Creek

Optional good-guesses for "cried creek":

> bide beak. side seek. slide sleak.

> tied teak. wide weak.

This command makes this location more welcoming to anyone not from the creek:

> stride streak. (+1)

> guide geek. (+1; Guide Geek arrives)

> e. (Geek follows you.)


> weak wooter. (+1; Weak wooter arrives.)

The Geek and Wooter pair up. You can recall them with R 1.

> meek mooter. (+1; Meek Mooter arrives; Geek and Wooter leave.)

> w. (Mooter follows you.)

Spied-Speak-Cried Creek

> snide sneak. (+1; Snide Sneak arrives.)

The Sneak and Mooter pair up. You can recall them with R 2.

> R 3. (+1 bonus for guessing this command ahead of time.)

> fried freak. (+1; Fried Freak arrives; Sneak and Mooter leave.)

> e. (Freak follows you.)


> chic shooter. (+1; Chic Shooter arrives)

The Freak and Shooter pair up.

> sweet swap. (This command makes sure you always have the right pair of friends for any situation.)

> s. e. n.

Bosh, Blanks! / Posh Planks

> posh planks. (+1; room renamed)

> look. (You see a yucky yacht.)

> x yacht.

Optional good-guesses for "yucky yacht":

> bucky bought. clucky clot. ducky dot.

> lucky lot. rucky rot.

> sucky sought. trucky trot.

> plucky plot. (+1. You, Geek, and Wooter build a Bucky-Bot that cleans the yacht, which impresses Sassed Sort, the yacht's owner.)

> x Sort.

Optional good-guesses for "sassed sort":

> blast blort. mast mort.

> fast fort. (+1; Sort takes you to...)

Fast Fort

Optional good-guesses for "lewd lass":

> booed bass. sued sass.

Unrecognized: clued class, mewed mass, pewed pass.

> glued glass. (+1; you take it.)

> x glass. (It can magnify something.)

> cast court. (+1)

Cast Court

> x pap.

Optional good-guess for "perky pap":

> lurky lap.

> murky map. (+1; you take it)

> passed port. (+1)

You give both the murky map and the glued glass to the Sassed Sort, then travel to...

Passed Port

> x vent. x cord. x pick. x road.

Optional good-guess for "clashing cord":

> flashing ford.

> slashing sword. (+1; you acquire it.)

> x sword. (for defense only)

Optional good-guess for "valid vent":

> ballad bent.

> salad scent. (+1; Sneak and Mooter help you acquire a salad sent; the vent vanishes.)

> x salad.

Optional good-guesses for "posh pick":

> cosh kick. mosh mick. nosh nick.

> quash quick. (+1; Shooter helps with that half of the puzzle.)

> slosh slick. (+1; Freak helps you get the pick.)

Deal with the rime road later.

> enter. s. s.

Treed Track

Optional good-guesses for "treed track":

> bead back. bleed black. breed brack.

> creed crack. fleed flak. lead lack.

> mead mac. peed pack. steed stack.

> teed tack. weed whack.

> seed sack. (+1; you acquire it)

> need knack. (+1; Sneak and Mooter find a way, but Sneak is hiding something.)

> heed hack. (+1; You find two more passages.)

> plead plaque. (+1 bonus)

Optional good-guesses for "seed sack":

> bead back. bleed black. breed brack.

> creed crack. fleed flack. lead lack.

> mead mac. peed pack. steed stack.

> teed tack. weed whack.

> look. (west, east, up, and back north)

> w.

Too-Tough Blue Bluff

Optional good-guesses for "blue bluff":

> boo buff. chew chuff. coo cuff.

> do duff. drew druff. flew fluff.

> goo guff. moo muff. poo puff. rue rough.

> screw scruff. slew slough. who huff.

Unrecognized: hew/hue huff, lieu/lou luff.

> grew gruff. (+1. Geek and Wooter help you get rid of unnecessary sentiment.)

> stew stuff. (+1; you take it.)

> new nuff. (+1)

> e. u.

Lack-Light Black Blight / Sack Site

Optional good-guesses for "black blight":

> back bite. knack knight. mac mite.

> rack right. plaque plight. whack wight.

Unrecognized: sack sight, smack smite, tack tight.

> flack flight. (+1)

> hack height. (+1)

> quack quite. (+1; you acquire a rack, right.)

> slack slight. (+1 bonus)

> x rack. look. x slate.

Optional good-guess for "sour slate":

> hour late.

> power plate. (+1; that's your new armor)

> d. n. e.

Tall Tank(s)

Optional good-guesses for "tall tank" or "tall tanks":

> all ankh. ball banks. crawl cranks.

> drawl drank. gall ganks. hall hanks.

> mall manx. stall stanks. wall wanks.

> yall yank. (+1. Freak and Shooter help you move the tanks. You can now go east.)

Freak and Shooter leave you; they've done all they can.

> Paul Panks. (+1 bonus)

> e.

Lane, Lax / Train Tracks / Main Max Train Tracks

Optional good-guesses for "lane lax":

> bane backs. crane cracks. gain gacks.

> jane jacks. plain plaques. rain racks.

> sane sacks. stain stacks. wane wax.

Unrecognized: feign fax.

> pain packs. (+1; you have "bandages")

> train tracks. (+1; room name changes)

There's north and south exits now.

> main max. (+1; room name changes again)

Now a broad brash clod clash breaks out!

Optional good-guesses for "clod clash":

> bod bash. cod cash. god gash.

> lawd lash. nod nash. rod rash.

Unrecognized: awed/odd ash, sod sash.

> trod trash. (+1. Geek and Wooter help; you acquire an odd ash.)

Geek and Wooter leave; they've done all they can for you.

> x ash. (held by a sturdy gelatinous ball)

> n.

Ow'ed Eyes, Crowd Cries

Optional good-guesses for "crowd cries":

> bowed byes. vowed vies.

> wowed whys. (+1)

> loud lies. (+1. Sneak and Mooter help; you get a proud prize.)

Sneak and Mooter leave; they've done all they can for you. But they also tell you about a special tree in Cried Creek you should check out.

> x prize. ("S S")

> s. s.

Thought-Thief-Fought Fief / Wrought Reef

Optional good-guesses for "thought thief":

> grot grief. lot leaf. tot teef.

> bought beef. (+1)

> brought brief. (+1; everyone disperses)

> wrought reef. (+1; room name changes)

> look. (New: a one-wish fun fish.)

Optional good-guesses for "fun fish":

> gun gish. pun pish.

Not understood: baron bearish.

> done dish. (+1; using stew and salad, you have a bold bowl.)

We interrupt this story to take you to...

Nil, None / Still Stun

You need to mope or stop moping.

Optional good-guesses for "nil none":

> bill bun. dill done. gill gun. till ton.

I think there's a bug in this room if you say "ill un" before the other two here; make sure to leave it as the third point here.

> fill fun. (+1)

> will won. (+1; you may leave.)

> ill un. (+1 bonus)

> n. (You return to...)

Wrought Reef

> i. x bowl.

> n. w. w.

Pass Path

The mood mapper beeps, indicating a path upwards. (At least, the game is supposed to do that and usually does, but not this time.)

Then it beeps again, self-vaporizes, and you see another path inside to a depressing bar.

> in.

Bruising Brew

> x Lou. (needs cheering up)

Optional good-guesses for "bruising brew":

> choosing chew. musing mew.

Not understood: cruising crew.

> boozing boo. (+1)

> using you. (+1)

> fusing phew. (+1. Lou is now Turning-to-Learning Lou. He quickly makes a a book about coping from napkins. Can you give it a name?)

Optional good-guesses for "turning to":

> burning boo. churning chew. yearning you.

> spurning spew. (+1; The book is your new shield.)

> out. n. passed port.

Passed Port

The rime road is still here, even though it's not always mentioned.

Optional good-guesses for "rime road":

> chime choad. crime crowed.

> grime growed. Im owed. lime load.

Not understood: sublime subload.

> mime mode. (+1 bonus)

> time toad. (+1. It licks the rime road, then has you put the odd ash on the right rack, creating a cold coal.)

The story is interrupted a second time, and you're now at...

Dander, Dove

By the way, "Dove" here is the past participle of Dive (dohv), not the bird Dove (duv).

Optional good-guess for "dander dove":

> rander rove.

Not understood: mander mauve.

> grander grove. (+1)

> candor cove. (+1; you can leave now.)

> stander stove. (+1 bonus)

> n. (You return to...)

Passed Port

> x coal.

> enter. s. s. e.

Knell Nook / Shell, Shook

Optional good-guesses for "knell nook":

> hell hook. tell took.

You need posh pick and proud prize for this to work:

> bell book. (+1)

> covering candle. (+1; you acquire a sold soul.)

The story is interrupted yet again and you're now at...

Route, Rough / Out, Uff!

> listen. ("Out! Uff!")

Optional good-guesses for "out uff":

> bout buff. doubt duff. gout guff.

> grout gruff. pout puff. tout tough.

> flout fluff. (+1)

> nowt nuff. (+1; you may leave.)

> stout stuff. (+1 bonus)

> n. (You return to...)

Shell, Shook

> x soul.

> w. n. w. n. w.

Spied-Speak-Cried Creek

> x elm.

> harder helm. (+1; you acquire it)

Since that was the last item on your list, you put the list inside Spurning Spew, making it stronger.

> x helm.

> e. s. e. u.

Hailing Hill

Optional good-guesses for "hailing hill":

> jailing Jill. nailing nil. pailing pill.

> sailing sill. tailing till. trailing trill.

> scaling skill. (+1)

> ailing ill. (+1)

> mailing mill. (+1)

> bailing Bill. (+1. Bill complains about Tully, touches the bowl. It now vibrates.)

> wailing Will. (+1. Will complains about Tully and talks to the soul.)

> failing Phil. (+1. Phil complains about Tully, then touches the cold coal. It now glows.)

> d. d.

White Wave

Coal, soul, and bowl enter the hold hole. The hole is complete.

> write rave. (+2 bonus)

> fight fave. (+1. Trite Tully arrives.)

> x Tully.

> bright bully. (+1)

> frightfully. (+1)

He was once called Sham, shy.

Optional good-guesses for "sham shy":

> cram cry. ham hi.

Unrecognized: Am I, ram rye, slam sly.

> damn die.

*** Struck, Strikes? Yuck, Yikes! ***

> undo

> lamb lie.

*** Curse-y Cad Mercy?! MAD! ***

> undo

> bam bye. (+1)

*** Goal, Gotten: Troll? TROTTIN'! ***

If you missed anything significant:

> missed




Background characters:



This is ther response to CREDITS:

Thanks to ClubFloyd for testing this game so well! They got me restarted when I was in a slump. This includes David Welbourn, pinkunz, keltena and (check transcripts)
Individuals who provided very helpful transcripts that helped me play catch-up include Wade Clarke, Doug Egan and Tabitha. I encourage you to check out their works as well.

Thanks to Zarf for his Python scripts that helped me regression-test.



Hole items

After hole items are empowered at Hailing Hill, take them to White Wave. Empowered hole items enter the hold-hole automatically.

List items

Your track-tryst-lack list lists what you must acquire before you can enter the final battle. You need not explicitly do anything with them; it is sufficient to have them.


This is the response to SCORE:

You have scored a total of current-score out of max-overall points and need min-needed to win. You have found current-bonus of max-bonus bonus points so far. [if any bonus points are locked out:] You are locked out of locked-bonuses points. [say once:] You can check for the maximum score dropping in the upper right, which usually happens when you take a one-way passage. [:end say once][:end if]

[if you have no noted ideas:] You haven't figured any ideas that might score a point later, but if you do, Bright Brave Knight Knave will explicitly warn you. THINK would give more detailed information. [:end if]

[if you do have noted ideas:] You also have noted-idea-count useful ideas you thought of before you weren't quite ready, and [one of:] it/they still need(s) to wait [or] some can be done now [or] some can be done now, but some can't, yet [:as appropriate]. You can see more detailed information with THINK. [:end if]

[if you have the lump:] You have also used the lurking lump lump-uses times (charges-minus-uses left) and are this-many of next-lump-level good-guess rhymes away from it returning/recharging. You have made a total of total-good-guesses good guesses, as well. [:end if]

One standard point is awarded for each of the following 71 phrases:

  1. KITE CAVE (via White Wave)
  2. PASS PATH (via Bass Bath)
  3. MASS MATH (via Pass Path)
  4. WHAT WHOA (via Rut Row)
  5. HID HUM (via Slid Slum)
  6. KID COME (via Slid Slum)
  7. RID RUM (via Slid Slum)
  8. MOOD MAPPER (via Crude Crapper)
  9. MEEK MOOTER (via Recruiter)
  10. CHIC SHOOTER (via Recruiter)
  11. WEAK WOOTER (via Recruiter)
  12. STRIDE STREAK (via Cried Creek)
  13. FRIED FREAK (via Cried Creek)
  14. SNIDE SNEAK (via Cried Creek)
  15. GUIDE GEEK (via Cried Creek)
  16. HARDER HELM (via ardor elm)
  17. POSH PLANKS (via Bosh Blanks)
  18. PLUCKY PLOT (via yucky yacht)
  19. CAST COURT (via Sassed Sort)
  20. FAST FORT (via Sassed Sort)
  21. PASSED PORT (via Sassed Sort)
  22. MURKY MAP (via perky pap)
  23. GLUED GLASS (via lewd lass)
  24. SALAD SCENT (via valid vent)
  25. SLOSH SLICK (via posh pick)
  26. QUASH QUICK (via posh pick)
  27. TIME TOAD (via rime road)
  28. SLASHING SWORD (via clashing cord)
  29. SEED SACK (via Treed Track)
  30. NEED KNACK (via Treed Track)
  31. HEED HACK (via Treed Track)
  32. GREW GRUFF (via Blue Bluff)
  33. STEW STUFF (via Blue Bluff)
  34. NEW NUFF (via Blue Bluff)
  35. HACK HEIGHT (via Black Blight)
  36. First of QUACK QUITE, FLAK FLIGHT, or SLACK SLIGHT (via Black Blight)
  37. Second of QUACK QUITE, FLAK FLIGHT, or SLACK SLIGHT (via Black Blight)
  38. POWER PLATE (via sour slate)
  39. BELL BOOK (via Knell Nook)
  40. COVERING CANDLE (via hovering handle)
  41. YALL YANK (via Tall Tank)
  42. PAIN PACKS (via Lane Lax)
  43. TRAIN TRACKS (via Lane Lax)
  44. MAIN MAX (via Train Tracks)
  45. TROD TRASH (via clod clash)
  46. WOWED WHYS (via Crowd Cries)
  47. LOUD LIES (via Crowd Cries)
  48. BROUGHT BRIEF (via Fought Fief)
  49. BOUGHT BEEF (via Fought Fief)
  50. WROUGHT REEF (via Fought Fief)
  51. DONE DISH (via fun fish)
  52. BOOZING BOO (via Bruising Brew)
  53. USING YOU (via Bruising Brew)
  54. FUSING PHEW (via Bruising Brew)
  55. SPURNING SPEW (via Learning Lou)
  56. First of FILL FUN, WILL WON, or ILL UN (via Nil None)
  57. Second of FILL FUN, WILL WON, or ILL UN (via Nil None)
  58. First of GRANDER GROVE, CANDOR COVE, or STANDER STOVE (via Dander Dove)
  59. Second of GRANDER GROVE, CANDOR COVE, or STANDER STOVE (via Dander Dove)
  60. First of FLOUT FLUFF, NOWT NUFF, or STOUT STUFF (via Route Rough)
  61. Second of FLOUT FLUFF, NOWT NUFF, or STOUT STUFF (via Route Rough)
  62. AILING ILL (via Hailing Hill)
  63. SCALING SKILL (via Hailing Hill)
  64. MAILING MILL (via Hailing Hill)
  65. FAILING PHIL (via Hailing Hill)
  66. BAILING BILL (via Hailing Hill)
  67. WAILING WILL (via Hailing Hill)
  68. FIGHT FAVE (via White Wave)
  69. BRIGHT BULLY (via Trite Tully)
  70. FRIGHTFULLY (via Trite Tully)
  71. BAM BYE (via Sham Shy)

One bonus point is awarded for each of the following 14 actions:

  1. Doing all three of BOLD BOWL, COLD COAL, and SOLD SOUL (via hold hole) before finding any of those items in the game.
  2. JACK GIST (via lack list)
  3. EYEING EASE (via any region name like Plying Please)
  4. NUDE NAPPER (via Crude Crapper)
  5. R 3 after making two friend pairs and before making the third friend pair.
  6. MIME MODE (via rime road)
  7. PLEAD PLAQUE (via Treed Track)
  8. PAUL PANKS (via Tall Tanks)
  9. Third of QUACK QUITE, FLAK FLIGHT, or SLACK SLIGHT (via Black Blight)
  10. Third of FILL FUN, WILL WON, or ILL UN (via Nil None)
  11. Third of GRANDER GROVE, CANDOR COVE, or STANDER STOVE (via Dander Dove)
  12. Third of FLOUT FLUFF, NOWT NUFF, or STOUT STUFF (via Route Rough)
  13. WRITE RAVE (via White Wave)
  14. WRITE RAVE (via White Wave) after seeing a significant part of the game. This bonus is locked out if you use this command too early.

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

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