The Aliens

General Notes

Ameoba / Assassin / Aura / Calculator / Changeling / Clone / Dictator / Disease / Dragon / Force / Healer / Hurtz / Laser / Lloyd / Loser / Macron / Mind / Oracle / Philanthropist / Pirate / Plant / Schizoid / Silencer / Siren / Trader / Vacuum / Zombie / The Elder

General Notes

Amy the Ameoba (dbref #10646)

@create Amy the Ameoba;amy;ameoba;alien;ata
@set #10646 = female
@set #10646 = male
@field #10646 = task : wander
@field #10646 = walks : oozes
@field #10646 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10646 = kiss : You give the Ameoba a big wet sloppy kiss.
 Hrrm. A bit more wet than you'd like. As you wipe your mouth dry,
 the Ameoba shivers..., but in amusement? or warning?
@field #10646 = okiss : gives the Ameoba a big wet sloppy kiss.
@field #10646 = push : @tell("%#","You push the Ameoba. It feels no worse
 than wet laundry. Then it pushes you back. Is it just returning your
 greeting, or warning you off?"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10646 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10646 = smell : The Ameoba smells wet.
@field #10646 = talk : @setfield(10646,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Amy says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Amy the Ameoba about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cAmy says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10646 = talk : @setfield(10646,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Amy says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Amy the Ameoba about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cAmy says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10646 = topic_ameoba : [TODO: ask Amy about Ameoba]
@fail #10646 = @tell("%#","The Ameoba is mostly liquid, and would
 literally slip through your fingers if you tried to pick it up.");
@lock #10646 = #-1
@zone #10646 = #10719
@desc #10646 = @tell("%#","Amy the Ameoba is actually a colony creature
 of hundreds, or maybe thousands, of single-celled creatures, which are
 mostly translucent with milky white nuclei. For a walking pile of what
 looks like undercooked eye white, Amy's the sort of gal that, um,
 \"goes with the flow\"."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Hassan the Assassin (dbref #10387)

@create Hassan the Assassin;hassan;assassin;scorpion;alien;hta
@set #10387 = male
@field #10387 = task : wander
@field #10387 = walks : slips quietly
@field #10387 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10387 = kiss : Making nice with the Assassin isn't a bad idea,
 but try to find a way that doesn't involve you touching it. Those
 stingers look deadly!
@field #10387 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10387 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10387 = smell : The Assassin smells like a well-oiled biological
@field #10387 = talk : @setfield(10387,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Hassan says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Hassan the Assassin about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cHassan says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10387 = talk : @setfield(10387,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Hassan says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Hassan the Assassin about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cHassan says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10387 = topic_assassin : [TODO: ask Hassan about Assassin]
@field #10387 = topic_exoskeleton : [TODO: ask Hassan about exoskeleton]
@field #10387 = topic_markings : topic_tattooes
@field #10387 = topic_mouth_stinger : topic_stingers
@field #10387 = topic_shell : topic_exoskeleton
@field #10387 = topic_stinger : topic_stingers
@field #10387 = topic_stingers : [TODO: ask Hassan about stingers]
@field #10387 = topic_tail : topic_stingers
@field #10387 = topic_tail_stingers : topic_stingers
@field #10387 = topic_tattooes : [TODO: ask Hassan about tattooes]
@field #10387 = topic_victims : [TODO: ask Hassan about victims]
@field #10387 = topic_wings : [TODO: ask Hassan about wings]
@fail #10387 = @tell("%#","I humbly suggest that you treat any species that
 call themselves \"Assassins\" with respect. Maybe you don't care if you
 get killed, but think of your friends and family.");
@lock #10387 = #-1
@zone #10387 = #10719
@desc #10387 = @tell("%#","The Assassin looks extremely dangerous,
 basically a cross between a mosquito and scorpion, but much much larger.
 That means he has both a mouth stinger and a tail stinger, insect wings,
 and a flexible red exoskeleton. The latter is tattooed with curious
 markings."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Aurora the Aura (dbref #10323)

@create Aurora the Aura;aurora;aura;alien;lights;ata
@set #10323 = female
@lock #10323 = #-1
@zone #10323 = #10719
@field #10323 = task : wander
@field #10323 = walks : floats
@field #10323 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10323 = kiss : You can't kiss a being made of light!
@field #10323 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10323 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10323 = smell : The Aura has no smell. But the air in her vicinity
 smells cleaner.
@field #10323 = talk : @setfield(10323,"walkdelay",3);
 @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response"));
 @tell("%#",@print("Aurora says softly (to you), ",
 "%n asks Aurora the Aura about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
 ".%cAurora says softly (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10323 = talk : @setfield(10323,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Aurora says softly (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Aurora the Aura about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cAurora says softly (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10323 = topic_aura : [TODO: ask Aurora about Aura]
@fail #10323 = @tell("%#","Unless you've found a way to make light solid,
 you won't be able to touch the Aura at all."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #10323 = @tell("%#","The Aura is naught but a jumble of lights
 shimmering in the air. Somehow this makes you feel more open and trusting
 of your fellow creatures."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Cal the Calculator (dbref #10649)

@create Cal the Calculator;cal;calculator;troll;gray alien;alien
@set #10649 = male
@lock #10649 = #-1
@zone #10649 = #10719
@field #10649 = task : wander
@field #10649 = walks : walks
@field #10649 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10649 = kiss : You manage to give the Calculator a quick peck on
 the cheek before he gently pushes you away in embarassment.
@field #10649 = okiss : manages to give the Calculator a quick peck on
 the cheek before he gently pushes %o away in embarassment.
@field #10649 = pull : @tell("%#","You try pulling the Calculator, but
 he shakes you off. He seems more embarrassed by your attentions than
 annoyed."); @call(10633,"each_turn")
@field #10649 = push : @tell("%#","You try pushing the Calculator, but
 he's too heavy. He seems more embarrassed by your attentions than
 annoyed."); @call(10633,"each_turn")
@field #10649 = smell : The Calculator smells like granite, with a hint
 of copper and silicon.
@field #10649 = talk : @setfield(10649,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Cal says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Cal the Calculator about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cCal says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10649 = talk : @setfield(10649,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Cal says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Cal the Calculator about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cCal says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10649 = topic_armor : topic_armour
@field #10649 = topic_armour : [TODO: ask Cal about armour]
@field #10649 = topic_calculator : [TODO: ask Cal about Calculator]
@field #10649 = topic_cap : [TODO: ask Cal about cap]
@ofail #10649 = steps behind the Calculator, puts %p arms around him,
 and tries to lift him off the floor. The gray alien turns to %o and says,
 "Apologies, human, but you're really not my type."
@fail #10649 = @tell("%#","You step behind the Calculator, put your arms
 around him, and try to lift him off the floor. You can almost do it, but
 he's heavier than you expected. The gray alien turns to you and says,
 \"Apologies, human, but you're really not my type.\" Is he.. blushing??");
@desc #10649 = @tell("%#","Cal the Calculator is a short humanoid with
 pointy ears and dark gray skin which looks almost rocklike in appearance.
 Could he be some kind of troll? His black headhair is bound tightly
 together and cropped short; it sticks out the back of an odd metal cap
 that he wears on his head. Above the waist, his bare chest and arms ripple
 with dense muscle. Below the waist, he's wearing metal armour. The
 Calculator also wears a pensive expression."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Xi the Changeling (dbref #10386)

@create Xi the Changeling;xi;changeling;alien;xtc
@set #10386 = male
@lock #10386 = #-1
@zone #10386 = #10719
@field #10386 = task : wander
@field #10386 = walks : flies
@field #10386 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10386 = kiss : The Changeling flies playfully out of your reach.
@field #10386 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10386 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10386 = smell : Weird. Either he smells *exactly* like you, or
 he's reflecting your sense of smell back onto you, somehow.
@field #10386 = talk : @setfield(10386,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Xi says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Xi the Changeling about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cXi says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10386 = talk : @setfield(10386,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Xi says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Xi the Changeling about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cXi says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10386 = topic_age : [TODO: ask Xi about age]
@field #10386 = topic_changeling : [TODO: ask Xi about Changeling]
@field #10386 = topic_wings : [TODO: ask Xi about wings]
@fail #10386 = @tell("%#","The Changeling playfully flies out of your
 reach."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #10386 = @tell("%#","The enigmatic Changeling appears to be a
 sentient green bat with a large bulbous head, bright black and yellow
 eyes, and a smile of innocence. You're not sure, but he might be just a
 child of his species."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Cloe the Clone (dbref #10878)

@create Cloe the Clone;cloe;clone;alien;ctc
@set #10878 = female
@set #10878 = male
@lock #10878 = #-1
@zone #10878 = #10719
@field #10878 = walks : trudges
@field #10878 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10878 = task : wander
@field #10878 = kiss : The Clone may indeed be "hot stuff", but unless you
 like having burnt lips, you probably shouldn't kiss him/her.
@field #10878 = pull : @call("%!","fail");
@field #10878 = push : @call("%!","fail");
@field #10878 = smell : The Clone smells like a cosmetics factory in July.
@field #10878 = talk : @setfield(10878,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Cloe says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Cloe the Clone about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cCloe says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10878 = talk : @setfield(10878,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Cloe says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Cloe the Clone about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cCloe says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10878 = topic_clone : [TODO: ask Cloe about Clone]
@field #10878 = topic_cloneworld : [TODO: ask Cloe about Cloneworld]
@field #10878 = topic_heat : [TODO: ask Cloe about heat]
@field #10878 = topic_temperature : topic_heat
@fail #10878 = @tell("%#","The Clone's body is obviously quite hot. You'd
 easily burn yourself if you tried to touch him/her.");
@desc #10878 = @tell("%#","The Clone is not pleasant to look at. S/he is
 vaguely humanoid, but oddly proportioned. Red eyes are set low in a
 squashed bread-loaf lump of a head. Long spindly arms with curling
 fingers. Lumpy pods for feet. The color of his/her \"skin\" is a
 translucent lavender, which fails to hide her/his internal organs from
 view. The Clone is also radiating heat like a space heater.");

Dick the Dictator (dbref #10650)

@create Dick the Dictator;dick;dictator;dinosaur;dino;iguana;alien
@set #10650 = male
@lock #10650 = #-1
@zone #10650 = #10719
@field #10650 = varobj : 10650
@field #10650 = task : wander
@field #10650 = walks : strides
@field #10650 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10650 = kiss : Sorry, but you simply can't get near the Dictator.
 His willpower somehow overrides yours.
@field #10650 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10650 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10650 = smell : Smelling the Dictator reveals two things. One,
 he never brushes his teeth. Two, he's not a vegetarian.
@field #10650 = talk : @setfield(10650,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Dick says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Dick the Dictator about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cDick says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10650 = talk : @setfield(10650,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Dick says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Dick the Dictator about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cDick says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10650 = topic_age : [TODO: ask Dick about age]
@field #10650 = topic_attack_cone : [TODO: ask Dick about attack cone]
@field #10650 = topic_cane : [TODO: ask Dick about cane]
@field #10650 = topic_dictator : [TODO: ask Dick about Dictator]
@field #10650 = topic_fangs : [TODO: ask Dick about fangs]
@field #10650 = topic_humans : [TODO: ask Dick about humans]
@field #10650 = topic_medals : [TODO: ask Dick about medals]
@field #10650 = topic_teeth : topic_fangs
@field #10650 = topic_toga : [TODO: ask Dick about toga]
@field #10650 = topic_horn : [TODO: ask Dick about horn]
@fail #10650 = @switch(@g("fail_%#"),"1", @tell("%#","You find yourself
 unable to even approach him. Apparently, whatever a Dicatator commands
 must be obeyed."), @print(@tell("%#","The Dictator whacks you with his
 cane as you approach him. \"Keep your distance, human!\" he says, in a
 strange commanding voice."),@tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n approaches
 the Dictator, who whacks %o with his cane. \"Keep your distance,
 human!\" he says, in a strange commanding voice."), @s("fail_%#",1)));
@field #10650 = fail_576 : 1
@desc #10650 = @tell("%#","The Dictator is a either a very small dinosaur
 or a very large iguana that has learned to stand upright and walk like a
 man. The single curved horn on his head, and the long fangs in his mouth
 are yellowed, betraying the alien's great age. \"Dick\" wears a heavy
 black toga, several military medals, and carries a long cane.");

D20 the Disease (dbref #10880)

@create D20 the Disease;d20;d2o;disease;alien;dtd
@set #10880 = female
@set #10880 = male
@lock #10880 = #-1
@zone #10880 = #10719
@desc #10880 = @tell("%#","The Disease is the smallest alien you've seen
 yet. It looks exactly like a sperm cell, but the size of a small mouse.");
@fail #10880 = @tell("%#","You have a death wish or something? The
 touch of the Disease is usually fatal."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10880 = kiss : Kissing the Disease would be the Kiss of Death!
 Don't do it!
@field #10880 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10880 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10880 = smell : The Disease has a faint smell of sour milk.
@field #10880 = talk : @setfield(10880,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("D20 says (to you), ",
  "%n asks D20 the Disease about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cD20 says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10880 = talk : @setfield(10880,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("D20 says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks D20 the Disease about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cD20 says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10880 = task : wander
@field #10880 = topic_disease : [TODO: ask D20 about Disease]
@field #10880 = walks : rolls
@field #10880 = walkdelay : 0

Drako the Dragon (dbref #10647)

@create Drako the Dragon;drako;dragon;lizard;alien
@set #10647 = male
@lock #10647 = #-1
@zone #10647 = #10719
@fail #10647 = @tell("%#","Ahem. Compared to the Dragon, you are
 \"snack-sized\". Trying to pick him up or annoying him in any way wouldn't
 be wise."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #10647 = @tell("%#","Drako the Dragon is a typical representative
 of his race, a large lizard with snout, claws, scales, tail, the whole
 works. He has golden colored scales, poison-green eyes, and likes
 moonlight flights by the beach."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10647 = kiss : Trying to kiss up to ol' Moneybags, eh?
 Like no one's thought of *that* before.
@field #10647 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10647 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10647 = smell : The Dragon smells like old money and secrets.
@field #10647 = talk : @setfield(10647,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Drako says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Drako the Dragon about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cDrako says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10647 = talk : @setfield(10647,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Drako says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Drako the Dragon about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cDrako says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10647 = task : wander
@field #10647 = topic_dragon : [TODO: ask Drako about Dragon]
@field #10647 = topic_lucre : [TODO: ask Drako about lucre]
@field #10647 = topic_scales : [TODO: ask Drako about scales]
@field #10647 = topic_treasure : [TODO: ask Drako about treasure]
@field #10647 = walks : slides his bulk
@field #10647 = walkdelay : 0

Fnord the Force (dbref #10879)

@create Fnord the Force;fnord;force;alien;ftf
@lock #10879 = #-1
@zone #10879 = #10719
@desc #10879 = @tell("%#","You can't actually see the Force at all. But
 you are certain that it is \"with you\"."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10879 = @tell("%#","The Force exists, but it is not a tangible
 thing that can be taken."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10879 = kiss : The Force is not such a thing that can be kissed.
 Bribed, yes. Kissed, no.
@field #10879 = pull : @tell("%#","The Force exists, but it is not a
 tangible thing that can be pulled."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10879 = push : @tell("%#","The Force exists, but it is not a
 tangible thing that can be pushed or touched."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10879 = smell : You sense avarice. Greed for lucre. Quite a
 peculiar smell, especially from a non-physical being.
@field #10879 = talk : @setfield(10879,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Fnord broadcasts (to you), ",
  "%n asks Fnord the Force about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cFnord broadcasts (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10879 = talk : @setfield(10879,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Fnord broadcasts (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Fnord the Force about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cFnord broadcasts (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10879 = task : wander
@field #10879 = topic_aid : topic_help
@field #10879 = topic_force : [TODO: ask Fnord about Force]
@field #10879 = topic_help : [TODO: ask Fnord about help]
@field #10879 = topic_lucre : [TODO: ask Fnord about lucre]
@field #10879 = topic_star_wars : [TODO: ask Fnord about Star Wars]
@field #10879 = walks : moves
@field #10879 = walkdelay : 0

Rex the Healer (dbref #10403)

@create Rex the Healer;rex;healer;unicorn;horse;alien;rth
@set #10403 = male
@lock #10403 = #-1
@zone #10403 = #10719
@desc #10403 = @tell("%#","The Healer is a slightly overweight unicorn
 bearing a golden horn and shaggy white and blue fur. Curiously, his
 entire face is hidden behind a stylized blue mask.");
@fail #10403 = @tell("%#","Assuming we can ignore the business end of
 Healer's horn, I should point out that he's both bigger and heavier
 than you are."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10403 = kiss : You pucker up and lean over the counter, hoping
 this will get the Healer's attention. Rex looks startled, then vexed,
 then grimly amused. "No offense," he whispers to you, "but it would be
 unprofessional of me to kiss you. Besides, you're not, er, pure, are you?"
@field #10403 = okiss : puckers up and leans over the counter towards the
 Healer. After Rex recovers his composure, he whispers something to %n.
@field #10403 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10403 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10403 = smell : The Healer smells very clean. There's a faint
 smell of soap.
@field #10403 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Rex says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Rex the Healer about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cRex says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10403 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Rex says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Rex the Healer about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cRex says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10403 = topic_aid : topic_help
@field #10403 = topic_cleanliness : [TODO: ask Rex about cleanliness]
@field #10403 = topic_counter : topic_healing_hut
@field #10403 = topic_fur : [TODO: ask Rex about fur]
@field #10403 = topic_healer : [TODO: ask Rex about Healer]
@field #10403 = topic_healing_hut : [TODO: ask Rex about Healing Hut]
@field #10403 = topic_healing : topic_medicine
@field #10403 = topic_health : topic_medicine
@field #10403 = topic_help : [TODO: ask Rex about help]
@field #10403 = topic_horn : [TODO: ask Rex about horn]
@field #10403 = topic_hut : topic_healing_hut
@field #10403 = topic_mask : [TODO: ask Rex about mask]
@field #10403 = topic_medicine : [TODO: ask Rex about medicine]
@field #10403 = topic_shop : topic_healing_hut
@field #10403 = topic_store : topic_healing_hut
@field #10403 = topic_unicorn : topic_healer
@field #10403 = walks : trots

Herb the Hurtz (dbref #10391)

@create Herb the Hurtz;herb;hurtz;alien;hth
@set #10391 = male
@lock #10391 = #-1
@zone #10391 = #10719
@desc #10391 = @tell("%#","Herb the Hurtz has that 'Star Trek' alien look,
 which means basically humanoid with a weird forehead. He has pale yellow
 skin, snake-like eyes, a very cracked and crooked mouth, earholes instead
 of ears, and no hair. He's wearing a red, white and blue
 uniform-slash-jumpsuit."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10391 = @tell("%#","\"Hands off, bub.\" scowls the Hurtz.");
@field #10391 = kiss : "Now cut that out!\" scowls Herb. "I'm married."
@field #10391 = okiss : attempts to kiss Herb the Hurtz, but Herb scowls,
 "Now cut that out! I'm married."
@field #10391 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10391 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10391 = smell : Herb smells like a normal guy who indulges in
 regular hygiene.
@field #10391 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Herb says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Herb the Hurtz about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cHerb says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10391 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Herb says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Herb the Hurtz about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cHerb says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10391 = topic_bus : [TODO: ask Herb about bus]
@field #10391 = topic_cab : topic_taxi
@field #10391 = topic_destinations : topic_planets
@field #10391 = topic_hurtz : [TODO: ask Herb about Hurtz]
@field #10391 = topic_planets : [TODO: ask Herb about planets]
@field #10391 = topic_shuttles : [TODO: ask Herb about shuttles]
@field #10391 = topic_taxi : [TODO: ask Herb about taxi]
@field #10391 = topic_taxicab : topic_taxi
@field #10391 = topic_spaceport : [TODO: ask Herb about spaceport]
@field #10391 = topic_uniform : [TODO: ask Herb about uniform]
@field #10391 = topic_warp : [TODO: ask Herb about Warp]
@field #10391 = topic_warpish_estates : [TODO: ask Herb about Warpish Estates]
@field #10391 = topic_wife : [TODO: ask Herb about wife]

Ray the Laser (dbref #10876)

@create Ray the Laser;ray;laser;alien;rtl
@lock #10876 = #-1
@zone #10876 = #10719
@desc #10876 = @tell("%#","The Laser appears to be a multi-faceted red
 crystal, about the size of a soccer ball, that floats and tumbles around
 in mid-air. It's also glowing dimly, no doubt to conserve its hidden
 energies."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10876 = @tell("%#","At your touch, it suddenly zooms in front
 of your face and..%c **FLASH!** **FLASH!** **FLASH!**%cYou blink
 furiously, trying to get rid of the spots before your eyes. I guess
 that means \"no\"."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10876 = kiss : Your lips touch the Laser's ruby body for the
 merest instant before a nasty electric shock courses through your
 body!! When you open your eyes again, the Laser is blinking
 furiously at you.
@field #10876 = okiss : kisses the Laser's ruby body for the merest
 instant, when a nasty electric shock zaps %o away!! The Laser blinks
 furiously at %o.
@field #10876 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10876 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10876 = smell : You detect a whiff of ozone.
@field #10876 = talk : @setfield(10876,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Ray says (to you), ",
 "%n asks Ray the Laser about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
 ".%cRay says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10876 = talk : @setfield(10876,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Ray says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Ray the Laser about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cRay says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10876 = topic_laser : [TODO: ask Ray about Laser]
@field #10876 = task : wander
@field #10876 = walks : zips
@field #10876 = walkdelay : 0

London the Lloyd (dbref #10877)

@create London the Lloyd;london;lloyd;alien;ltl
@set #10877 = male
@lock #10877 = #-1
@zone #10877 = #10719
@desc #10877 = @tell("%#","The Lloyd is a large lime green insect that
 walks upright like a man. He's wearing an attractive tailored suit over
 his exoskeleton, giving him a dignified appearance. His large eyes radiate
 sympathy, and his wrinkled forehead gives evidence of his age and
 maturity. If it wasn't for the pair of tiny claws dangling from either
 side of his jaw, you'd have no trouble trusting him completely.");
@fail #10877 = @tell("%#","No, that would be rude. Besides, he looks
 too heavy to move."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10877 = kiss : Giant crickets turn you on, huh?
@field #10877 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10877 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10877 = smell : The Lloyd smells a little like chalk dust.
@field #10877 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("London says (to you), ",
  "%n asks London the Lloyd about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cLondon says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10877 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("London says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks London the Lloyd about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cLondon says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10877 = topic_age : [TODO: ask London about age]
@field #10877 = topic_insurance : [TODO: ask London about insurance]
@field #10877 = topic_lloyd : [TODO: ask London about Lloyd]
@field #10877 = topic_lucre : [TODO: ask London about lucre]
@field #10877 = topic_office : [TODO: ask London about office]
@field #10877 = topic_sand : topic_sandpit
@field #10877 = topic_sandbox : topic_sandpit
@field #10877 = topic_sandpit : [TODO: ask London about sandpit]
@field #10877 = topic_shop : topic_office
@field #10877 = topic_store : topic_office
@field #10877 = topic_suit : [TODO: ask London about suit]

Lou the Loser (dbref #10651)

@create Lou the Loser;loser;lou;putz;alien
@set #10651 = male
@lock #10651 = #-1
@zone #10651 = #10719
@desc #10651 = @tell("%#","The Loser is wearing the stupidest excuse for
 an alien outfit that you've ever seen. Basically, it's a skintight
 green-and-yellow spacesuit with, I kid you not, a pocket protector.
 His head is completely enclosed by a spherical fishbowl of some opaque
 black glass, which is good since now you don't have to see the stupid
 expression that must be on his face, but how does he breathe? \"Lou\"
 also has a flashlight and no muscles whatsoever.");
@fail #10651 = @tell("%#","You easily pick up the Loser, and he flails
 his arms about uselessly. \"Hey! Put me down!\" he yells in a weird
 whiny voice, and he shines his flashlight at you. You try not to laugh
 as you put the putz down again. \"Sorry I had to flash my light at you,
 but you gave me no choice,\" he says."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@ofail #10651 = picks up the Loser, who flails his arms about and yells,
 "Hey! Put me down!" in a weird whiny voice. Then the alien shines his
 flashlight at %n. %n, smirking, puts the putz down. "Sorry I had to
 flash my light at you," he says to %n, "but you gave me no choice."
@field #10651 = kiss : You kiss the Loser's fishbowl helmet, and he says,
 "Hey, don't smudge the merchandise!" He wipes off your lipprints,
 and pulls out a daytimer. "So, you wanna date me, huh, babe?" Gawd,
 his voice! That whining voice echoes in your head! You shake your head
 no, stunned in a way you can't recognize. "You're the loser, babe."
@field #10651 = okiss : kisses the Loser's fishbowl helmet.
 "Hey, don't smudge the merchandise!" says the Loser, wiping off the
 lipprints. "So, you wanna date me, huh, babe?" he asks %n.
 %n shakes %p head no. "You're the loser, babe." %n looks stunned, somehow.
@field #10651 = pull : @tell("%#","You yank the Loser by the back of his
 jumpsuit, and he falls flat on his butt, dropping his flashlight.
 \"Hey! What's the big idea?\" he asks in a weird whiny voice, as he
 retrieves his precious flashlight."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10651 = push : @tell("%#","You give the Loser a push, and he
 takes a tumble. \"Hey! Who did that?\" he complains in a weird whiny
 voice."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10651 = smell : The Loser has no real smell today, for which
 you should be thankful.
@field #10651 = talk : @setfield(10651,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Lou says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Lou the Loser about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cLou says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10651 = talk : @setfield(10651,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Lou says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Lou the Loser about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cLou says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10651 = task : wander
@field #10651 = topic_flashlight : [TODO: ask Lou about flashlight]
@field #10651 = topic_helmet : [TODO: ask Lou about helmet]
@field #10651 = topic_loser : [TODO: ask Lou about Loser]
@field #10651 = topic_pocket : topic_pocket_protector
@field #10651 = topic_pocket_protector : [TODO: ask Lou about pocket protector]
@field #10651 = topic_protector : topic_pocket_protector
@field #10651 = topic_spacesuit : [TODO: ask Lou about spacesuit]
@field #10651 = topic_voice : [TODO: ask Lou about voice]
@field #10651 = walks : wanders
@field #10651 = walkdelay : 0

Mac the Macron (dbref #10625)

@create Mac the Macron;mac;macron;alien;hulk
@set #10625 = male
@lock #10625 = #-1
@zone #10625 = #10719
@desc #10625 = @tell("%#","You never knew the Incredible Hulk had a big
 brother! To say that \"Mac the Macron\", here, is huge, is an
 understatement. It's like seeing four sumo wrestlers put together into
 one body and painted green. A veritable man-mountain of solid muscle.");
@fail #10625 = @tell("%#","The alien laughs at your feeble attempt to
 move him. \"Ha! Puny human is no match for Macron!\"");
@field #10625 = kiss : You give the hulking Macron a peck on the cheek.
 "Heh, that tickles," says the Macron.
@field #10625 = okiss : gives the hulking Macron a peck on the cheek.
 "Heh, that tickles," says the Macron.
@field #10625 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10625 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10625 = smell : Mac is wearing enough deodorant to bankrupt
@field #10625 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Mac says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Mac the Macron about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cMac says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10625 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Mac says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Mac the Macron about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cMac says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10625 = topic_attack_cone : [TODO: ask Mac about Attack Cone]
@field #10625 = topic_macron : [TODO: ask Mac about Macron]
@field #10625 = walks : stomps heavily

Mina the Mind (dbref #10390)

@create Mina the Mind;mina;mind;brain;alien;mtm
@set #10390 = female
@lock #10390 = #-1
@zone #10390 = #10719
@desc #10390 = @tell("%#","Oh, lovely. It's a big ambulatory brain. Since
 its one large eyeball is sporting an equally large false eyelash, you
 suppose that it must be a girl."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10390 = @tell("%#","The second you touch her, you are zapped with
 a mild bolt of mental electricity. \"So you want to pick my brain, huh?\"
 says the Mind."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10390 = kiss : The second your lips touch her, you are zapped with
 a mild bolt of mental electricity. "Sorry, hon," says Mina. "Looks like
 you'll just have to love me for my mind, not my body."
@field #10390 = okiss : kisses the Mind, but is zapped by a mild bolt
 of mental electricity. "Sorry, hon," Mina says to %o. "Looks like
 you'll just have to love me for my mind, not my body."
@field #10390 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10390 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10390 = smell : The Mind smells like... smells like... meatloaf?
@field #10390 = talk : @setfield(10390,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Mina says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Mina the Mind about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cMina says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10390 = talk : @setfield(10390,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Mina says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Mina the Mind about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cMina says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10390 = task : wander
@field #10390 = topic_brain : [TODO: ask Mina about brain]
@field #10390 = topic_eye : [TODO: ask Mina about eye]
@field #10390 = topic_eyelash : [TODO: ask Mina about eyelash]
@field #10390 = topic_mind : [TODO: ask Mina about Mind]
@field #10390 = topic_telepathy : [TODO: ask Mina about telepathy]
@field #10390 = walks : saunters
@field #10390 = walkdelay : 0

Oar the Oracle (dbref #10645)

@create Oar the Oracle;oar;oracle;fortune teller;teller;alien
@set #10645 = female
@lock #10645 = #-1
@zone #10645 = #10719
@desc #10645 = @tell("%#","Oar the Oracle appears to have a basic
 humanoid shape, but it's difficult to be sure, with that shapeless
 green robe and hood she's wearing. But you can see her face clearly:
 chalk white skin, dangling feelers where you'd expect a mouth, and a
 trio of large.. black.. pupilless.. eyes. What does an Oracle see?");
@fail #10645 = @tell("%#","Before you even complete the thought,
 the Oracle trills, \"Don't even think it. I'm not as helpless as I
 look.\" It's like she knew what you were about to do even before you
 did."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@ofail #10645 = is just looking at the Oracle when she suddenly trills,
 "Don't even think it. I'm not as helpless as I look."
@field #10645 = kiss : The Oracle turns away from you, before you can get
 close enough to kiss her.
@field #10645 = okiss : is snubbed by the Oracle. She turns away from %o.
@field #10645 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10645 = opull : @call("%!","ofail")
@field #10645 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10645 = opush : @call("%!","ofail")
@field #10645 = smell : The Oracle's clothing smells of incense and very
 faintly of ink.
@field #10645 = talk : @setfield(10645,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Oar says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Oar the Oracle about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cOar says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10645 = talk : @setfield(10645,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Oar says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Oar the Oracle about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cOar says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10645 = task : wander
@field #10645 = topic_fortune : topic_future
@field #10645 = topic_future : [TODO: ask Oar about future]
@field #10645 = topic_oracle : [TODO: ask Oar about Oracle]
@field #10645 = walks : steps
@field #10645 = walkdelay : 0

Phil the Philanthropist (dbref #9616)

@create Phil the Philanthropist;Philanthropist;Phil;alien;ptp
@set #9616 = expert
@set #9616 = male
@lock #9616 = #-1
@zone #9616 = #10719
@field #9616 = kiss : You grab one of Phil's tentacles and plant a series
 of quick smoochies along the length of it. There's a pause before Phil
 pulls his tentacle out of your hand and says, mildly, "Feel free to ask
 me about anything in the store."
@field #9616 = okiss : grabs one of Phil's tentacles and plants a series
 of quick smoochies along the length of it. There's a pause before Phil
 pulls his tentacle away and says, mildly, "Feel free to ask me about
 anything in the store."
@field #9616 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #9616 = push : @tell("%#","That's just not going to happen. Were
 you planning on pushing his tentacles one by one? Wouldn't that be a tad
 rude?"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #9616 = smell : Phil smells like an open can of sardines, just not
 quite as strongly.
@field #9616 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Phil says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Phil the Philanthropist about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cPhil says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #9616 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Phil says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Phil the Philanthropist about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cPhil says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #9616 = @tell("%#","Are you planning on grabbing a tentacle and
 dragging the Philanthropist everywhere? Wouldn't that be a tad rude?");
@desc #9616 = @tell("%#","The Philanthropist is an alien creature that
 looks similar to an octopus, except he's adapted to life on the land.
 He has huge bloodshoot eyes, a pinkish grey skin with blue highlights,
 and many tentacles. Those tentacles appear to be holding various objects,
 but it's hard to make out what exactly. \"Phil\" smiles at you in, what
 you hope is, a friendly way."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

greet Phil (dbref #9617)

@action greet Phil;greet;say hi;hi;say hello;hello = Phil the
 Philanthropist : nowhere
@succe #9617 = @move("9622","%#");@print("\"Phil\" returns your
 greeting with an oily smile and a gift.%cHe hands (tentacles?)
 something to you.");
@desc #9617 =

Pete the Pirate (dbref #10331)

@create Pete the Pirate;pete;pirate;alien;ptp
@set #10331 = male
@field #10331 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10331 = task : wander
@field #10331 = walks : swaggers
@field #10331 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10331 = smell : The old Pirate smells of rum and sea-salt.
@field #10331 = talk : @setfield(10331,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Pete says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Pete the Pirate about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cPete says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10331 = talk : @setfield(10331,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Pete says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Pete the Pirate about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cPete says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10331 = @tell("%#",@switch(@rand(3),0,"\"Arr! What you be playin'
 at?\" growls the Pirate.", 1,"\"Arr! Leave me be, ya scurvy knave!\"
 growls the Pirate", 2,"\"Arr! Yer a treasure that oughter be buried,\"
 growls the Pirate")); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@lock #10331 = #-1
@zone #10331 = #10719
@field #10331 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@desc #10331 = @tell("%#","The Pirate looks like Patrick Stewart except
 for three things: an eyepatch over one eye, a cockatoo on one shoulder,
 and a full beard under the chin."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Pat the Plant (dbref #10881)

@create Pat the Plant;pat;plant;alien;ptp
@set #10881 = female
@set #10881 = male
@field #10881 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10881 = task : wander
@field #10881 = walks : shambles
@field #10881 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10881 = smell : The Plant smells like a plant. You'd guess that it
 prefers the outdoors.
@field #10881 = talk : @setfield(10881,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Pat says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Pat the Plant about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cPat says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10881 = talk : @setfield(10881,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Pat says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Pat the Plant about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cPat says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10881 = @tell("%#","Best not to. You don't see any thorns, but
 presumably you've heard of poison ivy."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@lock #10881 = #-1
@zone #10881 = #10719
@field #10881 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@desc #10881 = @tell("%#","The Plant is a plant. Green and leafy, it looks
 like a cross between a fern and a kudzu vine. Its tendrils quest about,
 as if searching for something."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Kit the Schizoid (dbref #10328)

@create Kit the Schizoid;kit;schizoid;alien;kts
@set #10328 = female
@set #10328 = male
@field #10328 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10328 = task : wander
@field #10328 = walks : strolls
@field #10328 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10328 = smell : @print("The Schizoid smells like ",
 @switch(@rand(11),0,"s/he just ate five-alarm chili.",
 1,"motor oil.",2,"sanctity.",3,"rotting eggs.",
 4,"cherry cola and whipped cream.",5,"s/he owns a lot of cats.",
 6,"dew and mint tea.",7,"something sweet, cold, spicy, and... blue?",
 8,"fiddle music.",9,"furniture polish.",10,"decaying fungus."))
@field #10328 = talk : @setfield(10328,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Kit says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Kit the Schizoid about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cKit says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10328 = talk : @setfield(10328,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Kit says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Kit the Schizoid about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cKit says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10328 = @tell("%#","You have the strangest feeling that you've
 already done that."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@lock #10328 = #-1
@zone #10328 = #10719
@field #10328 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@desc #10328 = @tell("%#","The Schizoid's features change everytime you
 look at him or her. What's really bizarre is that you remember each change
 as *always* being that way, suggesting that something more than mere
 illusion or shapechanging would account for."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Silas the Silencer (dbref #10389)

@create Silas the Silencer;silas;silencer;snake;alien;sts
@set #10389 = male
@field #10389 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10389 = task : wander
@field #10389 = walks : slithers
@field #10389 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10389 = smell : The Silencer smells vaguely of mineral oil.
@field #10389 = talk : @setfield(10389,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Silas hisses (to you), ",
  "%n asks Silas the Silencer about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cSilas hisses (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10389 = talk : @setfield(10389,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Silas hisses (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Silas the Silencer about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cSilas hisses (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10389 = @tell("%#","The Silencer hisses a warning at you. You
 desist."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@lock #10389 = #-1
@zone #10389 = #10719
@field #10389 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@desc #10389 = @tell("%#","The Silencer is a large gray snake. All his
 photos are, by definition, grayscaled."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Serena the Siren (dbref #5175)

@create Serena the Siren;serena;siren;alien;woman;singer;chanteuse;
 mimi;screaming mimi;sts
@set #5175 = female
@lock #5175 = #-1
@field #5175 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Serena says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Serena the Siren about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cSerena says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #5175 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Serena says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Serena the Siren about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cSerena says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #5175 = push : @tell("%#","The Siren glares at you. She is
 unmoved."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #5175 = pull : @tell("%#","The Siren glares at you. She is
 unmoved."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #5175 = kiss : Serena holds you off and says, "To kiss
 me would be your death."
@field #5175 = okiss : tries to kiss Serena, but she holds %o off and
 says, "To kiss me would be your death."
@field #5175 = smell : The Siren smells of honeysuckle and violets.
@fail #5175 = @tell("%#","You try to take Serena in your arms, but she
 protests, \"No one shall ever possess me again.");
@ofail #5175 = tries to take Serena in %p arms, but she protests, "No
 one shall ever possess me again."
@desc #5175 = @tell("%#","Serena appears to be a classic Irish beauty
 except for the slender fairy wings that protrude from her back.
 She wears a flattering white evening gown of some gauzy, glittery
 material. But her beautiful face has a hard expression; her eyes
 are cold. She sings enchantingly of love, but no longer believes
 in it."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Troy the Trader (dbref #10388)

@create Troy the Trader;troy;trader;alien;crab;ttt
@set #10388 = male
@field #10388 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10388 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Troy says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Troy the Trader about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cTroy says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10388 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Troy says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Troy the Trader about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cTroy says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10388 = @tell("%#","The Trader's heads snap at you, and back off.");
@field #10388 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10388 = smell : The Trader doesn't smell like much of anything.
 Just as well, considering what he looks like.
@lock #10388 = #-1
@zone #10388 = #10719
@desc #10388 = @tell("%#","The vaguely crab-like Trader has a large red
 shield-shaped shell with five sharp points all pointing upward,
 like flame. From behind or within the shell, several worm-like limbs
 protude and retract. Two of these limbs have clawlike heads at the ends.
 The two heads grin broadly, show plenty of teeth, and are
 wearing stylish hats made from red feathers."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Hoov the Vacuum (dbref #11239)

@create Hoov the Vacuum;hoov;vacuum;alien;htv
@set #11239 = male
@field #11239 = walks : blows
@field #11239 = pull : @tell("%#","You sense that trying to pull a Vacuum
 would really suck. Literally."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11239 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("Hoov says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Hoov the Vacuum about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cHoov says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #11239 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Hoov says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Hoov the Vacuum about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cHoov says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #11239 = @tell("%#","You sense that trying to take a Vacuum would
 really suck. Literally."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11239 = smell : The Vacuum, itself, has no smell, but the area
 near him smells of ozone.
@lock #11239 = #-1
@link #11239 = #9448
@field #11239 = push : @tell("%#","You sense that trying to push a Vacuum
 would really suck. Literally."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #11239 = @tell("%#","Hoov the Vacuum appears to be a human-sized
 tornado that's glowing faintly ultraviolet. Looking at him more closely,
 you see that the tail of his \"body\" extends into
 the bus itself, as if he was plugged in. Odd."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Zom the Zombie (dbref #10330)

@create Zom the Zombie;zom;zombie;alien;ztz
@set #10330 = male
@field #10330 = pull : @call("%!","fail")
@field #10330 = task : wander
@field #10330 = walks : plods weakly
@field #10330 = walkdelay : 0
@field #10330 = smell : Decaying, rotting meat. Ew. That is so last century.
@field #10330 = talk : @setfield(10330,"walkdelay",3);
 @tell("%#",@print("Zom says (to you), ",
  "%n asks Zom the Zombie about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cZom says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10330 = talk : @setfield(10330,"walkdelay",3); @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @execute(@getfield(10633,"calc_the_response")); @tell("%#",@print("Zom says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks Zom the Zombie about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cZom says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10330 = @tell("%#","You try, but only succeed in pulling one of
 Zom's arms off."); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n tries to do
 something to the Zombie, but only succeeds in pulling one of it's arms
 off."); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"","\"Please don't do that,\" says the
 Zombie, as he puts the still-unliving arm back into his shoulder
 socket."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@lock #10330 = #-1
@zone #10330 = #10719
@field #10330 = push : @call("%!","fail")
@desc #10330 = @tell("%#","Zom the Zombie is a decomposing man with ashen
 skin and a porcine face. He appears to be delicately clad in nothing more
 than strategically placed dust clouds and shadows. In fact, you can't help
 but notice that the ambient light is always darker where the
 Zombie is."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

The Elder (dbref #10633)

@create The Elder;elder;eonian;mannikin;manikin;mannequin;statue;god;man;
@set #10633 = male
@lock #10633 = #-1
@zone #10633 = #10719
@field #10633 = varobj : 10633
@field #10633 = smell : The Elder has no smell whatsoever.
@fail #10633 = @tell("%#","As you reach towards the Elder, he says
 \"time travel\", invoking Chronos's ability to replay a challenge, and
 forcing you to choose a different action.");
 @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","Nothing just happened. But there's an
 unmistakable feeling of deja vu.");
@desc #10633 = The being standing on the pedestal is the closest to a
 human being that you've seen in the entire Cosmic Encounter Realm, and
 because of that, and because he's just as obviously *not* human, makes
 him the most disturbing alien you've yet seen.%c   In most respects, the
 Elder appears to be a typical human Caucasian male in his early 30s with
 brown hair. Typical, except for several curious omissions. No clothes,
 for example. No genitals, either, although there is pubic hair, and
 normal amounts of body hair elsewhere.%c   He has no eyes. Or maybe there
 are eyes under the skin, under the contours of unbroken skin that should
 be eyelids. There's a nose, though, and a mouth, but you don't see any
 ears.%c   Nipples, but no navel. Fingernails, but no toenails. His
 chest rises and falls as if he breathes, but his nose has no nostrils.
 And then you realize, there's no heat, no odor either, as you'd expect
 from a naked man.%c   The Elder is a mannequin. An unfinished statue.
 Carved from skin.

Elder: handling the aliens

Only list the aliens who are mobile here. Immobile aliens should be handled via their room's each_turn code instead. The following aliens are currently immobile: Healer, Hurtz, Lloyd, Macron, Philanthropist, Siren, Trader, Vacuum, and The Elder.

@field #10633 = naliens : 1
@field #10633 = alien_ameoba : 10646
@field #10633 = alien_assassin : 10387
@field #10633 = alien_aura : 10323
@field #10633 = alien_calculator : 10649
@field #10633 = alien_changeling : 10386
@field #10633 = alien_clone : 10878
@field #10633 = alien_dictator : 10650
@field #10633 = alien_disease : 10880
@field #10633 = alien_dragon : 10647
@field #10633 = alien_force : 10879
@field #10633 = alien_laser : 10876
@field #10633 = alien_lloyd : 10877
@field #10633 = alien_loser : 10651
@field #10633 = alien_mind : 10390
@field #10633 = alien_oracle : 10645
@field #10633 = alien_pirate : 10331
@field #10633 = alien_plant : 10881
@field #10633 = alien_schizoid : 10328
@field #10633 = alien_silencer : 10389
@field #10633 = alien_zombie : 10330
@field #10633 = the_alien : 10330
@field #10633 = the_newroom : -3
@field #10633 = the_exit : 10655
@field #10633 = the_room : 9087
@field #10633 = do_alientasks :
@field #10633 = do_wander :
@field #10633 = do_wander2 :
  @print("exit_", @rand(@getfield(@g("the_room"),"nexits")))));
   @shortname(@g("the_alien"))," ",@getfield(@g("the_exit"),"osuccess"))),
   @shortname(@g("the_alien"))," ",@getfield(@g("the_exit"),"odrop")))
 @tellroom(@g("the_room"),"",@print( @shortname(@g("the_alien"))," ",
 @tellroom(@g("the_newroom"),"",@print( @shortname(@g("the_alien"))," ",

Elder: conversation

new: Unknown conversation topics are now logged on the topic feedback file (dbref #11762).

@field #10633 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!");
 @tell("%#",@print("The Elder says (to you), ",
  "%n asks the Elder about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),
  ".%cThe Elder says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response")));
@field #10633 = talk : @setfield(10633,"the_alien","%!"); @call(10633,"calc_the_response"); @tell("%#",@print("The Elder says (to you), ", @getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print( "%n asks the Elder about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"), ".%cThe Elder says (to %n), ",@getfield(10633,"the_response"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10633 = logthetopic : @setfield(11762,"description",@print(
 @substr(@print("0",@time("mday")),"-2"),"] %n asked ",
 " about ",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"),"." ));
@field #10633 = the_topic : spaceport

@field #10633 = deftopic_alex : [TODO: ask X about Alex]
@field #10633 = deftopic_alien : topic_aliens
@field #10633 = deftopic_aliens : [TODO: ask X about aliens]
@field #10633 = deftopic_ameoba : [TODO: ask X about Ameoba]
@field #10633 = deftopic_ameobae : topic_ameoba
@field #10633 = deftopic_ameobas : topic_ameoba
@field #10633 = deftopic_amy : topic_ameoba
@field #10633 = deftopic_amy_the_ameoba : topic_ameoba
@field #10633 = deftopic_assassin : [TODO: ask X about Assassin]
@field #10633 = deftopic_assassins : topic_assassin
@field #10633 = deftopic_attack_cone : [TODO: ask X about attack cone]
@field #10633 = deftopic_aura : [TODO: ask X about Aura]
@field #10633 = deftopic_auras : topic_aura
@field #10633 = deftopic_aurora : topic_aura
@field #10633 = deftopic_aurora_the_aura : topic_aura
@field #10633 = deftopic_blue_shuttle : topic_blue_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_blue_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about blue shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_blue_system : topic_spiral_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_bus : [TODO: ask X about bus]
@field #10633 = deftopic_cal : topic_calculator
@field #10633 = deftopic_cal_the_calculator : topic_calculator
@field #10633 = deftopic_calculator : [TODO: ask X about Calculator]
@field #10633 = deftopic_calculators : topic_calculator
@field #10633 = deftopic_carolino : [TODO: ask X about Carolino]
@field #10633 = deftopic_ce : topic_ce_realm
@field #10633 = deftopic_ce_realm : [TODO: ask X about CE Realm]
@field #10633 = deftopic_changeling : [TODO: ask X about Changeling]
@field #10633 = deftopic_changelings : topic_changeling
@field #10633 = deftopic_chronographio : [TODO: ask X about Chronographio]
@field #10633 = deftopic_cloe : topic_clone
@field #10633 = deftopic_cloe_the_clone : topic_clone
@field #10633 = deftopic_clone : [TODO: ask X about Clone]
@field #10633 = deftopic_clones : topic_clone
@field #10633 = deftopic_cloneworld: "Cloneworld is the first planet in
 the Spiral System. Take the blue shuttle, then fly the gull to get there."
@field #10633 = deftopic_cone : topic_attack_cone
@field #10633 = deftopic_cosmic_encounter : topic_ce_realm
@field #10633 = deftopic_cosmic_encounter_realm : topic_ce_realm
@field #10633 = deftopic_d20 : topic_disease
@field #10633 = deftopic_d20_the_disease : topic_disease
@field #10633 = deftopic_davidw : "I've met him. He seems to have a privileged position in the CE Realm, for some unknown reason."
@field #10633 = deftopic_death : [TODO: ask X about death]
@field #10633 = deftopic_defense_rings : [TODO: ask X about defense rings]
@field #10633 = deftopic_dick : topic_dictator
@field #10633 = deftopic_dick_the_dictator : topic_dictator
@field #10633 = deftopic_dictator : [TODO: ask X about Dictator]
@field #10633 = deftopic_dictators : topic_dictator
@field #10633 = deftopic_disease : [TODO: ask X about Disease]
@field #10633 = deftopic_diseases : topic_disease
@field #10633 = deftopic_djetsetia: "Djetsetia is the third planet in
 the Spiral System. Take the blue shuttle, then sit in the alcove to get there."
@field #10633 = deftopic_drako : topic_dragon
@field #10633 = deftopic_drako_the_dragon : topic_dragon
@field #10633 = deftopic_dragon : [TODO: ask X about Dragon]
@field #10633 = deftopic_dragons : topic_dragon
@field #10633 = deftopic_earth : [TODO: ask X about Earth]
@field #10633 = deftopic_earthers : topic_humans
@field #10633 = deftopic_earthlings : topic_humans
@field #10633 = deftopic_eon: "Eon? Do you mean the spaceport? Or the Eonians?"
@field #10663 = deftopic_eonian : topic_eonians
@field #10633 = deftopic_eonians : "There's not much to tell.
 The Eonians travelled throughout the known universe thousands
 of years ago, leaving behind various artifacts, puzzles, and traps.
 Their zone of control all centered around the Warp.
 But all else is speculation."
@field #10633 = deftopic_farac : "'FaRaC'? Maybe it's the abbreviation for something."
@field #10633 = deftopic_farrock : [TODO: ask X about Farrock]
@field #10633 = deftopic_fnord : topic_force
@field #10633 = deftopic_fnord_the_force : topic_force
@field #10633 = deftopic_force : [TODO: ask X about Force]
@field #10633 = deftopic_forces : topic_force
@field #10633 = deftopic_fortuna : [TODO: ask X about Fortuna]
@field #10633 = deftopic_galaxy : topic_ce_realm
@field #10633 = deftopic_gas_giant : "The gas giant's name is 
 Gran'Boola'Woola. Take any red shuttle to get to the red stardisc, then 
 take the platform down."
@field #10633 = deftopic_gas_giant_system : "The gas giant's name is Gran'Boola'Woola. Take any red shuttle to get to the red stardisc, then take the platform down."
@field #10633 = deftopic_gran'boola'woola : "That's the gas giant planet.
 Take the red shuttle, then stand on the platform to get there."
@field #10633 = deftopic_green_shuttle : topic_green_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_green_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about green shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_green_system : topic_six-pact_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_hassan : topic_assassin
@field #10633 = deftopic_hassan_the_assassin : topic_assassin
@field #10633 = deftopic_healer : [TODO: ask X about Healer]
@field #10633 = deftopic_healers : topic_healer
@field #10633 = deftopic_herb : topic_hurtz
@field #10633 = deftopic_herb_the_hurtz : topic_hurtz
@field #10633 = deftopic_hoov : topic_vacuum
@field #10633 = deftopic_hoov_the_vacuum : topic_vacuum
@field #10633 = deftopic_humanity : topic_humans
@field #10633 = deftopic_humans : [TODO: ask X about humans]
@field #10633 = deftopic_hurtz : [TODO: ask X about Hurtz]
@field #10633 = deftopic_hurtzes : topic_hurtz
@field #10633 = deftopic_ifmud : [TODO: ask X about ifMud]
@field #10633 = deftopic_insurance : [TODO: ask X about insurance]
@field #10633 = deftopic_jubilation : [TODO: ask X about Jubilation]
@field #10633 = deftopic_kit : topic_schizoid
@field #10633 = deftopic_kit_the_schizoid : topic_schizoid
@field #10633 = deftopic_laser : [TODO: ask X about Laser]
@field #10633 = deftopic_lasers : topic_laser
@field #10633 = deftopic_life : [TODO: ask X about life]
@field #10633 = deftopic_lloyd : [TODO: ask X about Lloyd]
@field #10633 = deftopic_lloyds : topic_lloyd
@field #10633 = deftopic_london : topic_lloyd
@field #10633 = deftopic_london_the_lloyd : topic_lloyd
@field #10633 = deftopic_loser : [TODO: ask X about Loser]
@field #10633 = deftopic_losers : topic_loser
@field #10633 = deftopic_lou : topic_loser
@field #10633 = deftopic_lou_the_loser : topic_loser
@field #10633 = deftopic_lounge : [TODO: ask X about lounge]
@field #10633 = deftopic_love : [TODO: ask X about love]
@field #10633 = deftopic_lucre : [TODO: ask X about lucre]
@field #10633 = deftopic_mac : topic_macron
@field #10633 = deftopic_mac_the_macron : topic_macron
@field #10633 = deftopic_macron : [TODO: ask X about Macron]
@field #10633 = deftopic_macrons : topic_macron
@field #10633 = deftopic_me : [TODO: ask X about me]
@field #10633 = deftopic_mina : topic_mind
@field #10633 = deftopic_mina_the_mind : topic_mind
@field #10633 = deftopic_mind : [TODO: ask X about Mind]
@field #10633 = deftopic_minds : topic_mind
@field #10633 = deftopic_miser : [TODO: ask X about Miser]
@field #10633 = deftopic_misers : topic_miser
@field #10633 = deftopic_money : topic_lucre
@field #10633 = deftopic_myself : topic_me
@field #10633 = deftopic_mud : topic_ifmud
@field #10633 = deftopic_museum : [TODO: ask X about museum]
@field #10633 = deftopic_neopolis: "Neopolis is the fourth planet in the
 Spiral System. Take the blue shuttle, then slide down the pole to get there."
@field #10633 = deftopic_neuzürich : topic_neuzurich
@field #10633 = deftopic_neuzurich : [TODO: ask X about Neuzürich]
@field #10633 = deftopic_oar : topic_oracle
@field #10633 = deftopic_oar_the_oracle : topic_oracle
@field #10633 = deftopic_oracle : [TODO: ask X about Oracle]
@field #10633 = deftopic_oracles : topic_oracle
@field #10633 = deftopic_orange_shuttle : topic_orange_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_orange_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about orange shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_orange_system : topic_space_dust_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_outer_space : topic_ce_realm
@field #10633 = deftopic_oxolixil : "Oxolixil is the second planet in the
 Spiral System. Take the blue shuttle, then enter the vacuum tube to get there."
@field #10633 = deftopic_pat : topic_plant
@field #10633 = deftopic_pat_the_plant : topic_plant
@field #10633 = deftopic_pete : topic_pirate
@field #10633 = deftopic_pete_the_pirate : topic_pirate
@field #10633 = deftopic_phil : topic_philanthropist
@field #10633 = deftopic_phil_the_philanthropist : topic_philanthropist
@field #10633 = deftopic_philanthropist : [TODO: ask X about Philanthropist]
@field #10633 = deftopic_philanthropists : topic_philanthropist
@field #10633 = deftopic_pirate : [TODO: ask X about Pirate]
@field #10633 = deftopic_pirates : topic_pirate
@field #10633 = deftopic_plant : [TODO: ask X about Plant]
@field #10633 = deftopic_plants : topic_plant
@field #10633 = deftopic_praw : "The Praw is supposed to be some realm on
 the other side of the Warp. But it's just a myth, a tale told to scare
 children with."
@field #10633 = deftopic_pulsar : topic_pulsar_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_pulsar_system : [TODO: ask X about Pulsar System]
@field #10633 = deftopic_q'booth : [TODO: ask X about Q'Booth]
@field #10633 = deftopic_ray : topic_laser
@field #10633 = deftopic_ray_the_laser : topic_laser
@field #10633 = deftopic_red_shuttle : topic_red_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_red_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about red shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_red_system : topic_gas_giant_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_revolution : [TODO: ask X about Revolution]
@field #10633 = deftopic_rex : topic_healer
@field #10633 = deftopic_rex_the_healer : topic_healer
@field #10633 = deftopic_rings : "Do you mean the Rings System? Or the defense rings on the attack cone?"
@field #10633 = deftopic_rings_system : [TODO: ask X about Rings System]
@field #10633 = deftopic_schizoid : [TODO: ask X about Schizoid]
@field #10633 = deftopic_schizoids : topic_schizoid
@field #10633 = deftopic_serena : topic_siren
@field #10633 = deftopic_serena_the_siren : topic_siren
@field #10633 = deftopic_shuttle : topic_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_silas : topic_silencer
@field #10633 = deftopic_silas_the_silencer : topic_silencer
@field #10633 = deftopic_silencer : [TODO: ask X about Silencer]
@field #10633 = deftopic_silencers : topic_silencer
@field #10633 = deftopic_siren : [TODO: ask X about Siren]
@field #10633 = deftopic_sirens : topic_siren
@field #10633 = deftopic_six-pact_system : [TODO: ask X about Six-Pact System]
@field #10633 = deftopic_smallbright : [TODO: ask X about Smallbright]
@field #10633 = deftopic_space : topic_ce_realm
@field #10633 = deftopic_space_dust : topic_space_dust_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_space_dust_system : [TODO: ask X about Space Dust System]
@field #10633 = deftopic_spaceport : "Spaceport Eon appeared in orbit
 around the Warp about one Earth year ago. Some say the ancient Eonian
 race built it. But others claim that it's of human manufacture."
@field #10633 = deftopic_spaceport_eon : topic_spaceport
@field #10633 = deftopic_spiral : topic_spiral_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_spiral_system : [TODO: ask X about Spiral System]
@field #10633 = deftopic_stardisc : topic_stardiscs
@field #10633 = deftopic_stardisk : topic_stardiscs
@field #10633 = deftopic_stardiscs : [TODO: ask X about stardiscs]
@field #10633 = deftopic_taxi : [TODO: ask X about taxi]
@field #10633 = deftopic_telebox : [TODO: ask X about TeleBox]
@field #10633 = deftopic_terra : topic_earth
@field #10633 = deftopic_terrans : topic_humans
@field #10633 = deftopic_trader : [TODO: ask X about Trader]
@field #10633 = deftopic_traders : topic_trader
@field #10633 = deftopic_troy : topic_trader
@field #10633 = deftopic_troy_the_trader : topic_trader
@field #10633 = deftopic_tsingy : [TODO: ask X about Tsingy]
@field #10633 = deftopic_vacuum : [TODO: ask X about Vacuum]
@field #10633 = deftopic_vacuums : topic_vacuum
@field #10633 = deftopic_violet_shuttle : topic_violet_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_violet_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about violet shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_violet_system : topic_pulsar_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_warp : "It's the realm of the dead. Avoid it if
 you can."
@field #10633 = deftopic_warpish : [TODO: ask X about Warpish]
@field #10633 = deftopic_warpishes : topic_warpish
@field #10633 = deftopic_warpish_estates : [TODO: ask X about Warpish Estates]
@field #10633 = deftopic_wilkinson : [TODO: ask X about Wilkinson]
@field #10633 = deftopic_wonderworld : [TODO: ask X about Wonderworld]
@field #10633 = deftopic_xi : topic_changeling
@field #10633 = deftopic_xi_the_changeling : topic_changeling
@field #10633 = deftopic_yellow_shuttle : topic_yellow_shuttles
@field #10633 = deftopic_yellow_shuttles : [TODO: ask X about yellow shuttles]
@field #10633 = deftopic_yellow_system : topic_rings_system
@field #10633 = deftopic_yipplopoly : [TODO: ask X about Yipplopoly]
@field #10633 = deftopic_zom : topic_zombie
@field #10633 = deftopic_zom_the_zombie : topic_zombie
@field #10633 = deftopic_zombie : [TODO: ask X about Zombie]
@field #10633 = deftopic_zombies : topic_zombie
@field #10633 = deftopic_zork : [TODO: ask X about Zork]

@field #10633 = calc_the_response : 
 @strloop("%1","x",@switch("%x"," ",
@field #10633 = calc_the_response : @setfield(10633,"the_topic","%5"); @s("tmp_topic",""); @strloop("%1","x",@switch("%x"," ", @s("tmp_topic",@print(@g("tmp_topic"),"_")), @s("tmp_topic",@print(@g("tmp_topic"),"%x")))); @switch(@substr(tmp_topic,0,2),"a_",@s("tmp_topic",@substr(tmp_topic,2))); @switch(@substr(tmp_topic,0,3),"an_",@s("tmp_topic",@substr(tmp_topic,3))); @switch(@substr(tmp_topic,0,4),"the_",@s("tmp_topic",@substr(tmp_topic,4))); @s("tmp_response",@strcheck( @getfield("%!",@print("topic_",tmp_topic)), @getfield(10633,@print("deftopic_",tmp_topic)), @getfield("%!","dontknow"), @getfield(10633,"defdontknow"))); @switch(@substr(tmp_response,0,6),"topic_", @s("tmp_response",@strcheck( @getfield("%!",tmp_response), @getfield(10633,@print("deftopic_",@substr(tmp_response,6))), @getfield("%!","dontknow"), @getfield(10633,"defdontknow")))); @setfield(10633,"the_response",@execute(tmp_response));
OLD @field #10633 = OLD calc_the_response : @setfield(10633,"the_topic","%1"); @setfield(10633,"the_response", @execute(@strcheck( @getfield("%!",@print("topic_",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"))), @getfield(10633,@print("deftopic_",@getfield(10633,"the_topic"))), @getfield("%!","dontknow"), @getfield(10633,"defdontknow"))));
@field #10633 = defdontknow : @let("z"=>@rand(6),@print(
 @getfield(10633,"dontknow_%z"))); @call(10633,"logthetopic");
@field #10633 = dontknow_0 : "I don't know anything about that."
@field #10633 = dontknow_1 : "I don't know much about that."
@field #10633 = dontknow_2 : "I can't help you with that."
@field #10633 = dontknow_3 : "I am sorry, but I can't help you there."
@field #10633 = dontknow_4 : "I haven't a clue."
@field #10633 = dontknow_5 : "I know no more than you do about that."
@field #10633 = do_task :
@field #10633 = each_turn :