A list of Unixes I made this in the early 2000s. Way out of date now. But might have useful info.
Faerie folklore A website I made in college in the mid 90s, approx 1994-97. Hasn't been updated in 25 years. Maybe someone will find it useful. My interests have changed.
Get massive amounts of 16c music I've typset at IMSLP or at the newer site DFW Viols. I have big plans for this domain, to add a restful API to generate music in arbitrary clefs with lilypond launched via container. Working on the API and DB storage currently.
numbering lines in a file A stupid exercise I came up with after a friend discovered /usr/bin/nl
Getting 4.3BSD on a Simh emulator with multiple ethernet NICs
Getting 4.2BSD working on a Simh emulator by backporting network drivers
Those interested in unix might find this circa 2010 bookcase of mine interesting. The top shelf is the most interesting. Most of the other books I got rid of years ago.
English translations and paraphrases of the Penitential Psalms. I was reading Wyatt and Sidney and thought I'd group some together. Not finished yet.
I was playing with Forth in 2020 as a way to stave off pandemic boredom, and built these stack manipulation methods:
3 and 4-deep stack manipulations in Forth
my general github which is probably not interesting to most.