Aarne, Antti and Thompson, Stith. The Types of Folktale. (Helsinki,
Aitken, Hannah. A Forgotten Heritage: Original Folk Tales of Lowland
Scotland. (Rowman and Littlefield, New Jersey: 1973).
Arrowsmith, Nancy. Field Guide to the Little People. (Hill and Wang,
New York: 1977).
[This book is especially good for studying fairy
spirits outside of Britain. Includes a large bibliography of works
from many languages.]
Bottrell, W. Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall.
(Penzance, 1870).
Briggs, Katherine.
- The Anatomy of Puck. (New York, Arno Press: 1978).
- A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language.
[4 volumes]. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul: 1970).
- An Encyclopedia of Fairies. (Pantheon Books, New York: 1977).
- The Fairies in Tradition and Literature. (Routledge and Kegan
Paul, London: 1967).
- Folktales of England. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1965).
- The Personel of Fairyland. (Gale, Detroit: 1971).
- The Vanishing People (Pantheon Books, New York: 1978).
Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. (London,
Campbell, John Gregory. Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of
Scotland. (Benjamin Blom, New York: 1900).
[This indispensible book
details much of the folklore in Scotland, and was collected wholly
from traditional oral sources.]
Carmichael, A. Carmina Gadelica. [4 volumes]. (Edinburgh, 1928).
F. J. Child. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. (Pageant
Books, New York: 1882).
Dorson, Richard.
- The British Folklorists: A History. (University of
Chicago Press, Chicago: 1968).
- Peasant Customs and Savage Myths. [2
volumes]. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1968).
Evans-Wentz, W. Y. The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries. (University
Books: 1966) (now: Colin Smythe: 1977).
Gregory, Augusta Persse, Lady.
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland. (Colin Smythe,
Buckinghamshire: 1920, 1970).
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm
- Jack Zipes, translator. The Complete Fairy Tales
of the Brothers Grimm. (Bantam Books, Toronto: 1987).
- Donald Ward, translator. The German Legends [2 volumes]. (ISHI,
Philadelphia: 1981).
Henderson, William. Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England and
the Borders. (Rowman and Littlefield, New Jersey: 1973 [1866]).
goodly amount of information concerning minor and lesser known fairies and
spirits of the North.]
Hunt, Robert. Popular Romances of the West of England. (New York,
Joseph Jacobs
- English Fairy Tales
- Celtic Fairy Tales
- More Celtic Fairy Tales
Keightley, Thomas. The Fairy Mythology, first edition.
(Whittaker, Treacher, and Co., London: 1833).
[A comprehensive
study of fairy beliefs around Europe. Keightley believed most
fairy legends originally came from Germanic peoples, and spread
to Celtic and other countries.]
Kennedy, Patrick. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. (London:
Kirk, Robert. The Secret Common-wealth. (originally published 1692).
Latham, Minor White. The Elizabethan Fairies: The Fairies of Folklore
and the Fairies of Shakespeare. (New York: 1930).
work on popular and literary beliefs of fairies in the time of the
sixteenth century.]
Lee, F. H. Folk Tales of All Nations. (Tudor Publishing Company, New
York: 1930).
Matthews, John and Caitlin. A Fairy Tale Reader. (The Aquarian Press,
San Francisco: 1993).
MacRitchie, David. Fians, Fairies and Picts. (London: 1893).
[MacRitchie's thesis is that the fairy legends developed from the original
interaction of the Celts with a more primitive pygmy race that lived in mounds
and underground.].
Moray, Ann. A Fair Stream of Silver: Love Tales from Celtic
Lore. (New York: William Morrow & Company: 1965).
[This is a truly
beautiful work of translations retold from the many Celtic nations.]
Newall, Venitia J., gen. ed.
The Folklore of the British Isles series.
- O'Sullivan, Sean. The Folklore of Ireland. (Hastings House,
New York: 1974).
- Killip, Margaret. The Folklore of the Isle of Man. (Rowman
and Littlefield, New Jersey: 1976).
- Whitlock, Ralph. The Folklore of Devon. (Rowman and
Littlefield, New Jersey: 1977).
Norton, Eloise Speed, editor. Folk Literature of the British Isles.
(Scarecrow Press, London: 1978).
Olrik, Axel. E. M. Smith-Dampier, translator. A Book of Danish Ballads.
(Books for Libraries Press, New York: 1939).
Paton, Lucy Allen. Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian
Romance. (Burt Franklin, New York: 1960)
[This work attempts attempts to trace the origin of the fays of
Arthurian legend (primarily Morgan, Viviane, the Lady of the Lake) to Celtic
(and specifically, Irish or Welsh) sources. Quite scholarly.]
Rhys, John. Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx. (Clarendon Press,
Oxford: 1901).
[Quite comprehensive, this work details everything the author
could find concerning folklore in Wales and Isle of Man.]
Shaw, Margaret Fay. Folksongs and Folklore of South Uist, second
(Oxford University Press, Oxford: 1977).
Scott, Sir Walter. The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.
Shaw, Margaret Fay. Folksongs and Folklore of South Uist.
(Oxford University Press, Oxford: 1977).
[Several waulking songs dealing with fairies herein.]
Sikes, Wirt. British Goblins. (London: 1880).
Spence, Lewis.
- The Minor Traditions of British Mythology. (Rider and
Company, London: 1948).
- British Fairy Origins. (London: 1946).
- The Fairy Tradition in Britain.
Thompson, Stith. Motif-Index of Folk Literature. (Copenhagen,
[Indispensible work for categorizing and comparing elements of
Tongue, Ruth. Forgotten Folk-tales of the English Counties. (Routledge
and Kegan Paul, London: 1970).
[This is a great collection of folktales,
many with very old themes, echo ancient beliefs now long-forgotten.]
Lady Wilde. Ancient Legends of Ireland. (Ward and Downey, London:
Wilde, Sir William. Irish Popular Superstitions. (Dublin, 1852).
Williamson, Duncan. Tales of the Seal People. (Interlink Books, New
York: 1992).
Yeats, William Butler. Irish Fairy and Folk Tales.
(Boni and Liverlight, New York: 1918).