Mona once hid from those who search the main, Where thousand elfin shapes abide. COLLINS
Mona or Man was early visited by the Northmen. For its size it is, we apprehend, as well peopled by the Fairies as either Scotland or Ireland. One distinguishing trait of Manx Fairies is their fondness for the chase, and their pride in mounting large horses instead of ponies. In almost every respect they differ as little from their eastern or western kindred as the Manx themselves do from the English or Irish.
Mr. Waldron, an English gentleman, who resided in Man towards the middle of the last century, was very minute in his inquiries respecting Fairies, and has recorded a number of stories of them. As almost all these legends are inserted in the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, we think we may here safely omit them, referring our readers to that work, or to Mr. Waldron's (note 1).
Note 1: Our matter is so abundant that we have felt the necessity of abridging very considerably. As our authorities for this and the preceding head are so accessible, we think it better to omit here than in what is to follow.