Much of the material was already collected before Mr. J. F. Campbell of Islay published his Popular Tales of the West Highlands in 1860, and readers of Lord Archibald Campbell's volumes on Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition are already acquainted with the valuable work contributed to that series by the Rev. J. Gregorson Campbell.
It is hoped that his volume on the Superstitions of the Scottish Highlands, full as it is of racy stories, may throw fresh light on an extremely interesting subject.
The MS. of a corresponding work by the same author on Witchcraft and Second-Sight in the West Highlands, is in the editor's hands, and in the event of the present work meeting with the reception which the editor thinks it deserves, the volume on Witchcraft will be published next year.
Mrs. Wallace, Hynish, Tiree, the author's sister, has kindly read the proofs.
August, 1900.