
Key & Compass presents:
Who Kidnapped Mother Goose?
by Garry Francis

Who Kidnapped Mother Goose? is a Z-machine work of interactive fiction written with Inform 6 and is © 2024 by Garry Francis. It was a participant in TALP 2024 where it won 1st place. TALP is the annual Text Adventure Literacy Jam.

In this nursery-rhyme-inspired game, you play as an adult Jack Horner. Your neighbor, Peter the pumpkin-eater, wakes you up to tell you that your other neighbor, Mother Goose, has been kidnapped and it's up to you to rescue her.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the work.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of a work of interactive fiction. Please make an honest effort to play the work before reading this walkthrough.


Ogre'sLair Cave Mouthof Cave West Sideof Chasm East Sideof Chasm DeepForest Forest In OldOak Tree Black-smith'sStoreroom Black-smith'sShop Cobble-stoneStreet Peter'sHouse TavernStoreroom Tavern TownSquare YourHouse GeneralStore Cobble-stoneStreet MotherGoose'sHouse InsideWilly'sHouse Front ofWilly'sHouse OutsideWilly'sHouse MotherGoose'sBasement u u d d


Your House

Assume that you got dressed immediately after Peter woke you. You don't need to find any clean clothes to wear.

> tutorial off.

> x me. x window.

> x board. x coat. take it.

> x clothes. search clothes. x trap. take it.

> x cabinet. open it. x cheese. take it.

> x bed. look under bed. x stove.

> w.

Town Square

> x children. x fountain. x coins. x water.

> talk to children. (They ignore you.)

> x tavern. x house.

> w.


> x Simon. x Mary. x bosom.

> x taps. x mug. take mug.

> x tables. x piano. play piano.

> talk to Simon. (He's upset about rats.)

> ask Simon about Mother Goose. (Ogre took her.)

> ask Simon about ogre. (Ask Willy Winkie that.)

> ask Simon about Mary.

> talk to Mary. show trap to Mary. (She gives you a key.)

> x key. unlock door with key. open door. w.

Tavern Storeroom

> x shelves. x supplies.

> x ale. fill mug. (with ale)

> x sack. x droppings.

> pull sack. (You find a rat hole, and a rat looks at you.)

> drop trap. put cheese on trap.

> e.



> w.

Tavern Storeroom

> take trap. x rat. e.


> show trap to Mary. (She screams and Simon throws you out.)

Town Square

> n.

Cobblestone Street (north end)

> x building. x house.

> w.

Blacksmith's Shop

> x George. x anvil. x pail.

> ask George about Mother Goose.

> ask George about ogre.

> ask George about Willy.

> w. (no: He wants a drink.)

> give mug to George. (okay)

> open door. w.

Blacksmith's Storeroom

> x box. x scrap. search scrap.

> x horn. take it.

> e. e. e.

Peter's House

> x shell. open it. x wife. close shell.

> x bed. look under bed. x turnip. take it.

> x cupboard. open it. x poison. take it. close cupboard.

> x tools.

> e. (no: bad idea)

> w. n.


> x tree. u. (no: need free hands)

> drop all. u.

In Old Oak Tree

> x nest. look in nest. x matches. take matches.

> d.


> take all. s. s. s.

Cobblestone Street (south end)

> x building. x house.

> e.

Mother Goose's House

> x bed. x dresser. open it. x underwear.

> x vial. take it. open it.

> x shelf. x food. x candy. take candy.

> x rug. move rug. x trapdoor. open it.

It's dark downstairs, so return here later.

> w. n.

Town Square

> give candy to kids. take coins.

> s. w.

General Store

> x Polly. x lamp. buy lamp. (using the coins)

> x books. x food. x toys. x hardware.

> ask Polly about Mother Goose. ask Polly about me.

> ask Polly about ogre. ask Polly about troll.

> ask Polly about Willy. ask Polly about Peter.

> ask Polly about Simon. ask Polly about Mary.

> ask Polly about Bo Peep. ask Polly about Boy Blue.

> ask Polly about George. ask Polly about herself.

> e. s.

Outside Willy's House

> x house. x fence. x grass.

> w.

Front of Willy's House

> x mat. read inscription.

> x chair. sit on chair.

> x door. knock on door. blow horn. (Willy opens the door.)

> w.

Inside Willy's House

> x Willy. x books. x candles. x fireplace. x knick-knacks.

> ask Willy about creatures.

> ask Willy about ogre. (He gives you a potion.)

> x potion. ask Willy about troll.

> e. e. n. e.

Mother Goose's House

> light lamp with match. d.

Mother Goose's Basement

Why does Mother Goose have gunpowder in her basement? We'll never know.

> x keg. take it. x books.

> u. w. n. n. n. n.

Deep Forest

> x doll. take it. smell it.

> w.

East Side of Chasm

> x bridge. x river. w. (A troll stops you!)

> x troll. ask troll about bridge.

> ask troll about toll.

> ask troll about ogre.

This is as good a time as any to find out if the magic word XYZZY might make things any easier. It won't, but you should try it to see some visions.

> xyzzy. g. g. g. g. g.

This next bit is unpleasant, but it's gotta be done:

> take rat. put poison on rat.

> give rat to troll. push troll.

> w.

West Side of Chasm

The potion, when worn, stops any ogres from noticing you by your odor.

> x cave. put potion on me.

> w.

Mouth of Cave

Do not wake the child ogre.

> x ogre. n.


> x rocks. search rocks. take key. x it.

> n.

Ogre's Lair

Do not wake the ogre.

> x ogre. x cage. x Goose. x bones.

> unlock cage with rusty key. open cage.

> give coat to Goose.

> put potion on Goose.

> take Goose. (no: not without leaving a decoy)

> put vial on doll. put doll in cage.

> take Goose. (She's now following you.)

> close cage.

> s. s. e. e.

East Side of Chasm

Mother Goose tells you to blow up the bridge, then she runs home.

> put keg on bridge. light keg with match.

> e. s. s.

Cobblestone Street (north end)


*** You have won ***



Found dead:

Mentioned (mostly via XYZZY):


The response to CREDITS is:

Concept by Garry Francis and Michael Berryman.
Game design and coding by Garry Francis.
Play testing by Darren & Jasper, Deborah Sherwood, Gianluca Girelli, Hidnook, Jade J Aincioa, John H Doolittle, Leon Lin and manonamora.



Items are listed in the order acquired in this walkthrough.

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