
Key & Compass presents:
The WadeWars Book III: Askin
by Jim Fisher

The WadeWars Book III: Askin is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 6 and is © 1993, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Jim Fisher. This game was originally released as a stand-alone DOS executable in 1993. It was ported to Inform 6 and the Z-machine in 2000. Note also that it is the first game in its series; unfortunately, only a demo of the next game was released.

In this fantasy adventure, you play as someone looking for their uncle Seamore. Seamore is an oddball scientific genius who invented a transdimensional teleportation device, and now he's trapped in a parallel universe. Rescue him and discover your destiny!

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 106 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Map 1: Uncle Seamore's apartment and its mirror

Closet Laboratory Bathroom Study DiningRoom Kitchen Base ofBlackTower Y-RotarObal Tesolc Nehc-Tik MoorGninid Y-Duts Moorh-Tab (severalplaces) Ring ofFire push red push red (auto) (auto) (captured by Edaw or squadron) (or escorted from dungeon)

When the dimensional effect wears off, you return to the location in your uncle's apartment that overlaps geographically with your current loction. If the effect wears off when you're in the reflected bathroom or reflected closet, you end up in Urthwin's world.

Map 2: Askin Village and area

Orchard Drah Cro LordUrthwin'sTomb EntrancetoOrchard Graveyard SilverField Base ofSilverTower Burrow Crevice Phos-phorusCave EntrancetoGraveyard CliffEdge Church CliffBase Phos-phorusPool Theater TownSquareNorthWest TownSquareNorth TownSquareNorthEast RockyTrail SteepHill Alley TownSquareWest CentralPark TownSquareEast Tavern Court-house TownSquareSouthWest TownSquareSouth TownSquareSouthEast Bottomof Hill Path TownOutskirts Fork MainRoad MainRoad MainRoad Beach BentBridge ShallowHill SecretPath North ofBlackTower EdawIsland AbandonedCampsite Base ofBlackTower Tesolc Ring ofFire (auto) (captured!) (auto) pushred (captured!)

Map 3: Alley reflection

Yella InsideCliff Alley TsewerAuqSnwot (auto) w push red push red e (auto)

Map 4: Silver Tower and Laws Palace

Courtyardon aCloud Court-room ofthe Laws EdawIsland Crevice Eciverc TowerPenthouse Basementof SilverTower LoopSurohpSohp EsabFflic CliffBase Elevator(upper) Elevator(lower) LiartY-Kcor RockyTrail (auto) enter basket enter basket pushred pushred (auto) (auto) (auto)

Map 5: Caverns of Knowledge

Air SilverField PhosphorusPool CavernsofKnowledge StretchedHall Urthwin'sSafetyDepositCave push blue z push blue

Map 6: Edaw Island

Courtyardon aCloud BentBridge EdawIsland Top ofBlackStairs DungeonKeeper'sQuarters Entryway Lounge Top ofStaircase Ballroom Staircase Staircase Staircase Freezer Kitchen DiningRoom Hall Edaw'sStudy DungeonSentry'sStation Edaw'sQuarters Dungeon Bathroom Room of Fire (to guards'quarters) (to throneroom) (captured anywhere or escorted from cell) enter basket (north with ring while Edawshowers)



Your uncle Seamore is a scientific wizard and he's gone missing. Search his nearly empty apartment for clues.

Dining Room

> x line. n.


> x machine. x button. s. e.


> x fridge. x counters. w. w.


You don't read the book, but you should read it.

> x book. (+5)

In summary:

> n.


This room is empty. Get used to empty rooms.

> s. w.


> x sink. e. e. n.


> push button.

Y-Rotar Obal

There's no machine here and you have three turns of action before the particles wear off and you return to the normal apartment.

Because the two apartments don't overlap perflectly, you need to get to a room that doesn't overlap. Unfortunately, the reflected bathroom is a very bad choice; you die if you go that way. Instead, go directly to the reflected closet:

> s. e. n. (+10)


The closet is part-forest and you feel another wave of disorientation.


Chapter I


Base of Black Tower

You're outside. A troll warns you about approaching soldiers and suggests following him west into the forest.

> w.

Secret Path

The troll gives you a gold key and tells you to find your own grave. The troll disappears into the bush. You can't follow him or go back, but you can go north.

> x bushes. x key. n. w.


> x signpost. (north to Askin Village, east to Edaw Island)

> s. s.

Abandoned Campsite

> take newspaper. x it. (About Lord Urthwin dying or leaving.)

> n. n. n. n. n.

Central Park

> x statue. (He looks just like you! He has a paper, a box, and an oval indentation.)

> x plaque. (The statue is of the beloved Lord Urthwin. Prophecy predicted your visit.)

Explore the village, but you won't find much.

> e. e.


Nothing useful here.

> w. n. e. n.

Cliff Base

> x tower. e.

Phosphorus Pool

> x pool. x water. n.

Phosphorus Cave

> x crystal. take it. s. w. n. w.


Hmph. A dead end, and nothing's here.

> e. s. s. w. w. n.


Nothing here for you.

> s. w. w.


Another empty location.

> e. s. w.


Dead ends at a cliff.

> e. s. w.


This building is so empty, you're only guessing it's a courthouse.

> e. e. s. w. w.

> n. n. n. n.

Lord Urthwin's Tomb

> x plaque.

> unlock box with key. open box.

> x oval stone. take it. (+5)

> s. s. e. n.

Silver Field

Remember this location for later.

> e.

Base of Silver Tower

This is the same silver tower that you saw from Cliff Base, but there's no visible entrances.

> w. n.

Entrance to Orchard

> x apple tree. (It's hungry?)

> give crystal to tree. (+5. The tree shrinks, leaving a path northward.)

> n.


And there's nothing here. Bizarre. Perhaps there's something here later?

Head back to Central Park:

> s. s. s. w.

> s. s. e. e. n. n.

Central Park

> put stone in indentation. (+10)


Chapter II

Central Park

The statue now wears your clothes and you have its clothes, box, and paper.

> i. (Your previous inventory is gone.)

> x paper. ("See you in the silver tower: 1357 —Urthwin")

> x box. (red and blue buttons)

> x statue.

I'll save you a bit of time trying to figure out what the box does. It's essentially a portable version of your uncle's transdimensional machine but with a much shorter duration.

Your uncle's book said that his machine only works in some locations, so it's likely this box has the same limitation. But one place it works is at Cliff Base.

> n. e. e. n.

Cliff Base

> push red. (You are now at...)

Esab Ffilc

> w.

Loop Surohp Sohp

The effect wears off.

Basement of Silver Tower

> s. n.

Tower Penthouse

> x launch mat. x keypad.

> type 1357 on keypad. (+5)

You see a recorded video message from Lord Urthkin, explaining:

Head for the orchard:

> s. n.

Basement of Silver Tower

> push red. e.

Cliff Base

> s. w. w. s. s. s.

> w. w. n. n. e.

> n. n. n.


> push red.

Drah Cro

> take basket.


> x basket. ("3823 will open the way, but only the Word of Power, hidden in the Caverns of Knowledge, can lead one to the Laws.")

> s. s.

Silver Field

> push blue.

Caverns of Knowledge

An old man, annoyed with being woken, opens an eastern doorway before he walks back through a wall.

> x sign. e. e.

Urthwin's Safety Deposit Cave

> x sign. (+5; "ezlwot")

> push blue.


> z.

Phosphorus Pool

Get back to the tower penthouse:

> w. push red. w. s. n.

Tower Penthouse

> put basket on launch pad.

> ezlwot. x balloon.

> type 3823 on keypad. (+5)

> enter basket. SPACE (+10)

The hot air balloon floats to a palace in the clouds.

Chapter III

Courtyard on a Cloud

> out. s.

Courtroom of the Laws

Prophecy gives you a vision of your future. You see yourself standing in a ring of fire, while Uncle Seamore is bound and restrained, and an evil helmeted man yells.

> z.

Advice tells you that you must obtain the onyx ring that the evil one wears and give it to your uncle.

> z.

Intervention makes you invisible, but warns you that you are only invisible to Edaw's guards and not Edaw himself. Also, when you take his ring, it will absorb this magic and you'll be visible to everyone again.

The sisters and their thrones vanish.

> n.

Courtyard on a Cloud

> enter basket. SPACE

You fly to Edaw Island. As you land, a parrot wishes you luck.

Edaw Island

> s. s.


To the west is the guards' sleeping quarters; you won't go that way because it's too crowded. To the east is a lounge, the dungeon keeper's quarters, and a long stairway down into the dungeon, but you won't find anything useful there.

> s.


CAUTION: If you enter the throne room to the west, Edaw sees you, uses his own magic to make you visible, and you're taken to the Ring of Fire to die. So don't do that.

> s. s.


The door to Edaw's quarters is to the south, but there's two bored guars stationed outside. You'll deal with them soon.

> e.

Edaw's Study

> read black book. (+5)

You learn that Edaw's room is guarded by a gargoyle, controlled with chocolate covered marbles. If it eats too many, it will go into hybernation for centuries.

> w. n. w.


> open door. w.


> x can. open brown bag. x marble.

> open red bag. x radish. x bowl. x pear.

> take brown bag. take pear.

> e. e. s.


> drop pear. (The guards leave.)

> open door. s. (+10) SPACE

Chapter IV

Edaw's Quarters

A gargoyle sees you, slams the door closed, and demands food or else.

> give bag to gargoyle. (+5. It eats it all, then sleeps.)

> enter basket.

> z. z. z. (Wait until Edaw enters.)

Edaw puts his ring on the nightstand and enters the bathroom. You hear him start a shower.

> out. take ring. (+5. You're now visible.)

> open large door. n.


The guards immediately apprehend you, but because they're worried that Edaw will kill them for letting you get into his bedroom in the first place, they rush you into a dungeon cell to buy them time to make up a suitable story.

Dungeon (in the Dungeon Cell)

> give ring to uncle. (+5)

> x uncle.

> z. (Repeat waiting Bernie brings you to...)

Ring of Fire

> z. (Continue to wait until Edaw and your uncle are here.)

> push red. (You and your uncle travel to...)


Your uncle runs west for the door.

> w. (+10)

Y-Duts / Kitchen

You and your uncle are safe. But you remember that Prophecy said that you'd return to save Askin.


*** you have won ***



Your allies:

Your adversaries:





This is the response to SCORE:

[You have so far scored your-score out of a possible 100, in several turns.]

Points are awarded as follows:

Points may be deducted as follows:

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