
Key & Compass presents:
Under the Sea: The Treasure of the Santa Tortosa
by Heike Borchers

Under the Sea: The Treasure of the Santa Tortosa is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2019 by Heike Borchers. It was an entry in IF Comp 2019 where it took 20th place.

In this small underwater adventure, you play as Professor Oliver von Bremen, adventurer, noble, and bon vivant. At London's Adventurers' Society, you heard about the sunken galleon Santa Tortosa, its treasure, and the tiny Caribbean island that has a map that leads to it. Now's the time to find out if those rumours were true.

This solution is by David Welbourn.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Beach SmallForest Lagoon Shore ofthe HiddenIsland SmallMeadow Reef Top CoralForest Cave Deep Blue PlanktonRendezvous Wreck u in d out



> x me. i. x watch.

> x tree. x ocean.

> x gear. x helmet.

> x trunk. look under trunk. (You find and reconnect the pressure gauge.)

> x gauge. x shovel. take it.

> dig under tree. x box. x map.

You need to go south-south-south and beware the sentinel. Leave the map here.

> wear gear. (Learn about ANALYSE command.)

> s. (dropping the shovel)


> x fish. x reef. take jar. n.


> open jar. x paper. (It's the alphabet with Morse Code equivalents.)

While you could keep the paper or map dry in the jar, you will need the jar for something else.

> drop paper.

> s. s.

Reef Top

> x snapper. talk to snapper. ("OOo oOo o o O oo Oo OOo ooo")

That's morse code for GREETINGS.

> greetings.

The snapper's name is Sabina. She offers to teach you some fish language if you bring her anything with the colour poenk.

> ask Sabina about poenk. (A mix of purple, red, and white.)

> ask Sabina about Shantal. (A fashion victim.)

> s.

Your scuba gear wants to know how to record your accomplishment. Personally, I prefer to always choose 1, the more honest and modest answer.

Which report text do you prefer? 1or2

Deep Blue

> x wreck. x corals. x planks. push planks. (Not strong enough.)

> e.

Plankton Rendezvous

When you hold the plankton directly, it doesn't emit light.

> x plankton. take plankton.

> put plankton in jar.

Which version of the report shall be logged? 1or2

> n.

Coral Forest

> x napoleonfish. x coral. (find a tube sponge)

> x sponge. (Tobias, who is secretly in love with sea anemone Suzi)

> x Suzi.

> e.


You need the plankton's light to see in here.

> x passage. u.

Shore of the Hidden Island

A small metal rod got loose from your gear and fell into the water!

> take rod. x rod.

> n. (removing and dropping scuba gear first)

Small Forest

> x bush. x berry. (purple)

> x bear. x dungarees. x triangle. x stump.

> x trees. x birds.

> give rod to bear. (He gives a flat stone in return.)

> x flat stone. take berry.

> s.

Which version of the report do you want to log? 1or2

Shore of the Hidden Island

> e.

Small Meadow

> x sheep. x plants. x grindstone.

> x daisy. take it.

> x poppy. take it.

> put berry on grindstone.

> put daisy on grindstone.

> put poppy on grindstone.

> grind with flat stone. (You produce poenk liquid.)

> x poenk.

> put liquid in jar. (The plankton now glows poenk.)

> w.

Shore of the Hidden Island

> wear gear. d. w. w.

Reef Top

> give jar to Sabina. (She teaches you some fish language.)

> e.

Coral Forest

> talk to napoleonfish.

He's grumpy, but he says to ask him to do something. It took a while for me to find the right syntax:

> ask him to come with me.

> s.

Which version of the story do you want to log? 1or2

Plankton Rendezvous

> w.

Deep Blue

The napoleonfish says he'll stay here a while.

> ask him to push planks. (He does so.)

> enter wreck.


> x octopus. x chest.

> talk to octopus. (He asks you a numerical puzzle.)

The answers are the lengths of the names of the numbers.

> 4. (Correct.)

But the octopus wants to know how you arrived at your answer.

> spell. (He is satisfied. You may open the chest.)

> open chest.

> x coins. x gems. x locket.

Note that you may only take one of the three treasures.

> take coinsortake gemsortake locket. (The other items fade into rock.)

The octopus bids you farewell.

> talk to octopus.

> out.

Which version do you want to log? 1or2

Deep Blue

The ship has been called. Return north to the beach.

> n. n. n.


Your watch says to BOARD vessel to complete your mission.

> take map. take paper. x ship. x dolphin.

> board ship.

If you took the coins, you learn they are proof of an unknown dynasty in the Carribean, and you gain much scientific respect.

If you took the gems, you become quite wealthy and can finance your future adventures with ease.

If you took the locket, you give it to Keira and you fall in love with each other.

The Quartermaster is annoyed that you didn't use her analytical engine for clues.

The Society members praise your courage. If you reported modestly, they nominate you for their Hall of Fame. Otherwise, they enjoy your dramatic story inventions.

*** Congratulations on creating your very own story of the Treasure of the Santa Tortosa! Without a doubt, for a real hero like you there are many more adventures waiting out there! ***

Note that the details of the ending will change based on:





The response to CREDITS:

This adventure was inspired by my love of diving. Whenever I was working on it, it reminded me of the wonderful world underwater. I hope the game conveys some of this unique atmosphere. Thank you for playing!

A special thank you to Hannah Wolff, Rahel Wolff, Jan Borchers, Thorsten Karrer, Sparky McTrowell, Gunter Schaible, Richard Oliver, Stephen Oliver, and Thomas Schwalowski for playtesting the adventure.

Another big thank you goes to Lisa Angelina Walrafen for the cover art. She took the photo on a dive we did together at the wreck of the Superior Producer on Curaçao.

Heike Borchers, September 2019


Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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