The twenty-year war between Valkon IV and Delmoke X is at a crux. In this small game, you are Athtax, bodyguard and aide to the Valkonian Captain Athta, a tactical genius who will lead the final assault against the Delmokians. You are also his clone. Protect the ship. Protect the Captain.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.
> x Athta.(His body regressed to age ten, but his mind is intact, though more whimsical.)
> x chair. x vent.(open, "C23")
The Captain orders you to deal with a disturbance in the weaponry half of engineering.
> i. x blaster.(Cook enemies and food with it.)
> d.(You slide down.)
Engines Half
> n.
Weaponry Half
> x weapons. x vent.("B34")
> x Ramnork. shoot Ramnork.(You need a non-energy plan.)
> x soldiers. x kloz.
> x panels.(They control the outside weapons, and you may not use them.)
> s.
Engines Half
> x technicians. x engine. x panels.(Environmental controls.)
> x vent.("A11")
> d. n.
Cabin 6
Feel free to spend some time with the computer:
> x computer. ask computer about vent.
> ask computer about kloz.(Ramnorks are allergic to it.)
> ask computer about jemk.(type of food)
> ask computer about Ramnork.
> ask computer about me. ask computer about captain.
> ask computer about Valkonian.
> ask computer about Delmokian.(Ramnorks, Lengorks, Junlorks)
> ask computer about Lengorks.(Assassins who shrink and leave a residue.)
> ask computer about Junlorks.(The brains of the enemy races.)
> ask computer about rartto.(This food will be mentioned after you save the Captain's life.)
> ask computer about Yelmip. ask computer about Jenriar.
Check out what else is here.
> x cupboard. x bed. x vent.("D59")
> open fridge.(jemk, trhos, madarelini)
> shoot jemk.(+1. You now have a kloz lump.)
> s. u. n.
Weaponry Half
> throw kloz at Ramnork.(+1; you get key to cabin 612)
> s. d. s.
Cabin 612
> x substance.(+1; there must be another Delmokian on board.)
> x vent.(ruined, "E19")
> n. u.
Engines Half
> close C23.(+1; but the Lengork arrives here!)
> shoot Lengork.(+1)
You have won You have scored 5 out of 5, in several turns.
Captain Athta is busy giving orders from the Captain's Platform. He's a tactical genius and will lead the Valkonians to victory using a fast new engine. Unfortunately, an accident with the engines regressed his body to the age of ten. His mind is intact and he retained command, but he is more whimsical these days.
Some technicians are running around the Engines Half.
Some soldiers in the Weaponry Half are normally lazy, but today they're fighting a Ramnork.
A Ramnork is behind a force field in Weaponry Half and shooting at the soldiers. Fortunately, he's not that good a shot.
Ramnorks are one of the three Delmokian races. They look cute and cuddly. They can generate force fields. And they're deathly allergic to kloz.
A Lengork assassin is also on the ship, hiding in the vents. His mission is to kill Captain Athta.
Lengorks are one of the three Delmokian races. They are trained as assassins, have the ability to shrink drastically in size, and they leave a residue when they shrink.
Hundreds of workers can be seen in the distance from the Captain's Platform.
Lieutenants Jones, Match, Smith, Torf, and Yope may be ordered by the Captain to deal with various random situations.
Jenlorks are one of the three Delmokian races. They're considered the brains of the Delmokian forces and they generally leave the fighting to the Ramnorks and the Lengorks.
You have died
if the Captain is assassinated (you failed to eliminate your foes by turn 102).
if you fail to kill the Lengork soon after it jumps out of the vent in Engines Half (the other soldiers shoot wildly, causing a catastrophic accident with the engines).
You have won
if you kill the Lengork, neutralising the threat to the ship.
a blaster. You're carrying it. You can shoot things with it.
It's ineffective against the force field in the Weaponry Half.
Shoot the jemk; it turns into a kloz lump.
Shoot the Lengork when he jumps out of the vent in the Engines Half.
a jemk. It's in your fridge in Cabin 6. It's food. Shoot it with your blaster to turn it into a kloz lump.
a trhos. It's in your fridge in Cabin 6. It's food. Ignore it. You're unwilling to eat anything until the ship is safe.
a madarelini. It's in your fridge in Cabin 6. It's food. Ignore it.
a kloz lump. Create it by shooting the jemk with your blaster. In the Weaponry Half, throw the lump at the Ramnork to defeat him.
a key to cabin 612. Acquire it by throwing the kloz lump at the Ramnork in the Weaponry Half. Of course, the key lets you get into Cabin 612, south of the Cabin Centre.
You have scored your-score out of 5, in several turns.
1 point for making a kloz lump.
1 point for liquifying the Ramnork.
1 point for examining the substance in Cabin 612.
1 point for saving the Captain by closing the vent under his chair.
1 point for killing the Lengork assassin.
Thank You to my Patreon supporters
This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!
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