
Key & Compass presents:
Thornfell Manor: 1984
by Tijn Kersjes

Thornfell Manor: 1984 is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 6 (with PunyInform) and is © 2024 by Tijn Kersjes. This game was written for PunyComp 2024, then later participated in the Short Games Showcase 2024. Placements in both events to be determined at time of writing.

In this paranatural murder investigation, you play as Evelyn Cross, the best (and only) paranatural detective in town. Officers found one of the missing kids "shred to pieces" in the old Thornfell Manor, and now it's your job to investigate.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 2 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Heart ofMaze Maze InsideMausoleum Balcony Green-house Garden MausoleumFacade MasterBedroom Cellar Kitchen Gallery Parlour Bathroom UpperHall Study Under-groundPassage DiningRoom EntranceHall Library SecretLibrary FrontDoor Driveway EntranceGates (go) n.e.n.w enter maze in d d u u out u d


Entrance Gates

> x me. x meter. x radio. x amulet.

> x Doyle. talk to him.

> take coffee. x coffee. smell it. drink it.

> x Campbell. talk to her.

> x gates. x house.

> n. n.

Front Door

> knock on door. (The door opens.)

> n. (+5)

Entrance Hall

By the way, the front door is now locked and won't open again until you've solved the case.

> x meter. x blood. x body. (+20)

> search body. read clipping.

> n.


> x painting. x plaster.

> n.


> x body. (+20)

> search her. x lighter. take it. (+10)

> x cigarettes. x grass. x maze. (dark inside)

> e.

Mausoleum Facade

> x slab. x sculpture.

> w. w.


> x weeds. x herb. smell sage.

> take sage. take leaves. (+10)

> s.


> x pots. x counters.

> s.

Dining Room

> x candle. take it.

> x table. x chandelier.

> e. u.

Darkness / Upper Hall

> light candle with lighter.

> n. open door. (locked)

> w.


> x mirror. x soap. smell it.

> e. e.


> x body. (+20)

> search body. x knife. take it. (+10)

> x panels. x desk. x piano. x key.

> push key. (New opening south!)

> s. (+5)

Secret Library

> x books.

> n. w. d. n. e.


> x watch. x table. x window. x tapestry.

> s.


> x books. x rug. move rug. open trapdoor.

> d.

Underground Passage

> x body. (+20)

> search body. x key. take it.

> x meter.

> n. (+5)


> x sigil. x meter. x shelves.

> u.


> x wisp. talk to wisp. (must perform a seance)

> s. e. u.

Upper Hall

> unlock door with key. drop key.

> open door. n.

Master Bedroom

> x bed. n.


> x garden. x maze. (north, east, north, west)

> x facade.

> s. s. e. s.

Secret Library

> look up seance in books. (+15. need candle, picture, and remains)

> n. w. d. n. n.


> enter maze.


> n. e. n. w. (+5)

Heart of Maze

> x statue. x yarn. take it.

You can leave the maze by going any direction from here.

> e. (You go directly to...)


> e.

Mausoleum Facade

> put yarn on statue. (slab opens)

> in.

Inside Mausoleum

> smell. x meter.

> x casket. x plaque. ("Oswald Thornfell")

> look in casket. x bone. take it. (+10)

> out. w. s.


You have the candle and bone, and the painting is here, so you can now...

> perform seance. (+25; the wisp becomes the ghost of Oswald Thornfell)

> ask Oswald about himself.

> ask him about kids.

> ask him about demon. ("Arovus")

> ask him about Arovus. ("exorcise it")

> s. u. e. s.

Secret Library

> look up Arovus in books. (+15; something screeches loudly)

The exorcism requires three steps: one, cleanse the summoning room with sage; two, break the sigil; three, say "Vale Draco Maledicte".

> n. w. d. w.

Dining Room

CAUTION! You hear a growl north in the kitchen. The demon's in there; you don't dare enter that room now!

Instead, enter the cellar via the library's trapdoor:

> e. n. e. s. d. n.


The growling is above you.

> burn sage with lighter.

> cut sigil with knife.

> say Vale Draco Maledicte. (+50. Arovus is gone.)

> u.


> x ashes.

> n. e. e. in.

Inside Mausoleum

> put bone in casket. (+5)

> out. w. s. s. s.

*** You have won ***



Found dead:



The response to ABOUT or CREDITS is:

This interactive story was written by Tijn Kersjes during PunyComp 2024.



You have a carrying capacity limit of ten (10) items. There's no handy bag or satchel or backpack in this game, so don't bother picking up anything you don't need, and discard things you're done with.


This is the response to SCORE:

You have so far scored N out of a possible 250, in T turns, earning you the rank of: your-rank.

Points are awarded as follows:

The known ranks are:

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

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