There Is No Bread is an ALAN 2 work of interactive fiction and is © 2000 by Mikko Vuorinen. It was a ToasterComp participant.
In this minimalist non-game and non-story, you are someone in a kitchen with a toaster. There is no bread — or anything else.
This solution is by David Welbourn.
There is no bread. There are no exits either. You can flail around a bit, but you accomplish nothing.
> x me. i. x bread.
> x toaster. x lever. x dial. (1 to 5)
> take toaster. (Can't.)
> push lever. z.
> set dial to 2. push lever. z. z.
> set dial to 3. push lever. z. z. z.
> set dial to 4. push lever. z. z. z. z.
> set dial to 5. push lever. z. z. z. z. z.
> put bread in toaster. take bread.
> hit toaster. kick toaster. xyzzy.
> open me. close me. drop me. fuck. yes.
> kill toaster. wave toaster. wear toaster. sing.
Honestly, there isn't anything you can really do.
> quit.
Do you want to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT? quit
There's no characters, inventory, endings, or score. What else can I say about this one?
This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!
I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.