Sir Loin 2: The Phantom Dennis


Sir Loin 2: The Phantom Dennis was written in Quest 4.0 and is © 2007 by CJ592.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on the first version of the game.

Chapter 1: A Lonely Knight Ahead

Map 1: Castle Cum-Ere-A-Lot
out↑↓go to North Gate
x Hall Queen's

Throne Room

>x king. x throne. speak to king. speak to king. x key. s.


>x guard. speak to guard. [Speak to the guard four times, and lawnmow through the topics.]

>x statue. lift statue. x vase. lift vase. x painting. lift painting. x gunpowder. take gunpowder.


Queen's private chamber

>x suit. x helmet. look at helmet. open helmet.

>x tortoise. x letter. take tortoise. use tortoise on tank. [clue: "Search the urn!"]

>x ring. take ring. x disc. take disc. x bowl. take bowl.

>x nets. x shelf. w.


>search the urn. [Found a ruby!]


Throne Room

>give letter to king. use ruby on throne. x throne. pull lever. [Secret passage open!]


Secret passage


North Gate


World Map

>go to north gate. s. s. e.


>x king. x desk. x bin. speak to king. speak to king.

>search bin. read letter. w. n. n. out.

World Map

>go to century gate.

Map 2: Town of Century
go to Century Gate↓↑out

Century Gate


Century Square

>look at pool. look at fish.

>x boy. talk to boy. talk to Colin. talk to Colin. talk to Colin.

>look at mast. climb mast. x rod. take rod. use metal ring on metal rod. w.


>look at desk. look at bell. ring bell. look at magazine.

>read magazine. read magazine. read magazine. take shampoo. x shampoo.

>e. n. out. go to north gate. s. s. s. e.

Queen's private chamber

>use rod on shelf. take net. look at net. x net. pull thread. x thread.

>use net on rod. [The rod is now a temporary fishing net.]

>w. n. n. n. out. go to century gate. s.

Century Square

>use bowl on pool. use rod on fish. use shampoo on pool.

>remove net. use rod on pool. [Forest Grove added to World Map.]

>n. out. go to grove entrance.

Map 3: Forest Grove
go to Forest Grove↑↓out

Grove entrance

>speak to Colin. n.

Meadow grove

Plot dump! Marlon, the wizard, tells you the king has also been kidnapped and gives you your new task. You must find Lankylegs, Halibut, and Dwane, show them the letter and tell them to come back here. Marlon also tells you that Sir Lankylegs was headed for the Abbey of Carnivora and to find him first. Carnivora is added to your World Map. Marlon disappears.

Chapter 2: A Good Knight Out!

Meadow grove

>s. out. go to Carnivora.

Map 4: Carnivora
Hall of
go to Carnivora↑↓out


>x novice. speak to novice. Yes

Rehabilitation centre

>x novice. look at rack. look at man. look at cage. look at lankylegs.

>speak to lankylegs. show letter to lankylegs. [Fool's Bypass added to World Map.]

>speak to novice. Yes


>out. go to fool's bypass.

Map 5: Fool's Bypass
go to Fool's Bypass↑↓out

Fool's Bypass

>look at halibut. look at doctor. look at cart. look at trees.

>x poster. take poster. look at trees. take nail. x nail. speak to doctor.

>out. go to grove entrance. n. e.

Wild grove

Somewhere in the groves, a pixie may be seen, which moves from grove to grove randomly. Ignore the pixie for now.

>look at wild. look at swede. take swede.

w. s. out. go to carnivora.


>show swede to novice. x handkerchief. take it.

>out. go to grove entrance. n. ne.

Swampy grove

>look at swampy water. use handkerchief on swampy water.

>sw. s. out. go to fool's bypass.

Fool's Bypass

>use handkerchief on halibut. speak to halibut. speak to doctor.

>pull cart. speak to doctor. lift halibut.

>out. go to carnivora.


Because the novice won't deal with us when we carry a vegetable, leave the swede here until later.

>drop swede. talk to novice. Yes

Rehabilitation centre

>use handkerchief on man. x shiversword. speak to shiversword. [Learn about the 3 bump stone.]

>talk to novice. Yes


>out. go to grove entrance. n. n.

Central grove

>look at stones. x stones. look at bumpy stone. lift bumpy stone.

>look at leather case. open case. look at lute. take lute. look at ties. take ties.

>s. s. out. go to century gate. s.

Century Square

>use handkerchief on pool. speak to Colin. w. s.

Doctor's Office

>look at doctor. look at halibut. speak to doctor.

>use ties on handkerchief. wear face mask. speak to Sir Halibut. [Chipper's Field should now be added to the World Map. Make sure you've also read the poster and heard about the field from Colin for this to happen.]

>n. e. n. out. go to chipper's field.

Map 6: Circus
go to Chipper's Field↓↑out
go to large caravan↓↑out

Chipper's Field

>look at ring master. speak to ring master. look at Candi Floss. speak to Candi Floss. w.

Stalls area

>look at stella. speak to stella. use club on tube. take rat. take tube.

>look at rat. x rat. look at tube. x tube.

>look at joey. speak to joey. look at table. e. e.

Junk Heap

>look at junk. search junk. search junk. search junk. search junk. search junk.

>look at cup. take cup. look at bicycle. take wheel. look at wheel.

>look at crutch. x crutch. x stop. x crutch. x saddle. take saddle. x cans. take cans.

>use saddle on crutch. use wheel on crutch. look at unicycle.

>w. out. go to century gate. s.

Century Square

>use cup on pool. give unicycle to colin. look at juggling balls.

>n. out. go to chipper's field. w.

Stalls area

>give cans to joey. give balls to joey. e. se.

Caravan site

>look at campfire. look at pot. use cup on pot.

>look at pygmy. speak to pygmy. speak to caribou. look at window. look at boxes.

>nw. out. go to grove entrance. n. w.

Grassy grove

This might be a timer in real time; just wait or look at the grass a couple times. Eventually Crusoe will show up.

>speak to crusoe. e. s. out. go to carnivora.


>give cup to novice. look at bottle. take swede. out. go to chipper's field. se.

Caravan site

>speak to caribou. look at book. nw. out. go to century gate. s.

Century Square

>use cup on pool. w. s.

Doctor's Office

>give book to doctor. look at beaker. n. e. go to chipper's field. se. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>look at donna. look at window. look at chair. look at cushions.

>speak to donna. speak to donna. use hot water bottle on cushions. [Be quick with the bottle; this is a real-time timer. When Donna sits on the bottle, she'll open the window because of the heat.]


Caravan site

>use rat on window. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>look at rat. [The hip flask flies out the window and you take the rat back.]

>play lute. [Your lute playing sucketh.]


Caravan site

>search boxes. take flask. look at flask.

>nw. out. go to north gate. s. s. s.


>show lute to guard. play lute. play lute. e.

Queen's private chamber

>take tortoise. w.


>drop tortoise. [Guard leaves to put Totty back.]

>use cup on gunpowder. lift painting. take silver key.

>n. n. n. out. go to chipper's field. se. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>play lute. look at penny. out. nw.

Chipper's Field

>give penny to Candi Floss. eat candyfloss. look at plastic bag. sw.

Coconut Shy

>look at shelley. talk to shelley. throw ball.

Okay, we're gonna build a cannon, folks.

>talk to shelley. use rubber stop on tube. use nail on tube.

>use string on hip flask. use wick on tube. use cup of gunpowder on tube.

>look at cannon. use wooden ball on cannon. use curved glass disc on cannon.

>look at coconut. take coconut. look at post. take post.

>talk to shelley. kiss shelley. take hairclip. look at hairclip.

>use nail on coconut. use nail on coconut. use coconut on beaker. use flask on beaker.

>ne. se.

Caravan site

>use beaker on campfire. nw. out. go to grove entrance. n. nw.

Shady grove

>x patch. take wild speckled mushrooms. use wild speckled mushrooms on beaker. look at antidote.

>se. s. out. go to century gate. s. w. s.

Doctor's OFfice

>give antidote to doctor. speak to halibut. show letter to halibut. [You get the Games Room key.]

>n. e.

Century Square

>use cup on pool. use bag on fish. empty bowl.

>n. out. go to north gate. s. s. w.

Games Room

>look at bunting. take bunting. e. n. n. out. go to chipper's field. w.

Stalls area

>give fish in a bag to joey. give bunting to joey. look at ticket. e.

Chipper's Field

>give ticket to ring master. s.

Big Top

>look at board. look at knife. take knife. use knife on swede.

>look at cage. x cage. look at dwane. speak to dwane. n. se.

Caravan site

>use chopped swede on pot. use cup on pot.

>nw. out. go to carnivora.


>give cup to novice. n.

Abbey Hall

>look at tapestry. x tapestry. look at safe. open safe.


>look at bananas. take bananas. w.

Room of learning

You learned the password from looking at the tapestry.

>x books. s.



Rehabilitation centre

>untie shiversword. give lute to shiversword. talk to shiversword. look at book.

>n. e. s. out. go to chipper's field. se. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>give book to donna. look at love letter.

>out. nw. out. go to carnivora. n. w. s.

Rehabilitation centre

>give love letter to shiversword.

>n. e. s. out. go to chipper's field. se. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>talk to donna. talk to shiversword. use knife on rat. give rice to shiversword.

>look at contract. out. nw. out. go to north gate. s. s. s.


>give contract to guard. n. n. n. out. go to century gate. s. w.


>use knife on bell. s.

Doctor's Office

>give contract to doctor. n. e. n. out. go to chipper's field.

Chipper's Field

>give contract to ring master. se. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>give contract to shiversword. out. nw. s.

Big Top

>use bananas on dwane. use face mask on post. use coconut on catapult.

>speak to dwane. give hairclip to dwane. show letter to dwane. eat banana. look at banana skin.

>n. out. go to carnivora. n. w. s.

Rehabilitation centre

>use hairclip on cage. n. e. s. out. go to grove entrance. n.

Meadow grove

>speak to halibut.


Marlon reappears, reveals himself as the Phantom Dennis, kidnaps the other three knights, and drops a silver box before vanishing again.

Chapter 3: A Knight To Remember

Meadow grove

>look at silver box. take it. use silver key on silver box.

>take scroll. x scroll. smell scroll. read scroll.

>s. out. go to chipper's field. se.

Caravan site

>use scroll on campfire. read scroll.

>nw. out. go to grove entrance. n. n.

Central grove

Follow the directions in the scroll, starting from here:

>sw. n. se. ne. s. nw. say reveal. [A hidden path is revealed to the north.]


Observation point

>use disc on tube. use telescope. [Marlon's Tower is added to the World Map.]

>s. s. s. out. go to tower courtyard.

Map 7: Tower
Top Floor
Third floor
Second floor
First floor
Ground floor
go to Tower courtyard↑↓out

Tower courtyard

>look at window. look at gargoyle. use telescope. [Learn the password "nolram".]

>look at door. use bell on door. ring bell. n.

Tower: Ground floor

>x table. x jar. take jar. use nail on jar.

>s. out. go to grove entrance. n.

Meadow grove

The pixie is in a random grove location. Assuming it's right here:

>use net on rod. use rod on pixie. [You now have a pixie dust shaker.]

>s. out. go to north gate. s. s. s.


>use pixie dust shaker on statue. take copper key.

>n. n. n. out. go to tower courtyard. n. u. [The copper key is used here.]

Tower: First floor

>x statue. look at drapes. x drapes. climb drapes. take drapes.

>take rings. use banana skin on pole. take rings.

>d. s. out. go to chipper's field. se. go to large caravan.

Large caravan

>give rings to shiversword.


>play panpipes. out. nw. out. go to tower courtyard. n. u.

Tower: First floor

>use panpipes on statue. u.

Tower: Second floor

>look at pedestal. look at paintings. read paintings.

>wear bowl. wear drapes. kneel on pedestal.


Tower: Third floor

>u. look at window. u. Yes [you win!]