This variant of the 350-point version of Adventure includes Balances-style spells like frotz and rezrov. You are a spellcasting adventurer. Explore the caves, find all 15 treasures, deposit them in the building, and maximize your score.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 2 of the game.
SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.
NOTE: Bedquilt connections are the most randomized in the game. The west and east connections are stable, but otherwise, sometimes you end up back in Bedquilt, and the north exit has two destinations.
Map 5: Swiss Cheese, Oriental, and Plover Rooms
Map 6: Twopit Room, Giant Room, and Waterfall
Map 7: Troll, Bear, and Volcano
Map 8: Alike Maze
The standard way of mapping a maze where all the rooms look alike (which is why it's called the alike maze) is to drop a different object in each room so you can tell them apart. Unfortunately, the pirate will steal treasures dropped in the maze, so it's best to use everything else instead first: bird, cage, food, bottle, keys, rod, axe, etc.
When you reach Dead End 13, where the treasure chest is and where the pirate drops off loot that he stole from you, the pirate is removed from the game and no longer bothers you.
The room numbering that I'm using here is the same as in the source code. (And in case you're wondering where Dead Ends 7 and 8 are, well, Dead End 7 is on map 2, and Dead End 8 is on map 5.)
I've marked one way from the Hall to the chest in green (south, east, south, north), and the way out to the Orange River Chamber (where you found the bird) in pink (southeast, north, down). Of course, other routes are possible.
Of course, you'll probably use the dokvim spell to skip mapping this maze, and use either the xyzzy or plugh spells to leave quickly.
Map 9: Different Maze
This maze's locations can be told apart by paying close attention to the room descriptions. Note the order of the words "little", "maze", "twisting", and "twisty": they're are all different for each room. That's why it's called the different maze.
The room numbering that I'm using here is the same as in the source code.
The notation "MTyLP", for example, is just an abbreviation for "maze of twisty little passages". (By the way, a lowercase Y and a lowercase G look way too similar in casual handwriting. Just sayin'.)
I've marked one way from the Hall to the vending machine in green (south, south, east, south), and one way back in pink (north, southwest, west, down). Many other routes just as short are possible.
Of course, you'll probably either use the dokvim spell to skip mapping this maze, or skip this maze entirely since you don't need to buy fresh batteries when you have the frotz spell.
Map 10: Repository
This game is pretty much exactly like the 350-point version of Adventure except with spells. The frotz spell means that you no longer need to worry that your lantern will run out of energy, and you can feel free to explore the caves as leisurely as you like.
That said, there's a lot of empty locations that aren't that interesting and you needn't ever visit. So this walkthrough will feel free to waste time examining things, but will otherwise zoom through the locations to get things done. We certainly won't be bothering with the mazes more than absolutely necessary.
There are a few randomized features you must be aware of:
Once you get to the Hall of Mists, you will start to see the pirate who steals treasures from you, and dwarves who are trying to kill you. There are five dwarves.
To deal with the pirate, our plan is to visit his secret lair in the alike-maze before we pick up any treasures. Once you've been there, you'll never see the pirate again.
To deal with the dwarves, TAKE THE AXE that the first dwarf throws at you, and whenever you see a dwarf, THROW AXE AT DWARF, then TAKE THE AXE again. If luck is with you, you'll kill all five dwarves before one of them kills you. If, by chance, a dwarf kills you with a thrown knife, UNDO that turn and try to kill the dwarf again. The odds favor you greatly, but there is a chance a dwarf kills you, so be warned.
Some passageways, particularly in Bedquilt and in the Swiss Cheese Room, are capricious and might not lead anywhere or to a room you weren't expecting. This walkthrough will mostly unreliable room-connections as much as possible for this reason.
Likewise, we'll skip the forest outside since there's nothing in there and most of the room-connections are randomized.
Oh, finally, I should mention a bug. If you misspell your command; the game throws up a lot of errors instead of just saying it doesn't understand, at least in WinFrotz. I assume that the bug has to do with how the spells are parsed.
You don't need the lamp because frotz is better. The food, keys, and bottle are useful, but not immediately. Leave them all here for later. There are teleport spells that make it easy to return here.
> w. s. s. s.
Outside Grate
> x grate. rezrov grate.
> d. w.
In Cobble Crawl
> x cage. take it.
> w.
Darkness / In Debris Room
I chose to frotz the book since you need to carry the book everywhere already, yes?
> frotz book.
> x rod. take it.
> x scroll. take it. gnusto it.("xyzzy")
> w. w.
Orange River Chamber
If you try to take the bird while carrying the rod, you can't because the bird is afraid of the rod. So you need to drop the rod first. Also, you need the cage to carry the bird.
I suppose this is also as good a time as any to try out the yomin, lesoch, and malyon spells. They're all quite useless, but you should try them at least once, y'know?
> x bird. learn yomin. yomin bird.
> learn lesoch. lesoch.
> drop rod. learn malyon. malyon rod.
> take bird. take rod.
> w.
At Top of Small Pit
> x crack. x pit. x mist.
> d.(+25)
In Hall of Mists
Be prepared for the pirate and dwarves to start annoying you. Killing the dwarves with the first one's axe takes priority over all othe actions.
> x scroll. take it. gnusto it.("dokvim")
> n.
Hall of the Mountain King
> x snake. open cage.(The bird drives the snake away.)
> drop cage.
> e. w.
On East Bank of Fissure
> wave rod. drop it. x bridge.
> w.
West Side of Fissure
Ignore the diamonds for now, but there is a chance the pirate will steal them regardless as you pass by them.
> w. s.
Maze (Alike Maze 1)
> learn dokvim. dokvim.
Dead End (Dead End 13 on the map)
By arriving here, at the pirate's lair, the pirate stops trying to steal your treasure.
> x chest.
> take chest.(+7)
> take diamonds.(+7, if they're here to take.)
> learn xyzzy. xyzzy.
Inside Building
> drop chest.(+7)
> drop diamonds.(+5, if you have them.)
Now let's collect up all the treasure shown on Map 2.
> learn xyzzy. xyzzy.
In Debris Room
> w. w. w. d. s.
Low Room
> x gold. take it.(+7)
> n. w. w.
West Side of Fissure
I'm assuming the diamonds are still here, just in case the pirate didn't steal them earlier.
> x diamonds. take it.(+7)
> e. e. n. s.
In South Side Chamber
> x jewelry. take it.(+7)
> n. w.
In West Side Chamber
> x coins. take it.(+7)
> e. n.
Low N/S Passage
> x silver. take it.(+7)
> n.
At "Y2"
Sorry, a little bit of juggling is necessary because your carrying-capacity is limited to 7 items.
> drop silver.(−5)
> take scroll. x it. gnusto it.("plugh")
> take silver.(+5)
> learn plugh. plugh.
Inside Building
> drop gold.(+5)
> drop diamonds.(+5, if you have them)
> drop jewelry.(+5)
> drop coins.(+5)
> drop silver.(+5)
Next, collect the rug, eggs, and trident; see map 3 and map 6. Take and fill the bottle with water before you go.
> take bottle. fill it.
> learn plugh. plugh.
At "Y2"
> s. s. sw. w.
Secret Canyon
> x dragon. x rug.
> kill dragon.("With what? Your bare hands?")
> yes.(Success!)
> x dragon. take rug.(+7)
> n. d. s. d.
In West Pit
> x plant. water plant.(It grows from tiny to tall.)
> u. w. u. n.
In Mirror Canyon
If you see a dwarf here, he'll be distracted by the mirror, making it even easier than usual for you to kill him.
> x mirror. n.
At Reservoir
> fill bottle.
> s. s. d. s. d.
In West Pit
> water plant.(It grows from tall to huge.)
> u. e. d.
In East Pit
> x oil. fill bottle.(This time, you have oil.)
> u. w. climb plant. w.
Giant Room
Remember "FEE FIE FOE FOO" for later.
> x eggs. take it.(+7)
> n.
Immense N/S Passage
By the way, rezrov has no effect on this unlocked door.
> x door. oil it. open it. n.
In Cave With Waterfall
> x trident. take it.(+7)
> x waterfall.
> learn plugh. plugh.
Inside Building
> drop rug.(+9)
> drop eggs.(+9)
> drop trident.(+9)
> drop bottle.
Next, collect the pillow, vase, emerald, pyramid, and the "plover" spell; see map 5. This section will be annoying.
> learn plugh. plugh.
In "Y2"
> s. d. w. d. w. w.
In Swiss Cheese Room
The northwest connection only works half the time.
> nw.(Repeat, if necessary, until you get to the Oriental Room.)
Oriental Room
Don't pick up the vase just yet. You'll be dropping everything soon and the vase is too fragile to drop just anywhere.
> n. w.
In Alcove
The east connection is very narrow and the only thing in the game you can carry through it is the emerald, and you won't be doing that.
> learn plugh. again.
> spells.(You should have two copies of plugh memorized.)
With luck, you've killed all five dwarves by now and can risk going axe-less for a while.
> drop all.
> e.
Plover Room
> x emerald. take it.(+7)
> x scroll. take it. frotz it.
> ne.
The Dark Room
> x pyramid. take it.(+7)
> plugh.
Inside Building
> drop emerald.(+9)
> drop pyramid.(+9)
> plugh.
At "Y2"
> s. d. w. d. w. w. e.
In Soft Room
> x pillow. take it. w.
In Swiss Cheese Room
> nw.(Repeat, if necessary, until you get to the Oriental Room.)
Oriental Room
> x vase. take vase.(+7)
> n. w.
In Alcove
> take all.(You've finally got your book back!)
> gnusto scroll.("plover")
> learn plugh. plugh.
Inside Building
Careful! Drop the pillow first so the vase has somewhere safe to land!
> drop pillow. drop vase.(+9)
Next, collect the spices and chain; see map 7. Take the eggs, food, and keys before you go.
> take eggs.(−9)
> take food. take keys.
> learn plugh. plugh.
At "Y2"
> s. d. w. d. w. w.
In Swiss Cheese Room
> nw.(Repeat, if necessary, until you get to the Oriental Room.)
Oriental Room
> w. sw. u.
On SW Side of Chasm
> x bridge. ne.(A troll arrives and stops you.)
> x troll. give eggs.(−5. He leaves.)
> ne. ne. e. ne. n.
At Breathy-Taking View
Enjoy the view!
> x volcano. x gorge. x pit. x formations. x geyser.
> s. e.
In Chamber of Boulders
> x spices. take spices.(+7)
> w. s. d. d. e.
In Barren Room
> x bear. x chain.
> give food.(Bear is now friendly.)
> unlock chain with keys. take chain.(+7)
> take bear.(Now the bear is following you.)
> w. u. u. w. w.
On NE Side of Chasm
> sw.(The troll expects a second treasure.)
> drop bear.(The troll runs away forever.)
Okay, yes, you could have teleported away from the bear as soon as you had the chain, but did you really want to miss two NPCs interacting with each other?
> learn plugh. plugh.
Inside Building
> drop spices.(+9)
> drop chain.(+9)
> drop keys.
You better go reclaim those golden eggs now. You don't want to forget them or leave them for last. Return to the Giant Room:
> learn plugh. plugh.
At "Y2"
> s. d. w. d. w. w. w. w. climb plant. w.
Giant Room
> fee. fie. foe. foo.(The eggs reappear!)
> take eggs.(+5)
> learn plugh. plugh.
Inside Building
> drop eggs.(+9)
Next, get the "last lousy point", and finally, the pearl; see map 4. You need the trident for this part.
> take trident.(−9)
> learn plugh. plugh.
At "Y2"
> s. d. w. d. e.
In Anteroom
> x magazine. take it. e.
At Witt's End
> drop magazine.(+1)
The west exit only works 5% of the time, so instead, teleport to "Y2", using the plover spell.
> learn plover. plover.
At "Y2"
> s. d. w. d. n.
Shell Room
> x clam. open clam with trident.(The pearl rolls away.)
> d. d.
> x pearl. take pearl.(+32)
When you pick up the 15th treasure, the cave starts "closing"! You have 25 turns to get back to Inside Building and drop off your treasures.
> learn plugh. plugh.
Inside Building
> drop pearl.(+9)
> drop trident.(+9)
Your score should currently be 305. You might've noticed that the keys have vanished, but that's okay. Just wait it out.
> z.(Repeat waiting until you're teleported to... +10)
NE End of Repository
This is the endgame area that you need to safely escape from. Don't wake the sleeping dwarves. Some stuff from the main game have been stored here.
> x mirror. x dwarves. x oyster.
> x bottle. x lamp. x rod.
> sw.
SW End of Repository
Logically, you should be able to rezrov this grate open and escape and win that way, but no no no! This grate is an evil one-way passage to Outside Grate, with no way back to the Repository. Madness.
> x snakes. x bird. x grate. x rod.
Note that this rod is different; it has a mark instead of a star. Make an astonishing leap in logic and guess: one, this bar is a bar of dynamite; and two, it is activated by an unmentioned magic word "BLAST".
No, really. Even looking at the source code, I have no idea how players in the 1990s were supposed to honestly figure this out. The message on the oyster is your only hint, which is really no hint at all. Did everyone just spoil everyone else on this puzzle?
> take rod. ne.
NE End of Repository
> drop rod. sw.
SW End of Repository
> blast.(+35)
*** You have won ***
> amusing
So what did you think of that game? I see it more of a proof-of-concept sort of thing than an honest attempt to make a new game by introducing spells into Adventure. There are too many useless spells, too many teleportation spells, and rezrov was nerfed. This could've been better with more forethought and a greater willingness to make significant changes to the original game.
After you win the game, type AMUSING and select "Did you know..." from the menu:
Did you know that...
The five dwarves have a 96% chance of following you, except into light, down pits or when admiring themselves: and the nasty little knives are 9.5% accurate.
Dragons burn up dwarves (perhaps because dwarves eat only coal).
The bear (who likes the volcano) is too heavy for the bridge... and you can go back to the scene after being resurrected.
You can slip past the snake into the secret E/W canyon, 35% of the time at any rate. And walking about in the dark is not all that gruesome: it carries only a 25% risk of falling down a pit.
The vase does not like being immersed.
Shadowy figures can wave to each other.
Watering the hinges of the door rusts them up again.
When the cave closes, the grate is locked and the keys are thrown away, creatures run off and the crystal bridge vanishes...
...and a completely useless hint is written on the giant oyster's shell in the end game.
The last lousy point can be won by... but no. That would be telling.
A bird is singing in the Orange River Chamber, its natural underground habitat. Its pet peeves are black rods and snakes.
A snake blocks your way in the Hall of the Mountain King.
A pirate wants to steal all your treasure and hide it with his treasure chest in the maze.
Five dwarves hide in the shadows and want to kill you. One will throw his axe at you; the other will throw nasty knives. Fortunately, your aim is better than theirs. They dislike light, but love mirrors.
A dragon is lying on a Persian rug in a secret canyon. You can't get past it while it lives.
A troll lives under a rickety bridge and demands that you pay him a treasure if you want to cross his bridge.
A bear is attached to the wall of the Barren Room with a golden chain. The bear is both angry and hungry.
A plant at the bottom of the West Pit is thirsty and pleads for water in English. When fully-grown, it's a beanstalk.
A large bivalve is in the Shell Room. You think it's a clam, but it's really an oyster.
Some dwarves are sleeping in the Repository. Best not to wake them.
More snakes and birds are also in the Repository.
Several elves congratulate you when you win the game.
The credits are displayed when the game begins or when you type VERSION:
Advent Credits:
The Interactive Original
By Will Crowther (1973) and Don Woods (1977)
Reconstructed in three steps by:
Donald Ekman, David M. Baggett (1993) and Graham Nelson (1994)
[In memoriam Stephen Bishop (1820?-1857): GN]
Balances Credits:
An Interactive Short Story
Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by Graham Nelson.
SpAdventure by Jay Walton
Advent Release 5 / Balances Release 5
SpAdventure Release 2 / Serial number 971030 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S
Additional information on the history of Adventure and how this variant compares to it can be found in the game's HELP menu.
You have died
if your lantern runs out of power, you're in a dark location, and you don't have any fresh batteries. But considering you have frotz, this shouldn't be an issue.
if you jump at the fissure when the crystal bridge isn't there.
if you jump in the narrow corridor (at the top of the beanstalk).
if you jump at Window on Pit; that is, the window that's north from the Junction of Three Secret Canyons.
if you jump on either side of the chasm when the rickety bridge isn't there.
if the bear is following you when you cross the rickety bridge. The bear's weight is too much for the bridge.
if you try to go down from At Top of Small Pit while carrying the gold nugget. Why you'd try to carry the nugget in that direction I have no idea.
if you try to take the snake.
if the dwarf's knife hits you (9.5% chance when he throws a knife at you).
if you fall into a pit while wandering from one dark location to another (25% chance).
if the sleeping dwarves wake up; they throw knives at you!
if the explosion happens where you are.
if the explosion happens in the SW End of Repository and you're in the NE End; lava pours in through the hole, killing you.
You have won
if the explosion happens in the NE End of Repository and you're in the SW End. The sleeping dwarves are buried, and you find the main office and friendly elves on the other side of the new hole in the wall.
Note that if you die, and if you consent to be revived, the game will resurrect you up to two times. You regain life at Inside Building. All of your inventory, except the lantern, is left at the site of your death. The lantern is turned off and left at the End of Road.
Note: The maximum number of items you can carry is seven, not counting things inside other things. There is no player's-carryall, so travel light. Throw away stuff you no longer need, and anything else you might want for later should be left at Inside Building, since you can easily teleport there from anywhere else once you have xyzzy or plugh.
Early useful items
Everything acquired before reaching the Hall of Mists, not counting the scrawled scroll.
a spell book. You're carrying it.
Read it; it contains several spells you can learn and cast.
Note: You lose the spell book when the endgame begins. If there's any spells you wish to learn before that happens, plan ahead and do so.
a set of keys. It's inside the building.
The keys unlock the grate at Outside Grate, but you can use rezrov instead.
The keys also unlock the golden chain on the bear in the Barren Room. Rezrov does not work for the chain, so the keys are still needed for this one task.
The keys are removed from the game when the cave is closing.
some tasty food. It's inside the building.
Don't eat it. Instead, give the food to the bear in the Barren Room to make it friendly.
a brass lantern. It's inside the building.
It's far simpler to leave the lantern behind and frotz something like your spell book for light instead.
When on, the lantern provides light for 330 turns, after which you need to insert fresh batteries for another 2500 turns. If you have the batteries on you, the game will insert them when you need them. You can conserve power by turning the lantern off, but most of the underground region is dark and requires light.
a small bottle. It's inside the building.
The bottle is a container for carrying liquids. You can only put liquids into the bottle.
At any stream location, pit with water, or reservoir, you can fill the bottle with water.
In the East Pit, you can fill the bottle with oil.
You can always EMPTY the bottle if you don't want what's inside it.
some bottled water. To obtain it, fill the bottle at a place with water, such as Inside Building or the Reservoir.
While you can safely drink the water, you never need to.
In the West Pit, pour water on the plant twice to make it huge. But if you water it a third time, it shrivels down to its tiny size.
In the Immense N/S Pasage, don't pour water on the rusty door. Pour oil on it instead.
a wicker cage. It's at "In Cobble Crawl".
In the Orange River Chamber, while carrying the cage and not carrying the rod, take the bird, putting it into the cage. (If you're carrying the rod, the attempt is unsuccessful; the bird is afraid of it.)
In the Hall of the Mountain King, open the cage to release the bird. The bird drives off the snake.
BUG: While the cage can be used as an all-purpose container for everything, it was never ever meant to be used that way and it really screws up the score whenever you take a treasure from the cage. So, please resist the urge to be clever and only put the bird in the cage. When you no longer need the bird, toss the cage away.
a black rod with a rusty star on the end. It's in the debris room.
Wave the rod on either side of the fissure to either create or remove a crystal bridge that crosses the fissure.
The bird is afraid of the rod. Drop the rod before trying to take the bird.
When the caves are closing, the rod's magic no longer functions.
In the Repository, don't confuse this rod with the rod with a rusty mark; they're different types of rods!
a little bird. It's in the Orange River Chamber.
If you have the cage and you're not carrying the rod, take the bird; you automatically put it into the cage. You can't take the bird while you carry the rod because the bird is afraid of it.
In the Hall of the Mountain King, release the bird. The bird attacks the snake and drives it away.
Other useful items
a dwarvish axe. At random times in the game, a dwarf might appear, throw an axe at you, miss, then leave a bit later.
Whenever a dwarf appears, throw the axe at it. Two times out of three, you succeed in killing the dwarf. Regardless, take the axe back. There are five dwarves that might attack you, and this axe is the only way to get rid of them.
a velvet pillow. It's in the Soft Room.
Take the pillow to Inside Building and drop it there. Now when you drop the vase there, the vase gently rests on the pillow and doesn't break into shards.
During the endgame, the pillow is in the SW End of Repository, but you don't need it.
some bottled oil. In the East Pit, fill the bottle with oil.
In the Immense N/S Passage, oil the rusty door. Now you can open it.
a fresh batteries. They're vended by the vending machine in Dead End 13 (of the different-maze) by inserting the rare coins into the machine.
When the lantern's light dies, if you have fresh batteries, the game inserts them into the lantern for you; you get the worn-out batteries in exchange.
Of course, with the frotz spell in the game, you have even less reason than ever to waste your coins by buying batteries.
a few recent issues of "Spelunker Today". They're in the Anteroom.
Drop the magazine at Witt's End to earn the Last Lousy Point.
Leaving Witt's End is normally difficult; going west only has a 5% chance that you return to the Anteroom. But now that you're a spellcaster, just teleport out from there.
a black rod with a rusty mark on the end. It's in the SW End of the Repository and shouldn't be confused with the other rod that has the star on it.
This rod is dynamite, activated by saying BLAST. How you're supposed to figure either fact out, I have no idea. There are no clues in the game to suggest it, except maybe what's written on the oyster, which implies you're actually meant to guess the verb. Ugh.
Drop this rod in the NE End of the Repository, return to the SW End, then BLAST to win the game.
Honorable mention: a bear. It's in the Barren Room.
After you've tamed the bear (by giving it the food) and freed the bear (by unlocking the chain with the keys), you may now "take" the bear. Although it's not listed in your inventory, it is following you around. You "drop" the bear when you want it to stop following you.
On the NE Side of Chasm, try to go southwest to summon the troll. Now "drop" the bear. The bear frightens the troll away forever, and you can now cross the bridge without paying a treasure ever again.
While holding both a scroll and your spell book, cast gnusto on the scroll to copy the spell written on the scroll into your spell book; the scroll itself is consumed.
a scrawled scroll. It's in the Debris Room and has the xyzzy spell on it.
a sacred scroll. It's in the Hall of Mists and has the dokvim spell on it.
a delicate scroll. It's at "Y2" and has the plugh spell on it.
an imperfect scroll. It's in the Plover Room amd has the plover spell on it.
Bring all 15 treasures to Inside Building and drop them there to get full points for them. Make sure the pillow is there for the vase!
You gain 5 temporary points whenever you pick up a treasure, but these points ware lost whenever and however the treasure leaves your inventory. You gain 2 bonus points for each treasure you pick up for the first time.
Each treasure has "deposit-points" which are earned by leaving the treasure in Inside Building. If a treasure is moved from there or destroyed while there, those points are lost until the treasure is put back.
Treasures can be stolen by the pirate from your inventory or from your current location until you find his treasure chest in the alike-maze; after that, the pirate is neutralized and no longer bothers you.
Picking up the last treasure triggers the "cave closing" message. Hurry back to Inside Building and deposit your remaining treasures before the endgame starts. You have 25 turns before the cave closes and you're teleported into the Repository.
a large gold nugget. It's in the Low Room and is worth 10 deposit-points.
The nugget is too heavy (I assume) to carry it up from Hall of Mists. You must use a teleport spell like xyzzy or plugh to get the nugget to the building.
some diamonds. They're on the west side of the fissure and are worth 10 deposit-points.
some bars of silver. They're in the Low N/S Passage and are worth 10 deposit-points.
some precious jewelry. It's in the South Side Chamber and is worth 10 deposit-points.
many rare coins. They're in the West Side Chamber and are worth 10 deposit-points.
In the Dead End, near the Vending Machine, if you put the coins into the vending machine, the machine vends you some fresh batteries for your lantern. Obviously, you should avoid needing to do that, even in the original Adventure.
a Persian rug. A dragon is lying on top of the rug in the Secret Canyon; the rug is worth 14 deposit-points.
To get the dragon off the rug, attack the dragon. When the game asks, "With what? Your bare hands?", answer YES. Incredibly, the dragon is now dead and you can take the rug.
a treasure chest. It's in Dead End 13 and it's worth 12 deposit-points.
When you enter Dead End 13, and see the chest properly for the first time, the pirate stops bothering you.
Neither the keys nor rezrov can open the chest for you. It was never meant to be opened and it isn't coded that way at all.
a nest of golden eggs. It's in the Giant Room and is worth 14 deposit-points.
On the SW Side of Chasm, try to go northeast to cross the rickety bridge. A troll shows up and stops you, demanding payment. Only a treasure will do. Give the eggs to the troll; he leaves with them. To get the eggs back later, say "Fee. Fie. Foe. Foo." (one word per command in that order); the golden eggs teleport from wherever they are and return to the Giant Room. Now take the eggs to Inside Building like any other treasure.
a jeweled trident. It's in the Cavern With Waterfall, and it's worth 14 deposit-points.
In the Shell Room, open the clam with the trident. The clam is really an oyster, and a pearl falls out and rolls to Cul-de-Sac.
a ming vase. It's in the Oriental Room and is worth 14 deposit-points.
At Inside Building, drop the pillow there first before dropping the vase there.
CAUTION: Don't ever drop the vase unless the pillow is on the floor in your location. Otherwise, the vase smashes into shards. Obviously, never throw the vase or hit something else with it either.
CAUTION: Don't ever try to fill the vase with water. The cold water shatters the vase too. Actually, never try to put anything into the fragile vase.
an emerald the size of a plover's egg. It's in the Plover Room and it's worth 14 deposit-points.
The emerald is the only thing that can fit through the narrow passage between the Plover Room and the Alcove. To get the emerald out, just drop everything in the Alcove, then go in and carry the emerald out through the narrow passage. The Plover Room is lit, so you don't need to bring light in there to see the emerald.
Note that the emerald resists the plover spell. If you cast plover while carrying the emerald, the emerald always returns to the Plover Room.
a platinum pyramid. It's in The Dark Room and it's worth 14 deposit-points.
The Dark Room is adjacent to the Plover Room and its narrow entrance, and in Adventure, you'd use the magic word PLOVER to bring you and your lantern into the Plover Room. But now that the plover spell is on the imperfect scroll, and you can't bring your spellbook in or bring the scroll out, you need to change your strategy.
I suggest learning plugh before entering the Plover Room, frotzing the scroll (or emerald if it's still there), then use the scroll's light to enter the Dark Room, get the pyramid, then teleport out via plugh. After depositing the pyramid, return to the Alcove for whatever you dropped off there.
a glistening pearl. It's inside the "clam" in the Shell Room; open the clam with the trident. The pearl falls out and rolls to the Cul-de-Sac. It's worth 14 deposit-points.
a selection of rare spices. They're in the Chamber of Boulders, and they're worth 14 deposit-points.
a golden chain. It's locked to the bear and the wall in the Barren Room. It's worth 14 deposit-points.
First, give the food to the bear to make it friendly. Then, unlock the chain with the keys; oddly, rezrov doesn't work on the chain.
Junk objects could be used to help you map out the alike-maze, but with the dokvim spell in play, why bother?
some worthless shards of pottery. The shards are what the ming vase turns into if you drop it somewhere without the pillow on the floor to catch it, or throw it, or if you try to fill the vase with cold water.
a worn-out batteries. You automatically remove them from the lantern when you (or the game) insert the fresh batteries into the lantern.
The response to SCORE is:
You have so far scored your-score out of a possible 350, in several turns, earning you the rank of your-rank.
Points are awarded as follows:
36 points for starting the game.
30 points total for picking up treasures that you've never picked up before; that's 2 points per treasure.
188 points total for depositing the treasures in Inside Building. (That's 10 points each for the nugget, diamonds, silver, jewelry, and coins; 12 points for the treasure chest; and 14 points each for the rug, eggs, trident, vase, emerald, pyramid, pearl, spices, and golden chain.)
25 points for entering the Hall of the Mists for the first time.
25 points for picking up the 15th treasure; cave closure starts.
10 points for reaching the endgame.
20 points for burying the snakes in rubble, except you also die in the lava, or
35 points for burying the sleeping dwarves and finding the main office.
1 point for dropping the magazine at Witt's End. Experienced players of interactive fiction call this the "Last Lousy Point".
There are also temporary points. You are temporarily awarded 5 points every time you pick up a treasure, and you lose these points whenever they leave your inventory for any reason.
Points are deducted as follows:
−10 points whenever the player-character dies.
−10 points for taking back the nugget, diamonds, silver, jewelry, or coins at Inside Building.
−12 points for taking back the chest at Inside Building.
−14 points for taking back the rug, eggs, trident, vase, emerald, pearl, spices, or golden chain at Inside Building.
−14 points if you break the vase when it's deposited at Inside Building.
−14 points if you "fee fie foe foo" when the eggs are deposited at Inside Building.
−1 point if you take back the magazine at Witt's End.
The ranks are:
Amateur.(0 to 9 points)
Novice.(10 to 34 points)
Adventurer.(35 to 99 points)
Experienced Adventurer.(100 to 129 points)
Seasoned Adventurer.(130 to 199 points)
Junior Master.(200 to 299 points)
Master, second class.(300 to 329 points)
Master, first class.(330 to 347 points)
Grandmaster Adventurer!(348 to 350 points)
CAUTION: You can screw up the score accounting if you start putting treasures into the cage, so don't do that.
gnusto spell: copy a scroll into your spell book.
It's in your spell book; it's also a permanent spell in your memory.
Gnusto every scroll you find. You will, of course, need to be holding both the spell book and the scroll for this spell to work.
frotz spell: cause an object to give off light.
It's in your spell book; it's also a permanent spell in your memory.
Frotz doesn't work on creatures or major parts of the scenery, but works on everything else. I suggest frotzing your spell book and leaving the lantern behind. You need to carry the book everywhere already, so why not have one less item in your inventory?
When getting the pyramid from the Dark Room, and you don't have your spell book, frotz either the emerald or imperfect scroll for light.
While you can try to read the mind of every creature in the game, none of them are thinking any thoughts that aren't already obvious to you. The snake and bear are hungry, the troll and pirate are greedy, the wandering dwarves want you dead, the sleeping dwarves shouldn't be disturbed, and the bird and dragon only have "ordinary" thoughts.
Annoyingly, the source code says that the bird's lack of thoughts are deliberate. A hint that the bird fears the rod or hates snakes would have been welcome.
rezrov spell: open even locked or enchanted objects.
It's in your spell book; it's also a permanent spell in your memory.
Rezrov unlocks the grate at Outside Grate, but it doesn't unlock the golden chain, it doesn't open the rusty door, and it doesn't open the clam. Was this game tested?
Rezrov does unlock the gate at the SW End of Repository, but this does you no good at all. If you enter that gate, you return to Outside Grate with no way back to the repository except by using UNDO. But really, entering the grate should take you to the Main Office and let you win that way. Boo hiss that that doesn't work.
Jindak is worthless in this game, unfortunately. It doesn't detect magic anywhere: not in your spell book or scrolls, and not in the black rod nor the crystal bridge it summons into existence.
Malyon doesn't work on creatures or major parts of the scenery, but all it does in this game is make something dance a jig briefly which is no help to you.
xyzzy spell: teleport to Inside Building from In Debris Room.
The spell description is not accurate. In most locations, you teleport to Inside Building. But if cast in Inside Building, xyzzy teleports you to the Debris Room.
Use this spell (or plugh) to quickly bring treasures to the building or escape a maze. The two treasures that must be teleported are the gold nugget and the pyramid.
This is nearly identical to xyzzy, where in most locations, you teleport to Inside Building. The only difference is that when cast in Inside Building, plugh teleports you to "Y2" instead of the Debris Room.
plover spell: teleport between 'At Y2' and Plover Room