
Key & Compass presents:
Seeker of Magic
by Garry Francis

Seeker of Magic is an online web browser interactive fiction game written with Adventuron and is © 2019 by Garry Francis. It was a participant in the Adventuron Cave Jam 2019.

In this short adventure, you play as Rowan of Bunglewood Downs, a would-be thief and a seeker of magic. You intend to find and enter the Cave of Magic and take its magic for yourself.

This solution is by David Welbourn.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


TreasureRoom DeepInsideCave InsideCave OutsideCave Top ofAppleTree ForestPath Shoreof Lake u d


Shore of Lake

> x me. i. x knife.

> x lake. x boat. x water. x shore.

> drink water.

> w.

Forest Path

> x branch. x trees. x tree. x apples.

> drop all. climb tree.

Top of Apple Tree

> x branches. x apples.

> take apple. x apple. drop apple.

> d.

Forest Path

> take all. n.

Outside Cave

> x troll. x pouch. x cave. x entrance.

> talk to troll. (He's hungry.)

> give apple to troll. (He wants meat!)

> take apple. cut apple. (You find a worm.)

> x worm. give worm. (+5. You can enter now.)

> n.

Inside Cave

> x rock. take rock. throw rock. (The troll falls.)

> s.

Outside Cave

> x troll. take pouch. open pouch.

> take flint. drop pouch. take rock.

> hit rock with flint. (+5. You now have a torch!)

> drop rock. drop flint. x torch.

> n. n.

Deep Inside Cave

> x fire. x ashes. search ashes.

> x box. open box. x key. take key.

> read parchment. say nothing.

> x door. push door. (+5)

> n.

Treasure Room

> x chest. unlock chest with key. drop key.

> open chest. x scrolls. read them. take them.

> s. s. s. s. e.

Shore of Lake

> enter boat. (+5)

Congratulations. You've unlocked the secret of The Cave of Magic and stolen the magic scrolls.



The game has artwork for every location in the game. Here are thumbnails of two of them. Please play the game to see the artwork in its intended sizes.




The response to ABOUT is:

This game was written for the Adventuron CaveJam which ran from 31 August to 23 September 2019. The rules were defined at

Adventuron and the game skeleton were written by Chris Ainsley. The font was designed by Fergus McNeill. Game design, coding and graphics were done by Garry Francis. Play testing were done by Chris Ainsley, Gareth Pitchford and Omid Haghgoo (alias Pixelman). Thanks to all of you.


Items are listed in the order you encounter them in this walkthrough. You have a carrying capacity limit of 5 items.


The response to SCORE is:

You have scored your-score points in several turns.

The maximum score is 20. Points are awarded as follows:

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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