
Key & Compass presents:
Seasonal Apocalpyse Disorder
by Zan and Xavid

Seasonal Apocalpyse Disorder is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2020 by Zan and Xavid. It was entered in IF Comp 2020 where it tied for 33rd place.

In this fantasy game, you play as a druid sent back in time to prevent the Order of the Fiery Doom from enacting a ritual that will destroy everything in flames. Using the right plants and a mystical cocoon, you can time-travel to all four seasons in your mission to stop this apocalypse.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Map 1: Winter

IcyIsland OpenGround FrozenShore At HotSpring SnowyClearing PineBarrens Snow-coveredField RockyFissure

Map 2: Spring

PeacefulIsland Northof Hut MuddyShore ShadedRoof Hut ForestClearing CalmPines Ditch-in-Progress At LavaVent

Map 3: Summer

Sun-bakedIsland Room inProgress SunnyShore SunnyRoof ExpandedHut BuildingSite LushForest DirtRoad MakeshiftLaundry

Map 4: Fall

BarrenIsland Pantry Dungeon Kitchen Base ofStairs NarrowHallway StorageRoom Laundry Sanctum Armory RitualRoom Workshop u d


The Federal Bureau of Druids cast their final ritual. They send you back in time to stop the Order of the Fiery Doom before they turn the world's cities into ash.

If you find the right plants, the mystical cocoon will take you back further.

Base of StairsFall

> x me. i. x suit.

> x cocoon. (Can take plants associated with seasons.)

> x mat. x door. (See a kitchen through window.)

> open door. (locked)

> n.


> x window. x island.

> x carving. (downward arrow from hexagon to triangle)

> s. s.


> x acolyte. (has red flame tattoo, screwdriver)

> x uniform. take uniform.

> x washbasin. x valve. x cabinets.

> x pipe. (valve, label with orange pentagram)

> n. e.

Narrow HallwayFall

> x worker. (has fancy hat, popcorn kernel tattoo, sunflower seeds, mop)

> x hat. x seeds. x mop.

> e. (The worker blocks your path.)

> w. n.


> remove suit. (No, put disguises over the suit.)

> wear uniform. s. e.

Narrow HallwayFall

You don't speak the worker's language and you can't just take the seeds from her. So, um...

If you're wearing the uniform, she'll let you go past her.

> e.

Storage RoomFall

> x firewood. x holly. take holly.

> w. w.

Base of StairsFall

> u.

Ritual RoomFall

> x pentagram. x woman.

> x hat. (volcano-like)

> x oil.

If you try to go through an arch, the elder blocks you with nonsense sounds and a gesture at her hat; your own lack of a hat seems to be a problem.

By the way, the elder's tattoo is meant to suggest Arm & Hammer™ baking soda.

> d.

Base of StairsFall

> put holly in cocoon. (A winter thread appears.)

> touch winter.

You're pulled back through time, leaving the guard's uniform behind.

Snowy ClearingWinter

> x cocoon. (The winter thread remains. There's no other threads.)

Let's explore this season starting with east of this clearing and going counterclockwise around the clearing.

> e.

Pine BarrensWinter

> x trees. x holes.

> e.

Snow-covered FieldWinter

Nothing here.

> w. nw.

Frozen ShoreWinter

> x seashell. take it.

> n.

Icy IslandWinter

> x airplane. (flyer for the Solar Crusade)

> take it. s. w. s.

At Hot SpringWinter

> x water. fill shell.

> e. s.

Rocky FissureWinter

> x outcropping. x crack.

> n. e.

Pine BarrensWinter

> pour water in holes. take bulb. x bulb.

> w.

Snowy ClearingWinter

> put bulb in cocoon. (A spring thread appears.)

> touch spring.

You're pulled forward in time. The seashell and airplane are left behind.

Forest ClearingSpring

> x doormat. x door. x window.

> s.

At Lava VentSpring

> x lava. n. e.

Calm PinesSpring

> x trees. x needles. e.


> x mounds. x shovel. take it.

> dig mounds. (You make very little progress.)

> w. nw.

Muddy ShoreSpring

> x lake. x branch. (It's a fishing rod.)

> take rod. fish. (You fail to catch anything.)

> w.

North of HutSpring

> x man. x iron key. x roof. x ladder. x bootprints.

> save.

There's three ways to get the key from the hermit. You should save here, since some endings can only be reached based on if you helped or killed the hermit.

If the hermit died, take the key:


Forest ClearingSpring

If the hermit is here, he unlocks the door and goes inside, leaving the key in the keyhole. Take the key:

Otherwise, unlock the door yourself:


> x journal. (happy with isolation and lava)

> x gourd. take it.

> e.

Forest ClearingSpring

> put gourd in cocoon. (fall thread appears)

> put key under doormat.

> touch fall. (You're pulled forward; the rod and shovel are left behind.)

Base of StairsFall

If the hermit died, his funeral urn is now here:

If you helped the hermit, a bronze plaque is now here:


> wear uniform. look under mat. (find rusty key)

> unlock door with key. w.


> x sticky door. open it. (It's stuck closed with molasses.)

> x corn. x stove. x oil. x pot.

CAREFUL: Don't cook the kernels and the oil at the same time or you'll make a charred mess.

> put oil in pot.

> put pot on stove. (The pot's oil becomes hot.)

> put corn in pot. (You've made popcorn.)

> take pot.

> e. e.

Narrow HallwayFall

> give popcorn to worker. (She eats it, then gives you the sunflower seeds.)

> w.

Base of StairsFall

> put seeds in cocoon. (summer thread appears)

> put rusty key under mat.

> touch summer. (You're pulled backwards in time, leaving the pot, oil, and uniform behind.)

Building SiteSummer

> x door. x window. (see nothing)

> x mat. x block. (It's familiar?)

> n.

Sunny ShoreSummer

> x gull. (It has a yellow band on one ankle.)

> x rocks. w.

Room in ProgressSummer

> x carpenter. (She has a hammer tattoo and an actual hammer.)

> x hammer.

> x woodworker. (He has a brass lantern tattoo.)

> x door. x floor.

> open door. s.

Expanded HutSummer

> x clear stone. take it.

> open oak door. e. s.

Makeshift LaundrySummer

> x clothesline. x pot. x tape. ("DANGER")

> x depression. x slab. (It's covering the lava.)

> x flask. take it. ne.

Lush ForestSummer

> x milkweed. (It has metamorphosis magic.)

> take it. (The cow blocks you.)

> x cow. x trees.

> give flask to cow. (It drinks!)

> push cow. (It falls over.)

> take milkweed. e.

Dirt RoadSummer

> x ditch. x dead tree.

> x chicken. (crossing the road over and over)

> x woodpecker. (laughing at the chicken)

> w. nw.

Sunny ShoreSummer

> throw quartz. (The gull carries it to the island.)

> s.

Building SiteSummer

> put milkweed in cocoon. (The cocoon becomes a butterfly on your shoulder. Now you can access the threads from anywhere.)

> touch winter. (You leave the flask behind.)

Snowy ClearingWinter

> n. n.

Icy IslandWinter

> touch spring.

Peaceful IslandSpring

Nothing grows here.

> touch summer.

Sun-baked IslandSummer

> x tree. x nest. (has quartz)

> x cone. (has indentation)

> put quartz in cone.

Light is refracted onto many things suggesting many color-to-number pairs: red 7, orange 5, yellow 6, green 2, blue 8, indigo 9, and violet 1.

> x compartment. open it. read notes.

You learn that one of the Order is a spy working for the Solar Crusade, using a messenger seagull. It's signed with heart containing a brass lantern; that's the woodworker!

> put quartz in nest.

> fall.

Barren IslandFall

> x octagon. ("stop")

> winter. s. w. fall.


> x lockbox. (has seven dials, ROYGBIV)

> x red dial. (set to 0.)

> set red to 7. set orange to 5.

> set yellow to 6. set green to 2.

> set blue to 8. set indigo to 9.

> set violet to 1. (The lockbox opens.)

> x thyme. put it in butterfly. (The butterfly enlarges. You can now take items with you through time.)

> x jar. take it. open it. (The lid is stuck.)

Time to grab everything from everywhere.

> winter. se.

Snowy ClearingWinter

> take airplane and shell. w.

At Hot SpringWinter

> fill shell.

> pour water on jar. (You hear a pop.)

> open jar. close jar.

> e. spring.

Forest ClearingSpring

> take shovel and rod.

> summer.

Building SiteSummer

> take flask.

> fall.

Base of StairsFall

> wear uniform. e.

Narrow HallwayFall

There are two ways to obtain the worker's hat:

> winter. nw. n. summer.

Sun-baked IslandSummer

> take notes.

> fall.

Barren IslandFall

> take octagon.

> winter. s. s. fall. u.

Ritual RoomFall

> wear hat. w.


> x dull scythe. x sharp scythe. x just scythe.

> take just.

> summer.

Sunny RoofSummer

> x egg. take egg.

> spring.

Shaded RoofSpring

> x Easter egg. take it.

> fall. e. e.


> x plant. (dirt disturbed by...?)

> x woodworker. x saw.

> take plant. (woodworker blocks you)

> w. n.


If the hermit didn't die, he's here now. If you steadied his ladder, he gives you a blessing by touching your forehead.

> x windows. (all about fire and fire-related creatures)

If the hermit is here, he prevents you from looking at the parchment. If you give the shovel to him, he runs off with the shovel, leaving the parchment unprotected. But since you might need the shovel for later, you might not want to do that.

> x parchment. (describes ritual about entering a new world via a pentagram of pure flame, free of acrid/polluting influences.)

> s. d.

Base of StairsFall

> save.

It's now time to decide how you want to end this. You have many options:

Ending 1: Destroy the ritual room with a volcano

Base of StairsFall

> u.

Ritual RoomFall

I'm assuming you earlier used hot water to pop the lid of the pickle jar.

> open jar.

> pour vinegar on fancy hat.

Actual lava starts erupting from the elder's hat!

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 1/8) ***

Ending 2a: Defile the pentagram with rubber

Base of StairsFall

> winter. n. n. summer.

Sun-baked IslandSummer

> cut cone with scythe. x rubber.

> winter. s. s. fall. u.

Ritual RoomFall

> give notes to elder. (She goes and binds the journeyman woodworker in chains and drags him downstairs, then returns and thanks you.)

> e.


> take folded paper. x it. ("...don't... ignite the pentagram.")

> dig with shovel. take handle. x it.

> w. d. s.


> give handle to acolyte. (He installs and turns the valve. You hear a woosh upstairs, and he leaves excitedly.)

> n. u.

Ritual RoomFall

The pentagram is on fire. The acolyte bows to it. The elder gestures you northward.

> put rubber on pentagram.

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 2/8) ***

Ending 2b: Defile the pentagram with hair

Base of StairsFall

> u.

Ritual RoomFall

> give notes to elder. (She goes and binds the journeyman woodworker in chains and drags him downstairs, then returns and thanks you.)

> e.


> take folded paper. x it. ("...don't... ignite the pentagram.")

> dig with shovel. take handle. x it.

> w. d. s.


> give handle to acolyte. (He installs and turns the valve. You hear a woosh upstairs, and he leaves excitedly.)

> n. u.

Ritual RoomFall

The pentagram is on fire. The acolyte bows to it. The elder gestures you northward.

> cut hair with scythe.

> put hair on pentagram.

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 2/8) ***

Ending 2c: Defile the pentagram with vinegar

Base of StairsFall

> u.

Ritual RoomFall

> give notes to elder. (She goes and binds the journeyman woodworker in chains and drags him downstairs, then returns and thanks you.)

> e.


> take folded paper. x it. ("...don't... ignite the pentagram.")

> dig with shovel. take handle. x it.

> w. d. s.


> give handle to acolyte. (He installs and turns the valve. You hear a woosh upstairs, and he leaves excitedly.)

> n. u.

Ritual RoomFall

The pentagram is on fire. The acolyte bows to it. The elder gestures you northward.

> pour vinegar on pentagram.

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 2/8) ***

Ending 3: Stop the gull from delivering its message

Base of StairsFall

> take pot and oil. w.


> make popcorn. take popcorn.

> winter. e. n. n. summer.

Sun-baked IslandSummer

> give popcorn to gull. take gull.

> fall.

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 3/8) ***

Ending 4: Kill the spy

Base of StairsFall

Assuming you have a weapon and the octagon.

> summer. e. e.

Dirt RoadSummer

> drop octagonorshow octagon to chicken.

The hammering noise of the woodpecker summons the hammer-loving carpenter.

> w. w. nw.

Room in ProgressSummer

The apprentice woodworker is now alone.

> kill woodworker with scytheorkill woodworker with shovel.

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 4/8) ***

Ending 5: Give the plans to the spy

Base of StairsFall

> u. n.


If the hermit is here:

> take plans.

> s. d. summer. e. e.

Dirt RoadSummer

> drop octagonorshow octagon to chicken.

The hammering noise of the woodpecker summons the hammer-loving carpenter.

> w. w. nw.

Room in ProgressSummer

The apprentice woodworker is now alone.

> give plans to woodworker.

*** You have saved the world from fire. (Ending 5/8) ***

Ending 6: Escape to another world

Base of StairsFall

> u

Ritual RoomFall

This ending only works if you steadied the hermit's ladder in the spring, then received his blessing in the sanctum. Otherwise the flames burn you; see ending 7.

> enter pentagram.

*** You have escaped the destruction of the world. (Ending 6/8) ***

Ending 7: Burn to death

Base of StairsFall

> u.

Ritual RoomFall

This ending only works if either the hermit is dead, or you never received his blessing in the sanctum.

> enter pentagram.

*** You have gone up in flames. (Ending 7/8) ***

Ending 8: Die trying to kill the spy

Ritual RoomFall

> summer. nw.

Room in ProgressSummer

Assuming the carpenter is still here.

> kill woodworker with scytheorkill woodworker with shovel.

The carpenter foils your attempt, then kills you.

*** You have died. (Ending 8/8) ***





Groups mentioned:


This is the response to CREDITS:

Seasonal Apocalypse Disorder is Copyright 2020 by Zan and Xavid <email redacted>. It may be distributed for free, but not sold or included in any for-profit collection without written permission from the authors.

Much thanks to Sarah Tuttle, the Pretzings, and Thomas Mack for testing and feedback.

Cover art by N. Santore (



All seasons

Note that most items do not travel through time with you, and that you'll leave most things behind when you try. These are the few things that do travel between the seasons.

From Winter
From Spring
From Summer
From Fall

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