
Key & Compass presents:
The Sacred Shovel of Athenia
by AndyG

The Sacred Shovel of Athenia is a Glulx work of interactive fiction written with Inform 7 and is © 2023 by AndyG. It was entered in the Main Festival of Spring Thing 2023.

In this small fantasy game, you play as an adventurer who has finally found the sacred shovel of Athenia. There's a cat here too, ugh. But before you can take the shovel for your king, a "catometer" wraps itself to your wrist. Only a true cat lover can take the shovel, and you're not one of those just yet.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 12 of the work.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of a work of interactive fiction. Please make an honest effort to play the work before reading this walkthrough.


In aVillageShop In aVillage Top ofa Hill VillageGreen On aHill In aMeadow Insidea Shed (to thecastle)


On a Hill

> x me. x contraption. ("catometer")

> x shovel. take it. (no, must be a proven cat lover first)

> x cat. pet cat. (+1)

> x meter. (Now at orange.)

> x sword. take it.

> x hill. x sun. x path. x birds.

> n.

Top of a Hill

> read post. x castle. x village.

> n. (You won't dare without the shovel.)

> w.

In a Village

> x stand. x newspaper. take it.

> s.

Village Green

> x tin. take it.

> x well. x coin. x grate. open it. (can't)

> take coin. (can't reach)

> n. e. s. s.

In a Meadow

The cat follows you because you have the tin of cat food.

> x shed. open door. (locked)

> x door. (note keyhole and gap underneath)

> look in keyhole. (something's in there)

> put newspaper in gap. (It crumples instead!)

> put sword in keyhole. (If the cat is here, it pulls the key out from the gap!)

> unlock door with key. open door. e.

Inside a Shed

> x window. x opener. x rod. x magnet. x bowl.

> take opener and rod. (The bowl must stay.)

> open tin. (with the opener)

> put food in bowl. (+1. The cat eats the food.)

> w. n. n. w. s.

Village Green

> fish. take coin.

> n.

In a Village

By the way, if you tried to enter the shop while the cat was following you, the shop keeper shoos you out, pointing to a notice.

> x shop. x notice. ("No PETS allowed")

> n.

In a Village Shop

> x mouse. x bed. x cushion. x woman. x counter.

You need bothe the bed and the toy mouse, but your coin can only buy one. So... you need to get one for free. Hide the mouse inside the bed.

> take mouse. take bed. put mouse in bed.

> buy bed. (using the silver coin)

> s.

In a Village

You automatically remove the mouse from the bed.

> e. s. s. e.

Inside a Shed

> drop bed. (The cat enters the bed and sleeps.)

> w. z. z. e. z. (+1. The cat wakes.)

The cat is following you again.

> w. n.

On a Hill

To get the mouse to actively play with the mouse, both the cat and mouse must be on the ground together, and then LOOK. I wasn't expecting LOOK to trigger anything! That's so unusual!

> drop mouse. look. (+1. The cat plays with the mouse.)

The needle is now at green.

> save. (Trust me.)

> take shovel.

Unexpectedly, an enormous ogre grabs the shovel from you and drops you at...

Top of a Hill

CAUTION: If this battle lasts too long, the cat will get injured and may even die!

> kill ogre with sword. (This helps, but now you need another tactic.)

While the ogre is off-balance:

> hit shovel with sword. (The shovel falls.)

> take shovel.

> hit ogre with shovel. (He falls on unbroken ground but gets back up again.)

> dig hill. (You make a small hole.)

> g. g. g. (The hole is now ogre-sized.)

> hit ogre with shovel. (He's dead.)

> x ogre. take cat. pet cat.

> n.

The king thanks you for the shovel. You take the cat home.

*** THE END - And they both lived happily ever after. ***





There are no explicit credits, but in the ABOUT text, the author credits his son and kitten with the basic idea:

About "The Sacred Shovel of Athenia"

A word from the author:

I usually find it difficult to finish writing a game; usually they get so long I lose sight of the plot and never get to the end without either getting bored or making things so complex the end seems too far away. So I tried to come up with a short story, with a beginning, a middle and an end, to attempt to get something of a workable game in inform7. We had recently acquired a kitten and my son was a little wary about stroking it. It gave me the idea of a game in which. to complete it, you needed to befriend a cat. And so, "The Sacred Shovel of Athenia" was born. It's not a very long game and the puzzles are fairly simple, but it is a fully working game, and my son enjoyed playing it.

P.S. He is also happy to play with our cat now (who is no longer a kitten anymore) but it does sometimes swipe at you if he is not wanting attention (the cat, that is; not my son!) -- AG


Note that you do not have the option to leave the cat behind when you go to the castle. And why would you? You're a cat-lover now.


Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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