
Key & Compass presents:
by Jim Munroe

Roofed is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2010 by Jim Munroe. It was an entry in Jay Is Games's Casual Gameplay Design Competition #7 where it took 5th place.

In this game, you play as Toph Karrento. You and your older brother Anton are on this rooftop, looking for valuable silk left behind in high places by the giant mutant spiders before they all died off twenty years ago. Unfortunately, the roof access door closed and locked while you were trying to climb the chimney. Whether you find any silk or not, you're also going to need to find another way off this roof.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 2 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


gardenpatch northeastcorner by theexit at the baseof thechimney on topof theexit cube halfwayup thechimney top of thechimney (win) u u u d d d


Rooftop, halfway up the chimney

IMPORTANT: Anton wanders. To talk to Anton or do anything else with him, you must first CALL ANTON to get him into your location. He can talk to you from anywhere on the roof, but you can't talk to him unless you're right next to him.

> credits. x me. x Anton. x chimney. x tag. x door.

> x shirt. x pants. x boots.

> u. (Can't go any higher.)

> d. w.

Rooftop, by the exit

> x door. open door. (You're locked out.)

> ask Anton for claw. ask Anton for unit.

> x claw. x unit. wear unit.

> call Anton. ask Anton about silk.

> ask Anton about claw. ask Anton about unit.

> ask Anton about Harry. ask Anton about parents.

> ask Anton about Bad Seeds.

> ask Anton about chimney. ask Anton about bag.

> ask Anton about garden. ask Anton about plan.

> x building. x billboard.

> x city. ask Anton about spiders. ask Anton about Tower.

> n.

Rooftop, garden patch

> x plants. x vegetables.

> take cucumber. x cucumber.

> take plank.

> call Anton. Anton, take plank. (He could if he were angry enough.)

> throw cucumber at Anton. Anton, take plank. (Success!)

> take cucumber.

> e.

Rooftop, northeast corner

> x street. x Pachenko. ask Anton about Pachenko. (This gets him mad.)

> s.

Rooftop, at the base of the chimney

> throw cucumber at chimney. (It's now covered in vines.)

> u. u.

Rooftop, top of the chimney

> x silk. take silk with claw. (You put the silk into the unit.)

> x rooftop.

> d. (Wait. You see something.)

> x bulge. (There's more silk on top of the access cube.)

> d. d.

Rooftop, at the base of the chimney

> call Anton. tell Anton about silk.

> w.

Rooftop, by the exit

> call Anton. climb Anton. u.

Rooftop, on top of the exit cube

> take lump with claw. d.

Rooftop, by the exit

> call Anton. Anton, give plank to me.

> put plank on gap. w.

The plank cracks and you backstep fast!

> hug Anton. z. z. (Anton pulls the plank back.)

> x plank. put small silk on plank.

> x plank. take plank. put plank on gap.

> w.

Anton won't let you cross first again, but he's too nervous himself right now.

> ask Anton about Pachenko. (He's mad, then anxious again.)

> show large silk to Anton. (He's no longer anxious.)

> w. (Anton pushes you aside and strides out.)

> z. z. (Anton finally crosses.)

> w.

*** You have won ***





Roofed was written and coded by Jim Munroe in December and January 2010 for the jayisgames competition, where it placed fifth out of thirty entries. Check out his other work or get in touch via Beta testing by Susan Bustos, Rowan Lipkovits, Kevin Jackson-Mead, Jeffrey Joy, Raigan Burns, Jacqueline A. Lott, Sean Lerner, Filipe Salgado, Mare Sheppard, Leif Conti-Groome, and Jennifer Fell. svoight pointed out an implementation flaw that was corrected in this version. Thanks to Peter Marshall for designing the cover, Josh Henderson and Erica Bella for the photography, and Ray Larabie for the font. Thanks to the Inform 7 team and Mikael Segercrantz and Emily Short for their extensions. Thanks especially to Jonah "Anton" Hundert and Taylor "Toph" Katz for bringing their characters to life so irresistibly.

Anton and Toph's adventures continue in the lo-fi sci-fi movie Ghosts With Shit Jobs ( being released later this year.


Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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