
Key & Compass presents:
by Phlegethon

Reddex is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2020 by Phlegethon.

In this small game, you play as a bored IT worker who gets a message to visit You do so and find yourself in a cliché text adventure. Find coins and rocks and kill a dragon!

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Gravelpath top ofhill Woods Springin thewoods Low endof forest Forest Darkforest u d


Dark forest

Advance warning: Nothing in this game makes much sense. It's an adventure for the sake of being an adventure.

> about. x sign.

> x me. i. x wallet. x ID.

> x lamp. take it. (+1)

> n.

Don't take the black rock immediately.

> x rock. d.

Low end of forest

> x coins. take coins. (+5)

> u.


For some reason, you only get points for taking this rock when you already have the coins.

> take rock. (+5)

> d.

Low end of forest

CAUTION: Going northeast from here without a lit lamp is fatal.

> turn on lamp. ne.


> x oak. climb tree. (can't)

> e.

Spring in the woods

CAUTION: Sleeping here is fatal.

> x grass. listen to grass.

> x spring. drink spring.

> x platform. x bottle. take it.

> fill bottle with spring.

> n.

top of hill

> ne.

Gravel path

Because you can lose the battle to the dragon by dumb luck, I recommend saving first before taking the dagger.

> x blue rock. take it. (+5)

> x dagger.

> save. take dagger. (A dragon arrives!)

The dragon is attacking. You both have 32 HP to begin with.

> kill dragon with dagger. (Repeat until you win: +5)

> diagnose me. (This shows you your current HP.)

I don't see any obvious way to heal yourself. Drinking water doesn't do it. Nor does waiting. There's no dragon corpse.

There's also nothing to tell you which direction (if any) the path goes. Return to the woods:

> sw. s. w.


There's now a white rock here.

> x white rock. take it. (+5)

> e.

Spring in the woods

There's no motivation for doing any of this, but you're expected to do it anyway.

> put black rock on platform.

> put blue rock on platform.

> put white rock on platform. (+6)

*** You have won! ***




This is the response to ABOUT:

A simple adventure game in which you have to find your way back to the real world. Your name is jimothy. indicated by the ID card in your wallet. It started off as a joke with a friend. A bit later, I decided to write this IF for a sort of EasterEgg for the site. So is a real and working site.

Another IF is coming soon. It's currently in the works. Filled with Fighting table-top role playing scenes, some horror, and fantasy. Restless Nights should be out soon.




The response to SCORE is:

You have so far scored your-score out of a possible 32, in several turns.

Points are awarded as follows:

Points are deducted as follows:

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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