
Key & Compass presents:
The Purple Pearl
by Amanda Walker

The Purple Pearl is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2023 by Amanda Walker. It was an entry in the Classic division of ParserComp 2023 where it tied for 1st place.

In this small fantasy two-player puzzlefest, the Purple Pearl of Luck has been stolen from the kingdom, and you two volunteered to help get it back. To test your capabilities, the king imprisons you in separate cells where you must solve puzzles and cooperate with each other until you both have escaped.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Hall TinyRoomA TinyRoomB StoneCell A StoneCell B drinkpotionthen up drinkpotion (TheEnd)


To play this game properly, team up with another player. One player plays the player A storyfile, and your partner plays the player B storyfile. You also need to be able to communicate freely with the other player, perhaps by text messages, to pass along info, advice, requests, and code numbers.

If you prefer, nothing is stopping you from running both halves of the game simultaneously and playing as both players. That's what I did to write this walkthrough, but that's not the intended way to experience this game. (I did play it the intended way with ClubFloyd beforehand, so I'm not feeling at all guilty.)

By the way, code numbers are fixed. They are not generated based on the date or players' names, for example.

Also, while the game is technically merciful in that you can never make the game unwinnable, it's possible to miss key information in the text that only appears once. For example, when writing this walkthrough, I totally missed seeing when the oval package was dispensed, and it's not mentioned in the room description. Also, I don't know of any command that re-lists codes that the player learned about. You gotta pay attention.

Player A Walkthrough

What is your name? > Hansel (or whatever your name is)

What is your partner's name? > Gretel (or whatever their name is)

You volunteer to help King Myron recover the Purple Pearl of Luck. But you're injected with something and wake up in...

Stone Cell (player A's cell)

> x note. x window.

> x picture. (Its verse suggests a down-middle-up sequence.)

> x panel. x switch. x 1. x 2. x 3. (all down initially)

> flip 2. flip 3. flip 3. (The panel opens, revealing a cylinder.)

> x cylinder. take card. x it. ("Spin it: pearls, people, cats.")

That fly is annoying.

> x fly. kill it. x it. take it.

> x pink square. x dial.

> x picture.

There's one pearl, two people, and four cats in the picture. So, according to the card's clue, you should spin the dial to 124.

> spin dial to 124. (A cavity with colored buttons is revealed, and the claw machine beeps.)

> x machine. pull lever.

> take package. x it. open it. x coin.

Send the coin to your partner.

> put coin in cylinder. push button. (You're given code 481.)

A: Gretel, I just sent you a coin in a cylinder. Use "code 481" to get it.

A: Do you have the coin yet? And can you put your rock into the cylinder?
B: I got the coin, thanks, Hansel. Inserting the rock now...
B: Code 276. And if you can send a hex key my way, I'd appreciate it.

> code 276. (The rock arrives, but the cylinder shattered.)

A: I got the rock, thanks, but, the cylinder shattered on arrival. I can't send anything back that way.
B: Drat.

> x rock. take it.

A ray of sunlight now highlights a protruding brick.

> x bucket. throw rock at bucket.

> take bucket. look in it. take key. x it.

> x brick. (acrostic clue: SING)

> sing. (A frog arrives.)

> x frog. x basket. give fly to frog. (It leans forward.)

> put key in basket. (The frog leaves: code 106.)

A: Gretel, code 106. Sending a hex key by Frog Express.
B: Got the key, thanks.

> push brick. (Code 748.)

A: Oh hey, I pushed a brick here and it gave me code 748.
B: Okay, gimme a sec...

B: Right. Sending you a cube via pigeon. Code 346.

> code 346. (A pigeon delivers a cube.)

> take cube. x it. put cube in cavity.

> push lime. push red. push puce.

> push lavender. push yellow. (The claw machine beeps.)

> pull lever. take package. open it.

> x potion. drink it. (Your arms grow long!)

> u.

Tiny Room (above player A's cell)

Your arms return to normal length.

> x door. open it. (locked)

A: Reached a tiny room, but the door's locked. I think I'm stuck unless you can unlock it.
B: Hang tight, Hansel. Still working on stuff here...

B: I'm now in a tiny room too. There's a dial...
B: Try code 067. And unlock my door!

> code 067. (The door opens!)

> n.


> x bar. take bar. (code 725)

A: I took the bar off your door and I've escaped! Code 725.
B: Thanks! I've escaped too!

You both escaped.

*** The End ***

author's note? > yes

Player B Walkthrough

What is your name? > Gretel (or whatever your name is)

What is your partner's name? > Hansel (or whatever their name is)

You volunteer to help King Myron recover the Purple Pearl of Luck. But you're injected with something and wake up in...

Stone Cell (player B's cell)

> x note. x window.

> x picture. (Its verse suggests an up-down-middle sequence.)

> x panel. x switch.

> x switch 1. x switch 2. x switch 3. (all down initially)

> flip 1. flip 1. flip 3. (The panel opens, revealing a niche.)

> x niche. x rock. take it.

> x plaque. x cavity. listen to cavity. ("Before, before, before")

> x gray square. x cage. ("HOMER")

> x pigeon. x bag.

> x machine. x slot. x knobs. (A to Z and 0 to 9)

A: Gretel, I just sent you a coin in a cylinder. Use "code 481" to get it.

> code 481. x cylinder. take coin. x it.

> put coin in slot.

Using the cavity's "before" clue:

> turn B. turn 4. (The machine dispenses an oval package and the plaque changes to show puckered lips.)

> take oval package.

> kiss plaque. (The plaque changes again and the cage rises on a box.)

> x plaque. (Shows eye above a crack.)

> x box. (It's a safe and needs a hex key.)

A: Do you have the coin yet? And can you put your rock into the cylinder?
B: I got the coin, thanks, Hansel. Inserting the rock now...

Send the rock to your partner.

> put rock in cylinder. push button. (code 276)

B: Code 276. And if you can send a hex key my way, I'd appreciate it.
A: I got the rock, thanks, but, the cylinder shattered on arrival. I can't send anything back that way.
B: Drat.

A: Gretel, code 106. Sending a hex key by Frog Express.

> code 106. (The frog arrives.)

> x frog. x basket. take key. (The frog leaves.)

B: Got the key, thanks.

> unlock safe with key.

> open safe. x seeds. take them.

A: Oh hey, I pushed a brick here and it gave me code 748.
B: Okay, gimme a sec...

> code 748. (A brick pushes partway out.)

> x brick. (acrostic clue: CLAP)

> clap. (A cube arrives.)

> x cube. take it.

> give seeds to pigeon. put cube in bag. (It leaves, dropping a coin and a feather. Code 346.)

B: Right. Sending you a cube via pigeon. Code 346.

> take coin and feather. x feather.

> put coin in slot.

> x plaque. x crack. look in crack.

> clean crack with feather.

A: Reached a tiny room, but the door's locked. I think I'm stuck unless you can unlock it.
B: Hang tight, Hansel. Still working on stuff here...

> look in crack. ("ELATE")

> turn L. turn 8. (A round package is vended.)

> take round package. open it. x potion.

> open oval package. x egg.

> break egg. x scroll. ("Spin it: cats, people, pearls.")

> x picture. (2 cats, 1 person, 4 pearls)

> drink potion. (You float up to...)

Tiny Room (above player B's cell)

B: I'm now in a tiny room too. There's a dial...

> x dial. x copy.

> spin dial to 214. (code 067)

B: Try code 067. And unlock my door!
A: I took the bar off your door and I've escaped! Code 725.

> code 725. (The door opens.)

> n.

B: Thanks! I've escaped too!

You both escaped.

*** The End ***

author's note? > yes





This is the response to CREDITS:

This two-player parser game was inspired by Milo van Mesdag's The Last Night of Alexisgrad and Rusty Lake's The Past Within.

Thanks to my fabulous beta testers: BJ Best, Henry Best (the Bests really lived up to their surname as they did last minute testing!), Jade, Zed Lopez, Travis Moy, Eva Radke, and Edo Rajh.

And thanks most of all to my sweet love, Tom, for everything.


Player A's items

These are the items that are originally found by player A.

Player B's items

These are the items that are originally found by player B.

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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