Pharaoh is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 6 and is © 2023 by Gianluca Girelli. It was an entry in PunyJam #4 where it took NTH place.
In this short linear game, you and your family were touring the Great Pyramid of Giza complex when the walls started shaking, a green vortex appeared, and your guide ran off, leaving you all in darkness. You need light, and you need to find a way out.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.
SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.
Darkness / Access Corridor West
The sightseeing guide abandoned you and your family inside the Great Pyramid of Giza when the walls started shaking. And did you see a green vortex?
> i. light lighter. x me. x family.
> x garments. x lighter. x vortex.
> e. e.
Underground Chamber
> x wood. burn wood. (You can see much better.)
> turn off lighter. take torch.
> x sarcophagus.
> x niche. search niche.
> push brick. (East exit opens.)
Before heading east, check back with your family.
> w.
Access Corridor East
> x writings. x pyramid. x spheres.
> w.
Access Corridor West
> x hole. listen to hole.
> d —or— enter hole. (no)
> e. e. e. d.
Downward Corridor
> x writings. d.
Intermediate Storage
The tools and the corner are different items!
> x tools. search tools.
> x corner. search corner. (found a crowbar!)
> take crowbar. x it.
> w.
Lower Corridor East
> x drawings. x creatures. x cart.
> w.
Lower Corridor West
> x fresco.
> w.
Burial Chamber
> x hieroglyphs. x tools. x trumpets. x ornaments.
> x statues. x door. x slot.
> x big. (can't open sarcophagus by hand)
> pry big. (with the crowbar)
> look in big. x box. take it.
> open box. (can't)
> break box. x ankh. ("Key of Life")
> put ankh in slot. (The floor collapses and you fall to...)
A Cold Dark Place / Metallic Corridor
> open eyes. x hatch. (too high up)
> e.
Control Room
> e. (no: A force field blocks you, and you see your family on the other side.)
> x family. talk to family. listen to family.
> x lever. (for force field)
> pull lever. (It's not working.)
> x table. x toolbox. open it. x fuse. take it.
> x junction box. open it. (locked)
> x ducts. x symbols.
> look under table. (Key acquired!)
> x key. unlock box with key.
> open box. x black fuse. take it.
> put green fuse in box.
> pull lever. (The field is off.)
> e.
Outside the pyramid
You and your family are reunited, but where are you now?
*** You have won ***
This is the response to CREDITS:
Pharaoh is dedicated to the fans of the good, old TV series of the 1980s.
Acknowlegment goes to the beta crew: Garry Francis, Ruggero Simoncelli and Davide Palombo.
Special thanks go to Graham Nelson, Fredrik Ramsberg, Johan Berntsson and Stefan Vogt.
Items are listed in the order acquired in this walkthrough.
Honorable mention:
This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!
I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.
Ko-Fi is a way to send me small one-time donations. Every little bit helps, and thank you!