
Key & Compass presents:
Never Gives Up Her Dead
by Mathbrush

Never Gives Up Her Dead is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is Β© 2023 by Mathbrush. At the 2023 IFDB Awards, it won two awards: Outstanding Game over 2 hours in 2023 and Outstanding Science Fiction Game of 2023.

In this huge sci-fi game, you play as Emrys Tisserand, a Storyweaver on the seedship Tragwyddol. Shortly after your first vision — a masked woman at your own grave — the ship collides with something! In the ensuing chaos, monkeys steal small objects and enter red rifts, but only you, with your Storyweaver gift, see them. Save the ship, Emrys, but know that this is also the story of your death.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 2 (Serial number 240108) of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Map 1: Prologue

Mainten-anceCloset Far End ofthe StorageRoom StorageRoom AuxillaryQuarters CrawlSpace Banquet Hall Grave u d say performance (any action)

Map 2: The seedship Tragwyddol

MonsterHouse Psycho-logist'sOffice WaxMuseum YourQuarters AuxillaryQuarters OfficersQuarters Captain'sQuarters MurderTrain Bridge:FlightControls Bridge:Command Bridge:Sensors ToolRoom Bridge:Aft ForestCabin EngineeringRoom TransitHub Brig MonumentIsles Cryo-storage Adventure-land VolcanoZoo MedicalBay LowerTransit Evacuation LivingQuarters DamagedQuarters CollapsedHallway NanobotHell (to Hall) u u d d d u

Map 3: Wax Museum

FishBladeRoom ElvisRoom LennonRoom ArthurRoom MaryRoom CleopatraRoom Hub Room Office NapoleonRoom Gift Shop Entrance Captain'sQuarters

Map 4: Monster House

ProjectionBooth Hub Room Den UpstairsLanding EastBedroom Dracula'sLibrary IndoorLagoon Pharaoh'sHall GameRoom Franken-stein'sParlor BatteredPantry Spire FrontYard Styx DistantShore Iron Gate RuinedCourtyard ThroneRoom Psycho-logist'sOffice DarkPool DankTunnel TreasureRoom Outside d u d u u give obol

Map 5: Murder Train

EvidenceRoom FirstClass Lavatory PropRoom PoliceStation SecondClass Bridge:FlightControls Hub Room Maeve's 1st statement LuxuryApartment Office Book-store Walk-InCloset Cafe Maeve's 2nd statement NiceApartment FrontRoom Book-store Cafe Maeve's 3rd statement AwfulApartment Professor'sOffice Book-store Cafe (end) (end) (end) take boxes give book take box give book take bag give book x case Arthur's statements Bio Lab Data Lab Depart-mentHallway talk toDafydd (end) Elen's statements FirstClass LockerRoom PlatformA SecondClass Mari's 1st & 2nd statements CourierOffice MapleStreet Inter-section Roof-tops ConvenientAlleyway Mari's 3rd statement CourierOffice MapleStreet Inter-section Play-ground Dad'sLimousine ConvenientAlleyway u d talk to Dad u d (end) (end)

Map 6: Forest Cabin

Up TheTree Forest Bridge:Sensors Hill View VegetableGarden Trellises FlowerMeadow CabinPorch Cabin Upstairs Dock Hub Room RiverSide Cellar Office d u u d

Map 7: Tool Room

PillarInterior ProjectionRoom PropRoom Underthe Zoo Hub Room Office(Museum) Office(Cabin) SecurityRoom MonkeyFactory AudienceChamber TheDevice EngineeringRoom SphericalSpace HologramRepairSubstation StorageSubstation SewerSubstation MallSubstation ForestSubstation ElevatedSubstation TrackSubstation Cata-strophe Hole Construc-tion Zone (4th shard) (pass test) (pass test) (6th shard) climb wreckage s s (2nd or 5th shard) (7th shard) u d u

Map 8: Adventureland

Brig Hub Room Check-point Lobby Check-point SecurityRoom TutorialRoom TestKitchen SoloArena Armory AssemblyLine WoodTier BronzeTier SilverTier GoldTier d u

Map 9a: Monument Isles (upper half)

North ofStone-henge West ofStone-henge Center ofStone-henge East ofStone-henge Cryo-storage South ofStone-henge Dome UpperLibrary Office WesternWing LowerLibrary EasternWing LibraryEntrance On theWall PillarInterior Library ofAlexandria The GreatWall WhiteTower JewelHouse Hub Room Tower ofLondon southerncarrock u u u d u d d u d d d u

Map 9b: Monument Isles (lower half)

Vandalizedcarrock Grosscarrock Weatheredcarrock Stickycarrock Crookedcarrock Galleon Fancycarrock Slimcarrock Tower ofLondon Putridcarrock Top ofEiffelTower Inside theCrown TowerShop Inside theStatue Under theEiffelTower Statue ofLiberty EiffelTower TheMother-land Calls SydneyOperaHouse OperaTheater ConcertHall Overgrown Machines 2 (NW) (North) 3 2 (NE) (West) 3 4 (Center) (East) 2 Yang Lab (SW) 2 (South) 3 (SE) 1 Hyper-bolicSpace d d u d u d d u out u u d u d u u d in

Map 10: Volcano Zoo

Overlook LivingQuarters freezer Glacier wolves ⭐ Tundra bear ⭐ Floes lava Volcano deer Parkland ⭐ termites Savannah owl ⭐ Desert mice Mesa caimans ⭐ Water-fall nest Rain-forest ⭐ frog Swamp ⭐ goats Foothills cougars ⭐ Mountain snake ⭐ Island ⭐ turtle Marsh gorillas ⭐ Lake hatch Peninsula Underthe Zoo Hub Room d u d u

Map 11: Nanobot Hell

Stalactite πŸ•Έ WebbedRoom RicketyLadder Above theEndlessDeep ×4 Darkness Mother'sKitchen Cage MonitorRoom VastChamber RottenRoom Cavern SchoolLibrary CrampedCave Grave-yard BranchingRoom Dead End Vacuumof Space NaturalAmphi-Ttheatre BurningRoom GrowthChamber Under-groundVillage StoneHouse wheneveryou die anywhereas mage AlleyBetweenHouses CollapsedHallway Hub Room Gem Room Cavern MonkeyFactory d x stalag-mite x helmet telox sanox u x lamp x locker touch gem in thengive bear d u

Map 12: Meeting, Museum, Party, and Memorial

Timeline(ModernDay) Timeline(Journey'sStart) AudienceChamber GlassHallway Rotunda Timeline(Construct-ion Period) TheDevice Timeline(EarlyPeriod) near themiddle by thedesserttable near theentrance At theParty by thefountain MuseumEntrance Museum(Northwest) Museum(Northeast) Museum(Central) GardenPath Museum(Southwest) Musuem(Southeast) Memorial MedicalBay StorageCloset u wear recorder(or) give recorder d breakrecorder

Map 13: Savior Endgame

ControlRoom Memorial ReactorRoom RobotStorage CoolantRoom StorageCloset Workshop wear recorder(or)give recorder u d

Map 14: Escape Endgame

EscapePod EscapeCorridor Officers'Quarters BridgeDestroyed BridgeNortheast BridgeSouthwest Engineering TransitArea Brig EngineeringStorage Cryo-storage MedicalBay LowerTransit LivingQuartersEntrance LivingQuarters Memorial DamagedHallway u u d u d breakrecorder (people fightingfor escapepods) d d u


Part 1: Prologue

πŸ§₯ Prologue : see map 1

You're playing as Emrys Tisserand, a Storyweaver, on the seedship Tragwyddol.

In a storage area, find the captain's jacket and several props for a banquet presentation. At the banquet, after your presentation, the ship hits something!

Storage Room

> x me. (You're Emrys, a Storyweaver.)

Gareth calls you via your recorder. In this game, conversation uses the "SAY topic" syntax.

> say response.

Gareth tells you that you need to give a presenation on the history of the ship at the party and you should grab a few props for it.

> i. x recorder. x sack. x key.

> open newer box.

> x robot. take it. turn it on.

> x snowglobe. take it. shake it.

> x boxes. open closet door. (locked)

> unlock closet with key. n.

Maintenance Closet

On entering, you get a premonition of another closet with warning signs and a protective suit.

> take flashlight. x it.

> take wax. x it.

> s. w.

Darkness / Far End of the Storage Room

> turn on flashlight.

> x costume. x crown. x mannequin.

> x History. take it. x Napoleon. x Khufu.

> x leash. take it.

> d.

Crawl Space

> x cobwebs. x trunk. open it.

> x jacket. take it.

> x spider. take it.

> x mirror. take it.

> x train. take it.

> u. e.

Storage Room

> turn off flashlight. s.

Banquet Hall

On entry, you hand over the jacket to the Captain, and Gareth puts your storage room items onto the display table.

> take donut. (You automatically sit down first.)

> eat donut.

> say weird to Gareth.

> say reminder to Gareth.

The bell rings. Your presentation begins.

Banquet Hall (At the front)

> say welcome.

> take FIRST-ITEM. (eg: History)

> take SECOND-ITEM. (eg: snowglobe)

> take THIRD-ITEM. (eg: mirror)

> say performance to Gareth.

The room jumps and you're sent flying into a wall but before the impact, a red rift opens and you fall into it to...


> read stone.

Before you can act, a woman in a skull mask grabs you, angrily tells you you need to find the rifts and save the others first before you can rest. She pushes you back through the rift with a shovel.

Banquet Hall (Damaged)

Gareth says we need to get outta here to the north.

By the way, you no longer have the maintenance key, and all the props you found are no longer available.

> n.

Part 2: Ship in Chaos

⁉️ Ship in Chaos : see map 2

Explore the ship. See robot monkeys steal things and enter mysterious red rifts with them. Talk to everyone.

Auxillary Quarters

Gareth says he's going to his office. Sergeant Olgin (via your recorder) tells you see the Captain in his quarters.

> x couches. x tables. x chairs.

> e.

Officers' Quarters

> x bar. x armchairs. x lamps.

> e.

Captain's Quarters

> say request. (He notices his watch is missing.)

> say extraordinary. (You tell him about the rifts.)

> x desk. x terminal. x bed. x shelf.

> x picture. say home. (His wife and son died.)

> x Captain. x uniform. x glass. x decanter. x rift.

Uh, let's explore the rest of the ship first before entering a rift. Despite the ongoing emergency, there's no doomsday clock in this game.

> w. w. w.

Your Quarters

Take a last look at your stuff here, because you'll never see it again.

> x bed. x comforter.

> x nightstand. x novel. x plant.

> e. n.

Psychologist's Office

> x Gareth. say consolation. say simians.

> x posters. x mummy. x Dracula. x creature.

> x desk. open drawer. x manuscript. read it.

> x figures. x wolfman. x yeti. x crystal ball.

> x couch. x rift.

> s. e. d. w.

Bridge: Flight Controls

> x Mefe. say chipless.

> x console. x novel.

> e. e.

Bridge: Sensors

> x Rhys. say quest. (His sketchbook is missing.)

> x monitors.

> w. s. d.

Transit Hub

> x Olgin. say reporting. x map.

> e. (no: Medical workers carry out a guard first.)

> e.


> x Tiffany. say negotiation.

> x guards. x cell. x bars.

> w. w.

Engineering Room

> x Ginger. say sorting. x tools.

> e. s.


> x Yang. say cryonics. (not enough electricity)

> x tubes. take book.

> x it. (re SF3 waste dump)

> g. (Ladder on Stonehenge hidden; turn light collectors so all four get some light.)

> g. (Use telescope to find path down debris in Paris.)

> g. (Upper layer dangerous. Mold in library. Temperature controls messed up near Wall. Probably illegal dumping.)

> g. (Eiffel guy likes cash. Some hidden in honeysuckle by giant sword.)

> g. (Radiation at bottom is bad. Great Gate too damaged to open unless field dampers hold it still long enough. Mentions of a Yang field.)

> g. (Find something in hyperbolic space. The library can help with the spikes.)

> n. d. w.

Medical Bay

> x Idris. say management. (He needs Sanya.)

> x cots. x patients. x doctors.

> e. e.


> x crowd. e.

Living Quarters

> x Divya. x Harish.

> say canine to Divya. (Harish give you a rubber dog toy.)

> x toy. squeeze it.

> w. w. s.

Damaged Quarters

> x smoke. x civilians. s.

Collapsed Hallway

> x rubble.

> x girl. say caretaker. say escape.

A huge insect leg steals the teddy bear through a south rift.

> x rift. (This one is more terrifying than the others.)

> n. n. u.

Transit Hub

> say rescue. (She adds the girl to her list, but says it's really up to you to help her.)

Head back to the Captain's room and start with that rift.

> u. n. u. e.

Captain's Quarters

> n.

Part 3: Wax Museum

πŸ›️ Wax Museum : see map 3

By solving puzzles, earn six of the seven points needed to free the Captain's antique watch from a cage in the museum's gift shop.


> read sign. ("CLOSED")

> x doors. n.

Napoleon Room

> x Napoleon. x horse. x hat. x cape. x saber.

> touch saber. (is it a real saber?)

> x Khufu. x crown. x flail.

> x pyramid. x sphinx.

> push nose. (It tells the four-two-three legs riddle while its eyes light up left-right-left.)

> x floor. (In white: "If you ask the Sphinx, Khufu thinks the world revolves around him. Or his pyramid.")

> turn pyramid left. g. g. g.

> turn it right. g.

> turn it left. g. g.

Celebratory sound plays and a rainbow-colored podium rises up and out from the floor.

> x podium.

> turn on red. (red light)

> x floor. (In cyan: "The gift shop is the most important room in the museum. Make sure to visit!")

> turn on green. (red + green = yellow light)

> x floor. (In blue: "Look under the hoof.")

> turn off red. (green light)

> x floor. (In magenta: "To get the horse going: from inside the great green circle, behold the crescent mirror.")

> turn on blue. (green + blue = cyan light)

> x floor. (In red: "Watch out for rocks, they always spell trouble!")

> turn off green. (blue light)

> x floor. (In yellow: "Have you tried magenta light yet?")

> turn on red. (blue + red = magenta light)

> x floor. (In green: disk of green color)

> turn on green. (white light)

> x floor. (In black: "That's a lot of lights! Hope you're paying the electricity bill.")

> look under hoof. (Keypad displays "00000")

> x mirror. (The saber?)

> turn off green. (magenta light)

> enter circle. x mirror. ("27182")

> turn off red. turn off blue.

> e.

Gift Shop

> x watch. x cage. x meter.

> x machine. x sign. ("collect all seven!")

> x NATO. (a code, eg: Echo Alfa Tango means EAT.)

> x Mary. (chant "Bloody Mary" thrice in a dark room with mirror to get her to appear)

> x panning. (Use a wide dish with ridges, fill with sediment, rinse mud, shake underwater, shake out of water, rinse again.)

> x foosball. (The foosball game cheats. Read the manual.)

> x door. (blends with wall)

> w.

Napoleon Room

> type 27182 on pad. (Rocks appear.)

> x rocks. (which?)

Remembering the clue about spelling "Trouble":

> get on Tango. get on Romeo. get on Oscar.

> get on Uniform. get on Bravo. get on Lima.

> get on Echo. (Point! Rocks retract.)

> n.

Mary Room

> x Achilles. x spear. x shield. x heel.

> x mirror. x platform.

> x box. x mallet. take it.

The box says a word whenever you hit a helmet with the mallet.

So the plan is to hit the stakes until the words are "Bloody" and "Mary", then hit the helmets to say "Bloody Mary" three times. This is clued by a poster in the gift shop.

By the way, when you first hit a helmet, the game tells you the LH and RH names, and when you first hit a stake, the game tells you the LS, MS, and RS names.

Set the left helm to "Bloody":

> hit left helmet. ("Wrathful")

> hit left stake. hit LH. ("Deadly")

> hit LS. hit LH. ("Bloody")

Set the right helm to "Mary":

> hit RH. ("Scandal")

> hit MS. hit RH. ("Plenandal")

> hit MS. hit RH. ("Zedandal")

> hit MS. hit RH. ("Mandal")

> hit RS. hit RH. ("Mite")

> hit RS. hit RH. ("Mary")

"Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary":

> hit LH. hit RH.

> hit LH. hit RH.

> hit LH. hit RH.

Mary appears! Balloons inflate. Achilles drops his spear and he challenges Mary! A number strip with two shadow armies is now visible.

> x Mary. x throne. x strip. (at 99)

> x Greek army. x British army.

> x balloon. (yellow, red, and orange)

> take spear.

> pop red. (The number increases by 4 to 103.)

> pop orange. (Stakes shoot out at the 100 mark.)

> pop yellow. (The number decreases by 5 to 98.)

So if it's below 100, pop red. If it's above 100, pop yellow. And if it's exactly 100, pop orange.

> pop red. (102)

> pop yellow. (97)

> pop red. (101)

> pop yellow. (96)

> pop red. (100)

> pop orange. (Point!)

> w.

Arthur Room

> x sign. x rack. x line.

So the goal is to find six more spears for Arthur and put them in the rack, and find six more silks for Diaochan and put them on the clothesline.

Start by looking for silks from Arthur:

> x Arthur. x armor.

> x cape. take it. put it on line.

> x hand. x bandage. take it. put it on line.

> x spear. x flag. take it. put it on line.

> x throne. x honor. take it. put it on line.

> x gauntlet. x favor. take it. put it on line.

> x fort. x straw. x pennant. take it. put it on line.

Now look for spears from Diaochan:

> x Diaochan. x shawl.

> x umbrella. take it. put it on rack.

> x flowers. x spade. take it. put it on rack.

> x garden. x rake. take it. put it on rack.

> x bench. x fan. take it. put it on rack.

> x mountains. x broom. take it. put it on rack.

> x trees. x sapling. take it. put it on rack.

A shelf with a button appears, but a picture slides on front of it.

> x picture. punch it.

> x picture. punch it.

> x picture. punch it.

> x picture. punch it.

> push green button. (Point!)

> n.

Fish Blade Room (South)

This room is divided into four with a glass rotating door in the middle. The door rotates clockwise.

> x door. x keyhole. x key. x wax.

> x Mansa. x gold bars. x forge.

> x vault. x inscription. (The riddle's answer is MINE.)

> x lock. (inactive with animal settings)

> x blacklight.

> x mime. x merch. x magnet.

> push door.

Fish Blade Room (West)

> turn on forge.

> push door. g.

Fish Blade Room (East)

> turn on magnet. (The key falls.)

> push door. g.

Fish Blade Room (West)

The loose key flies to the magnet, breaking it. The key falls outside the door.

> push door. g.

Fish Blade Room (East)

> take key. unlock door with key. (The door sinks away and the vault lock activates.)

Fish Blade Room

> turn on blacklight.

> x Mansa. (horse with "I")

> x forge. (dog with "M")

> x mime. (fish with "N")

> x magnet. (cat with "E")

Now spell out MINE with the associated animals:

> set lock to dog. ("M")

> set lock to horse. ("I")

> set lock to fish. ("N")

> set lock to cat. ("E")

> open vault. (Point!)

> x trash.

> s. e. n.

Elvis Room

> x Elvis plaque.

> x Elvis. x jumpsuit.

> x Minds. ("6")

> x Rock. ("2")

> x Hound Dog. ("3")

> x Love. ("4")

So, you want all the turntables playing simultaneously so all four songs end at the same time. Timing is important.

> turn on Minds.

> z.

> turn on Love.

> turn on Hound Dog.

> turn on Rock.

> listen. (Elvis puzzle solved.)

Onto the Henry puzzle, which I don't fully understand.

> x Henry plaque.

> x Henry. x leg. x goblet. x wires.

> x machine. x brown button. (cola)

> x purple button. (grape)

> x blue button. (lime)

> push cola. push cola.

> push lime. push lime.

> push grape. push cancel.

> push cola. push cola.

> push lime. push lime.

> push grape. push grape.

> push cola. push go.

Something tries to pop out of the floor, but it's jammed with a wasp nest! There's also a sticky note.

> x nest. x note.

Those wasps will have to wait.

> e.

Lennon Room

> x Lennon. x bed. look under bed. get in bed.

> x kiosk. yes.

> x screen. type Emrys.

> x Helen. x headband. x chiton.

> x foosball.

> take ball. put it in enemy goal. (The table disappears.)

> z. (A contraption and its manual appear.)

> x contraption.

> x manual. read it. g. g. g. g. g.

> clap. (Point!)

> s.

Cleopatra Room

> x sign. (find four rings)

> x Cleo. x asp. look in asp. (ruby ring taken!)

> x Khan. x bandages.

> tear bandages. take opal ring.

> x bowl. take it.

> x mud. x river. x reeds.

Time to do some panning, as suggested by a poster in the gift shop.

> fill bowl with mud. (clink!)

> rinse bowl. shake bowl.

> take bowl. shake bowl.

> rinse bowl. (You obtain a diamond ring and set the bowl down.)

> x diamond. x case. cut case with diamond.

> take sapphire. x it.

> x panel. open panel.

> x circuit board. (has four slots)

> put sapphire in first.

> put diamond in second.

> put ruby in third.

> put opal in fourth. (Point! The panel closes.)

You're done with this museum for now. Go explore the rift in Gareth's office next:

> w. s. s. s.

Captain's Quarters

> w. w. n. n.

Part 4: Monster House

πŸ’€ Monster House : see map 4

Complete fetch quests for movie monsters and earn colored tokens. In the museum's gift shop, convert those tokens into an obol, which pays your way across the Styx. In a decaying castle, your own reflection mimics your actions, which helps you get the stolen Dracula action figure. Give the figure back to Gareth.

Front Yard

> x mansion. x tower. x steps. x door. x sign.

> x flowerbed. x flowers. x weeds. take wolfsbane.

> e.


> x river. x sign. x Charon. x robes. x boat.

> say fee.

> w. n.

Frankenstein's Parlor

> x case. x nugget. x jewelry. x coins. x silver.

> x diamonds. x chest. x rug. x vase. x emerald.

> x pyramid. x pearl. x chain. x spices. x eggs. x trident.

> x man. x overalls. x staff. x walls.

> say creator. say confusion. say polite.

> n.

Pharaoh's Hall

> x blocks. x stairs. x sand.

> x mummy. x bandages. x bracelets.

> say problem. say absent. (His cat, Miut, hides under organs, hearts, teeth.)

> n.

Dracula's Library

> x shelves. x Advenit. x Sinistram. x Gyra.

> x organ. look under it. (New pharaoh topic: Chasing.)

> x stop. (currently pushed in.)

> x cage. (on right side and open)

> x bats. (spread out and on left side)

> x Dracula. x suspenders. pull them.

> x papers.

> say stressed. (The bats are driving him crazy.)

To deal with the bats, you direct them with music. The directive is inverted when the organ stop is pulled out.

> play advenit. (Bats close in on the left.)

> pull stop. play sinistram. (Bats fly into their cage.)

> push stop. play gyra. (Bat closes the cage.)

The bats calm down, and Dracula rewards you with a red token.

> x token. ("WAXWORKS")

> s. w.

Indoor Lagoon

> x pool. x dome. x comb. look under comb. (cat!)

> x creature.

> say communicate. (New Dracula topic: Interpreter.)

> e. n.

Dracula's Library

> say interpreter.

> x Lacunic. take it. (New Creature topic: Retry.)

> s. w.

Indoor Lagoon

> say retry. (It wants its oversized glasses back.)

> e.

Pharaoh's Hall

> say chasing.

> e.

Game Room

> x yeti. say mistaken. (She wants a new target.)

> say cardgame. say address. ("Maya")

> say cousin.

> x flame. x rug. look under rug. (cat!)

> x wardrobe. open it.

> x coat. x handcuffs. x stamp.

> x rack. x shoes.

> x junk. x mannequin. x mask.

> take all.

> show mannequin.

> put coat on mannequin.

> put shoes on mannequin.

> show mannequin. (Maya gives you a white token and leaves with the mannequin.)

> w.

Pharaoh's Hall

The Pharaoh, reunited with Miut, thanks you, drops a gold token, and leaves, taking the sand with him.

> take token. s.

Frankenstein's Parlor

> give stamp. (He gives you the staff in exchange.)

> n. w.

Indoor Lagoon

> give staff. take blue token.

> e. u. w


> x man. say safety.

> x gouges. x pipe. x debris.

> give handcuffs. (You cuff him to the pipe.)

> give mask. (He wears it.)

> give wolfsbane. (He takes it.)

Then he transforms into a poodle that licks your hand before dropping something and running off.

> take all. (the grey token)

> e. e.

East Bedroom

> x ghost. say innocent. say identity.

The orb tells the ghost that it's the Day of Weft's End, which convinces the ghost of your identity but also frightens her. She leaves the house, screaming.

> x ball. x symbols.

> tap ball. (You see the lagoon, blue token, check.)

> g. (You see Dracula, red token, check.)

> g. (You see Pharaoh's hall, gold token, check.)

> g. (You see ice, white token, check.)

> g. (You see parlor, XYYZYSTEIN, green token, red X.)

> w. d. s.

Frankenstein's Parlor

> say XYZZYstein. (He gives you the green token.)

> n. u. e.

East Bedroom

> tap ball. (You see the den, grey token, check.)

> g. (You see you looking in the ball recursively.)

Then you see six tokens and checks before the ball falls, shatters, and leaves a clear token.

> take clear.

Head back to the wax museum's gift shop:

> w. d. s. s. s. s.

> e. e. n. n. e.

Gift Shop

> put tokens in machine. take obol. x it.

Head back to the Styx:

> w. s. s. w. w. n. n. e.


> give obol. (You board and cross the river.)

Distant Shore

> x beach. x fence. x castle.

> e.

Iron Gate

> open gate. (no: rusted)

> x gate. take bar. take bar. e.

Ruined Courtyard

> x block. x grass. x flowerbeds.

> e.

Throne Room

> x pillars. x stairs. x balcony. x veins.

> x dais. x poles. x supports. (note the holes)

> put bar in holes. (fits perfectly)

> get on bar. (no)

> w. s.

Dark Pool

> x pool. x reflection.

> say reflecting.

> say crumble.

> say assistance. (You now have a clone mimicking your actions from two turns earlier.)

> n.

Ruined Courtyard

To work together with your clone, timing is important.

> push block. (It doesn't budge.)

> z. (Your clone arrives.)

> push block. (Together, you push it.)

> n.

Battered Pantry

> x cupboards. x plank. take it.

> s. s. e.

Dark Tunnel

> x portcullis. x wheel.

> x pit. x rail. x ledge.

> put plank on rail.

> get on plank. z. z.

> e. (You're now on the ledge.)

> turn wheel. (The portcullis opens and the pit goes away.)

> take plank. e.

Treasure Room

> x mass. x engravings.

> sing F. z.

> sing D. z.

> sing G. z.

> sing F. (The mass fades; a way east opens.)

> e.


> x sun.

> w. w. w. n. e.

Throne Room

> put plank on bar. z.

> get on plank. z. z. (Clone is on the plank.)

> jump. z. z. (You're on the balcony.)

> u.


> read plaque. (It's dedicated to Gareth Djomo.)

After you read the plaque, the monkey robot drops the action figure and leaves.

> x figure. take it. (A blue rift opens to the east.)

> e.

Front Yard

The blue rift disappears.

> s.

Psychologist's Office

> give Dracula to Gareth.

> say dedication.

What phrase would you want written on your memorial? Feel free to be creative.

>> So long, and thanks for all the puzzles.

Is that right?

>> yes

Gareth leaves, and the rift turns green. And you get a vision informing you that Emrys Tisserand will die tonight.

Do the rift at the bridge flight controls next:

> s. e. d. w.

Bridge: Flight Controls

> n.

Part 5: Murder Train

πŸš†πŸ” Murder Train : see map 5

As a detective, investigate a murder on a train. The four suspects are such liars that you must force them all to tell their statements three times before you can name the murderer and collect the computer chip from the evidence room. Back on the ship, give the chip to Mefe.


> take wallet. x it. open it. x badge. x pin.

> open latch. w.

First Class

A woman and man inform you of a murdered man in the other car. They ask to see your badge.

> show badge to woman.

The woman says she's Maeve Miller, a celebrity author. The man says he's Dr. Arthur Svenson, a professor of nanobiotics.

> x carpet. x curtains. x windows. x armchairs.

> x Maeve. x jumpsuit. x earrings. x sunglasses.

> say statement to Maeve.

Luxury ApartmentMaeve's 1st statement

> x me. i. x robe.

> x view. x bed. x nightstand. x breakfast.

> eat breakfast.

> s.

Walk-In Closet

> x outfits. x jumpsuit. wear it.

> n. e.


> x desks. x executive. x chair.

> x terminal. turn it on. (no time)

> x assistant's desk. x stool.

> x shelves. x boxes.

> take boxes. (Maeve's now at...)


> x pen. take it.

> x man. talk to man. (clues: Timepiece, Enthusiast)

Dafydd offers his book for signing, and reveals a nice watch.

> take book. sign it. give book.

Advance to this morning...


> x sun. x table. x water. drink it.

> x Dafydd. talk to him.

> n.

First Class

> say timepiece to Maeve.

> say enthusiast to Maeve.

> x Arthur. x bruise. x Arthur's glasses.

> x shirt. x briefcase.

> say statement to Arthur.

Bio LabArthur's 1st statement

> x poster. x table. x scope.

> x red. x blue. take markers.

> x fridge. open it. take 4B and 5C. close fridge.

> put 4B in scope. look in scope.

> take 4B. mark it with red.

> put 5C in scope. look in scope.

> take 5C. mark it with blue.

> open fridge. put 4B and 5C in fridge. close fridge.

> e.

Data Lab

> x computer. turn it on. (You input the data.)

> turn it off. w.

Bio Lab

Dafydd is now here.

> x Dafydd. talk to him. s. (clue: Collision)

Department Hallway

Dafydd shouts, then the door hits your jaw.

> talk to Dafydd.

First Class

> say collision to Arthur.

> s.

Second Class

The attendant asks for identification.

> show badge to attendant.

The courier's name is Mari; the attendant is Elen.

> x body. x tank top. x shorts.

> x blood. x chip. take it. (no: it's evidence)

> x hand. (clue: Punch)

> x paper. (clue: Postal)

> x seats. x windows. x floor. look under seats.

> x Mari. x cap. x satchel.

> say statement to Mari.

Courier OfficeMari's 1st statement

> x me. i. x cap. x satchel.

> x counter. x Hilda. talk to her.

> take package. x it.

> open satchel. put package in it. close satchel.

> s. e. s.

Convenient Alleyway

> u.


> take hanger. put hanger on wire. e. (clue: Unaware)

Second Class

> say unaware to Mari.

> x Elen. x uniform.

> say statement to Elen.

Locker RoomElen's 1st statement

> x me. i. x uniform.

> x lockers. x Gwen. talk to her.

> e.

Platform A

> x train. e.

Second Class (as Elen)

> x seats. x windows. x floors.

> x man. x clothing.

> talk to man. x ticket.

> n.

First Class (as Elen)

> x armchairs. x windows. x curtains.

> x woman. talk to her. x her ticket.

> x man. talk to man. x old ticket.

> s.

Second Class (as Elen)

The courier rushes in. The young men exclaims to her, "You're not supposed to be here. The two from first class run with questions. Darkness. Chaos. Dead body.

Second Class

You now see Elen is wearing a watch.

> x watch. (clue: Bling)

> say bling to Elen.

Remember: you can sometimes LINK topics together.

> topics.

> link bling to timepiece. (new: Appropriated)

> link punch to collision. (new: Altercation)

> link unaware to postal. (new: Acquaintance)

> say appropriated to Elen. (She has a new statement.)

> say statement to Elen.

Locker RoomElen's 2nd statement

> talk to Gwen. (Elen's car was hit last night.)

> e.

Platform A

Your supervisor in unsympathetic.

> e.

Second Class (as Elen)

> x man. talk to man. (He wants to make amends for the car accident.)

> n.

First Class (as Elen)

> talk to woman. talk to man. s.

Second Class (as Elen)

> talk to Dafydd. (He gives his watch to Elen. clue: Payoff)

Second Class

> say payoff to Elen.

> say acquaintance to Mari.

She reveals that her package is for him. Elen slaps the "evidence" out of her hand. The package falls, opens, and it's the book that Maeve signed, but addressed to Ceri? New clue: Ceri.

> say Ceri to Mari.

> link Ceri to Enthusiast. (new clue: Altered)

> say statement to Mari.

Courier OfficeMari's 2nd statement

> x man. i. x receipt. give it.

The package has no return address!

> s. e. s. u.


> x platform. (You see Dafydd enter the train.)

> x chute. e.

Second Class

> say streetsmart to Mari.

> n.

First Class

> say altercation to Arthur.

> say statement to Arthur.

Bio LabArthur's 2nd statement

The samples are missing.

> e.

Data Lab

> turn on computer. (The data is falsified.)

> turn off computer. w.

Bio Lab

> talk to Dafydd. (You fire him.)

> s.

Department Hallway

Dafydd comes after Arthur and socks him.

> talk to Dafydd. (Dafydd vows revenge.)

First Class

> say altered to Maeve.

> say statement to Maeve.

Nice ApartmentMaeve's 2nd statement

> x pajamas. x bed. x nightstand.

> x breakfast. eat it.

> x wardrobe. open it. x clothes.

> wear jumpsuit.

> e.

Front Room

> x couch. x rug. x laptop. x box. take it.


> take pen. x man. talk to man.

> x book. take it. sign it. (He asks for a dedication to Ceri.)

> give book.


> talk to Dafydd. (new clue: Rendezvous)

> n.

First Class

You can actually skip all these questions since none of them lead you anywhere.

> say rendezvous to Maeve.

> say payoff to Maeve. (She says Elen sounds like a hussy.)

> say streetsmart to Maeve. (She could put her in her next book.)

> say rendezvous to Arthur. (He wasn't aware Dafydd had lovers.)

> say payoff to Arthur. (Dafydd isn't rich; Elen is lying.)

> say streetsmart to Arthur. (Fascinating.)

> s.

Second Class

> say rendezvous to Elen. (She says this train is good for that.)

The train stops at a station. The police examine the body, take photos, take evidence, and the body.

A server offers sandwiches to everyone, like it's intermission. Elen offers encouragement before resuming her stern expression.

> w.

Police Station

> x chairs. x poster. (re Harry stealing the seal.)

> n.

Evidence Room

> x papers. (needs to be stamped with a seal)

> x device. (slot for requisitions)

> x dome. (currently empty)

> x panel. (two buttons: NEXT and BACK)

> take form.

You need to briefly revisit Frankie and borrow his official stamp:

> s. e. n. e. s.

Bridge: Flight Controls

> e. u. w. n. n. n.

Frankenstein's Parlor

> show badge. (He's willing to trade.)

> give badge. (You get the stamp in exchange.)

> stamp form.

> give stamp. (You get the badge back.)

Return to the evidence room:

> s. s. s. e. d. w.

> n. w. s. w. n.

Evidence Room

> put form in slot. (The device turns on and a gilded dagger is now in the dome.)

> x dagger. (Expensive. new clue: Method)

> push next. x signed book.

> push next. x background report. (new clue: Wealthy)

> push next. x receipt. (signed by Mari Gallagher)

> push next. x computer chip.

> push next. x medical report. (new clue: Fractured)

> push next. (dagger again)

> s. e.

Second Class

> link wealthy to streetsmart. (new: Incognito)

> say incognito to Mari.

> say statement to Mari.

Dad's LimousineMari's 3rd statement

> x seats. x Dad. talk to Dad.

Because your car's autopilot drove itself into a canal, you owe him two hours of work as a courier. You change into the uniform and you're on...

Maple Street

> n.

Courier Office

> x man. talk to man. (You print out a receipt.)

> give receipt. (You forgot to record the destination!)

> s. e.


The bikers were actually just teens, but still too much for this sheltered girl.

> s. u.


> x platform. (She saw a woman in a jumpsuit sneaking after him. New clue: Sneaking)

> e.

Second Class

> link sneaking to rendezvous. (new: Stalker)

> link fractured to payoff. (new: Graverobber)

> say graverobber to Elen.

> say statement to Elen.

Locker RoomElen's 3rd statement

> x locker. x box. (new clue: Croes)

> open box. (The dagger is inside.)

> take box. (no: safer here)

> close locker. (Gwen arrives.)

> talk to Gwen.

> e.

Platform A

Supervisor encounter is as before.

> e.

Second Class (as Elen)

> x man. x watch. talk to man.

> n.

First Class (as Elen)

> x woman. talk to her.

> x man. talk to him.

> s.

Second Class (as Elen)

During the chaos in the dark, Elen steals the watch.

Second Class

> n.

First Class

> say stalker to Maeve. (She's rather upset.)

> say statement to Maeve.

Awful ApartmentMaeve's 3rd statement

> x mattress. x box. x pastry. eat it.

> x clothes. wear jumpsuit.

> x bag. take bag.


> take pen. x man. talk to him.

> take book. sign it. (He tells Maeve that he works at Taxtor University in nanobiotics.)

> give book.

Professor's Office

> x books. x desk. x knickknacks.

> x black case. (gold cross, "Arthur Svenson")

She realizes she's in Arthur's office, not Dafydd's.


New clue: Personalized.

> talk to Dafydd. (He's angry about being followed.)

> n.

First Class

> link personalized to Croes. (new: Possession)

> link possession to method. (new: Murderer)

> say murderer to Arthur.

> say statement to Arthur.

Bio LabArthur's 3rd statement

> x poster. x slides. x microscope. x fridge.

> e.

Data Lab

> turn on computer. (Arthur enters false data.)

> turn off computer.

> w.

Bio Lab

> x Dafydd. talk to Dafydd. (Dafydd accuses Arthur.)

> s.

Department Hallway

Dafydd socks Arthur.

> talk to Dafydd. (Arthur threatens to kill Dafydd if he tells the truth.)

First Class

Arthur assumed that the package Dafydd dropped off at the couriers was evidence against him. He followed him into the train and used the tunnel's darkness as his opportunity.

> z.

The four suspects break character and congratulate you on solving the murder mystery. Then they leave.

> s. w. n.

Evidence Room

> take chip. (Maeve arrives and you explain that the chip is for a navigational computer. She tells you about an ancestor who was a flight officer and saved the ship with a perfect counter-spin using the aft engines. New Mefe topic: Manuever.)

> s. e. n. e. s.

Bridge: Flight Controls

> give chip. say maneuver. (The rift turns green; you have another vision.)

Explore the rift by the bridge sensors next.

> e. e. s.

Part 6: Forest Cabin (beginning)

🏞️ Forest Cabin : see map 6

A cabin in the forest needs several repairs. Collect scattered journal pieces and some tools, but you can't finish the job without better footwear.

Vegetable Garden

> take paper. read it.

> x garden. x cabin. x hill.

> s.

Cabin Porch

> x roof. x plaster. x windows.

> x device. (a rippling comb)

> x chair. sit on it. (no)

> s.


> x table. x chairs. x fireplace.

> x still. (has funnel, receptacle, pine smell)

> x fire starter. (press to spark the fireplace)

> x press. (has crank and hopper)

> x stairs. x rotten beam. take it.

> take page. read it. (page 11)

> x beam. put it in fireplace. (no: too large)

> drop beam.

> s.


> x cabin. x dock. x lake. x canister.

> x cattails. x fluff. take it.

> n. n. n. e.


> x trellises. x vines. search vines.

> read page 3. (Now you know what flax plants look like.)

> x cans. x dented. x stained. take all.

> x gate. open it. (no: rusted)

> w.

Vegetable Garden

> x flax. take flax.

> w.

Hill View

> x river. x forest.

> x sculpture. ("For Emrys--AW")

> look through window.

You learn you need to do three tasks: re-plaster the porch wall, stop a feather mobile from moving, and re-paint the rocking chair.

> x mill. (for a mineral; has hopper and crank)

> x stick. x brush. take all.

> s.

River Side

> x river. x mud.

> x rocks. x etching. (Eiffel Tower)

> x vein. take chunk. x chunk.

> x mill. x rope.

> e. (no: need better footwear)

> n.

Hill View

> put talc in mill. turn crank.

> x bowl. take it. (no: too messy)

> n.


> x tall tree.

> x pine tree. x bucket.

> x birch. take branch. x it.

> u.

Up The Tree

> x forest. x trunk. take it. (It falls; new page)

> take page. x it. (page 8)

> d.


> take trunk.

> s. e. s.

Cabin Porch

> comb flax. x pods.

> s.


> put pods in press. turn crank. x jar.

> n. n. e.


> oil gate. e.

Flower Meadow

> take charcoal. x it.

> take page. x it. (page 10; make plaster from mud and cattail fluff)

> x flowers. x bees. x circle.

> x hive. take wax. x it.

> w. w. w. s.

River Side

> put log in chute. pull rope. pull rope.

> take beam. x it.

> take page. x it. (page 6)

> n. e. s. s.


> put sturdy beam in stair. (needs wax)

> wax sturdy beam.

> put sturdy beam in stair. u.


> x window. break it. x window. (now empty)

> take page. x it. (page 9; somewhere, there's paper for the window)

> x mobile. x nightstand.

> x spile. x hook. take all from stand.

> tie line to pole. (FISH FOR something)

> d. s.


> fish for canister. x canister. open it.

> take page 4. x it. (laminated)

> x flakes.

> n. n. n. w. n.


> put spile in pine. (The bucket is filled with sap.)

> take bucket. x sap.

> look. take page 12. x it.

> s. e. s. s.


> put sap in still. (You put the bucket underneath.)

> put charcoal in fireplace.

> push starter. (You make turpentine.)

> take bucket.

You've done as much as you can here for. Drop most of your cabin-related stuff here and head for the rift in engineering.

> drop bucket, canister, jar.

> drop brush, stick, fluff.

> drop both cans.

> n. n. n.

Bridge: Sensors

> w. s. d. w. n.

Part 7: Tool Room

πŸ”¦πŸŒŒ Tool Room : see map 7

Obtain a curious tool and start opening the doors marked with octagons. Collect some crystal shards and start upgrading your tool by completing interactive tutorials.

The Device

> x tool. take it.

> x pedestal. x hole.

> x ladder. u.

Hub Room

> x sign. (Only open incoming rifts here.)

Use the lockpick feature of your new tool to unlock those doors with octagons on them. Return to the wax museum's gift shop:

> d. s. e. u. n. u.

> e. n. n. e.

Gift Shop

> set tool to lockpick.

> unlock metal door with tool.

> n.


> take shard. x it.

> x black rift. x figure.

> x cabinet. open them. (empty)

Return to the pedestal:

> s. w. s. s. w.

> d. s. d. w. n.

The Device

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal. (The pedestal raises a bit, revealing a lead apron.)

> x apron. wear it.

The room is now testing your vision. It will display settings A to E, and you have to set a dial to the correct corresponding setting.

Setting A is some glowing purple drawings.

> x drawings. (like images under a blacklight)

> x button. x camera. x antenna. x question.

> x dial. (It can be SET to one of: rainbow, thermometer, radio tower, sunlight, or skeleton.)

> push helporpush question.

The five types of EM radiation are: radio waves, infrared, visible light, UV light, and X-rays. UV light comes from the sun.

> set dial to sunlight.

Setting B is invisible.

> push antenna. (You hear classical music; therefore, the EM is radio waves.)

> set dial to radio.

Setting C is bright light.

> set dial to rainbow.

Setting D is invisible warmth.

> set dial to thermometer.

Setting E is invisible.

> push camera. (You see a foggy polaroid of yourself; must be X-rays.)

> set dial to skeleton.

The sequence is judged correct. The Flashlight setting on the tool is enabled. You auto-take the tool and auto-return the apron.

Return to the Monster House:

> s. e. u. n. u.

> w. n. n. n. n. u.

Upstairs Landing

> unlock trapdoor with tool. u.

Darkness / Projection Booth

> set tool to flashlight.

> take shard. x machinery. x holes.

Return to the pedestal:

> d. d. s. s. s. s.

> e. d. s. d. w. n.

The Device

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal.

Spherical Space

The pedestal reveals a disc with rings. A Diagnosis button lights up.

> push diagnosis.

You learn you're in a white rift, a closed space. From outside, it looks like a black rift. A black rift is a hole, and the white rift is what was taken from the hole. Sewing two black rifts together creates a wormhole.

A black rift appears.

> push diagnosis.

The black rift is replaced with two blue ones.

> x rift. x central rift. x outer rift. (on 4th ring)

> push diagnosis.

"Separation type: Spatial." Indicate the physical distance with a dial.

> x dial. (from 0 to 8)

> set dial to 4.

Blue rifts separate things by space only. Red rifts separate things by time, indicating a tension between past and future. When the tension is resolved, the red rift turns green.

Soon a pair of red rifts will appear, and you're to measure the time between them. Record when the ball enters a rift and when the ball leaves the other rift. A voice starts to tell you the current time.

> z. (A red rift appears.)

> push diagnosis. (red, temporal)

A "second" ball rolls out of the rift. The rift is now green.

> z. (The green rift vanishes.)

> z. (A red rift appears.)

> z. (The first ball disappears in the rift, and it turns green.)

There's three minutes difference between the ball-events.

> set dial to 3.

The Device

Note that green rifts have energy that can be harvested and reused. Meanwhile, the Diagnose setting on the tool is now enabled. You auto-take the tool.

Return to the police station via the train:

> s. e. u. n. w.

> n. w. s. w.

Police Station

> unlock metal door with tool. w.

Prop Room

> x safe. (Its code is the rift's creation date.)

> set tool to diagnose.

> point tool at rift. (Black, was blue; "0205/51")

> type 020551 on keypad.

> open safe. take shard.

You may ignore the props.

> x props. x mustache. x cap. x raincoat.

And back to the pedestal again:

> e. e. n. e. s.

> e. s. d. w. n.

The Device

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal.

The first location is the haunted house.

> push name.

>> Monster House

The second location is the train with the dead man.

> push name.

>> Murder Train

The third location is the historical museum.

> push name.

>> Wax Museum

The fourth location features flames and deformed creatures.

> push name.

>> Nanobot Hell

The fifth location is an arcade with robots.

> push name.

>> Adventureland

The sixth location is the cabin in a forest.

> push name.

>> Forest Cabin

The seventh location is a zoo with a volcano.

> push name.

>> Volcano Zoo

The eighth location is floating islands with monuments.

> push name.

>> Monument Isles

The ninth location is this very room.

> push name.

>> Tool Room

You can change the names or confirm them.

> push confirm.

The tool's Locator function is now enabled. When set, displaced items glow. Point the tool at a glowing item to learn which location it belongs to. You auto-take the tool.

> set tool to locator. (The detective badge glows.)

> point tool at badge. ("Adventureland")

> set tool to inert.

Tackle the brig's rift next:

> s. e. e. s.

Part 8: Adventureland

πŸ”«πŸ€– Adventureland : see map 8

In Adventureland, you learn how to command, program, build, and shoot robots. This is supposed to be fun.


> x man. say pardon. (He's Andy.)

> say difficulties. (You're being recorded.)

He leaves.

> x foliage.

> e.


> set tool to lockpick.

> unlock trapdoor with tool. u.

Security Room

> x monitors. x armchair. x crate.

> set tool to locator.

> take fourth shard.

> point tool at fourth shard. ("Tool Room")

> turn off tool.

> d.

Checkpoint (eastern)

> s. (You can't take outside items past this point.)

> x lockers. x locker. open it.

> x sulfur pack. read label. (kills fungus)

> set tool to locator.

> point tool at pack. ("Monument Isles")

> set tool to inert.

> put all in locker.

> close locker.

> s.

Test Kitchen

Tell Max how to make a cheeseburger.

> x poster. (Use cooked meat, washed lettuce, and cheese.)

> x Max. x kitchen. x counter. x fridge.

> x stove. x sink. x shelves. x bun. x pan.

Max doesn't understand "wash hands", but fortunately, no one wants this burger.

> Max, put bun on counter.

> Max, open bun.

> Max, put pan on stove.

> Max, open fridge.

> x lettuce. x meat. x cheese.

> Max, put meat in pan.

> Max, turn on stove.

> Max, put meat on bun.

> Max, put cheese on bun.

> Max, turn on sink.

> Max, wash lettuce.

> Max, put lettuce on cheese.

This tutorial is complete. The kitchen shuts down, the south door opens, and Max is now following you.

> s.

Assembly Line

You and Max will together build a new robot, but it must be done in five minutes. Max directs you to his memory slots and tells you to RECORD five commands, then REPLAY them.

> x poster. x slot X. x line.

> x console. (has 10 body-part buttons and START.)

Note that an arm must be added before its hand, a leg must be added before its foot, and the head before its face.

So, let Max do the head followed by the left-side parts, and you'll do the right-side parts followed by the face.

First, program Max's slot X:

> Max, record.

> Max, push head.

> Max, push left arm.

> Max, push left hand.

> Max, push left leg.

> Max, push left foot.

Slot X is now full. Now let's work together.

> Max, replay.

> push start. (The conveyor belt starts!)

> push right arm.

> push right hand.

> push right leg.

> push right foot.

> push face.

Dan, the new robot, greets you, and the west door opens.

> x Dan. (His slots are labelled A, B, and C.)

> w.


A voice tells you to return to the lobby. Oh, very well.

> e. n. n.

Checkpoint (eastern)

> open locker. take all from locker.

> w. w.

Checkpoint (western)

> put all in locker.

> s. (no: scan ID first)

> take badge. scan it. put it in locker.

> s.

Tutorial Room

> x gun. take gun.

> shoot target.

The stationary target is replaced with a rolling one.

> aim at target. shoot it.

Now there's three targets: red, blue, and green. And a monkey gives you a grenade.

> x grenade. arm it. throw it.

The targets leave, and the south door opens.

> take grenade.

> s.

Solo Arena

> x bot. x car. x wreckage.

> x vest. wear it.

TURN ON the vest to start a battle. You may TURN OFF the vest to abort a battle at any time.

> hide behind car.

> turn on vest.

> shoot bot. (hit and done!)

A second, faster, bot replaces the first one.

> hide behind car.

> turn on vest.

> aim at bot. shoot bot. (hit!)

> hide behind car.

> aim at bot. shoot bot. (hit and done!)

The third bot is huge with a glowing eye.

> x bot. x eye.

> hide behind car.

> turn on vest.

> aim at eye. shoot eye. shoot bot. (hit!)

> hide behind car.

> aim at eye. shoot eye. shoot bot. (hit!)

> hide behind car.

> aim at eye. shoot eye. shoot bot. (hit and done!)

The east door opens.

> e.


Max and Dan greet you and pick up their guns.

> s.

Wood Tier

> x huge bot. (has 3 HP and black hat with target)

> x dusty bot. (has 1 HP)

> x lanky bot. (has 1 HP)

> x lonesome bot. (has 1 HP)

> x saloon. (just a painting on the walls)

> x wagon. x barrel. x tree. (all for hiding behind)

Program Max:

> x Max. (Let's reuse Slot X.)

> Max, record.

>> yes

> Max, shoot huge bot.

> Max, hide behind barrel.

> Max, shoot dusty bot.

> Max, hide behind barrel.

> Max, finish.

Program Dan:

> x Dan. (Use Slot A.)

> Dan, record.

> Dan, shoot huge bot.

> Dan, hide behind tree.

> Dan, shoot lonesome bot.

> Dan, hide behind tree.

> Dan, finish.

And do the battle:

> hide behind wagon.

> Max, hide behind barrel.

> Dan, hide behind tree.

> Max, replay.

> Dan, replay.

> arm grenade.

> turn on vest.

> throw grenade.

The grenade deals one damage to all enemies; Max and Dan both hit the huge bot. Your side wins!

> take grenade.

> s.

Bronze Tier

Each of the Musketeer bots needs to be hit twice to deactivate them, but there's an extra problem: at the end of every round, Darty will heal every enemy bot who's wounded. And if you try to shoot Darty, one of the others blocks the shot. On the plus side, Darty never attacks.

Your grenade won't be of much use here. You need to completely take out the other three, one by one, then gang up on Darty.

> x chandelier. x colonnade. x bench.

> x Athos. x Porthos. x Aramis. x Darty.

Program Max:

> Max, hide.

> Max, record.

>> yes

> Max, shoot Athos.

> Max, hide.

> Max, shoot Porthos.

> Max, hide.

> Max, shoot Aramis.

> Max, replay.

Program Dan:

> Dan, hide.

> Dan, record.

>> yes

> Dan, shoot Athos.

> Dan, hide.

> Dan, shoot Porthos.

> Dan, hide.

> Dan, shoot Aramis.

> Dan, replay.

Do the battle:

> hide. turn on vest.

> z. (Arthos is down.)

> z. z. (Porthos is down.)

> z. z. (Aramis is down.)

Reprogram Max in mid-battle. You can do this because Darty isn't shooting anyone.

> Max, record.

>> yes

> Max, shoot Darty.

> Max, shoot Darty.

> Max, finish.

> Max, replay.

> shoot Darty. (Darty is down; the musketeers leave.)

> s.

Silver Tier

This time, the water bot is the non-attacking healer. The earth bot has an eye-target that when hit, prevents it from attacking, but without damaging it.

The three attacking bots all attack in turn one, so everyone needs to hide and wait. Program Max and Dan to shoot the fire bot on turn two, hide on turn three, shoot the air bot on turn four, and shoot earth on turn five.

Meanwhile, you will wait on turn one, shoot the eye on turn two, wait on turn three, shoot the eye on turn four, and shoot earth on turn five.

Your side's combined efforts should eliminate all the enemies except for water, which you can defeat the same way you defeated Darty.

Program Max:

> Max, hide.

> Max, record.

>> yes

> Max, hide.

> Max, shoot fire.

> Max, hide.

> Max, shoot air.

> Max, shoot earth.

> Max, replay.

Program Dan:

> Dan, hide.

> Dan, record.

>> yes

> Dan, hide.

> Dan, shoot fire.

> Dan, hide.

> Dan, shoot air.

> Dan, shoot earth.

> Dan, replay.

Start the battle:

> hide. turn on vest.

> z. (Enemies all shoot.)

> shoot eye. (Fire bot down.)

> hide.

> shoot eye. (Air bot down.)

> shoot earth. (Earth bot down.)

Reprogram Max:

> Max, record.

>> yes

> Max, shoot water.

> Max, shoot water.

> Max, finish.

> Max, replay.

> shoot water. (Water bot down; the elementals leave.)

> s.

Gold Tier

Note that there's only two hiding spots!

> x windows. x table. x siege.

> x Art. (has 3 HP; crown target)

> x Lance. (has 3 HP; shield target)

> x Gwen. (has 3 HP; circlet target)

> x crown. x shield. x circlet.

Here's the plan. You throw the grenade immediately, then arm it and give it to Max to throw, then arm it and give it to Dan to throw. I don't know if this is the intended solution, but it works.

> Max, hide.

> Dan, hide.

> arm grenade.

> turn on vest.

> throw grenade. (1 damage to each)

> take grenade. (You're hit.)

> arm grenade. give grenade to Max.

> Max, throw grenade. (1 damage to each)

> take grenade.

> arm grenade. give grenade to Dan.

> Dan, throw grenade. (You win the battle!)

You may now return to the lobby to the east (via a blue rift). But you can't take the grenade, gun, or vest with you.

> remove vest. drop all. e.


Andy is here; Max and Dan followed you.

> say return to Andy.

Dan fetches a satchel, but it starts leaking gas, and Max races off with it. After a thud, a sooty Max returns. Tiffany's bag had a bomb. Andy orders Max and Dan to deal with Tiffany, and they enter the red rift.

> say visible.

> say extreme.

> say stolen.

> n.


Max, I assume, bumps into you as he and Dan return to Adventureland. Tiffany is gone and the guards are rubbing their eyes. After a flash and a heard scuffle, they found Tiffany handcuffed, so they took her away. The rift turns green.

> s. w.


> take all from locker.

The next rift to tackle is in cryostorage:

> e. n. w. s. w.

Part 9: Monument Isles

πŸ—½ Monument Isles : see map 9a and 9b

Explore a tiered series of badly-decayed exhibits featuring Stonehenge, the Library of Alexandria, etc. In hyperbolic space, find a laptop and give it to Yang back on the ship.

East of Stonehenge

> x Stonehenge. x stars. x pillar.

> x box. x shoes. take shoes.

> x collector.

> x graffiti. (Repeat many times to see all the testers' names.)

> w.

Center of Stonehenge

> x lintels. x trash.

> n.

North of Stonehenge

> x sockets. x collector.

> turn collector southeast.

> se.

East of Stonehenge

> turn collector west. sw.

South of Stonehenge

> x lintel.

> turn collector north. nw.

West of Stonehenge

> x pillar. touch it. x notice.

> turn collector east. se.

South of Stonehenge

> x ladder. unroll it. d.

Library of Alexandria

> x building. x junk.

> set tool to lockpick.

> unlock door with tool. w.

Pillar Interior

> take receipt. x it.

> take book. x it.

> set tool to locator.

> point tool at receipt. ("Tool Room")

> turn off tool.

> e. e.

The Great Wall

> x snow. x wall. u.

On the Wall

> x barrels. x fuel. d. d.

Tower of London

> x walls. x ads. g. g. g.

> n.

White Tower

> x card. take it.

> x armor. open it.

> x uniform. x mask. take it.

> e.

Jewel House

> x jar. kick jar. take all bill.

> x one. (blue)

> x five. (red)

> x twenty. (green)

> x thousand. (yellow)

> w. s. u. w. n.

Library Entrance

> x notice. x carpet. x lights. x mold.

> wear mask. n.

Lower Library

> x manga. x hoses. w.

Western Wing

> x tract. take it.

> e. e.

Eastern Wing

> x nooks. x stack. x crack.

> w. u.

Upper Library

> x ladder.

> e.


Same crack in the floor that you saw in the eastern wing below.

> w. u.


The pack you're using here is the sulfur pack you found in the Adventureland locker.

> x note.

> x grid. take it. turn it on.

> x machine. x socket. put pack in socket.

> d.

Upper Library

> close door. u.


On the grid, pay attention to the second row, the numbers representing the Upper Library and Office concentrations. Timing is important for this puzzle.

> turn on machine. (3.50%, 0.00%)

> d. (5.88%, 0.00%)

Upper Library

> z. (7.45%, 0.00%)

> z. (8.40%, 0.00%)

> z. (8.92%, 0.00%)

> z. (9.14%, 0.00%)

> open door. (8.69%, 0.45%)

> z. (8.23%, 0.82%)

> z. (7.76%, 1.12%)

> close door. (7.64%; 1.02%; success!)

> remove mask. turn off grid.

> look.

> take geometry. x it. g. g.

> take math. x it. g.

There's nothing new in the dome or office, so head down.

> d.

Lower Library

> take manga. x it. g. g.

> e.

Eastern Wing

> take manual. x it. g. g.

> w. s. s. e. d. d.

Crooked Carrack

While the carracks are orbiting the galleon, compass directions aren't practical. It's better to use CW, CCW, and IN to navigate.

> x cannon. (has FIRE lever and CATCH crank)

Make notes on all the cannons on all carracks. Specifically, note which way they point and whether they're near or far from the vortex center.

This cannon is far-from-center, facing counterclockwise.

> cw.

Sticky Carrack

Its cannon is near-center, facing counterclockwise.

> cw.

Vandalized Carrack

Its cannon is far-from-center, facing clockwise.

> cw.

Gross Carrack

Its cannon is near-center, facing clockwise.

> cw.

Weathered Carrack

Its cannon is far-from-center, facing counterclockwise.

> cw.

Slim Carrack

Its cannon is near-center, facing counterclockwise.

> cw.

Fancy Carrack

Its cannon is far-from-center, facing clockwise.

> cw.

Painted Carrack

Its cannon is near-center, facing clockwise.

Remember the manga said that a blast in the opposite direction of rotation makes everything spin faster, and that a blast from farther out from the center gives more torque, which in this case, means double the effect.

To summarize:

You want to adjust the spinning of the carrocks so they're in synch with the spinning of the galleon; that is, you want it to go from 3 CCW to 2 CW, a diffrence of 5 CW. So fire the crooked, sticky, and weathered cannons.

> cw.

Crooked Carrack

> fire cannon. (The carracks now spin at 1 CCW)

> cw.

Sticky Carrack

> fire cannon. (The carracks stop spinning.)

> cw. cw. cw.

Weathered Carrack

> fire cannon. (The carracks now spin at 2 CW, matching the central galleon.)

> in.


> x launcher. x lever. x notice. x antenna.

> pull lever. (The galleon is now locked to the outer ring of carracks.)

> s.

(whichever carrack it is)

> cw. (repeat until you get to the Crooked or Weathered Carrack)

Crooked Carrack (or) Weathered Carrack

> turn crank. (All the ships stop moving.)

> in. d.

Top of the Eiffel Tower

> x deck. x statue. x pillar. x galleon.

> look down.

> d.

Tower Shop

> x junk. x robot. say wares.

> x battery. (ET1.25, can be recharged here)

> x ruler. (ET1.00)

> x protractor. (ET8.00)

> x pouch. (ET3.01)

> x calculator. (ET50.00)

> buy battery. (You give 2 rysti, and get a 5-cent coin, a 10-cent coin, and three 20-cent coins.)

> buy ruler. (You give a 5, and get four rysti bills.)

> buy protractor. (You give the twenty, and get two ones and two fives.)

> buy pouch. (You give the 5-cent coin and three ones, and get four 1-cent coins.)

> buy calculator. (no: The robot can't accept the thousand-rysti bill.)

> d.

Under the Eiffel Tower

> x sign. s. w.

Statue of Liberty

You briefly see a deerlike robot climbing up the pillar off to the west, carrying something in its mouth.

> x deer. x statue.

> u.

Inside the Statue

> x notice. x carvings.

> u.

Inside the Crown

> x floor. x window. x telescope. (costs ET0.50 to use)

> put 20-cent in slot.

> put 20-cent in slot.

> put 10-cent in slot.

> look in scope. (You see a path down from Eiffel Tower's island.)

> point scope at pillar. (sorry, but no)

> d. d. e. d.

The Motherland Calls

Remember that the exploration notebook told you there was money hidden behind the honeysuckle.

> x statue. x sword. x vines. search vines.

> x envelope. (has ten fives)

> take all from envelope.

> x device. take it. (a Yang Meter, needs battery)

> x guidelines.

> e.

Sydney Opera House

> x generator.

> s. (no: outside items aren't allowed inside)

> open sack.

> put all in sack. drop sack. drop pouch.

> s.

Opera Theater

> x supports. x ceiling.

> x dispenser. push it. x flyer.

> x door. e.

Concert Hall

> x desk. x drawer. (locked)

> x matchbox. x match.

> x little box. open it.

> take manual. read it.

> take all.

> x panels. x panel.

Remember that the manga told you how to build a fire.

> take panel. put panel on desk.

> put flyer on panel.

> light match. burn flyer.

> z. (Repeat waiting until both desk and drawer are gone, leaving four field dampers behind.)

> take all dampers.

> w.

Opera Theater

> n. (no flammable items may be taken out)

> drop all but dampers.

> n.

Syndey Opera House

> take sack and pouch.

> x damper.

> w. n.

Overgrown Machinery (South)

> x machinery. n.

Overgrown Machinery (Center)

> x gate. x button. x monitor. (4 spikes detected)

> take notice. x it.

> take battery and meter.

> put battery in meter. (no: compartment is closed)

> open compartment.

> put battery in meter. close compartment.

> turn on meter. (It detects 4 spikes.)

Circle the center with the Yang meter, noting how many spikes are detected in each part of machinery.

> s.

Overgrown Machinery (South)

The meter reads 3.

> w.

Overgrown Machinery (Southwest)

The meter reads 2.

> n.

Overgrown Machinery (West)

The meter reads 3.

> n.

Overgrown Machinery (Northwest)

The meter reads 2.

> e.

Overgrown Machinery (North)

The meter reads 3.

> e.

Overgrown Machinery (Northeast)

The meter reads 2.

> s.

Overgrown Machinery (East)

The meter reads 2.

> s.

Overgrown Machinery (Southeast)

The meter reads 1.

> turn off meter.

It may take a bit of experimentation to figure this out, but the four spikes are in east side, north side, west side, and southwest corner. Place the dampers there. See map 9b.

> n.

Overgrown Machinery (East)

> drop damper. nw.

Overgrown Machinery (North)

> drop damper. sw.

Overgrown Machinery (West)

> drop damper. s.

Overgrown Machinery (Southwest)

> drop damper. ne.

Overgrown Machinery (Center)

> x monitor. (Yang Field stable.)

> push button. (The Gate opens.)

> d.

Yang Lab

> x dust. x dirt.

> x chalkboards. (1 cm in scope = 1 km in chamber; hyperbolic space with negative curvature; time flow slowed inside.)

> x machine. (green dot; fuel intake hole; lever set to 0; off)

> x green dot. x hole. ("METHANE HYDRATE ONLY")

You saw methane hydrate on the Great Wall of China, and the insulated pouch will keep it frozen. Let's also buy the calculator on the way back there.

> u. s. s. u. n. u.

Tower Shop

> buy calculator. (using ten fives)

> u. u. s. u. u. u.

On the Wall

> wear pouch. open pouch.

> take methane. put it in pouch. close pouch.

> d. d. d. n. d. d. d. s. d. n. n. d.

Yang Lab

> open pouch. put methane in hole.

> pull lever. (At -1, a red dot appears on the scope.)

> look in scope.

> measure red dot with ruler. (9.95mm from center)

> measure red dot with protractor. (1.23 radians from level)

From the geometry textbook, we know that the formula to calculate is 2.0×arctanh(D).

> x calculator.

> type 0.995 on calculator

> push inverse

> push tanh. ("2.99448")

> push times

> type 2.0 on calculator. ("5.98896")

> turn on machine. in.

Hyperbolic Space

> x disc. stand on it.

You're told about the BEARING, DISTANCE, and TRAVEL commands.

> bearing 1.23

> distance 5.98896 (rounded to 5.99 km)

> travel. (You go to a laptop.)

> get off disc.

> x laptop. take it.

> stand on disc. (You return to the chamber door.)

> out. out.

Yang Lab

> x laptop. open it.

A note from Antonio Yang to you says he used the password you gave him. You can "ATTEMPT PASSWORD" to try to log on, and you unlock a new topic for Antonio: Credentials.

Head back to the cryostorage.

> u. s. s. u. n. u. u. u. s. u. u. w. u. ne. e.


> say credentials to Yang.

Choose a password to share with Antonio.


He gives you a sticky note to give him in the future.

> x sticky note.

> attempt password.

>> YOUR-PASSWORD (The laptop displays an equation.)

> show laptop to Antonio. (He takes it and leaves; the rift turns green.)

Now that you have grip shoes, you can finish the Forest Cabin region.

> n. u. n. e. s. w. s.

Part 10: Forest Cabin (conclusion)

🏞️ Forest Cabin : see map 6

Finish all the work in and around the cabin.

River Side

> wear grip shoes. e.


> x door. (has octagon)

> x sheet. (large, like washi paper)

> x tub. take page 5. read it. (about making turpentine from pine sap)

> x knife. take it.

> set tool to lockpick. unlock door with tool.

> e.

Office (Forest Cabin)

> read scribbled note. (activate both levers to open the box. diagnose the rift first!)

> x clock.

> x glass box. (has sixth crystal shard)

> x console. ("Time of Day Adjuster for Cabin 674C"; dial can be set to a time)

> x chair.

> set tool to diagnose.

> point tool at small rift. (was blue; no distance)

> point tool at large rift. (was red; 3 minute separation)

> w.


> take sheet. take tub.

> w.

River Side

> put mud in tub. (You have to put the heavy tub down.)

> push tub north.

Hill View

> push tub east.

Vegetable Garden

> push tub south.

Cabin Porch

> s.


This is where I dropped most of the cabin stuff earlier.

> put oil on sheet.

> u.


> put sheet in window. (The mobile stops moving.)

> d.


> take fluff. n.

Cabin Porch

Using the spackle knife:

> scrape wall. g.

> look. take page 2. x it. (has recipes for primer and top coat)

> put fluff in tub. (You make fresh plaster.)

> put plaster on wall. (The wall is fixed.)

> s.


> take both cans.

> take stick and brush.

Make primer:

> put rust in dented.

> put oil in dented.

> put turpentine in dented.

> stir dented. (with paint stick)

Make top coat:

> put rust in stained.

> put oil in stained.

> n. n. w.

Hill View

> put talc powder in stained.

> stir stained. (with paint stick)

> e. s.

Cabin Porch

Using the paint brush:

> paint chair with primer.

> paint chair with top coat.

> drop stick, brush.

> n. w.

Hill View

> look in window. (You now spot a hidden compartment in the rock.)

> open compartment.

> take page 1 and sketchbook.

> x page 1. (Arawn Webster is a Storyweaver; one of her sketches looks like a skull mask.)

> x sketchbook. (Rhys's; looks technical)

> e. n.

Bridge: Sensors

> give sketchbook to Rhys. (The rift becomes green.)

> s. s. s.


> take rotten beam.

> n. n. n.

> w. s. d. d. e. e.

Living Quarters

> n.

Part 11: Volcano Zoo

🐺 Volcano Zoo : see map 10

Find and return eleven pieces of a broken drone to the zoo's curator.


> x cabinet. open it.

> x bottle. x remote. x new filter. x seeds.

> take leash, new filter, seeds.

> x dark screen. push button.

The screen turns on, displaying the Curator's avatar. She needs your help.

> say expedition. (She needs you to gather drone parts and put them in the repair bay. The hatch opens.)

> say purpose. (You explain you're here to find a dog. The Curator has it in a holding cell, but she needs the drone to let him out.)

> d. (A defensive suit covers you.)


> x suit. x grass. x trees. x ladder.

> x mound. x arm. x termites. x sign.

> give beam to termites. take arm.

> w.


> x trees. x sign. x deer.

> e. n.


> x den. x comms. x sign.

> x red wolf. ("Flash"; new Curator topic: Neckwear)

> x blue wolf. ("Tiny")

> x green wolf. ("Buster")

> w.


CAUTION: If you don't conceal the meat, one of the wolves will steal it from you.

> x ice. x freezer. open freezer.

> take seal meat. x it.

> put it in pouch. close pouch.

> e. e.


> x sea. x sign. x bear. x storage.

> open pouch. give meat to bear.

> take storage.

> w. s. u.


> put arm in bay. (1st of 11)

> put storage in bay. (2nd of 11)

> say neckwear. (You learn that Tiny likes waterslides, Buster likes walks, and Flash likes chewing rubber.)

> d. e.


> x grass. x cactus. x nest. x module.

> x owl. x sign. (Loud noises startle her; unattuned.)

> climb cactus. (no)

> e.


> x hole. x sign. (Mice eat mesquite seeds and rope.)

> n.


> x lava. x sign.

> s. w. s.


> x trees. x stream.

> x sign. (Goats eat grass; old buck isn't attuned.)

> x goats. x buck. x ring.

> e,


> x scrub. x boulders. x den. x plating.

> x young cougar. x pregnant cougar.

> x sign. (Young cougar will jump into a tree if he hears a bird screeches.)

> w. s.


> x bamboo. x lake. x silverback.

> x sign. (The gorillas are an uncle and niece pair.)

> x nest. x baby. x rope. x core.

Bring the mice here to chew the rope.

> n. n. e.


> shake seeds. lure mice. x mice.

> w. s. s.


> shake seeds. (The mice free the baby gorilla.)

> unlure mice. take core.

Next, bring the young cougar that doesn't like bird screeches to the owl that doesn't like loud noises.

> n. e.


> lure young cougar.

> w. n.


> shout. (The startled owl screeches, terrifying the cougar who leaps up the cactus and knocks down the hover module.)

> take hover. x it. unlure cougar.

> w. u.


> put core in bay. (3rd of 11)

> put hover in bay. (4th of 11)

> d. s.


> x moss. x trees. x roots.

> x water. (New Curator topic: Stinky)

> x sign. smell. x frog. (stops croaking when startled)

> yell. (confirmed)

> s.


> x turtle. x rock. x grass. (tall)

> x sign.

> s.


CAUTION: The defensive suit (which augments your strength) fades away when you go down the hatch, so if you're carrying any heavy drone parts, you must drop them first before proceeding.

> x ocean. x trees. x hatch.

> unlock hatch with tool.

> d.

Under the Zoo

> x poster. x torn ticket. take it.

> set tool to diagnose.

> diagnose small rift. (was blue)

> diagnose large rift. (was red, 105 years)

> turn off tool.

The suit returns when you re-enter the zoo proper.

> u. n. w.


> x rope bridge. x wooden bridge.

> x trees. x sign. (Cold makes snakes dormant.)

> x snake. x pack.

> n.


> x river. x trees. x nest.

> x sign. (Some caimans are bullies when they have the advantage.)

> w.


> x cliffs. x river. x pool.

> x stubby. x scarred. x long. (The scarred one is the bully.)

> x torso.

Clearly, you must lure each caiman to their nest, one by one, but in a way that never leaves the scarred one alone with just one other caiman. This is a variant of the classic river-crossing puzzle.

The plan is to take the scarred caiman to the nest first, then bring a second caiman there and bring the scarred one back. Then bring the third caiman to the nest, and finally the scarred one again.

> lure scarred. e.


> unlure scarred. w.


> lure stubby. e.


> lure scarred. w.


> lure long. e.


> unlure long. w.


> lure scarred. e.


> unlure scarred. w.


> take torso.

> e. e. n. w.


> lure deer. e. s.


The frog's croaking upsets the deer.

> yell. (The frog shuts up long enough for the deer to shed its velvet and simultaneously cut free some moss.)

> unlure deer. take moss.

> n. e. s. e.


> give moss to pregnant. take plating.

> w.


> lure goats. n. w. s. s.


The goats eat the thick salt grass, revealing a generator!

> unlure goats.

> take generator. x it.

> n. n. u.


> put torso in bay. (5th of 11)

> put plating in bay. (6th of 11)

> put generator in bay. (7th of 11)

> say stinky. (The Curator raises a pipe in the swamp.)

> d. s.


> x pipe. take old filter.

> put new filter in pipe. (The swamp clears, revealing a recon scope!)

> take recon. x it.

> s. w.


> lure snake. n. e. n. n. w.


Wait for the snake to sleep.

> z. z. z. z. (The pack falls off and the snake leaves.)

> take pack. x it.

> e. s. u.


> put recon in bay. (8th of 11)

> put pack in bay. (9th of 11)

Deal with the wolves next.

> d. n.


> remember neckwear.

> give dog toy to Flash. (That takes care of him.)

> lure Tiny. s. s. s.


You auto-release Tiny to play on the slide with the turtle. Leave him here.

> n. n. n.


Now take Buster for walkies, as if he was a dog. He needs to see eight different locations before he's satisfied.

> lure Buster.

> s. w.


Buster has seen two new locations so far.

> e. s. w. w.


Buster has seen five new locations so far.

> e. s. e. s.


Buster has seen eight new locations so far. You learn he's satisfied on the way back to Tundra.

> n. n. n. n.


> unlure Buster. take comms. s. u.


> put comms in bay. (10th of 11)

> d. e. s.


> take ring.

The buck charges west, pulling you with him! You can pull his left or right horn to try to turn him. To exhaust him, you must keep him running as long as possible. Avoid all dead ends! Steer him to the swamp where there's a roundabout of four locations he can run in loop.

> pull right.

Desert (heading north)

> pull left.

Savanna (heading west)

> pull left.

Swamp (heading southwest)

> pull left.

Marsh (heading southwest)

> pull right.


The buck gives up and stops. He lets you take the logic ring and accepts a good petting before he walks back to his herd.

> x ring. (New Curator topic: Malfunction)

> e. n. n. u.


> say malfunction. (She tells you to toss his ring into the volcano so she can dispense a new one.)

> d. e. e. n.


How very Lord of the Rings.

> put ring in volcano.

> s. w. w. u.


> x ring. take it. put it in bay.

The Curator arrives in a new drone body.

> x drone. say freedom.

Duke the dog is released and runs out the rift. Don't forget the wasphawk bottle!

> take bottle.

> s.

Living Quarters

As the dog is reunited with his family, the rift turns green. You have a vision of the woman in white programming robotic monkeys.

Head back to the Elvis Room in the wax museum:

> w. w. u. u. n. u. e.

Captain's Quarters

> n. n. n. n.

Elvis Room

> open wasphawk bottle. (+1)

> s. s. e.

Gift Shop

You automatically take the watch from its cage.

> w. s. s.

Captain's Quarters

> give watch to captain.

The Captain thanks you, and decides to help his crew. The rift turns green. A new vision: the masked woman says she sees visions of you because of her Weaver's gift.

Head back down to where the girl lost her teddy bear:

> w. d. s. d. d. s. s.

Collapsed Hallway

> s.

Part 12: Nanobot Hell

πŸ•·️ Nanobot Hell : see map 10

In a cavern system, find golden scrolls, cast horrible spells, and destroy gruesome monsters in your quest to find a girl's teddy bear.


> x hatch. unlock hatch with tool. d.

Monkey Factory

> x dust. x monkeys. x gate.

> set tool to diagnose.

> diagnose small. (was blue)

> diagnose large. (was red; 165 years)

> set tool to flashlight. u.

Gem Room

> listen. x dome. x gem. x pedestal.

> touch gem. (Something drastic happens.)

Underground Village

You wake somewhere new with a new inventory, feeling quite strange. You don't know it yet, but you're now controlling a nanobot replica of yourself. Your real body and former inventory are all still in the gem room.

> x me. i. x robe. x recorder.

> x book. (A digital book with two spells and a slot for a bookmark.)

You can cast any spells in your spellbook as often as you like.

The TELOX spell returns you to your real body in the gem room.

The DENOX spell is similar to the GNUSTO spell in Infocom's Enchanter series. It copies a spell from a scroll into your spellbook, and the scroll crumples to dust.

> x houses. x house. listen. x figures.

> e.

Stone House

Nothing here but a swinging lantern that stops glowing when you enter.

> x lantern. take it. (no, never)

> w. sw.

Alley Between Houses

> listen. x alcove.

> ne. n.

Natural Amphitheater

> take scroll. x it. ("DIROX: Detect entities near the caster")

> denox scroll. (The book now lists Dirox.)

> dirox. (The detected 60kg human is you, of course.)

> x rocks. take hat. (no: embedded)

By the way, if you cast dirox in any of the previous rooms, you won't detect anything new, so continue north, inside the crack.

> n.

Cramped Cave

> ne. (no: you're stuck)

> s. (still stuck)

> telox.

Gem Room

> i. (You're back with the inventory you had before touching the gem.)

> touch gem.

Underground Village

And you're a magic user again.

> n. n.

Cramped Cave

A creased scroll is now here.

> take scroll. x it. ("MALLOX: Make the caster's body elastic")

> denox scroll. (The book now lists Mallox.)

> mallox. (You're no longer stuck.)

> ne.

Vast Chamber

> dirox. (Note you're 5 kg lighter when elastic, and there's a huge Pit Feeder nearby. Then you're back to normal. Mostly.)

> x ledge. x ladder. x lake. x gleam.

> w.

Monitor Room

> x monitors. x monitor. turn it on. (how?)

> dirox. (You detect many watchers. Does it mean the monitors?)

> x portcullis. open it. (can't)

> e. se.

Branching Room

> x old man. (new topic: Nature)

> x light scroll. (can't read it from here)

> say stranger. say nature. (Both times, he doesn't anaswer your question, but asks you to push his back.)

> dirox. (He's a 800 kg Angler? What?)

> push back. (He grabs you, like a tentacle, but his grip on his scroll is loose.)

> take scroll.

> denox scroll. ("Exklip: Petrify the caster")

> mallox. z. (He pulls you in fully, and you die...)


...and respawn here. Whenever your nanobot body dies, you respawn here with all your inventory intact.

> x bodies. x box. ("ADMIN")

> open box. take scroll.

> denox scroll. ("Exfil: Awaken a dormant survellance entity")

> n. w.


> exfil monitors. (They're now all on.)

> x monitors.

> e. se. s.

Burning Room

> dirox. (The creatures are called "Climbers".)

> x creatures. x flames.

> x camera. exfil camera. (It's on now.)

> x column. x script. ("Anghofio: Forget the next five minutes.")

> e.

Growth Chamber

> x creatures. (which?)

> x normal creatures.

> x malformed creatures.

> x growths.

> dirox. ("Climbers")

> w. n. e.

Dead End

Nothing but an odor here?

> dirox. (You detect a 110 kg Stalker.)

> w.

Branching Room

Uh oh. The stalker is following you.

> s.

Burning Room

> z. z. (The stalker kills you.)


> n. se. ne.


> dirox. ("SYSTEM ERROR")

> x labyrinth. x walls.

> x lamp.

Looking at the lamp changes the room. Perhaps you've teleported, but I think the room transformed itself, and you haven't really gone anywhere.

Mother's Kitchen

> look. x mother. x lunch.

> hug mother.

> ask mother about herself.

> ask mother about lunch.

> x counters. x rug. x window.

> x locker. (And the room changes again...)

School Library

> look.

> take bookmark. x it.

> x librarian. ask librarian about books.

> x books. x students. (You only hear them.)

> walk labyrinth. (You step off of it instead.)

> x helmet. (And the room changes again...)

Vacuum of Space

> look. breathe.

> x ship. x body. x debris. x labyrinth.

> ask body about herself.

> x stalagmite. (And the room changes back to...)


Well, that was deep-dish weird. You haven't seen the north branch from the branching room yet.

> sw. n.

Rotten Room

> x insects. (They kill you.)


No one will bother you here, so experiment a little with your new bookmark.

> put bookmark in book.

> x book. (Three of the spells have changed their effects, and one now lets you fly.)

> exklip. (You can't fly here. Odd.)

> take bookmark.

> x book. (The original spells are back.)

> n. se. s.

Burning Room

It's time to try the pillar's inscription:

> anghofio.

Five minutes later, you see "CAMERA" written in the slime.

> x camera.

> n. nw. w.

Monitor Room

> x security. g. g. g. g.

You see the pillar rise up, revealing a hollow with a creature stuck inside, and you got blasted with its slime.

> e. se. s.

Burning Room

For attempt 2, try flying before casting anghofio to avoid the slime blast.

> put bookmark in book. exklip. (You're now flying.)

> anghofio.

Five minutes later, you're on the floor, cut up and slimy, but your wounds quickly heal. And your book is on the floor.

> take book.

> n. nw. w.

Monitor Room

> x security. g. g. g. g.

You see yourself dodge the slime, but then you land and try to grab something behind the creature, but the creature's tentacles grab your spellbook and beat you with it.

> e. se. s.

Burning Room

For attempt 3, fly, drop the book (so the creature can't hit you with it), then cast anghofio.

> exklip. drop book. anghofio.

Five minutes later, you're pounding on the pillar with your fist.

> take book.

> n. nw. w.

Monitor Room

> x security. g. g. g. g.

You see yourself trying to get something from the pillar, but your arm isn't long enough. Remember that the bookmark has a hook at one end.

> e. se. s.

Burning Room

For attempt 4: fly, take bookmark, drop book, cast anghofio.

> exklip. take bookmark. drop book. anghofio.

Five minutes later, you're kicking a creature into a fire pit and you have a scroll.

> take book.

> denox scroll. ("Remox: Sets the caster on fire.")

> put bookmark in book.

> x book. (Note that bookmarked Remox douses a burning caster.)

> take bookmark.

> n. nw. w.

Monitor Room

> x security. g. g. g. g.

You see yourself pull out the scroll from the pillar, and the creature comes out with it.

> e. se. n.

Rotten Room

I'm assuming the bookmark is not in the book.

> remox. (You're on fire.)

> put bookmark in book. (Insects get burnt!)

> remox. (You're doused.)

> take scroll. denox it. ("Virox: Infect the caster's body with contagious disease.")

> s. nw.

Vast Chamber

I'm assuming the bookmark is in the book.

> virox. (You're now infectious.)

> exklip. (You're now flying.)

> n. (You're pulled into the lake, you die, and you kill the feeder.)


> n.

Vast Chamber

I'm assuming the bookmark is still in the book. And, y'know what? Leave the bookmark in the book from now on.

> exklip. n.

Above the Endless Deep (four locations)

> n. n. n. (You're falling!)

> exklip. n.


> take scroll. denox it. ("Collox: Attract nearby ferrous metals to the caster.")

> s.

Above the Endless Deep (four locations)

You're falling again!)

> exklip. s. s. s. s.

Vast Chamber

> w.

Monitor Room

> collox. (bye bye portcullis)

> w.


> x beast. x cage.

Lure the invisible Stalker here. Keep that bookmark inside the book.

> e. e. se. e.

Dead End

Now return to the cave quickly!

> w. nw. w. w.


> mallox beast. (The beast escapes its cage and attacks the stalker! They're both gone.)

> take scroll. denox scroll. ("Quadox: Enrages the caster beyond control.")

> e. e. se. n. n.

Darkness / Once-Dark Room

> listen. (You hear water and detect a puddle.)

> touch puddle. (It burns, but it's not the source of the brackish smell.)

> smell. (There's an odorous object.)

> touch odorous object. (Warm thing near you.)

> touch warm thing. (It's squishy and may be alive.)

> hit warm thing. (feeble efforts aren't effective)

> quadox. hit warm thing.

> look. (Whatever was here is gone.)

> n.

Webbed Room

> x spider. x webs. x spiders.

> say role.

> say torture.

> say knowledge.

> say composition.

> say treasured. (Webmaster gives you a scroll. He says you already have the bear, to give the bear to Emrys, and that Emrys is where reality appears distorted.)

> denox scroll. ("Sanox: Isolate the caster.")

> s. s. s. ne.


> sanox. (Your mother stops you.)

Mother's Kitchen

> sanox. (The librarian stops you.)

School Library

> sanox. (The dead astronaut stops you.)

Vacuum of Space

> sanox.


You're outside of the Gem Room's dome, looking in.

> in. (You enter the dome.)

Gem Room

> x Emrys.

> i. (The spell book was the teddy bear all along.)

> x bear. give bear to Emrys.

You are now back in your own body. The nanobot version of you crumbles away.

> n.

Collapsed Hallway

> say companion. give bear to girl.

The girl knows where she's supposed to go and leaves. The rift turns green. You get a vision of the masked woman.

> n. n. u.

Transit Hub

> say rescued.

Part 13: Rifty Business

🌌🌌🌌 Rifty Business : see map 2 and map 7

Finish any outstanding business with the rifts in backstage rooms, turn any remaining red rifts green, then harvest all nine green rifts.

Transit Hub

> w. n.

The Device

Using the fourth shard:

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal. (Blue rift opens to west.)

You need to turn off all the switches within 14 minutes.

> w.

Elevated Substation

Tour this region before pushing any switches.

> x reminder note.

> x switch. x zoo. x islands.

> w.

Forest Substation

> x forest. x river.

> x robot. x deer. x monkey.

> n.

Hologram Repair Substation

> x diagram. e.

Storage Substation

> x eyes. x bulb. se.

Mall Substation

> x mall. x shoppers. ne.

Sewer Substation

> x stream. s.

Track Substation

> x platform. x tracks. x flyer.

> w.

Elevated Substation

You're back where you started, and you've seen all seven substations. Return to the Mall Substation and start there, and push the switches clockwise from there.

> ne.

Mall Substation

> push switch. ne.

Sewer Substation

> push switch. s.

Track Substation

> push switch. w.

Elevated Substation

> push switch. w.

Forest Substation

> push switch. n.

Hologram Repair Substation

> push switch. e.

Storage Substation

> push switch. (Success!)

The Device

Your tool now has Connector enabled.

> s. e. s. w.

East of Stonehenge

> sw. d. w.

Pillar Interior

> set tool to diagnose.

> point tool at small rift. (was blue, no distance)

> point tool at large rift. (was blue, 1873 m.)

Small rifts in the backstage rooms lead to the Hub Room above The Device. Connect them so you might use them later.

> set tool to connector.

> point tool at small rift. (now blue)

> point tool at large rift. (now blue)

> in.

Pizza Parlor

> x chairs. x Owen. x counter.

> say establishment.

> give receipt.

> open box. x shard. take it.

Feel free to eat all the pizza. You won't need it later.

> x slice. eat slice. g. g. g. g.

> out. se. d.

The Device

Using the fifth shard:

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal.

Spherical Space

In this test, your future self will arrive and you must assist her. Then you become her and must imitate what she did.

> press diagnosis.

Behind a glass wall, there's a black-was-red 9-minute rift, a bench, some apples, a vat of caramel, an open button, and a close button. A voice states the current time.

The buttons open and close the rift.

> x apple. (red, yellow, or green?)

> x red apple. (The rift turns red.)

> x bench. (It also has a food disposal.)

Your future self arrives from the rift, holding a caramel apple.

> z. (She puts the caramel apple in the disposal.)

> z. (She leaves. The rift turns green.)

> z. (The rift closes and turns black. The glass wall opens.)

> enter area.

> take red apple.

> dip red apple in caramel.

> z.

It's important that you push the open button exactly 9 minutes after you saw it open.

> push open.

> enter rift.

It's now nine minutes earlier. Your past self watches you from the other side of the glass.

> put caramel apple in disposal.

> enter rift.

It's now nine minutes later.

> push close.

The Device

Your tool's connector function is now upgraded to work with red rifts with small time separations.

The display points out that you could have used any of the three apples because the caramel disguised which apple was originally chosen.

Head for the Office in the Forest Cabin region:

> s. e. u. n. e. s.

Vegetable Garden

I assume you kept your grip shoes on? If not, put them back on now.

> w. s. e. e.


The goal is to get the sixth shard from the glass box. To open the glass box, you need to pull down two levers in two different rooms simultaneously, making use of a red time-rift between them. The other room is three minutes in the future, so you pull its lever first.

> set tool to diagnose.

> point it at small. (was blue, no distance)

> point it at large. (was red, 3 minutes)

> set tool to connector.

> point it at small. (now blue)

> point it at large. (now red)

> in.

Nearby Room

> pull lever. out.


> z. pull lever. open glass box.

> take sixth shard.

> ne. d.

The Device

Using the sixth shard:

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal.

You're told that during a chaotic event, such as a plane crash, minor changes in the past can have no effect. A red rift opens to the north. Your objective is to obtain a dimensional stablizer which looks like a mesh ball.

> push diagnosis. (100 years)

> n.


> x Lance. ("Dr. Lance Franklin" pinned under a pillar.)

> say disaster. (He says everyone knew this would happen, just not when. He gives you a paper, then dies.)

> x printout. (How very meta.)

> climb wreckage.


> turn bar. take ball. x it.

> u. s.

The Device

> put stabilizer on pedestal.

The tool is returned to you, with its connection function upgraded again.

Head for "Under the Zoo":

> s. e. d. e. e. n.


> d. s. s. s. d.

Under the Zoo

> x poster. (This poster tells you what you'll need to do in the next location.)

> set tool to diagnose.

> point it at small. (was blue, no distance)

> point it at large. (was red, 105 years)

> set tool to connector.

> point it at small. (now blue)

> point it at large. (now red)

> in.

Art Storage

> x shelving. push it.

> x mural. break it.

> x painting. punch it.

> take seventh shard.

> out. e. d.

The Device

Using the seventh shard:

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal.

The display tells you about rifts using synergies. A new rift opens to a momentous event which you will resolve.

> push diagnosis. (160 years)

> n.

Construction Zone

> x Bronwyn. say recognition.

> say passing. x starship.

> say arrival.

> say scanning. (The rift turns green after she scans you.)

> say farewell. (New topic for Ginger: Proud.)

> s.

The Device

> push harvest.

With the green-rift energy, your tool's connector function is increased yet again.

> s.

Engineering Room

> say proud.

Ginger's spirits are improved. She leaves, and the rift turns green. You have another vision of the masked woman, talking to Morgan.

Now return to the Monkey Factory below the Gem Room:

> e. d. s. s. s. d.

Monkey Factory

> set tool to diagnose.

> point it at small. (was blue, no distance)

> point it at large. (was red, 165 years)

> set tool to connector.

> point it at small. (now blue)

> point it at large. (now red)

> in.


> take shard.

> x desk. x incomplete. x equipment.

> z. z. z. z.

It's unclear what needs to happen to make this red rift turn green, but it's not actually necessary.

> out. nw. d.

The Device

Using the eighth shard:

> put shard in hole.

> put tool on pedestal.

The tool's Harvester function is enabled. The display tells you to harvest all nine green rifts and put the tool back here one last time.

Since harvesting a rift also closes it, leave the one that's here for last, and make sure you harvest this one from this side, okay? It is possible to entrap yourself on the wrong side of a closed rift

And you might as well harvest them from the top of the ship to the bottom, eh? Start with the rift in the captain's quarters.

I'm avoiding the Hub Room for any of this, since I don't think it's any more convenient than just touring the ship.

> s. e. u. n. u. e.

Captain's Quarters

> set tool to Harvest.

> point it at rift. (That's one.)

> w. w. n.

Psychologist's Office

> point tool at rift. (Two.)

> s. e. d. w.

Bridge: Flight Controls

> point tool at rift. (Three.)

> e. e.

Bridge: Sensors

> point tool at rift. (Four.)

> w. s. d. e.


> point tool at rift. (Five.)

> w. s.


> point tool at rift. (Six.)

> n. d. e. e.

Living Quarters

> point tool at rift. (Seven.)

> w. w. s. s.

Collapsed Hallway

> point tool at rift. (Eight.)

> n. n. u. w. n.

The Device

> point tool at rift. (Nine.)

> put tool on pedestal.

A blue rift opens. You must drop everything but your recorder, then enter the rift.

> remove shoes. remove pouch.

> drop all.

> n.

Part 14: Arawn Webster

πŸŽ­πŸ‘© Arawn Webster and the Day of Weft's End : see map 12

Off the Record, you meet Arawn Webster, the masked Storyweaver who orchestrated everything. Many questions are answered by a dedicated museum. At a party, you re-meet several characters from your adventures. But at a memorial, you must make a fateful choice.

Audience Chamber

The masked woman introduces herself as Arawn Webster, removes your recorder, then invites you to ask any questions you have.

> x Arawn. x mask. x device.

> x city. say location.

> x desk. say curiosity.

> x doors. say familiar.

She's a Storyweaver and the Pilot. There's a chime and she heads east.

> e.

Glass Hallway

Arawn locks the door and continues east.

> x park. x plants.

> e.


Arawn mentions it's Weft's End.

> x balconies. x escalator.

> d.

Museum Entrance

She tells you to tour the museum or nap on the bench inside, whichever you please. She'll find you in twenty minutes or so.

> e.

Museum (Northwest)

> x map. x exhibit.

> x blueprints. x fragment.

> x model. x diagram.

> e.

Museum (Northeast)

> x exhibit. x diagram.

> n.

Timeline (Early Period)

> x timeline. n.

Timeline (Construction Period)

> x timeline. n.

Timeline (Journey's Start)

> x timeline. n.

Timeline (Modern Day)

> x timeline. s. s. s. s. s.

Museum (Southeast)

By now, Arawn's voice on the intercom invites you join the others outside the museum whenever you're ready. No rush.

> x exhibit. x diagram. u.

Museum (Central)

> x model. x diagram. x spires.

> x memorial. x placard.

> sw.

Museum (Southwest)

> x exhibit. x diagram.

> n. w. w.

At the Party

You have about twenty minutes to try to talk to everyone before Arawn abruptly ends the party and everyone else leaves. You don't have endless time here.

The party is not a puzzle. Feel free to talk to whomever you like, or eat some dessert, or do as you please.

Note that the guests are mobile and move to different corners of the party at random. If you try to talk to someone at the fountain and you're not at the fountain, you move there automatically.

Normal compass directions don't work during the party. Instead, use commands like GO TO DESERT or GO TO FOUNTAIN to move around. You can also JOIN someone to go to them, but they might move too, which is annoying; I instead prefer to say invitation to someone to unlock their topics.

Feel very free to go off script and make your own choices here.

> say invitation to Maeve.

> say invitation to Curator.

> say renewal to Curator.

> say invitation to Webmaster.

> say cruel to Webmaster.

> say invitation to Christine.

> say awkward to Christine.

> say invitation to Morgan.

> say invitataion to Owen.

> say invitation to Andy.

Max arrives, leads some men to Andy, and they arrest him.

> say reunion to Max.

> say arrested to Arawn.

> say monkeys to Arawn.

> say intent to Arawn.

> go to dessert.

> take baklava. eat baklava.

> z. z. (or examine the fountain or whatever you want.)

There's a chime. The party's over. Arawn asks you to meet her outside to the south.

> s.

Garden Path

> x flowers. sw.


> say grave.

> x obelisk.

> say sacrifice.

> say angryorsay sadorsay resignedorsay peace.

> say refuse.

> say consequence.

> say timingorsay skepticalorsay relieved.

> say proxy.

> say why.

> say story.

Arawn tells you your own story, but it's very distorted from what really happened.

>> 1or2or3

>> 1or2or3

>> 1or2or3

>> 1

> say how. (You see Arawn unmasked.)

> say choice.

Arawn gives you your recorder and offers a choice.

> save.

Make your choice, it's a big one:

Part 15a: Savior Ending

✨⚱️ Savior Ending : see map 13

As either Emrys or Arawn, you must stop a reactor from total meltdown by reusing several puzzle solutions you've used before. The ship and the future you experienced are saved, but this story also ends in your death as foretold.

Emrys's story is told in second person; but Arawn's is told in third person.

Storage Closet

> x suit. wear suit.

> x door. pull bar. (unlocked)

> w.

Coolant Room

> x pipe. x support.

> s.


> x bowl. take it.

> x hook. take it.

> x press. x die.

> n. w.

Robot Storage

> x door. take door.

> x robot. x flipper.

> push right. (no: Commands can only be entered in recording mode.)

> push record.

> push right. push forward.

> push play.

> e.

Coolant Room

The robot is now near the channel and the rail.

> x channel. x rail. x hole.

Do you remember the see-saw puzzle in the castle?

> put door on rail.

> stand on door.

> push record.

> push forward. push selfright.

> push play. z.

Control Room

> pull lever. (A ladder unrolls down into the hole.)

> x fabricator. (makes logic rings)

> x computer. (several controls)

> x manual. g. g. (A scram system can shut a reactor down, but a catastrophic meltdown can still occur if the fuel isn't cooled down.)

> g. (The last page is a list of instructions for an emergency shutdown.)

Assume LS means Lower Shield, and RS means Raise Shield.

> turn on main power. (nope)

> turn on backup.

> push hail. (The Captain wants to talk to an engineer.)

If you're playing as Arawn, she uses Emrys's recorder to replay whatever Emrys said as recorded in the Record. A bizarre paradox, that.

A consequence of Arawn's impersonation is that she has no choices in conversations. Only Emrys gets any choices when talking to someone.

> say request. (Authorization received.)

> turn knob to 1.

You're speaking to Sergeant Olgin:

> say thanksorsay soon.

> push LS.

> turn knob to 2.

You're speaking to Ginger:

> say evacuationorsay meltdown.

> push LS.

> turn knob to 3.

You're speaking to Antonio Yang:

> say researchorsay flee.

> push LS.

> turn knob to 4.

You're speaking to Gareth:

> say friendorsay movies.

> push LS.

The reactor core door is now unlocked.

> d. n.

Reactor Room

> x backup. (logic ring slot with red status light, and three buttons)

As in the zoo, you need to find and destroy the damaged logic ring before you can obtain and use a new one.

> x pile. search pile

> fill bowl with pile.

> s.

Coolant Room

Do you remember how you panned for a ring in the Cleopatra Room?

> rinse bowl. shake bowl.

> take bowl. shake bowl.

> rinse bowl. (You obtain a logic ring and set the bowl down.)

> x ring.

> n.

Reactor Room

Who knew you'd be throwing a second ring into a second volcano? Anyone?

> put ring in vessel.

> s. u.

Control Room

> open fabricator. take ring.

> d. n.

Reactor Room

> put ring in slot. (The backup controls are now active.)

Okay, time to fix that pipe.

> s. u.

Control Room

> take sheet.

> d. s.


> put sheet on die. pull lever. take support.

> n.

Coolant Room

> take broken support. drop it.

> put pristine support under pipe.

> n.

Reactor Room

The pipe has a blockage. This is how you fix it:

> push raise CW. (The catwalk goes up.)

> push blockage. (A twisted grill is exposed.)

> take grill with hook. (success, since you're not carrying anything metal)

> push lower CW. (The catwalk goes down.)

> z. z. (The trap sinks again.)

> open valve.

Are you sure? The steam will kill you.

>> yes

*** The End ***

> reveal

Part 15b: Escape Ending

🩸✨ Escape Ending : see map 14

Emrys returns to a doomed ship with evacuations already in progress. The ship damage is extensive. Some people you know are already dead. Others soon will be. Get to an escape pod and live.

Medical Bay

> say devastation.

> x people.

> e. e.

Living Quarters Entrance

> s. (can't: people in front push you back)

> w. s.

Damaged Hallway

You hear gunshots. Hide!

> hide. (You avoid Tiffany. Shouting to the north, now.)

> out. n.

Lower Transit

In the chaos, an officer falls, and the way upwards is now open.

> u.

Transit Area

> say escapee. (He knows.)

> say emergency. ("get to a pod")

> w.

Engineering Room

> d.

Engineering Storage

> x toolbox. open it. take cutters.

> u. e. s.


> say thaw. (salt would help)

> say freezing.

> n. e.


> x pantry. take gloves and salt.

> w.

Transit Area

> u. (locked)

> say imprisoned.

The bridge is gone. You need some way to breathe to reach the pods up there. Olgin suggests taking the helmet from the downed officer below.

> s.


> give salt to Yang. (The hook is free to take.)

> take hook. x it.

> n. d. e.

Living Quarters Entrance

> s. (sorry, closed)

> e.

Living Quarters

> take helmet. (Carl)

> w. w. s.

Damaged Hallway

> push plate n. (can't: trapped in wires)

CAUTION: If you cut the wires with the cutters when you're not wearing the gloves, you're electrocuted.

> wear gloves.

> cut wires with cutters.

> push plate n.

Lower Transit

> push plate u.

Transit Area

> wear helmet. (Olgin unlocks the tube upwards.)

> push plate up.

Bridge (Destroyed)

You need a rope to get any higher.

> d. w.

Engineering Room

> take cable. untie handle.

> e. u.

Bridge (Destroyed)

> tie cable to hook.

> throw hook. (It hooks onto something above.)

> u. (dropping the cable)

Officers' Quarters

> n.

Escape Corridor

You must attempt to open the door to unlock the "Blocked" topic for Olgin.

> open door.

> s. d. d.

Transit Area

> say blocked. (She suggests talking to Idris.)

> d. w.

Medical Bay

> say possessions. (She asks you to find something belonging to Mefe and Rhys.)

> e. u. u. ne.

Bridge (Northeast)

> take sketchbook. x it.

> sw. sw.

Bridge (Southwest)

> take novel. x it.

> ne. d. d. w.

Medical Bay

> give novel. give sketchbook. (Idris gives you the manual key.)

> e. u. u.

Bridge (Destroyed)

> untie toolbox. tie cable to barricade.

> u.

Officers' Quarters

> pull cable. (You pull the barricade up.)

> untie barricade. drop cable.

> push barricade n.

Escape Corridor

Tiffany is here with a gun. She tells you to retreat or she'll shoot. CAUTION: If you don't retreat or hide immediately, you die.

> hide.

> say shooting.

> say delivery. (You unlock the door and let Tiffany get into a pod. Her pod leaves; another arrives.)

> n.

Escape Pod

> push button.

*** The End ***

> reveal



Note that in a game this size, it's nearly impossible to make certain this list of characters is complete. If I've missed someone important, please forgive me!

Shipboard characters
Wax Museum characters
Monster House characters
Murder Train characters

Note that everyone in the murder mystery story are really just actors playing roles. It's just a game for Emrys to solve. No one actually murdered anyone.

Forest Cabin characters
Adventureland characters
Monument Isles characters
Volcano Zoo characters
Nanobot Hell characters
Other characters


This is the response to CREDITS:

This game was written by Brian Rushton/Mathbrush using Inform 7 (by Graham Nelson). Beta testers include Amanda Walker, John Ziegler, Jade, Christopher Merriner, Patrick Mooney, Brett Witty, Rovarsson, E. Joyce, Max Fog, Dee Cooke, Ian Greener, Chandler Groover, Lance Cirone, Zed Lopez, Cody Gaisser, Alex Proudfoot, Radioactive Crow, Doug Egan, Mike Spivey, Larry Horsfield, Dirk Spivey, Arthur DiBianca, Hal Rushton, Hidnook, Charm Cochran, Grueslayer, Lynnea Glasser, Wade Clarke, Onno Brouwer, Mel Jason, Tabitha, Daniel Worm, Mike Russo, and Robert Eggleston, who was also the first to beat the full game.

Bugs were found in subsequent versions by Max Fog, Garrett O., and S B Wiegner.

Hanon Ondricek gave helpful advice about the concept and title. Phil Riley and Peter Bates made suggestions about coding. Mike Russo and Garry Francis gave poetry tips. Wade Clarke and Mike Russo (again) gave some prose tips. otistdog provided helpful Inform 6 code.

Matt Weiner, N. Comier, Mike Sousa, Austin Auclair, Doug Egan, Pinkunz, and Charm Cochran served as inspiration for some puzzle content. Many of the standard Inform examples were used, but a lot of code was directly lifted from Under Contract, Example 205; Lethal Concentration 1 and 2, examples 255 and 257; Nickel and Dimed, example 262; Robo1 and Robo 2, examples 426 and 429; Entropy, example 182; The Cow Exonerated, example 401; In Fire or in Flood, example 401; Otranto, example 228.

Original Cover art was made from photographs by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and by Sandra Rushton, my mother. Advice for original cover art was given by Sophia, Manonamora, Josh Grams, Cody Gaisser, Piergiorgio d'Errico, and piearty. The newer cover art was embroidered by Amanda Walker.

This game is dedicated to Sean Shore and Marco Innocenti, who I used as my mental image of who the potential audience might be.


These are the endings I found:

On making the game unwinnable:

Safer than you'd expect:


πŸ‘© Your original items
πŸ§₯ Prologue items

When you leave the storage room and enter the banquet hall, all of these items (except the jacket, key, and donut) are put onto the display table. During your presentation, you may take any three, one at a time, from the table to talk about something suggested to you by the prop.

All of these items are no longer available when the ship collides with something during the banquet.

⁉️ Ship in Chaos items
πŸ›️ Wax Museum items
πŸ’€ Monster House items

Note that in the Game Room, the wardrobe, shoe rack, and pile of junk are all initially hidden in the frozen furniture. Say mistaken to the yeti, and she defrosts the furniture for you.

πŸš†πŸ” Murder train items
🏞️ Forest Cabin items
πŸ”¦πŸŒŒ Tool Room items

I'm calling all rooms that are behind doors marked with an octagon "backstage rooms". Octagon-marked doors are unlocked with the curious tool.

πŸ”«πŸ€– Adventureland items

Note that while visiting Adventureland, all your possessions, except your recorder, must be left inside a checkpoint locker before proceeding past the checkpoint into either the "Robot Kitchen" or the "Gun Show".

Furthermore, the laser gun, grenade, and combat vest cannot be taken from Adventureland, nor may they be taken into the checkpoints or the lobby.

Oh, and to get into the "Gun Show", you must first scan your detective badge at the western checkpoint.

πŸ—½ Monument Isles items
🐺 Volcano Zoo items
πŸ•·️ Nanobot Hell items
✨⚱️ Savior Ending items

This version of the ending begins at the memorial when you either wear your recorder or give it back to Arawn.

🩸✨ Escape Ending items

This version of the ending begins at the memorial when you break your recorder.


Spells are only available and usable in the Nanobot Hell region; see Nanobot Hell items.

Most spells are obtained from scrolls and added to your spellbook by casting the Denox spell on a scroll.

The effects of five spells are altered by inserting a bookmark into your spellbook.

In alphabetical order:

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