
Key & Compass presents:
The Legend of the Missing Hat
by Adri

The Legend of the Missing Hat is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2012 by Adri. It was a participant in the Cover Stories 2012 event. It's also the first game in the "Tiny Ninja Tales" series.

In this tiny ninja tale, you play as the tiny black ninja that lives under the bed. Visit the other tiny ninjas who live elsewhere in the bedroom. Before you can emcee tonight's talent show, you must find your hat.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


On thedesk Below theDesk Underthe Bed Far Cornerof the Bed Behindthe MiniFridge Bedroom OutsidetheWardrobe InsidetheWardrobe On theBookshelf Inside theMouse Hole d throw hook (leave room)


Under the Bed

> x me. i. x shuriken.

> e.

Far Corner of the Bed

> x web. x glint. take it.

> throw shuriken at web. take all. x spider.

> x pearl. sw.


> x bed. x wardrobe.

> x bookshelf. x mouse hole.

> x food. x ramen. x desk. x door.

> s.

On the Bookshelf

> x books. x green. x nunchaku.

> talk to green. (has notebook, but friend has sparkly rock)

> x notebook.

> ask green about rock. (He wants one too.)

> give pearl to green. (+25; you get the notebook.)

> read notebook. (blank inside)

> ask green about hat. (He thinks blue borrowed it.)

> n. w.

Behind the Mini Fridge

> x red. x sai. x cookie.

> ask red about red.

> give notebook to red. (+25. You get the cookie.)

> x pencil. ask red about hat.

> e. se.

Inside the Mouse Hole

> x mouse. x nest.

> x treasures. search treasures. (Not with mouse there.)

> give cookie to mouse.

> search treasures. (You get a length of yarn.)

> x yarn.

> nw. nw.

Below the Desk

> x sunlight. u. (can't reach the window that way)

> tie yarn to shuriken. x hook.

> throw hook at window. (You climb up to...)

On the Desk

> x pot. x flowers. take flower. x bouquet.

> d. (also taking the hook back.)

Below the Desk

> untie hook.

> se. e.

Outside the Wardrobe

> x blue. x kama. (blade with wooden handle)

> talk to blue. (He's very depressed.)

> ask blue about kama. ("useless weapon")

> ask blue about hat. ("somewhere in this mess")

> give flowers to blue. (+25. He lets you inside and finds your hat and a bow tie.)

Inside the Wardrobe

> x hat. search hat. wear hat. show hat to blue.

> x bow. wear bow. (+25)

*** You are jaunty and stylish! ***

> amusing



The response to AMUSING (after you've won the game) is:

Have you tried...



The response to CREDITS is:

"The Legend of the Missing Hat" was written for Cover Stories, a minicomp organized by Sam Kabo Ashwell. The cover art was supplied by Justin de Vesine, and I offer my deepest apologies if the resulting game isn't what he hoped for. Thanks so much to my beta testers: Andrew Plotkin, Andrew Schultz, Ed Blair, Felix Pleşoianu, Jacques Frechet, Kevin Jackson-Mead, Marius Müller and Matthew Miller.


In the order you acquire them:


The response to SCORE is:

You have so far scored your-score out of a possible 100, in several turns.

Points are awarded as follows:

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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